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Buster: In Memoriam 2004-2022

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

August 10th, 2022  |  231 Comments

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Joette Calabrese


Somewhere in heaven, an office has gained a furry new co-worker — a “Bad Office Dog” extraordinaire!

Buster, our beloved pet and company mascot, passed away last week.

It’s certainly a loss for our family, but also for the business! Buster was one of our best writers! His mischievous sense of humor shone through in his blogs.

Joette Calabrese

And he was a fast typist, too! I only caught him red-handed (or should I say “red-pawed”) at the keyboard once. Luckily, I had my camera! How he managed to type with those fluffy paws and clickety claws is beyond me!

He was a smart little guy. He loved learning about homeopathy so that he could share his information with you! When he couldn’t find his glasses, I’d read to him!

Joette Calabrese

Back in March, he wrote about celebrating his birfday.” Remember? At the time, I told him that he was turning 17! However, my son pointed out this week that Buster had actually turned 18!

Eighteen years old — years longer than is generally expected for his breed and much longer than his siblings lived in other homes. Aren’t they all adorable as puppies?

Joette Calabrese

I credit his health and longevity to homeopathy, of course.

That little rascal LOVED his homeopathic remedies. He got excited when he’d hear me getting them ready for him and would eat the pellets right out of my palm!

Joette Calabrese

In case you’re wondering, I did employ homeopathy to ease his transition. Toward the very end, Buster was shaking — symptomatic of pain, anxiety, or both. So, I chose Arsenicum album 200, giving it to him every six hours or so. It calmed his shaking, hopefully indicating that he felt more peaceful.

Sure, Buster occasionally lived up to his nickname. But truth be told, he was an unsurpassed source of fun and a faithful friend. I have no doubt he is already entertaining the whole team in his new heavenly office! Who knows? Maybe now, he is Buster, The Angelic Office Dog. (Unless there are squirrels in heaven, and then all bets are off!)

Buster bonvoyage 1

Bon voyage, Buster!


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8/13/22 Buster: In Memoriam 2004-2022


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


231 thoughts on “Buster: In Memoriam 2004-2022”

  1. Tammy says:

    My deepest condolences! I know how these wonderful furry animals can work their way into every fiber of our lives. We all loved Buster with you. ((hugs))

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Many thanks, Tammy.

      1. sahmpaw says:

        What a legacy he has left for dogs everywhere! It’s no fun saying goodbye to our furry friends, but you’re right, after a good cry, the many memories they have left us with can warm our hearts at any time. When our dog was dying Arsenicum 200 worked within about 20 minutes. I an happy he didn’t have to be put down.

  2. Bonnie says:

    So sorry to hear of Buster’s transition. No matter how long we have them it is never enough. Hopefully, his memories will soothe his loss.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      THanks, Bonnie.

  3. Anaya Ellsan says:

    So sorry for the loss of Buster. My his memory be a blessing to you and your family.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Thank you Anaya.

  4. Dolly says:

    Buster wrote some of the best blogs! His legacy will live on and hopefully inspire many other pet caretakers to use homeopathy to aid their furry friends’ health! It’s never easy to lose a furry friend who has been there through so many things! Glad your memories bring you comfort!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Many thanks, Dolly.

  5. Janie says:

    Dearest Joette and Perry, Zorro the old man labrador (13) has asked me to pass on our sympathy to your family. He said, “Please tell Buster’s family thank you for not locking the lid to Joette’s computer! My human mum has been taught so much by Buster over the last few years, and I’ve mightily benefited from several of the remedies Buster has recommended, especially those that help old dogs. I’d also like to remind you that lions lie down with lambs in heaven, so Buster’s probably already having a great time playing with lots of animal friends, including his cute siblings in the photos.”

  6. Jalene Tuley says:

    Praying for you so sorry to hear about your puppy❤️

  7. MaryEllen says:

    I’m sorry for your loss! Thanks for sharing Buster with your community here.

  8. Laura Marshall says:

    I mourn with you. I lost my Bichon Pele on June 14 at only 14 1/2 yrs old. She was my Velcro dog, had to be by my side. Even though I took her in at 8 yrs old when her previous person had a stroke, she had become completely mine. We must remember the sweetness and the stubbornness and how much they delighted us and made us laugh, the comfort offered, the exercise. Absolutely the best.

  9. Oh Joette–What a wonderful tribute to a dog extraordinaire. My Rosie–a Westie–lived 18 years as well. What a gift! I am sending a hug and a shout out to Buster. Love, Kathy

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Hi Kathy!
      How nice to hear from you!
      Thanks for your well-wishing.

  10. Mickie says:

    Sorry for your loss of Buster. I remember how hard it is to lose a pet

  11. Peter Wickens says:

    Sorry to hear about the passing of Buster he will be missed very much by everybody.
    Sorry for your loss.

  12. Lisa & Kelly says:

    So sorry to hear Joette. Hugs to you.

  13. LL says:

    Blessings and transformations, Buster! Please send hellos and many thank yous onto Dr. Robin Murphy and Drs. Banerji for me/us. If you happen to wander into the straight and narrow department, please nip some bottoms of the Sainted in an encouraging way into helping a little more to right the ship here on Earth!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      What a lovely message, LL.

  14. Valerie Kulak says:

    Ohhh..my heart aches for you all. He was clearly a treasure and what a mischievous personality. I am sure he is regaling his new friends in heaven with stories galore. Sending love your way in your healing. ❤️

  15. Barb says:

    So sorry to hear this, Joette. He sure was the cutest little fella. Surely you didn’t feed him the cr*p in a can that is sold as pet food over there? Besides homeopathy there must be some other magic you used to get him to that very respectable age. RIP Buster.

  16. Mare says:

    Very sorry for the loss of your furry office assistant. Buster, and am sending zen, positive thoughts and lots o’ comforting cyberhugs in hopes that your memories of happier times will help to ease at least somewhat, the ache in your hearts over Buster’s absence. X0

  17. Lola Padula says:

    I know how hard losing a furry family member can be. We lost two over the years. Ours took homeopathic remedies also. Remember the good times, as I’m sure there are many!

