Not to get too personal, but have your ankles ever looked like water balloons? (And felt like them, too?)
If you have swelling in any particular part of your body — not just generalized swelling but swelling you can press on and leave a dent — that’s called edema. Some call it water retention. Some just call it miserable.
Many times, the build-up of toxins can be the root cause of the edema (for example, too much salt in your body can cause water to build up in tissues). Edema can range between extremely uncomfortable to downright painful.
Last week, I wrote about Nat mur, The Water Distributor. But for water retention — edematous swelling — Nat sulph is called for as a first remedy.
The difference between the two is Nat sulph is all about the liver and gently encouraging its ability to release toxins.
I’m reminded of an old descriptive term you don’t hear much anymore: people used to complain of “liverishness.” This wouldn’t be a typical stomachache right after eating.
No, this would be something that happened in the latter stages of digestion. Just an uncomfortable, ill feeling, as if their digestion wasn’t working properly (and it probably wasn’t).
The term “liverish” eventually became synonymous with someone who was cranky and ill-tempered. No surprise there, right? When someone doesn’t feel well, they don’t always behave well.
If only they’d used Nat sulph!
I probably should have written about this tremendous cell salt a bit earlier in the summer, because Nat sulph is especially called for in those who are adversely affected by hot, humid weather.
In fact, it’s perfect for Florida! They should put it in the water down here!
We’ve been coming to Florida for years, but when we first moved down here, some days were so oppressively hot and humid, I couldn’t even function properly. I took Nat sulph 6X twice a day until I felt like myself again. Don’t get me wrong — I was still hot (it is Florida, after all). But, I could function again!
As you can see, Nat sulph has many applications. Here in my blog, I can only focus on just a few. Keep in mind though, it is also thought of for asthma, especially when it becomes worse in humidity. It also is effective for arthritis that is made worse from humidity.
Simply said: if you’re thinking about oppressive heat and humidity, think of Nat sulph.
So, next time you have friends sweltering in Florida or the tropics or wherever they may be, remember to pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. As I mentioned, there is only so much room in this blog environment to teach the complete picture of a remedy. If you’re intrigued by the amazing powers of these cell salts, you will benefit from the additional information contained in my digital download, Cell Salts: The Easy Homeopathy™.
P.P.S. If you’re looking for all of the posts in my series on the cell salts, here are the links for your convenience:
Calc phos
Ferrum phos
Mag phos
Nat phos
Kali phos
Calc fluor
Nat mur
Nat sulph
Calc sulph
Kali sulph
Kali mur
steph test
When I travel to warm humid places in the last 2 years… I get swelling and it actually hurts to walk. I get achy calf muscles as well… so you recommend Nat Sulph? Only take when I am travelling or?
If a condition is only occasional, so should the treatment be only occasional.
Hello Joette,
I purchased your CD audio Cell Salts set a while back and am learning more about them. This series you are doing is very helpful as well. Also, we just covered the information on cell salts in your GW2 study guide. My question relates to SILICA which has yet to be featured in this series… looking forward to it1 I recently was warned that taking Silica is not advised if you have any foreign objects in your body that you do NOT wish to be pushed out – e.g. tooth fillings, plates, screws, rods. I never considered this before. Is this truly a concern? My son had a titanium rod surgically put in place in his leg. I would not want to give him something that would cause trouble. When you do write on Silica, can you address this area? It reminds me of the words of caution we see when Symphytum is used for broken bones… make sure the bone is properly set first. These are important bits of info for newbies… God bless you for all your work. Love to learn from you!
Does the condition “fatty liver” correspond to the state of “liverishness”?
Is there anything more you can say about the aforementioned condition?
While on a trip to India last week, my mom’s feet began to swell – then there was the long trip back to the US and into cold weather a few days ago – and her feet and toes are still larger than usual. Does Nat Sulph 6X sound appropriate?
I asked the question about swelling and humidity – I get swelling in humid places.. and this is what they said: Do you not agree?
Hyland’s Nat. Sulph. 6X is not indicated for the treatment of swollen ankles and feet. It offers temporary relief of symptoms of the flu, nausea, and vomiting.
If you have any further questions, you may speak to a Customer Service Representative by calling 800.624.9659 during normal business hours.
Manufacturing pharmacies are allowed to declare certain conditions that are covered by their medicines.
IF you’re interested in the full disclosure of a medicine, read your materia medica and you’ll get the entire picture.
Hylands Support Team
· 2 months ago
Thank you for your question.
