The year is 2020! It sounds like science fiction, but it’s real! We’re living in the future we looked forward to.
In fact, I had a goal for this year. Do you remember? I wrote about it way back in 2017 in my blog, Taking Stock: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going.
I wanted to reach 100,000 families by 2020.
Well, what do you know? Quite some time ago, with your help, we surpassed that number!
My goal was met, so I filed it in the … uh … “accomplished” bin.
In fact, last year on New Year’s Day, I increased my goal.
I endeavored to reach 200,000 families!
Judging from the readership on this blog, the audience for my podcasts and the participants in my Facebook Live events, we are well on our way to achieving it!
But to reach 200,000 families with this medicine we hold dear, we all need to work together.
Think about the math. If each and every one of you were to introduce homeopathy to two friends, we could increase the number of homeopathic families in this country exponentially.
This means family autonomy.
Family focus.
Family values.
What if you introduced it to three friends?
Or four?
The thought is staggering.
The power we have as a group is tremendous.
There is strength in numbers.
As our numbers grow, we can better protect our access to homeopathy for future generations.
However, I realize you need information at your fingertips to help you persuade your family and friends.
So, I’ve created this blog post just for you to use as discussion points. I call it “The 2020 Twenty.”
In honor of our new year, 2020, here are my 20 reasons why homeopathy is the perfect choice for every family:
20. Homeopathy works. Just. Plain. Works!
19. Homeopathy is inexpensive. Tubes of medicine average between $7 and $15. (Not potentially hundreds or thousands of dollars like conventional medicines.) Plus, it saves on unnecessary medical bills by keeping you out of the doctor’s office.
18. Homeopathy is polite. It doesn’t aggressively slam your body. It works with your body to gently correct the condition.
17. Homeopathy is super-portable. Tiny tubes slip easily into your purse or pocket.
16. Homeopathy is used by hospitals and clinics around the world. In many countries around the world, homeopathy is part of their national medical systems.
15. Homeopathy is easily learned using my method of Practical Homeopathy®. (Plus, it’s easy to teach to your children!)
14. Homeopathy has been highly researched over the last 230 years and provides reproducible results. It’s not capricious. The medicine successfully used in the 1700s is the exact same medicine used today.
13. Homeopathy WORKS!!! (I know I said it above, but it bears repeating!)
12. Homeopathy is safe and effective for all age ranges: babies, children, teens, adults, pregnant women and seniors. Generally speaking, your entire family can utilize the same medicines.
11. Homeopathy is trans-species, meaning it works for people, pigs, dogs, cats, cows, chickens …
10. Homeopathy is trans-generational. Our children will use it with their children, who will teach it to their children, and so on and so on, spanning myriad generations.
9. Homeopathy doesn’t interfere with conventional drugs. This means you can continue to take meds that you're presently taking and still add homeopathy in for the same or different conditions. However, number 8 takes this idea further.
8. Homeopathy helps eliminate the need for conventional drugs if that’s your choice.
7. Did I mention homeopathy works?!
6. Homeopathy is curative. It uproots illnesses rather than suppressing them. You know that ear infection that was treated with antibiotics that keeps returning? If homeopathy had been used, this doesn't usually occur.
5. Homeopathy keeps you relevant as your children grow into adults. (Believe me — they’ll be calling you often!)
4. Homeopathy is empowering. It’s a currency of knowledge. You feel the strength, confidence and value of being the competent caregiver of your family.
3. Homeopathy allows you to be self-sufficient. No need to depend on anyone else to provide competent medical care to your family. (‘Perfect for emergency situations or during natural catastrophes.)
2. Homeopathy is used by the elite of the world, including royalty and popes. You know, those who have any and every modern medicine available to them, yet still choose homeopathy.
And the NUMBER ONE reason to use homeopathy is …
1. IT WORKS!!! (Wait … have I said that already???)
Given those compelling 20 reasons why homeopathy should be a mainstay of your family’s healthcare, your next question might be, “How do I learn more about it?”
The best way to learn about homeopathy is the very same method I personally employed back in the '80s: learning with others in a group!
Oh, how I loved my homeopathy group nights. We relished in the delicious knowledge we were gaining, as well as in the camaraderie, support and encouragement.
My successful experience with group learning is precisely why I wrote Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum.
My inexpensive guide will hold you by the hand as you learn with others.
Gather your friends and family, and I’ll provide the lessons in my own easy-to-follow, everyday language.
Your group will even have an opportunity to meet with me online so that I can answer any remaining questions you may have from your studies.
This is not only educational; it is FUN!
If you don’t believe how much fun this can be, please take a look at these smiling faces from some of the online study group question-and-answer sessions with me.
People all over the world are learning about homeopathy and having a ball doing it.
Now is your chance to join us and help us increase our numbers!
If you have a friend or family member who is on the fence about homeopathy, direct them to this blog post.
Print out a copy for those who don’t have computer access.
Keep a copy in your purse or pocket for those times when people notice that your brand of healthcare — our Practical Homeopathy® — has relieved your injury or malady.
When they read these 20 reasons homeopathy is the right medicine for our families, perhaps they will understand more fully and join us.
In other words: Take this “2020 Twenty” and pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. Through an official policy committee, the Federal Government is currently in talks regarding the expansion of Medicare/Medicaid coverage for non-pharmacological treatments for pain. Interestingly enough, homeopathy has solutions.
This May in Orlando, Florida, at the Joint American Homeopathic Conference, I will be presenting my methodologies to an expansive crowd on this very subject.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.