  18. Sue says:

    Our pets steal our hearts, and then break them when they leave us. But Buster left all of us with many great memories!

  19. Maria Thomas says:

    My condolences to you and Perry Joette. All three of you have been an inspiration in my life. I never would have thought of taking care of animals with homeopathy until I started viewing your blogs, Facebook, and now being a student of APH. Again my sincere condolences to both of you.

  20. Sherry says:

    My deepest condolences for the loss of such a beloved family member! RIP Buster. ❤️🐶

  21. Janet Deacon says:

    Dearest Buster,

    I cherish our special conversations, and I’m sending you and your family licks and loves. When it’s my time, let’s find one another on the other side. You can show me your new office, and we can play with angels! Do we have wings? Let me know…

    There is nothing sweeter than the love of a dog,
    Bunny <3

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Oh, my…Bunnie!
      You’re so wonderful to write.
      You’ll most certainly have wings!
      your words are touching.

  22. Steve says:

    My heart goes out to you Joette! So happy you had 18 yrs of bliss with Buster! Take care and all the best!

  23. Ruth says:

    Praying for you and your family.

  24. Lori Biernbaum says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. Buster was a blessed fur baby to have you as his Mom.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  25. Nancy Perry says:

    Sorry to hear this Joette – Buster will be missed – especially his “bad office dog” antics. Condolences to you and your family.

  26. Elvira says:

    My condolences to you and yor family for the loss of beloved Buster.
    I am going to miss him too!

  27. Tiariana Manna says:

    So sorry for your loss. Thank you for bringing Buster as part of our lives 🙂 i btw have 11 cats. Pets are incredibly preciouss.

  28. Birgit P. says:

    Thank you for the pictures of Buster the Awesome Dog. It’s cool to hear his experience of benefiting from homeopathy his whole long life!

  29. Juliana says:

    Dear Joette,
    My deepest condolences for the loss of your beloved fur-baby. Buster has earned his wings and is now over the Rainbow Bridge. He is a creature of God and I do believe he is in Heaven as is my little boy that I earned his wings last year. My heart goes out to you and I pray that God will ease your pain. I do believe we will see our beloved fur babies in Heaven. Buster will be greatly missed, a brilliant little boy and funny as the sun is bright. God bless you and precious little Buster.

  30. Jean L Adams says:

    So sorry for your loss, these little guys become as beloved as our children.

  31. Lorrine E. Lambert says:

    Hi Joette. So sorry to hear about Buster leaving us. It’s always so very hard when this time comes but I believe we will see them again when we join them in heaven with our Creator. Hugs to you.

  32. Mya says:

    I’m so sorry! Sending hugs your way. Buster had the best life ever, and now he’s your doggy guardian angel. 🤗❤️

  33. JoAnn says:

    I’m so sorry about Buster’s passing.

  34. Marco says:

    Awwww . . . It’s always hard losing a loved one. Buster will live on in our hearts . Sorry for your loss Joette.

  35. Elena Hall says:

    My condolences for Buster passing on. I Lost my friend and companion of almost 13 years. Tippy, my German shepherd. Two months ago. I used to give him Arnica Montana regularly as him was in some pain. A few years ago, I replaced both hips so we really bonded with constant attention to each other.
    It is so sad to lose a friend.I like to think of him as my Guardian angel as he was always looking out for me. Now he has a new friend in Buster. Time makes things easier to cope with losing our friends but memories help

  36. Lisbett says:

    Our fur-children touch our hearts so deeply because of their unconditional love and loyalty to us. They are truly an exhausting but limitless source of joy and blessing. Your physical Buster has moved on. That is the hard good-bye, but don’t be surprised if you are visited by his loving spirit:)) BIG HUG!

  37. Brenda says:

    Buster was the BEST! I loved his emails, and he will be remembered fondly by so many! Thinking of his humans today and sending hugs your way!

  38. Richenda says:

    So sorry for your loss and sending all my love to you and your family from Germany! Buster sounds like an absolute character and special dogs are quite simply irreplaceable. I can already see those squirrels scampering away through heaven!

  39. Murthy says:

    My sincere condolences. I prefer to say he transmigrated to another body after a brief transition to heaven. Probably he would be born as a homeopath and inherit some of his good memories (or tendencies) of this life. I hope he would provide not just memories of this life but relief from suffering to other beings in the future.

  40. Donna Wilder says:

    So sorry , Joette. I had to say good bye to my best dog friend this spring. I was a hard one . He was a special dog. Thinking of you at this time. Someday I think we ll see them again!!!

  41. Karen Dibiccari says:

    You has 18 wonderful years with him you are very lucky. My love for animals is over the top so I feel your pain. Buster is resting and having a great time, hope he has meet some of mine. 😘❤️🥲

  42. Ishbel says:

    My thoughts are with you. Dogs take over our lives and occupy our hearts forever. They are angels send to care for our wellbeing.
    Best wishes
    Pet mother of Millie, spaniel/collie cross, aged 15 + three quarters. Each day is a blessing.

  43. Ann Furgurson says:

    So very sorry! Our furry ones are part of our families! Mine are just like my children. I know you miss him! They do so much for us!

  44. Jennifer S says:

    RIP Sweet Buster!!

  45. P says:

    Buster and his mama have taught so much to so many and lives forever educating people and offering comedy and warmth. Sending peace and love.

  46. Wendy says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of Buster’s passing. I enjoyed his stories and adventures so much. It’s really hard to loose our friends and it truly hurts. Wendy

  47. Wanda Kaluzny says:

    Deepest condolences Joette. Losing a pet, especially one as special as Buster, always leaves a huge hole in our hearts. May many wonderful memories of Buster soon fill that hole and may they replace the pain of loss that you now feel.

