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06:14 The Gateway Gals
11:57 Information on the website/organizing remedy cards
15:22 Polymyalgia
19:45 Broken foot and fall injuries
27:24 Simple steps to take in starting homeopathy
Gateway to Homeopathy I and II Study Groups
“Just One Drop” (Film from Blind Dog Films; Laurel Chiten, Director)
How I Cured My Fibromyalgia with One Simple Medicine
Kate: This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast Episode Number 68.
Joette: Each day from my office, I get to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe, and I want to share them with you. Some of my students have really caught my eye. Some of you have done all you can to learn how to cure those around you using homeopathic medicines, and your successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful, and I can’t keep these successes a secret any longer. So, with help from my roving reporters, we bring you a mini-podcast series that I call “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview “Dads with Audacity.” See how regular mothers and others, average people who want to cure those around them, have gone from freaking to fabulous with homeopathy.
Kate: Hi. This is Kate. I’m here with Kelly who is a “study group enthusiast,” I guess I would call her. She is excited about study groups and homeopathy. I think you’re really going to enjoy hearing from her and her experience with the Gateway to Homeopathy study groups — and also the experiences that she’s had with homeopathy, and how she has been helping her friends and spreading the word. So welcome, Kelly.
Kelly: Hi! Thanks for having me.
Kate: So, Kelly, tell us a little bit about yourself, maybe where you’re from and a little bit about your family.
Kelly: I grew up in West Virginia, and I live in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia right now. I’ve been married for 37 years. We have two grown sons who are both married with four grandchildren and another one on the way. I work part-time with family back in West Virginia. So, I enjoy going back home to see family, and it’s just a nice change of pace for me to be able to not have a 9-to-5, 5-day-a-week job.
Kate: Okay! So, I have to ask. When you said Shenandoah, that song came to mind. Do you remember that old song? It talks about the Shenandoah River. Is there a river there?
Kelly: Yes, there is.
Kate: Maybe I’m just really old. I don’t know who’s going to know what song I’m talking about.
Kelly: I think I’m a little older than you. But yeah, there is the Shenandoah River here, yes.
Kate: Nice!
Okay, so why don’t you give us a little bit of background as far as how you came to hear about Joette and the Gateway to Homeopathy study groups.
Kelly: I’ve kind of been on a journey for about the last 15 years, and I’ve been introduced to different types of natural things. The first one was like food and trying to make a change in our diets. Of course, then I went through the essential oil phase where I was concerned a lot about natural things and what I put on my skin and clean with and different things like that. So, I kind of had these two pieces to the stool, but I needed a third piece.
When I was introduced to homeopathy … my sister, actually, she invited me to a documentary. It was called “Just One Drop.” That was actually one year ago in January of 2018. She says, “Oh! My doctor recommended … it’s some kind of natural type of healthcare.”
I was like, “Oh, I’m all over that.”
Kate: So, her doctor recommended “Just One Drop”? What kind of doctor is this?
Kelly: He’s a more integrative-type doctor. He tries to use natural things, supplements, different kinds of modalities and therapies, but he’s not big into using traditional medicine. I guess more like an integrative doctor.
Kate: Okay, well good. That’s exciting that a doctor recommended that.
Kelly: Yeah. And a matter of fact, he invited two other doctors from the area. We had a Q&A after the documentary.
Kate: Wow! That’s exciting!
Kelly: It was very exciting. So, that was a year ago. I had never really heard about homeopathy.
Kate: So, you went to see this movie. You never heard of homeopathy. You learned about it, and then you were intrigued.
Kelly: That’s exactly what happened.
So, I just kind of sat on it for about a month or two. Then I went to visit a friend. This is a friend I’ve known for years and years. She’s very into the same things I am, the same kind of dense nutrition, essential oils — I mean, we’re all on the same page.
I said, “Have you heard of homeopathy?”
She goes, “I’m glad you asked that.” She goes, “I have this kit in my closet, and I’ve just kind of started using it.”
I said, “Well, can I see what it looks like?” So, she brings out the 100-remedy kit.