Hyland’s Nat. Sulph. 6X is not indicated for the treatment of swollen ankles and feet. It offers temporary relief of symptoms of the flu, nausea, and vomiting.
If you have any further questions, you may speak to a Customer Service Representative by calling 800.624.9659 during normal business hours.
Can this be used for chronic swelling/water retention or is it only for acute situations.
All cell salts may be used for both acute and chronic conditions.
Dear Joette,
I only have 9x does it have to be 6x please advise.
If you hope to experience the kind of results I have come to expect and that I report on, the correct potency matters.
“But for water retention — edematous swelling — Nat sulph is called for as a first remedy.”
I’m confused, in your blog you wrote the above and then in your response you said, “Hyland’s Nat. Sulph. 6X is not indicated for the treatment of swollen ankles and feet. It offers temporary relief of symptoms of the flu, nausea, and vomiting.” Which is it?
You’re not quoting me. Its a comment from a reader that you’re referring to.
What potency would I give someone with swollen calves ankles?
It’s so confusing. I have both Nat Sulph and Mur and took them both separately and together. I seem to be holding water on both but on the Nat Mur it was awful. I am almost 100% everything as a Nat Mur type but it left me even more bloated than before. I normally have edema all over. I was sweating profusely. My skin got more dry, my lips felt like they were cracking and I was so so thirsty. I stopped and restarted a few times to be sure to the same effect. I also noticed with Nat Mur when I would first take it I felt pretty nauseous which I thought was a bit strange.
It’s clear.
It’s the wrong medicine.
Drop the classical way of looking at yourself and use the method I teach…treat the condition.
Same thing happens to me. I tried Nat Mur for a chronic UTI/urethritis and it moved the edema around, and brought on another UTI on top of my usual chronic dysuria. I am so thirsty, peeing SO much I can barely hold it but it’s so low in volume, have edema in my legs and in a new place in the “private” area. Did you ever figure out a way to make it work for you?
someone on the student of Joette Calabease stated that they used Nat Sulph 10m for brain injury and it has helped their kid with ODD, ADD and Sensory issues. She mentioned the protocol was mentioned at the Mindfulness class. I just took the class and don’t remember hearing this. Would you mind confirming. Thanks.
I urge you to review the course again. This medicine is specific for head injuries, not ODD, ADD nor sensory issues.
Mrs. Calabrese,
Do you ever use Nat sulph 6x and Lycopodium 30 in the same schedule for edema of the feet?
Thank you & blessings,
Not for the same condition. We generally choose one medicine for one or many conditions.
Thank you Mrs. Calabrese. Very helpful as always 🙂
What if there is swelling, edema with hot, DRY, weather? Not humid…
Thank you for the post. You mention heat and humidity, so I too cannot function in heat in fact I stay indoors. How would I take this remedy prior to leaving the house? Or would it best to place some pellets in my bottle bottle and sip throughout the day? Is there a max amount to take daily ? Thank you!
You’re welcome.
The protocol is stated in the article.
Hello, In the summer I cannot tolerate the heat- i cannot function as you in the Florida heat. Would it make sense to place nat sulph in my drinking water bottle.. and sip throughout the day?
Hi Joette! Do you know if nat sulph would help with edema on one ankle only? My ankle has been swollen for a year and won’t go down. (I think it started with a rheumatoid arthritis flare). No pain now… just a cankle!
Homeopathy will act on the area of the body that has the condition.
You mentioned swelling of the extremities but what if it is the lips? I am wondering if this remedy is indicated or would this be more of an allergic reaction. Not sure which direction to head with it.
Swelling of the lips is more often an allergic reaction. You might want to look into my online course Allergic.
For someone with mast cell activation , Sulphur being one of the triggers would you still recommend Nat Sulph or is there something else to try?
I have MCAS and issues with Sulphur…I took Nat Sulph 6x and had zero reaction
It’s not that simple which is why I teach an entire course on how to deal with allergies titled “Allergic”.
When a medicine doesn’t act after given it its full due it means its the wrong medicine.
That’s when we move to the next remedy choice. There are many remedies from which to choose for that and all conditions.
Dear Joette,
is it possible to cure edema (lipedema and lymphedema) with the help of the Banerji Protocols? From the medical point of view there is normal cure available. However, I am convinced that it can be cured with homeopathy. Thanks for answer.
Have I witnessed improvement with homeopathy? yes.
Is it consistent for e. case? No.
Having said this, this is the answer that I give people for just about e. medical concern.
Hi Mariella
May I ask if you have tried this, and how it has worked for you?
Thanks for your answer