  48. Faith says:

    My kids always loved reading Buster’s blogposts. We are going to really miss his humor and wisdom. You know, Joette, hIs blog was almost as good as yours!!

  49. Seana Ames says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Buster will be missed.

  50. Sheila Nettles says:

    So sorry. Buster will be missed.

  51. Maria says:

    What a beautiful friend and companion. So sorry for your loss and sending prayers for peace to you and your family.

  52. Jennifer says:

    So sorry you lost your fur baby and your family member, they become our kids , so glad he was in a loving home, my rescue is the same as him , doesn’t like anyone but mommy , I love him Immensely , again my sympathy goes out to you

  53. Kathy says:

    My sympathies.

  54. Sharon says:

    Buster and his incredible wit and great writing style will be missed! Maybe, at some point, you and Perry will add a new dog to your office staff. We are about the same age and I don’t think I could add a puppy to my pack, but there are many older dogs that would love to come live with you.

  55. Lalita Subas says:

    Dear Joette,

    Deepest condolences to you and the family on your loss.
    Buster had the best family and all the love of this world.
    I am sure he is bringing joy to world, where he is now.
    Hugs and Love. OM – Peace. Lalita

  56. Mary Herman says:

    So sorry to hear about Buster, it was such a joy getting to know him through his blogs. He antics always made me smile. Be sure and take your Ignatia.

  57. Jane Hamilton says:

    The pain is so deep when the love and affection are so deep. Our joys and our sorrows come from the same well…
    You and Buster are truly blessed to have been brought together in this lifetime.
    You have my heartfelt sympathy.

  58. Nancy says:

    Thank you for sharing your love and joy in and through Buster. He treats us to life – the good life – restored.

  59. Robin says:

    Joette-I am so sorry for your loss. I loved Buster! I wanted to thank you for teaching me to use Arsenicum because the day after Buster died my kitty, Bart, passed and peacefully because of what I learned from you and how to use Arsenicum. He was 15 1/2. We are also heartbroken and so sad.
    Thank you and again, I am so sorry.

  60. Christy says:

    Oh no! I just called from my office, “Oh no, Buster passed away!” and both my girls rushed in the office (they are 7 & 10 yrs) and they knew exactly who I was referring to. They were so sad to hear! They too know that when they call for their doggy to “come get your remedy,” that he comes running! Just like Buster. Hugs to you!

  61. Neena says:

    So sorry for your loss! Losing our precious pets is heartbreaking 💔 saying a prayer for Buster and your family , to ease this transition for you all.

  62. Åsa says:

    So sorry for the loss of Buster.It’s so sad every time we lose a four-legged friend <3

  63. Myriam says:

    So sorry for your loss. I have four daughters and my dog is my son. There are three other dogs in our family as well. They are definitely family members and beloved companions. A dog’s love is unconditional.

  64. joanne says:

    I am heartbroken to learn of your loss. Buster shared so many of his personal experiences with homeopathy with us. When I learn of someone losing a furry member of their family, I am brought to tears, knowing from personal experience the pain and loss one feels. My prayers are with you and your family.

  65. Cherryl RB says:

    Oh no! I loved seeing all the posts mentioning Buster. What an amazing life though, 18 years?! That’s the most years I’ve heard a dog live. You’re a great doggie Momma, Joette!

  66. Janet M says:

    Losing a beloved family member is devastating. Buster has helped me to treat my Daffy through many illnesses. She is doing only because of homeopathy. They vet had no idea what was wrong with, so instead I treated her symptoms. She went from deaths door to running around the house. You will not be forgotten Buster.

  67. Catherine says:

    Thank you for sharing Buster with all of us! His homeopathic insight was “paw some”!! Deepest condolences for his loss and prayers for lots of happy peaceful memories of Buster to flood your coming months, years. God bless homeopathy for our furry and feathered friends. Amazing outcomes to report!

  68. sarah C Lagnado says:

    So sorry to hear that, but he had the best life he could have ever had, so that is your consolation.
    He may no longer be there with you, physically, but he will always remain in your heart and you will always have those wonderful memories of him, no matter where you go.

    How many times do I wonder what it would be like not to have any animals in one’s home and how sad it is for the many that don’t!

    It is not a life I would have wanted to live and I am sure neither would you.

    When you will be ready you will find another dog to fill your heart, never to replace, just to fill a temporary empty space, and you will find the love to give it as great as the love you gave Buster.

  69. Cheryl says:

    I think God shows us the beauty of unconditional love through dogs. As an APH student, I loved hearing Buster during live sessions (like when he got stuck on the stairs). May all the ways he blessed you and your family be comforting and bring a smile to your face even though you have a tear in your eye.

  70. Tammy says:

    I’m so sorry for Buster’s passing. I so enjoyed reading his blogs; and, seeing his pictures and memories you shared were just lovely! Hugs to you and your family.

  71. Pamela Gebert says:

    Joette, I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. They just don’t live long enough. I know for sure he had the very BEST family during his time here. May he rest in peace until you meet again. You are in my thoughts today.

  72. Margaret Shelton says:

    Never easy to lose a friend, especially one so gifted and giving. Thank you for sharing him with us. We’ll miss his advice. You take care.

  73. Deborah Quire says:

    I am so saddened to hear of Busters passing. It was always such a joy to hear about his charming antics. May you find peace and comfort in your sweet memories.

  74. Mary D says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this!! Being an animal friend myself, I know it’s hard to part with our critters who bring us many treasured moments!!! RIP Buster!!

  75. maryon wright says:

    Blessings to Buster, a life well lived and so loved. I have tried to get my “kids” to eat the remedies out of my palm, but haven’t been successful yet.I am thankful that you have had such a precious rascal in your life, and that I have the same.

  76. My condolences dear Joette. I hope you find soon peace of mind. Thank you for sharing your memories with lovely Buster.

  77. Sheena says:

    Buster will be missed. Eventhough I didn’t meet him I feel like I knew him through all the stories and his blog post. Condolences to you and Perry.

