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Cell Salt Series: Never Forget Ferrum Phos

Cell Salts - Joette Calabrese

“But, Joette! There are over 6,000 homeopathic remedies! I can’t remember all of them!”

Well, of course. (more…)

My Libido? She Was Sent Packing Years Ago — The Homeopathic Fix



“I don’t want to.”

“I don’t care.”

Sometimes, we women catch ourselves saying these things more and more often.

It may seem like a big part of us is missing. (more…)

Flying: A Pain in the … Ear

Ear Pain

“There is nothing worse than a screaming baby on a plane!” I’m willing to bet many people say that because they feel the baby is interrupting their peaceful flight, right? (more…)

No Joy: Postpartum Depression


Postpartum Depression

Cecelia was so excited for the birth of her first child.

She had painstakingly renovated a spare room for her baby’s nursery with soft, springtime colors of pale greens and soothing blues. In Cecelia’s daydreams, however, she didn't envision her child sleeping alone there but rather, right next to Cecelia and her husband in a crib next to their bed. (more…)

Birds of a Feather Need Ignatia Together


In twelve-year-old Penny’s case, it started with seemingly innocent hair twirling.

At first, her parents thought it was cute but soon enough, it wasn’t cute anymore; in fact, it became downright frightening.   (more…)

Farewell, Dear Baba

Dr. Prasanta Banerji

“I do not fear death. I have lived a very satisfying life.” – Dr. Prasanta Banerji (more…)

Homeopathy Is a Mother’s Movement!

Mother's Day Celebration Joette Calabrese

Happy Mother’s Day!

I was planning to write about the meaning of motherhood, but when faced with an empty page and a keyboard, This is what I think we can all agree upon:

We are the lionesses of our families. The guardians at the gate. The protectors, the teachers, the nurturers, the healers.

We are mothers. (more…)

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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