Hi! Buster, the Bad Office Dog, here! (more…)
Allow me to be a proud Mama Bear for a moment, will you? (more…)
Did you know our human bodies are, on average, about 60 percent water?
Remarkable, right? (more…)
Isn’t it annoying to attempt to use a rubber band that has lost its proper elasticity?
If it stretches too much, it won’t offer enough support. Conversely, a rubber band becomes utterly worthless if it can no longer stretch enough and snaps. (more…)
Why do we, the passionate believers in homeopathy, do what we do?
Because we know it works! Because it has saved us from chronic and acute illnesses without harmful side effects — many times when nothing else has worked. (more…)
Sending your child off to college requires a lot of preparation and packing.
Have all the textbooks? Check. ✔︎
Bed linens and towels? Check. ✔︎
Notebooks and other supplies? Check. ✔︎
Computer? Check. ✔︎
Kali phos?
Wait … what? (more…)
There’s a battle out there to keep mothers from believing they are the experts in their families’ health care. (more…)