  78. Pam says:

    So very sorry for the passing of your sweet little, oinery fluff. Perhaps before long you will be interviewing for that position again?

  79. linda says:

    Sending Love and Hugs and more Love!

  80. Judith Azare says:

    We never have them long enough, and my heart goes out to you and the rest of the family. I’ve loved reading his posts. He’s been a valuable part of my homeopathy journey and my dogs’. Thank you for being a super dog mama and for sharing him with all of us.

  81. Laurie Tiemens says:

    Joette, I’m so very sorry to hear of Buster’s passing. What a precious friend you have lost! I hope your wonderful memories of him will ease the deep sadness you feel.

  82. TJ Wierenga says:

    Aw man, I’m so sorry. 🙁 I loved Buster’s posts! He was obviously well-loved and appreciated, and lived his best life! <3 He was a neat guy.

  83. Ro says:

    I always enjoyed his blog entries. 18 years is a wonderfully long time to have a furry companion of any type. My sincerest condolences.

  84. Ro N says:

    I always enjoyed his blog entries. 18 years is a wonderfully long time to have a furry companion of any type. My sincerest condolences.

  85. Tina says:

    Sorry for your loss! May all your memories of Buster be sweet. Thank you for all you do for the humans and our pets! May God replace your tears with laughter and grief/sadness with joy! 🙏🏼🙌🏼💕

  86. Marilyn says:

    So sorry to hear of Buster’s passing. I always enjoyed his wisdom. May God’s peace be with you.

  87. Heidi Straub says:

    Praying for you and your family, Joette.

  88. Nina says:

    My deepest condolences. I feel with you… It is so wonderful to have them, they are little angels watching and supporting us. But it is so difficult when they leave us and cross the rainbow bridge.
    A big virtual hug and lots of love and light from Portugal

  89. Irene Young says:

    Such a sweet remembrance of Buster. Have a great time in doggie heaven, Buster!

  90. Jennie says:

    Buster’s story inspired me to use H on my 12 year old corgi (in his water) and am looking forward to keeping him well for at least a few more years, but 18 years, amazing!

  91. Leslye Killian says:

    (Charlie Johnston’s squirrels —of CORAC— will be ok with Buster:)
    My grand babies moved away from me this week, too. May St Ignatious guide us to Ignatia in our droopier moments post-Buster and all. With gratitude for the times together, amen!

  92. Kathy Burckbuchler says:

    I’m glad you had your Buster for so long. I’m sorry for the sadness you and Perry are experiencing. Thank you to Buster for loving his family. I know God is with you now.

  93. Wendy says:

    My deepest condolences. May his memories be a blessing for all who loved him.

  94. Jen says:

    So sorry! I always enjoyed Buster’s wisdom!

  95. Rebecca Givens-Bickerstaff says:

    As a Guardian,it’s the hardest step of their journey. May the mischievous, fun, loving memories ease the entire family’s loss. Godspeed, Buster!

  96. Linda says:

    Joette, sending sympathy your way. It is so hard to lose a close furry friend. I am new to your site, but I enjoyed Buster’s March blog.

  97. Diane says:

    He chased all the squirrels off the log
    Then typed up a wonderful blog
    We’ll miss the wise words
    And antics absurd
    Of Buster the Bad Office Dog

    God bless you Joette!

    1. Janie says:

      Great poem Diane, you made me laugh and I hope will make Joette and Perry have a moment of laughter too!

  98. Patricia says:

    Your sweet Buster led the way for my dog, Honey, to finally make it easy for her to take the Homeopathy remedies. When I heard he would happily eat the pellets right out of your hand I became hopeful and things turned around for Honey. She now eats them right up when she needs them with no hesitation! It was a big deal.
    Buster was a blessing and very much appreciated! May he Rest In Peace and may your heart be at peace.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      You’re the best neighbor ever, Patricia!

  99. Patty Reid says:

    I once read, our pets give us many of our very best days and one of our worst days. Sorry for your loss.
    RIP Buster.

    1. Stephanie T says:

      So very true, Patty.

  100. K says:

    Love to you and the family Joette. Will miss Buster and his humor. Thankful for his inspirational blogs for his furry friends. God Bless!

  101. Linda T says:

    So glad to have met this puppy dog thru your blogs. Thank you for sharing the memories.

  102. Ann says:

    Dear Joette, I am so sorry to learn about Buster’s passing. It’s never easy. We will miss him too. He was fortunate to have been a part of your family, as you all were to have him for the time you that did. God bless you all.

  103. Sally says:

    Dear Joette,
    I am so sorry for your loss. We all enjoyed his cheeky antics!
    I’m sure his has been welcomed warmly in heaven by your Mum and Dad
    Best wishes, Sally

  104. Tamara says:

    Luckiest dog in the world! So much fun watching his antics over the years. Sorry for your loss! I know I’ll miss seeing his sweet face.

  105. Cheryl says:

    My deepest sympathies in loosing your fur baby! I know how much that hurts to loose the most innocent in our lives. It is definitely worth grieving. Our fur babies are a source of wonderful joy and deep anguish when they are gone. Sending you prayers for you and Perry. Hope to see you soon.

  106. Marina says:

    What a beautiful post dear Joette. I truly sorry for your lost, but he surely will be remembered and missed around here as well. I’ve been printing his blogs to teach homeopathy to my kids because they were so much fun to read! ((hugs)) !

  107. Amy J says:

    Sending thoughts and prayers at this difficult time! Our fur babies are our family, and I know Buster had a fun and fabulous life as part of your family!

  108. Erin Gigli says:

    Awww, Joette. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear, Buster. You wrote a lovely memorium that made me laugh and cry at the same time. You will surely miss that little heartbeat in your midst….

