No series on homeopathy for pain would be complete without mentioning Coffea cruda.
I’ve written about Coffea before as an effective medicine for Exquisite Tooth Pain. That alone is worth making Coffea a part of your well-curated homeopathy kit. (more…)
Painkillers — ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen sodium, or opioids — are, at best, like Band-Aids. They cover up the symptoms just long enough to allow us to ignore them.
One might be able to function temporarily. However, because they do nothing to address the underlying condition causing the pain, one generally must take them again and again and again during the inevitable recurrences of the pain. (more…)
You can hear a sufferer’s cough. You can see a sufferer’s eczema. But pain is invisible.
How many people do you know who are suffering from pain? It may be more than you think. Luckily, there is homeopathy. (more…)
You know what today is: It’s Mother’s Day! Whether you are a mother or simply have one, we all universally celebrate this day. (more…)
Mothers come in all shapes, sizes and even species. Yet one thing all mothers have in common is their fierce, protective and nurturing instincts. But instincts can only take us so far. Education is imperative so Mom knows what to do when unexpected health conditions strike. (more…)
I’ve received a number of requests to cover tonsil stones. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if this subject would be prevalent enough to interest all my readers.
Indeed, some people are prone to tonsil stones, while others aren’t. (more…)
Hi. I’m Holstein.
What? You were expecting a cow? Well, that’s speciesism right there. Do I look like a cow?
Nope, I’m a Fox Terrier, and Joette told me I’m cute as a button. So there.
(Harumph. Cow, indeed.) (more…)