Then she goes, “I’ve been listening to this homeopath.”
I said, “Well, who is it?”
She goes, “It is Joette.” She goes, “She has the best website. She gives tons of free information.” So, I wrote her name down because I couldn’t quite figure out how to come up with it. “Joette Calabrese,” it’s a little different, but she has a very catchy name.
Kate: Yes. So, you went, and you did some investigation on the website?
Kelly: Oh, yeah. My friend said that she has lots of free information. She goes, “Read her blog posts. Look at podcasts.” So that’s what I did.
Then I saw, you know, she had these study groups. So, I’m talking back and forth with my friend. We should do one of these. We should do one of these. Then I started talking with some of the neighbors. Many of them were kind of frustrated with traditional medicine and are trying to look for more natural type of options.
Kate: So, it was all friends and neighbors that you knew? You spread the word, and they were interested, and you asked them to join? Were you the leader of that study group?
Kelly: Yes.
Kate: That’s so great! You’re just learning! I love this because I always say that you don’t have to be an expert to lead a study group. Anybody can do it. So, I think that’s fantastic that you jumped right in!
The Gateway Gals
Kelly: Yeah, I was a little nervous because I knew nothing. I felt unprepared. I’ll tell you what … I was stocking up on remedies already. We started our Gateway I in August. So, between March and August, I get the 100-remedy kit — ordered it from Joette’s website so I could get all the other information that’s so helpful to have. I’m sharing it with the neighbors and my daughter-in-law who lives about 10 minutes away. So, I’m feeling all these people in, you know: “We got to get ready. We got to do this class. Go to the website. Sign up.” So, we get this group of women together. There’s nine of us.
Kate: Nine, whoa!
Kelly: It was a nice-sized class.
Kate: Yes!
Kelly: We started in August, and this was before she had Gateway II ready. So, we’re going through this. We were having a lot of success stories, people sharing — especially with a few of the women who had actually used some homeopathic remedies and were using it more and more in their families.
We had a lot of healthcare people in our class like a nurse, a nurse practitioner, a dental hygienist, some dental assistants. So, we had some people who knew the medical field much better than I did because I had really no introduction to anything except for what I have read and taught myself.
Kate: Well, that’s a great mix of people. I think that’s super-helpful when you have people in the medical profession because they bring a whole different perspective to it.
Kelly: You’re exactly right. They come from more of a traditional standpoint. That’s a whole different paradigm or way you’re looking at stuff.
Kate: Isn’t that exciting? I have a lot of medical professionals in my Gateway group right now. It gives me great hope that medical professionals are starting to look at alternative solutions to allopathic medicines.
Kelly: I think it’s wonderful. To give these professionals options — to help patients who are looking for something more natural — is a great idea. The interesting thing about it is we had a nice range in age from like young mothers to retired people almost.
Kate: You have the wisdom of those who are older and then the younger people to bring the fresh perspective. What a great mix for your group!
Kelly: Yeah, we had a lot of fun. When we were finishing up the course, that’s when Joette’s email went out about Gateway II. So, we’re like, “Oh my goodness! We need to do Gateway II.”
It was a lot of fun having my daughter-in-law in the class because she’s got, two young kids. So, it’s like, “Oh, let’s try this on them.” It’s a learning experience. It’s a whole different way to think about treating diseases — acute and chronic. The women are very open to it. They were excited to start using homeopathy and integrating it into their families. We just had a lot of fun learning together and then each week coming back. We would always have a time of sharing, just listening to their success stories or where they shared it with another family member.
Kate: I think that’s an important part of the groups … is to take that time to hear from people what they’re doing and what they found success with. Just like you said, it’s so helpful to everyone else in the group to hear those stories and learn from all those successes.
Kelly: The nice thing about it was if you had a situation, you had a quick answer. Like we would be texting or emailing back and forth, “What do you think about this or what would you use for this?” It was just a nice sounding board to have that group of women together to do that on.
Kate: So, how did you guys stay connected? Was it with text message group, or was it emails? How did you stay connected?