  109. Giselle Lee says:

    Im so saddened to hear of your loss Joette😢 What an amazing life you have given precious Buster! I have learned so much from you and him in caring for our senior dog. Prayers over your heart🙏🏼
    Enjoy and bask in all the wonderful memories!
    You’ll see him again.♥️

  110. Janice Stine says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. We recently lost one of our best buddies as well. Joette I will pray for your healing and peace of mind. And for Perry who lost a best friend. Thank you for sharing your reality with us. You inspire us.

  111. Maria says:

    Sorry about you loss. Per are definitely part of our families and they do make the difference. I miss having one.

  112. Parthy says:

    Oh – dear, dear Buster. How lucky he was to have you for a mama. Thinking of you a lot. I find the grief from losing a beloved pet to be a very particular kind of grief. Maybe it’s because they love us so unconditionally. Yay for all the wonderful memories, his permanent place in your heart, and his watching over you from his new office!

  113. Harea Daniela says:

    So sorry for Buster…..I am so sad…..
    My deepest condolences!

  114. I understand completely. Our 4-paw kids are my children. They have taught me how to love and let go. Although, I’m such a poor student.

    Wish I had known Buster. He is resting in peace.

  115. Vonnie Iams says:


  116. Katherine says:

    Lots of love to you, Joelle! It’s so hard to lose a pet. Thank you for letting us know that homeopathy can work for them, too!

  117. Paula says:

    So sorry for your loss of Buster, both at home and in the office!

  118. Lisa says:

    My parents lost their little dog, Beau, this week, too. Maybe he and Buster are playing together! So sorry for your loss. I love those big pet personalities!

  119. Christina says:

    Awe, Buster helped me learn about remedies for my cat who is turning 18 next month. Sending love to you and your family.

  120. lina says:

    He sure was a smart, funny and genius furry friend. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  121. Marlene says:

    So sorry… it’s so hard to lose a loved one. He really was a great addition to your staff and to your inspired writing. May his inspirations continue💛

  122. Jules Mathiason says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this. Buster learned much from you and was a great help with finding remedies for my girl, Penelope. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family as you walk through this loss. Jules

  123. Peggy Freeman says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your furbaby. They are so precious to us; they are our children, I have 2 small dogs and many cats that have needed attention and i have tried to help them recover their problems as well. I am new to Homeopathy but learning as fast as i can. Thank you for sharing and continue your love and desires. Sending my blessings.

  124. Ann Hagan says:

    With you, Buster had the best life possible. Remember all the joy and the good years.
    My heart and tears are with you.

  125. Kathy says:

    I sooo empathize with your feelings. One of the first of God’s creatures I will look for when I get to heaven is Mugzie. She died many years ago yet I can start crying then laughing at memories of her even today<3

  126. Sharon Flick says:

    What a blessing to have had Buster in your lives for 18 years! We had Westies for 16 years and thought they were the bee’s knees but for the past four days we have cared for a friend’s Bichon and are smitten with him! I understand how many wonderful memories you had with Buster. He was one lucky dog.

  127. Karen says:

    Joette, I am sorry for your loss of Buster! I truly enjoyed all of Buster’s blogs and refer to them often. He always seemed to elicit a chuckle when I read his blogs. Thank you for sharing Buster with our homeopathy world. May your family find some peace in his beautiful memories. Take care.

  128. Meredith says:

    My heart goes out to you and your family, Joette. Buster was a special boy who endeared himself to so many over the years. I am sure you were blessed to have had each other. Thank you for sharing him with us…

  129. Sharon Soule says:

    So very sorry for your loss. So hard when we lose our furry family members. 😞

  130. I’m sending you and your family so much love Joette. As a person who started my homeopathic journey from my cat Bailey’s illness, I totally understand. His life was brought to me to open my eyes to this amazing medicine and to teach me how it can really cure.It has been a wonderful journey which lead me to you and I am forever grateful!

  131. Lori says:

    I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your beloved dog Buster. The articles he ‘wrote’ were always fun.
    Prayers for you and for your family.

  132. Tina says:

    Buster unknowingly helped my cats more than he probably would’ve wanted to! He was pretty smart and I loved his posts and I bet he loved his human family more than anything. It was obvious how important he was to all of us using his cleverness to help us learn even more remedies. God bless you Joette, my heart goes out to you.

  133. Amy Knowles says:

    I’m so sorry, Joette. He was truly a member of the family. I enjoyed his many blogs.

  134. Barb Harrington says:

    Joette and family – I am so sorry that this sadness had to come your way. When that time comes for my little “princess”, Gracie, I know it will be devastating. I will keep you in my prayers.

  135. Mary C says:

    Oh, Joette, I am so sorry. Losing a beloved pet is a very hard thing. I know he’ll always be with you in your heart. I enjoyed his posts and will miss those. Thank you for sharing Buster here on your blog.

  136. April says:

    Thanks for sharing so many blog posts about him!!
    I have so many furries and I am always looking for homeopathy helps for them!! Busters last one may also help my mom as she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and “shakes”…
    I have been using a Banerji protocol but maybe I’ll add arsenicum in the mix as well!!
    Blessings to your family for his loss; we have lost so much this last year that my heart is overwhelmed. Knowing they are with Jesus comforts but the losses are so immense. Thanks again to homeopathy it has come to my rescue for emotional support ; I seriously don’t know where I’d be without it!!

  137. Karen says:

    So sorry for your loss, Joette! Hard to lose a fur-baby.

  138. Ann Knoedl says:

    Dear Joette and Perry,
    He could have “missed the pain,” but he would’ve missed the dance!” Actually, problably no pain since he had homeopathy. He was one lucky dog to get picked by your family. So many have benefited by his homeopathy journey. Beautiful memories; lo siento! God bless you, Perry, and your family!

  139. Tess says:

    Joette we are thinking of you and your family. So sorry for your loss, and hopefully he is in a better place where squirrels always run around like mad! Buster’s blog post about the arnica giving his hearing back certainly worked for our own Buster, our 15 yr old Cocker. I was pretty surprised when I read that blog, and thought why not try it?! And two days later after 6 doses, the Boo turned his head and looked at me when I made noise walking into the room he was in. So he is in fine form these days, with his hearing back, which is delightful. May your memories of what a great dog your Buster was comfort you. 17 years is amazing!

