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When to Stop

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

February 11th, 2024  |  9 Comments

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy


If you’re new to my blog, you may not have heard my little homeopathy song, “Learn-a Your Remedies,” released in 2022.

Part of the lyrics includes that through more education in my Practical Homeopathy®, you will learn:

“How much to take,

How often to treat,

And when to stop,

And when to repeat.”

Today, I want to briefly discuss when to stop utilizing a homeopathic medicine.

You often see me write, “Stop when very much better.” For a less severe acute condition, such as a cough, that’s simple. One stops taking the chosen medicine when one stops coughing. No mystery there.

But for less straightforward conditions, these are the absolute, clear-cut rules:

  1. For less severe acute conditions, usually a couple of days will suffice. Unless it doesn’t.
  1. For a chronic condition, one generally employs the homeopathic medicine for 6-8 weeks. Unless one needs more or less time.


Joette Calabrese

Okay, okay, that was tongue-in-cheek. Let’s face it. There are no “rules.”

Knowing when to stop is a matter of nuance, best learned through a Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® study group, a protocol course on a specific group of conditions or The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®. I’m not trying to be “salesy” here, but it’s true. Not all homeopathic concepts can be shoehorned into a short, blog post.

With acute conditions, such as colds, otitis media, and sprains, one would generally stop when very much better. I’m not talking about just a little hint of improvement, no. I mean very much better. In my clinical experience, I’ve found when sufferers’ acute conditions are no longer at the forefront of their minds, they naturally stop utilizing the homeopathic because they simply forget! Perhaps that helps explain what “very much better” means.

However, I often teach my students that homeopathy is frequently a pas de deux. We remain fluid, ready to pivot whenever necessary.

For instance, if a cough starts as a nagging cough, we may choose one remedy. If it later becomes a croupy cough that sounds like sawing through wood, then we would stop the first medicine and pivot to another. (Learn more about which medicines to consider in Ipecac: The Cough That Nags and Gags and Homeopathy Cures Croup as Easy as 1-2-3).

When we see a satisfactory level of improvement, we stop and check it out. If the condition regresses, then we take up the medicine once again. It’s a constant awareness of the dance — the pas de deux — to determine each individual’s response and further need.

On my free, downloadable Remedy Cards, you may have seen the statement, “As always, halt the use of any homeopathic if there’s no improvement.” So, what does that mean?

Well, for chronic conditions, improvement may not come in a few days, as it may with an acute. Generally, one utilizes a homeopathic medicine for chronic conditions for 6-8 weeks — whilst observing, recording, documenting and determining the nuances of change. And there’s the main problem in trying to teach this concept in a blog post. If you don’t fully understand what you’re looking for, you may be improving and not realize it. It's also important to understand that when I offer a 6-8 week guideline, it doesn't mean that in that amount of time, a chronic condition will indeed be resolved. It may, and then again, it may not. But at least at that point in time, we assess and move from there. 

For instance, a client came to me for arthritis and insomnia. After 6-8 weeks, she noted no improvement in the arthritis, but her sleep was marvelous. So, we were on the right track. Most chronic conditions must be observed with a discerning, educated, critical eye. No blog post can give you that. But my friends, you can develop this skill with education!

Mighty Members can also learn more by reading Memo to Mighty Members Tip #185, in which I answered one of your questions on when to halt mental protocols. The principles in that post are important.

But for now — as a prerequisite to your continuing homeopathy education — here are a couple of down-and-dirty general guidelines.

We stop utilizing the medicines when either very much better or there is no improvement. But we don’t judge improvement without giving the medicine due time to work. In a chronic condition, that means it could take a full 6-8 weeks of careful observation and notation.

One thing we do not do is utilize a homeopathic medicine in the same fashion as we would a supplement — forever, willy-nilly, without thought. Homeopathy is medicine. We only employ medicines when needed.

It may seem complex, but it’s really not. Heck, reading is a complicated undertaking, but you learned to do that! I can assure you that thousands have learned through Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® study groups and are currently treating themselves and their families with great success.

You can join them, and next thing you know, you’ll be passing on the good news of homeopathy to others!


Joette Calabrese



P.S. In next week’s Memo to Mighty Members, I will answer a few reader questions on last week’s blog, Homeopathic Camphor: The Universal Antidote. Don’t miss it! If you’re not already a member, now’s the time to join us.

And remember — all my Mighties qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email [email protected] for more information.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


9 thoughts on “When to Stop”

  1. Beverly Frey says:

    Could you tell me please the homeopathic for snoring and sleep apnea? Many thanks!
    You have helped me for many ailments in the
    past! I am always pleasantly surprised!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      Try keying in the words “snoring” or Sseep apnea” and my name. I’ve written on this subject.

  2. Linda S says:

    Thanks for sharing this Joette! My homeopath once gave me a remedy that did nothing until almost 6 weeks later. Then it suddenly began to work and cleared up about 90% of the problem.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      ‘Sounds like you’re in good hands.

  3. Cassandra Kay Conger says:

    Dear Joette – If I understand you correctly, you are saying 6-8 weeks maximum for taking homeopathics. I have been taking homeopathic remedies (on fourth protocol now) since last February 2023 (it is now February 2024), for the autoimmune issue, Myasthenia Gravis. Have you ever heard of it? It is “grave weakness of the muscles” and is supposedly incurable although my homeopathic doctor says he can cure and has cured MG with homeopathy – Dr. Manzoor, do you know of him? Have you ever heard of an incurable issue being cured via homeopathics?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      Who says its incurable? Do you mean the industry that uses their drugs of commerace to treat symptoms? That’s the question that must be asked.
      Pls. read the article again. Its pretty clear as to what the 6-8 week assessment is all about.
      And may I say that if your homeopath is helping, stick with him.

  4. Renee S says:

    I’ve been taking coffea cruda for many months now. I combine it with Mg before bed. It has dramatically improved my sleep to a deep sleep – about 90% of my evenings. I am so thrilled to have this at last since I’m post menopausal and struggled for years with sleep . I am hesitant, and frankly anxious, about stopping it. But, I see I must give it a try. I’ll have to plan it out when I don’t have anything important the following day(s), or I’ll feel AWFUL. Thank you Joette for helping to change the lives of my family – from my grandchildren starting on remedies as babies to my Senior parents! And… for my dogs, cat, donkeys and goats too!

  5. Susan says:

    This is off topic, but important since you have helped me learn the importance of homeopathy. I have read about dental care on several of your blogs. It is incredible what you did for your sons. I had a small chip on my front tooth which the dentist fixed. I noticed the tooth next to it seems a little soft. Yesterday I started the Calc Flour and the Calc Phos protocol for teeth. An unexpected thing happened. All winter the tip of my nose has been cold. Last night for the first time, my nose was not cold. I pulled out my Materia Medica and in the nose section for Calc Phos, the first entry in bold read, “the tip of the nose is icy cold”. I assume bold is very important. Since this is about my teeth and not my cold nose, I will stay on the protocol. Homeopathy is a fascinating puzzle. I love puzzles. I wonder if Calc Phos would help dogs when they have a cold nose? I am saying that tongue in cheek since one symptom does not always indicate a remedy. My nose is still warm today. Next time I will share my arnica gel story. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      Lovely story, Susan.
      Homeopathy is indeed a remarkable medicine.

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