Kelly: We did both. The thing about several of the women, they are right across the street from me, and then my daughter-in-law is 10 minutes away. The furthest person was 40 minutes away. So, it was phone calls and texts … was probably the best way we stayed in touch with each other because we’re all local.
Kate: Okay. And your daughter-in-law went on to start her own study groups, right?
Kelly: Yes. We finished Gateway II, and she put out a little blurb. She got a lot of response from that. So, she’s kind of narrowed it down and got a group of ladies. We just started Gateway I with her group. We just started in January. We’re meeting at her house, and there are eight people in that group.
Kate: You guys are really expanding!
Kelly: Oh, yeah. It’s exciting to see other women get excited about homeopathy. We’re not even through three of the classes. They’re like, “Oh! Are we doing Gateway II?”
Kate: I guess you are!
Kelly: Yeah! So, I said, “We’ll be happy to.”
Kate: Now, you have to share with us a name that you’ve come up with for your study group women.
Kelly: Oh, okay. So, I was just thinking about Joette’s book, Gateway to Homeopathy I and Gateway to Homeopathy II. When I would email the girls, I’m like, “I don’t want to just say, ‘Hey’ or whatever.” So, I came up with this little thing that I was going to call the girls: The Gateway Gals.
Kate: So, you guys have dubbed yourselves the Gateway Gals. I love it!!
Kelly: It’s kind of catchy.
Kate: Joette’s Gateway Gals, yeah. It’s great. And you told her, and she loved that, too.
Kelly: Yeah.
Information on the website/organizing remedy cards
Kate: So, Kelly, besides the Gateway groups, what else have you done to continue your study of homeopathy?
Kelly: So, what I’ve tried to do is read a lot more information. I have spent a lot of time on Joette’s site because she just is so generous and kind to share a lot of what she has learned. And one of the things we found out in the group was that the girls would continue to be frustrated in finding what they needed quickly — because oftentimes you have these acute conditions, and they don’t have time to look. So, I decided I would spend evenings and weekends on Joette’s website reading every one of her blogs and every one of her podcasts to get every one of her cards.
Kate: That is commitment, Kelly! That’s a lot. That is a course in itself, right?
Kelly: Oh, yeah. And see, you learn so much more doing that. So, I was reading the blogs and not in-depth, but I was like, “Oh wow! I could use that. Oh gosh! That’s helpful.” So, I was printing out all these cards. So I would spend a couple of hours at night or on the weekend, and over the course of our Gateway I and II, I had accumulated 300 remedy cards.
Kate: Wow!
Kelly: Yeah. So then, I took them into a printer and got them to format them. Here, let me show you one so you get an idea.
Kate: That’s beautiful!
Kelly: Then I had them add lines because we want to take notes about our stuff.
Kate: You could write down different situations that you’ve used that remedy or just different information on the remedy itself.
Kelly: Right. Sometimes what’s really nice is if you found it worked for a certain family member or something, you can jot it down on that card. The girls were super-excited about the cards. So, I got them printed. We got them all handed out. The other thing we did is we categorized them into acute and chronic, so we can pull out what we needed quicker. Then we pulled all the pregnancy ones out and made them a category unto themselves.
Kate: Oh, good idea. I was just going to ask you: How do you store those remedy cards?
Kelly: We bought little binders.
Kate: Since those of you listening can’t see what she’s showing me, can you explain them a little bit?
Kelly: So, the cards are printed out and then formatted. The remedy section is at the top with lines underneath, then a three-hole punch. Then we can store them in little hardcover binders.
Kate: Okay, so just a three-ring binder basically.
Kelly: Yeah, a smaller one because the big 8½-by-11 was too big. We just felt that the 6-by-9 would work better.
Kate: So, you have them in there according to categories. In those categories, you have them alphabetized, I would assume?
Kelly: That’s correct, exactly.
Kate: That’s a great tip. Thank you for sharing that with us.