  140. Judy says:

    Sorry for your loss. May your fond memories of Buster always be a source of consolation and inspiration.

  141. Carolina says:

    Buster became part of our homeopathic family. We learned a lot through him. We loved him as much as we enjoyed his teachings.
    My love to you, his beloved Perry, and your family. You were lucky to have him and to keep him in your memories.

  142. Barbara Morrissey says:

    I will certainly miss his blogs! What a wonderful gift – to have him for 18 years of joy and laughter. He was lucky to have such a loving family.

  143. Thank you for sharing this beautiful remembrance. I am saddened for you & loss of Buster. So many fond memories. That’s what life is made of when we are blessed. Buster have you many blessings, Joette. Stay well

  144. Lisa says:

    Love you Buster! Say hello to Sally, Molly, and Becky for me ❤️
    Thank you for sharing his life with us Joette I will miss him.

  145. Theresa N. says:

    So sorry to hear of Buster’s passing. His blogs
    were so funny & informative. My own beloved dog Angel is part dachsie and 13 years old. She’s developed a cough indicative of heart problems.
    I dread the day I have to part with her and I know it’s coming soon. So I try my best to be more patient with her slow gait, sniffaris, etc.
    She too has been a wonderful dog as your Buster was. My heartfelt sympathy for your loss.

  146. Elizabeth says:

    Buster sure DID write some of the best blogs. You gave him quite a life and a loving release. Eighteen years of daily companionship must be hard for you to release.

    Thank you for sharing Buster with us.

  147. Nancy says:

    Such sad news, Joette. May the Lord comfort you with His presence.

    +RIP, dear Buster+


  148. Muriel says:

    I love how you are keeping Buster’s memories alive. I know you and Perry will miss him. I believe our animals will greet us in Heaven some days!❤️

  149. BEA COLEMAN says:

    Oh, Joette, I’m so very sorry for your loss! The pain of losing a pet runs so very deep. Your boy left in no doubt of your love. May you enjoy all your memories of him for many years to come.

  150. Evelyn Will says:

    I am so sorry you just lost Buster! We just lost our little furry family member, Piper. It is a heart wrenching experience.
    Praying that you will be comforted!

  151. Lia says:

    Thanks for sharing this tribute. I can so relate… lost my little Daisy when she was 16 1/2 (a few years back). Buster will be with you in spirit!

  152. Grammyprepper says:

    I am so sorry. I know your pain. Buster will be sorely missed by not only your family, but this community as well. I always loved his forays into the blog! Rest in peace dear Buster.

  153. Elizabeth Balcar says:

    Dear Joette and Perry,
    I have always had special place in my heart for fluffy white dogs, so the first time I saw a photo of Buster in his blog on your site, I just KNEW that you had to be A-OK and that it would be a good idea for me to stick around. Since then, I am ever so grateful to Buster for bringing me into your orbit!

    His passing leaves a huge hole for your family and for all the people who knew and loved him, but I am sure that HE WILL LIVE FOREVER IN YOUR HEARTS..

    And, I have no doubt that Buster is enormously grateful for the love and care with with which you midwifed him over to the other side. So, I am also sure that he wants you to always remember that LOVE IS AWESOME and, most importantly, that GOD is DOG spelled backwards!


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Thanks for your kind and fun words, Elizabeth.

  154. Marie Parry says:

    So sorry to hear about Buster. Thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. They give us so much and ask for so little.

  155. Patricia Bolanos says:

    Oh Joette, I am sorry to hear about Buster. It’s funny when I was reading about your furry buddy passing this song was playing. The song was by Helen Forrest “Thanks For Everything.” You will always have those memories.

  156. Cathy says:

    We share with you the love that you,Buster shared with all of us. Thank you. You will be missed, but loved even more.

  157. Sandra says:

    So sorry for you and your family, we love our fur babies, and had been using homeopathy in caring for them until they passed on…my sister and I just lost our mom on Friday, so yes, it has been a really tough week, we keep the memories in our hearts, and will always think of Buster and smile as he made our tails wag♥️

  158. Beth says:

    I was sorry to this and my love and prayers to you and Perry. Buster taught us so much and will be missed by all his faithful followers!

  159. Donna Greco says:

    Oh Joette, I am so sorry for the loss of Buster. I know how much he meant to you and Perry. I remember when he was born of Dolly. Paul and I send our deepest condolences to you and your family. Our little pack, Rascal, Truffles and Lily send their love and Doggie-dolences to you as well. Lily sends a big THANK YOU for the remedy you gave her, as it immediately calmed her, and she’s been doing good ever since. I loved your story and hope the memory of Buster brings you peace in his passing. He had a good life with a GREAT doggie Mommy.

  160. John says:

    I know its so hard to go thru even though Buster lived a long life. The initial loss is so hard as you are always with them every day.

    Buster did a lot of good . You will be reunited It must be true . Deepest condolences .

  161. Carli says:

    So sorry to hear of Buster’s passing! What a great life he lived! I always enjoyed his blog posts! 🥰 sending much love during this tough time! It’s so hard to say good bye to our furry friends so thank goodness for all the sweet memories. 💜

  162. vesna m. kovacic says:

    Sincere condolences!

  163. Martine says:

    My sincere condolences! Loosing your best friend is very painful! He was very lucky to have you as parents! ❤️🙏🙏❤️

  164. Kathy says:

    I am so sorry for your loss of dear sweet Buster. I enjoyed his blogs very much and will miss them, and him! I know too well the pain of losing our special furry family members. Buster had a good, long and happy life with you and I’m sure he has graduated to top office dog overlooking yours. Sending warm, comforting thoughts to you and your family.

  165. rain says:

    Thinking of you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss… he will always be with you. He left you with amazing memories to comfort you, what a special guy he was. Sending you and your family hugs. He will be missed by all

  166. Marla says:

    Aw! This makes me sad! I loved seeing the photos you shared of Buster, and I will miss his blog posts. He looked so cute and cuddly.
    My sympathy.

  167. Candise Learn says:

    So sorry to hear. So glad Buster had such a good family. He had a good life.

  168. Karen says:

    My heart goes out to you. Years ago, we had a white fur baby very similar to yours. We’d been camping and our daughter and her friends learned that nearby, another camper had her puppies. The three little girls got together and decided on their own that they would each take one of Leslie’s puppies, and sine we were camping, they’d name them Hershey, Marshmallow, and Graham Cracker (who became ours). That was 38 years ago. Now we have a precious grandmother named Oreo.

  169. Melanie says:

    Wow, 18!! amazing! Forwarding this to my kids with dogs. I always used Homeopathy for my horses. Sorry for your loss. You had Buster much longer than the norm and I am sure you dwell on that in thankfulness!

  170. Natalie says:

    So sorry for your loss. Buster was definitely a lucky dog and such a great little guy.

  171. Debbie says:

    My deepest condolences, I’m so sorry for your loss. These fur babies bring so much love and entertainment to us and leave such a void when they go to play in their heavenly playground. We hold on to the memories we are so blessed to have! 💝

  172. Judy says:

    So sorry to hear the terrible news about Buster. He lived a long, wonderful life and was well loved.

  173. Maureen says:

    Tears, Big Hugs and Love !!

  174. Dawn says:

    I was so sorry to hear about Buster, he helped my dog though some difficulties by sharing his homeopathic knowledge. He will be missed.

  175. Kathy Jorgensen says:

    Very sorry to hear this, Joette. His posts were always great to read.
    Prayers for you and your family. May Yahuah give you comfort.

  176. Wanda Kent says:

    My condolences! I read that dogs are born knowing how to live a Happy and joyful life. They are here to show us but we are too slow and they have to leave us. May you remember the lessons that Buster taught you and live joyfully!

  177. Christine DePol says:

    Joette, I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending you love and hugs during this time. Thank you for sharing many stories about him with us.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Thank you, Christine. ‘So nice to hear from you.

  178. Donna says:

    Dear Buster, you will be missed very much.

    Your Mom and Dad gave you the best life, and you certainly enjoyed it to the full!

    Have fun at your new office in heaven!
    Sending you a big hug Joette xx

  179. Linda says:

    So sorry for your loss of Buster. I always looked forward to his blogs. I laughed and I learned so much. Thank you for sharing him!

  180. Shelley says:

    So sorry to hear about Buster. He had a long, happy life and he, and you, were blessed to have each other. I will miss him too!

  181. Katherine says:

    My deepest condolences on your loss. I have 3 dogs right now and have had 9 furry friends over the years that have passed over the rainbow.

    I read somewhere that the reason dogs have shorter lives is so that we can make room in our lives for more furry friends.

    It’s okay to grieve and then eventually move on. The pain never goes away but it does lessen over time so that another furry friend can enter your heart and home. Again, my sincerest condolences to you and yours.

  182. Rena says:

    I’m sorry for your lost, but I’m sure that you will see him one day. By the way, I let you know about my last book, Love Stories In Rainbow Bridge, Furry Tales For The Animal Lover.
    Paperback edition:

    Kindle edition:

  183. Patty mccoy says:

    God bless you and Buster.

  184. Laura says:

    Sending love to you and Buster as he Godspeeded home. He and all of our beloved furry ones are so blessed by homeopathy and you!

  185. Helen says:

    He will be missed but never forgotten! I loved him like he was mine.😢

  186. Holly says:

    Oh Joette,
    I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of Buster. It was always nice reading about what homeopathic remedies helped him. I’m glad you have such great memories of him to help you during the grieving stage, which we certainly understand in our house. We lost our pup in 2009, and we are just now getting to the point we are thinking of having another one. May they live on in our memories! <3
    Much love,

  187. Linda says:

    I know what you are going through – we lost our terrier/blue heeler mix Trixie just a few weeks ago on July 26 – she was 13 yrs old. My condolences to you and your family Joette. They live on in our hearts forever.

  188. Monika says:

    My deepest heartfelt sympathies to you and your family Joette,on the loss of your beautiful Buster.
    You gave him an incredible 18 years and I know he will be eternally grateful to you all for the love and care.
    We are all very grateful to Buster for sharing his dog blogs with us,teaching us homeopathy & sharing his adventures and antics.He will be dearly missed.
    My little Roxy went to heaven 3 months ago age 11.She had cancer in her last 3 yrs of life but you wouldnt have known it.She was always happy,wagging her tail. I thank homeopathy for that.
    My other furbaby is 15 yrs old.Have been managing her arthritis with homeopathy for 3yrs.
    Thankyou Joette for all yours and Busters wisdom& teachings.For all the hardwork&diligence in sharing your knowledge with the world.
    Softly,slowly,gently may Peace return to your heart💖

    1. Stephanie T says:

      Hello Monika…My sympathy to you and your family on your loss of Roxy. It doesn’t matter how long they’re with us, they manage to burrow deep into our hearts forever.

  189. Juliet says:

    So sorry about the loss of Buster. He had a wonderful life with you. We will all miss him.
    Love and prayers – Juliet

  190. Barbara Widrig says:

    My deepest sympathy for your loss. We live with our pets 24/7, they become a part of us, always happy to be with us no matter the mood of the day. Bury him in your heart and he will always be wut( you.

  191. Akebono Airth says:

    I am praying for you to heal as swiftly as possible. Buster must be smiling at you with his little pink tongue showing. Thank you for sharing him with us. The memory of his important life lives on in all of us, too.
    Many blessings to you and Perry.

  192. Robbin says:

    Buster is such a lucky guy to have the love and care he received from you and your family, Joette. I always loved his blogs. What a truly special guy! My heart goes out to all of you.