Kelly: Then the other thing you’re going to want to do is make a blank one. Because what you’ll find out is when you’re going through Gateway I and II, there might be something in there that’s not on the card. Or, when you’re taking one of the classes, you’re going to find out stuff that, “Wow, that’s not in any of my remedy cards. I want to write that down.” You can just add it, throw it in alphabetically — based on acute or chronic.
Kate: I would love to hear your successes with homeopathy, how you’re using it, how your friends are using homeopathy, and what you’re finding.
Kelly: Okay, so … we have some really cool things that happened with our group. One of the most exciting things is I have a cousin that doesn’t live around here, but I started sharing it with her. She jumped on it quick. She was all about it. In the course of talking to her — now this is before we’ve even started Gateway I — I’m talking homeopathy with her. She has a disease called polymyalgia.
Kate: What is polymyalgia?
Kelly: It’s a condition where you have severe pain in your shoulders and hips. She was having tremendous amount of pain. She was just basically eating Motrin, and nothing was touching it. Her doctor’s only recourse was steroids or prednisone, which she says, “I’m not taking.”
So, she was like, “If you got anything that will help me, let me know.”
This is another thing that’s great about Joette’s posts. I got on there, and I had just read about fibromyalgia. I said, “Polymyalgia, fibromyalgia — oh, they kind of have the same ending.” When I was reading through some of Joette’s posts, I heard her talk about fibromyalgia. And I thought, “Well, that’s the place I’m going to start.” So, I went back there. It’s often helpful to read through comments at the bottom. People ask questions — and she may or may not respond — but I was like, “Oh well, I’ll try.”
Kate: Yeah!
Kelly: I got down to the bottom, and I typed this little response, trying to fish for some info. “If someone has a condition of polymyalgia, would this same protocol for fibromyalgia be helpful?”
So, I waited. I thought this is going to take days. But you know what? It was a gift from the Lord because I’ll tell you what: 30 minutes later, I got this, “Yes!” (with exclamation points).
Kate: Oh my gosh! You had your answer that fast.
Kelly: Yes. She must have just been looking at the right place at the right time. So, then I asked another question. Maybe I’ll get an answer pretty quick.
Because she was having such severe pain, it was very hard to sleep. So, I thought, “If you’re having tremendous amount of pain, can you add Hypericum into the protocol?” It wasn’t long, and I get, “Yes, you may use the remedies together.”
Okay, so I sent her stuff because she doesn’t really have anything. I sent her some stuff, and she gets it, and she starts on a Friday — whenever it gets there. You know, I gave her the Camphor 200, one day. “Start your protocol the next day.”
I have yet to have a class! This is all from just reading Joette’s stuff.
Kate: Okay!
Kelly: So, I wait three days. I hear nothing. On the fourth day, I was like, “I got to know if it’s helping.”
Kate: Curiosity.
Kelly: Well, it is because she was really in severe, I mean, severe pain to the point where she couldn’t sleep. So, I called her. I said, “How are you doing?”
She goes, “I don’t want to say.”
I said, “Are you okay?”
She goes, “I don’t want to jinx it.”
I said, “So, that’s good?”
She said, “You won’t believe it. I took this stuff the first day, and I slept. It was the first time in so long that I didn’t have pain when I went to bed.”
Kate: Oh, that’s great!!
Kelly: Yeah. So, she’s been on it for about five months or so — five or six months. She’s had incredible, incredible results.
Kate: Hey, good work! Good detective work! And all you did, like you said, was read the blogs and study the information that Joette has for free.
Kelly: Exactly. The other thing is — and I’m sure Joette, I know, she talks about this — where a lot of the remedies for one condition will also help with something else. Well, the polymyalgia was so severe. Her arthritis was kind of not in the forefront. But lo and behold, it’s helping with that condition as well, and it’s the same protocol.
Kate: Nice, wow! I just think that’s so great that you were helping people, and you’re really digging deep to try to get all this information and using it for the benefit of so many others. So, it’s great.
So, give us some more stories about using homeopathy.
Broken foot and fall injuries
Kelly: I actually broke my foot at this cousin’s house — which was bizarre. I had a lot of pain and some swelling and just thought, “Well, I’m just going to take Arnica.” I thought, “I’m going to add Ruta into that.”
So, I walked around on it for three days and thought, “I better get an X-ray.” We’re going to be heading out to another place, doing a lot of walking and different things. So, I better find out did I sprain it, did I break it? What’s going on? So, we go to the doctor and lo and behold, I have kind of like a spiral twist break on my fifth metatarsal on my foot.
Kate: Oh, wow!
Kelly: The nurse is so funny. She goes, “Oh my goodness! What can I get you for pain? What do you need?”
I said, “I’m fine. I don’t really need anything.”
She goes, “Oh! But your foot is broken. You need something.”
I said, “No, I really don’t!” All I’ve been taking was Arnica and the Ruta. That’s all I continued to take over the next several weeks or so until the pain calmed down, and then that was all I used through the rest of the fracture until it healed.
Kate: Yeah, I think that’s super-funny. The same thing happened to me when I broke my arm. They kept asking me if I wanted pain meds. I kept saying, “No, I’m good. I’m good.”
Kelly: Yeah, they were really trying to get me to take something. Then they’re going, “Well, you absolutely have to take ibuprofen or something for the swelling and the inflammation. You really need that.”
I said, “Well, I’ll think about it, but no.”
Kate: Right.
Kelly: Yeah, it just kind of pushed it off to the wayside. Then one other really great story happened to my sister, the one that introduced me to homeopathy. She’s in our Gateway I class now. So, she’s in the one with my daughter-in-law. It’s where we’re going through like Aconite and Arnica and several other remedies. She just had been reading that the day before she fell off of a barstool onto the ground and hit her head, and busted her knuckle, and twisted her knee, and banged up her shin with a goose egg. I mean, she just completely had a huge fall.
She just read this in the book. She did take Aconite first. Then she followed that up with Arnica. She calls me. She goes, “What do I do? This is what happened.”
I said, “Well, you did the right thing.”
She goes, “It was just in the book.”
So, I said, “Well, so let’s continue with this.” I told her, “Let’s stick with the Arnica.”
She was still a little jittery and upset. So, she had another Aconite dose in there. Then later that night, her neck and stuff became stiff. So, we added in some Rhus tox. The next day, we were together at a birthday party. She goes, “Look at this.” She won’t even believe it. The knuckle that she banged up was swollen and black-and-blue. In one day, there was no discoloration and there was no swelling. Her knee looked so much better. The knot on her shin had calmed down. I mean it was amazing.
Kate: That’s great! What a timing that she just learned about those things.
Kelly: Yeah, that was what was so amazing!
Kate: Well, good. Aconite is great for shock — shocky situations. So, that’s wonderful.
Okay, so, Kelly, you mentioned that you went through all the blogs and podcasts and really studied those and printed out the remedy cards. You’re also taking now one of Joette’s courses, right?
Kelly: Correct. The first class that we had, the girls in that group — several of us after we finished Gateway II — went ahead and decided to take some of Joette’s courses.
Kate: So, you all are doing courses right now, and you are also starting another Gateway I group. You said you’re going through that. You’re just continuing on, continuing to learn together. That’s great! I love it!
Kelly: Yeah, so what we’ve decided to do with the first group is we’re going to have a little reunion next month and get together.
Kate: Aww!
Kelly: So, we’ll get together and chat about what we’re learning and just success stories. We’re going to put our books together a little bit better, so things like that — and just a chance to share and touch base.
Kate: You have a little surprise for them planned?
Kelly: Yes, I do! I get kind of excited about homeopathy. I kind of think of ways, “Oh gosh! How can we share homeopathy, and people will be interested in it in a very casual setting?”
So, what I’ve decided was to make mugs for all the girls. It’s got a homeopathic symbol on it with our little name called the “Gateway Gals.”
Kate: If you guys could see it, it’s so cute. Maybe we’ll put a picture after the podcast so you can all see it. They are so cute, and you have something else that you showed me.