  193. Mary-ann Hobé says:

    Here I was reading about the time Buster hurt his leg. My Boomer hurt his leg and is walking on 3 legs. Thank you Buster for writing all those blogs! An email came in and it was your email telling of Buster’s passing. I’m so sorry for your loss! They are here with us for such a short time, but they enrich our lives so much! They are angels in our lives!

  194. Stephanie T says:

    Hello Joette and Family…please know that you are in my prayers as you live through the loss of Buster. I pray for increased moments of love and laughter as you continue to remember him forever. (Tearing up as I type this.)

  195. Jan Willis says:

    There is nothing like the heart of a furry BFF!!! They leave their little paws printed in our hearts forever. From their little wagging tail to the tip of their sniffy nose and the soft warm lick upon your face there is nothing quite like a warm fuzzy friend to brighten the day.
    Buster will always walk with you now wherever you go and he will forever be the Bad office dog who was so so very Good!!!!!

  196. Meraf says:

    Joette, I pray that God brings you comfort and gives you strength during this time. Buster was very lucky to have you! It was always such a pleasure learning from Buster’s blogs, and although he is no longer here with us, his blogs will continue to help other furry friends. God bless.

  197. Diane says:

    So sorry, Joette, for the loss of your sweet Buster.

  198. Sarah Greenfield says:

    So very sorry for your loss Joette. Busters blogs have helped our fury family so much over the years. We’ll miss him!!

  199. Carol says:

    It is so hard when our pass. I do know they hve a heaven as we do and we will be able to see them again. Thank you for all the information you share with us.

  200. Amy Yessin says:

    The best medicine is the unconditional love of a pet. My sincere condolences in loosing Buster.

  201. Alex says:

    Very sorry for your loss, Joette. Buster knew he was loved and he was well cared for. He had a good life with you and your family.

  202. Holly says:

    Losing a pet is indescribably difficult. It hits so hard no matter what. A beautiful tribute like the one you have created does help the most. My 15 1/2 year old Labrador Dixie owes much to Buster. Her longevity is also due to homeopathy, I believe, which includes helping her get over anesthesia from surgery and many facial lumps and bumps. Belladonna is presently healing a red eye and bump attached . It is amazing. Thank you for passing along your and Buster’s knowledge to all of us. God bless your family during this difficult time.

  203. Heidi Aquino says:

    Lots of love to you and hubby as you remember and miss sweet Buster. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us💕

  204. Szaffi says:

    Rest in Peace sweet Buster. Your memory will stay forever. I am sending you Joette a big hug and lots of LOVE!

  205. Sheryl Albaugh says:

    Sending love & prayers for you & your family Joette! I know that Buster was well loved by you all & will be missed terribly. I am personally going to miss his appearances here on the blog. God bless!

  206. Misty says:

    Oh, Buster! I loved his posts! He’s helped my little pup tremendously.
    Love and hugs, Joette! ❤️‍🩹

  207. Brenda Morris says:

    Dear Joette,
    We lost our 18 year old Wire Fox Terrier a couple of years ago after extending his life with homeopathic remedies!
    Condolences to you and your family.

    Brenda Morris

  208. Helen Kitchen says:

    So sorry to hear about Buster, Joette. They do leave such a big hole, and the oldies are so special. Long life – homeopathy, undoubtedly.
    My Large Munsterlanders are 12.5 and almost 9 and pretty well for their size and age; homeopathy rocks (as I believe Buster once said)

  209. Claire says:

    Dear Joette,
    When our “girl” passed away at 23 and someone commented what a good long life we had with her I remember thinking how easily I could have loved her another 23. It’s always too soon. Prayers and warm thoughts are with you as you grieve your ” boy” Buster.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Thanks for your kind words, Claire.

  210. Cindy Y says:

    So very, very sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family to have the peace that passeth understanding.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Thanks much, Cindy.

  211. Edina says:

    I’m so sorry…🙁 I’ve enjoyed reading his blogs. But what a long blessed life he had, and he also blessed many people near and far.

  212. Kathryn says:

    I am very sorry for your loss, Joette. I am certain you will meet up with him in Heaven someday. e-hugs

  213. Jana says:

    Thank you Buster for teaching me so many things that are helping my fur babies all the time. I’m sorry Joette that your buddy has left this earth, but his wet kisses will find you at Rainbow Bridge. Sending hugs to surround you all! much love, Jana and fuzzy kids <3

  214. Andrea Farrell says:

    Deepest Condolences on the loss of your office friend and pawmate, nothing we say is going to replace the pain you feel but knowing we are here helps people to feel less isolated. Especially when someone loses a beloved pet. I always say animal loss is personal and only the circle who knew him actually feel that pain. When we lose a person is massive, funeral services grief the lot but when a pet dies no massive wake to celebrate the love and loss of the pet.

    I remember when Trudy died how grief stricken we where, and yet the neighbourhood just carried on as normal whereas when a neighbour died wow what an impact. Which is why I say pet loss is personal but the grief is the same.
    My brother was late for work one day and his supervisor ratted him out he said off the cuff “My Goldfish Died” he couldn’t believe the sympathy he got that day, of course he felt awful but he couldn’t go back and un do the lie.
    Any way deepest condolences to you and your family and those who knew Buster in and out the office, the park, the lot where ever he walked. Can I suggest You Tube My Best Friend from Heaven. you mentioned squirrells right, oh there are plenty in Heaven.
    Hey Buster high paw Trudy and Smokey for me right xxx love Andrea

  215. Barbara Porter says:

    Some how I missed this post sorry for your loss ❤️ I lost my Indy boy at 15 yrs old you helped me to keep him alive long he had seizures I gave him belladonna everyday for him to keep them at bathe only had a few in between he was a happy through the end!!! Until 1 100* day he had 1 outside in the sun he had a stroke I believe my husband found him outside still alive and brought him in but mins later died it’s hard!! I hope you plan on another baby they are so wonderful to have!!!

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