Kelly: Yes. So, I was trying to find a way where I could be out in public and have something that would maybe be a conversation starter. So, I also had a shirt made that says, “Gateway Gal.”
Kate: Aww. That’s great. I love it. It’s super-cute.
You are so good at sharing about homeopathy, I feel. You told me a story about how you shared with someone at the airport. Can you tell the listeners about that?
Kelly: My husband and I were going on a cruise. I was like, “I’m not going without my remedies.” So, I decided to put them in my carry-on. So, when we went through airport security, it went underneath the scanner thing. Next thing you know, I’m being pulled to the side, and this woman has decided to look into my carry-on. I’m over there talking with her, and she opens up my suitcase, and she sees this little box of stuff. She’s got her little stick there, and she goes, “Now, is it okay if I open that?”
I said, “Sure.”
So, she opens it up, and she says, “Well, what is this?”
I said, “Well, that’s my homeopathic remedies.”
She said, “Well, what is that?” I said, “Well, this is a way that you can use natural medicine to help your body heal and restore itself when you have situations where you might be sick, or you have something you’re struggling with.”
She said, “Well, I’ve never heard of that.”
“Yeah, it’s great,” I said. “There are no side effects. It’s not addictive.” I said, “You can take it with other medicines.”
She goes, “Well, I need some of that.”
I said, “You should really learn about it.”
She goes, “Well, I think I’m going to.” She was so funny. She was all excited.
Kate: I’ve had that happen as well at the airport where they didn’t know about it, and then they were very interested in finding out more. So, yeah, another great way to share homeopathy!
Kelly: The interesting thing I find out is people and even myself — as much stuff that I have read over the years and look for things — I never came across homeopathy.
Kate: I know. Why is that?
Kelly: I don’t know. I was like, “This is the third leg to my stool, and I feel pretty steady now.”
Kate: You have all your tools.
Kelly: Exactly. That’s exactly right. It is a tool in your toolbox. That’s the thing. It trumps. Like I used to say, “I got oil for this.” Now I say, “I got a remedy for this.”
Kate: Right, exactly. It’s so powerful. Well, Kelly, thank you for sharing your enthusiasm for homeopathy. The ways that you’ve used homeopathy and how you run your study groups, I think it’s pretty exciting what you’ve done.
Simple steps to take in starting homeopathy
So, what advice do you have, Kelly, for those people who are just getting started with homeopathy or wanting to start using it, take a study group … things like that?
Kelly: I think one of the best places to start is taking Gateway I that Joette has to offer, and also getting on her website and starting to read through some of the information that she has there. And getting your 100-remedy kit. It is really important to have that at your disposal because as you get into Gateway I and you start learning, you’re going to need to have those remedies on hand.
Then the next thing I would do would be trying to find a group of ladies that you had that common ground with, that you can have those conversations back and forth, and just share what you’re learning, or what you’ve had success with, and just encouraging that relationship.
Then when you’ve kind of finished your course, I would highly recommend taking one of Joette’s classes. It’s incredibly informative. You do have to pace yourself; there’s a lot of information. And then maybe getting back with some of your friends and just talking and sharing and getting back on Joette’s website.
Always kind of just read the stuff she puts out there. I kind of call myself the “Joette Junkie.” She makes it easy to understand. Her style of teaching is easy to follow. She is so generous with her information. And having that camaraderie with other women makes just everything work out well together.
Just using it, that’s the thing and not to be afraid of it — to respect it because it is medicine — but not to be afraid of it.
Kate: Right.
Kelly: Because it is so powerful, and it’s amazing when you hit the mark, and you see such improvement. It empowers you as a mom, as a grandmother, as a friend. You just have that confidence. It starts to build your confidence, and then it just moves on from there.
Kate: Good words, Kelly. Thank you for your tips and sharing with us today.
Kelly: Oh, you’re welcome. I’m happy to do it. I’m excited about homeopathy and where it’s going to go in the future, and who you can share it with.
Kate: You just listened to a podcast from PracticalHomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Stitcher, and TuneIn radio.
Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.
These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.