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Podcast 41 – Joette’s Holiday Traditions and Remedy Tips

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

December 31st, 2017  |  18 Comments

Homeopathic Traditions and Tips from Joette Calabrese

In this podcast, we cover:

01:16    Joette talks about Christmas traditions    

12:09    Little tips from Joette

20:14    Being relevant in your kids’ life

26:24    To take or not to take remedies



My Solution for Colds and Coughs: Homeopathically, of Course!

Joette’s Bone Stock Recipe  

Aconitum 200 mixed with  Bryonia 30

Coldcalm by Boiron



You are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.


Joette:  One thing that I hear frequently and I think it’s human nature to a certain degree is that whenever someone is sick, particularly when it’s a chronic illness but a lot of times when people are sick, they think they’re the only ones who get sick like that. They feel as though they’re very unusual.


Kate:  It’s Podcast Number 41 at joettecalabrese.com. Today, we get to listen in as Joette shares with us some of her family’s holiday traditions. In addition, we get to hear how our suffering may not be so different after all! Finally, Joette shares a recent experience she had helping her son with a cold virus, and how to know when it might be pertinent to employ homeopathy and when to let a virus take its course. Now, let’s get started.


It’s Kate. I’m here today with Joette. We’re excited to bring you another podcast. Joette, welcome.


Joette:  Thanks for doing this, Kate, as always.


Kate:  It’s the holiday season, and I’d like to know from you Joette, what are some of your family traditions?


Joette talks about Christmas traditions


Joette:  You told me you were going to ask me this question, and I had to really think about it because I don’t think there’s anything really that unusual about our family traditions. We just all get together — my sons and my parents. My father, unfortunately, just passed away a couple of months ago. But, it would have been with my parents, and my brother and an occasional stray cousin. Now, it’s everyone the same — minus my beloved father.


I might add, it just so happens the day we’re recording this (it’s not when this is going to be running), but today happens to be the first day of Hanukkah. So, shalom to those who are celebrating the Hanukkah holiday. But, for you and me, it’s Christmas.


My holidays … my Christmas is not that much different, but I do remember when Christmas was different. My father came from a very large family. There were 14 children. My father was the second youngest. When I was growing up, we used to get together on Christmas Eve, all of us. When I mean all of us, there were probably close to 100 people. All it was was food, and fun, and playing, and staying up until really late. We got to stay up until we fell. We went to midnight mass. Then we’d come back to my aunt and uncle’s house. They had five kids. There must have been — oh, I don’t know — maybe 50 kids. They were all my cousins. Some of them were first cousins. Some of them were second cousins. It didn’t matter after a while. You kind of lose track. It was an absolute blast. We did this every year, my entire growing up years.


For me, especially having just lost my father — and he was the last one in the 14 children including all of their spouses — it’s a different kind of a Christmas. It’s a reflective Christmas. I will be spending time with some of my cousins who I’m still very close to. Most of them, of course, have their own families. So, it’s not like they’re going to be coming to visit us necessarily, but I will see them during the season. So, they’ll stop by, and we’ll eat, and we’ll hug. We’ll all cry, because we’ve had a couple of deaths besides my father in our family this year. It’s always hard to say goodbye to those that we loved so much.


So, that’s my Christmas this year. It’s still going to be a good one. I have my beautiful sons, and my wonderful husband, and my mother, and brother. That will all work together. I think it will still be a pretty nice tapestry of a celebration.


Kate:  That sounds really nice. I know it’s probably a sad holiday this year, maybe more than others for you, but it is so nice to still have family get together. I think that’s one of the things that brings us comfort is having family together during those times.


Joette:  We couldn’t do it without them. I couldn’t do it without them. Just being with my cousins over the last couple of months, not only the wake and funeral, but we hang out together. We go to dinner together. They come over and stopover. We’re always calling each other. I have so many cousins I can actually get to pick and choose.


Kate:  Wow! That’s great that they all live so close to you!


Joette:  Oh yes, it’s great.


Kate:  I don’t think that happens very much in families these days.


Joette:  No, it doesn’t. And even for those who are in other states, we still stay in touch and they come in. Now, with Facebook and of that business, we all stay more in touch — even in today’s world.


Kate:  So, New Year’s Eve, where did you usually go? Because with 100 people in your family, where would you stay?


Joette:  Well, we would just sleep on the floor. Wherever you ended up, you just slept there. There were mattresses all over the place for the event. There were lots of blankets. My parents would bring pajamas (we’d be in our nice … our good clothes … that was Christmas Eve). We went to midnight mass. Then, when we got back from midnight mass — depending on our age, of course — then my parents would bring our pajamas. A lot of the kids would put their pajamas on, and then we just hang out and play all night. It was such a blast. It was so great until we just dropped … from all the fun, and all the food, and cookies and stuff that we normally wouldn’t eat as much of.


Kate:  And pasta.


Joette:  Pasta and meatballs and braciole. I mean you name it, we had it all. Cardoons that were made — that were picked in the spring and saved for then. You name it, we had it all. Eel! Eel is a very big thing in Sicilian … I know you’re making a funny face … I love eel, actually. We eat eel on Christmas Eve. That’s a Sicilian tradition. So, sometimes there’d be eel (sometimes there wouldn’t), and the kids would go, “Eeeew, eeeeeel, yuck.” But, since that time as an adult, I’ve made eel on Christmas Eve because I want my kids to hold on to some of those traditions: the food, the religious and the family traditions. I think it’s important.


Kate:  So, how do you purchase eel? You go to the grocery store and you say, “Can I have one eel please?”


Joette:  Yes. You go to the eel store.


Kate:  I was trying to imagine where you buy an eel.


Joette:  Well, listen. In Buffalo, New York where I live, there are a lot of Sicilians. So, there are certain stores there who cater to specific ethnic groups. So, I go to the store where they cater to Italian and Sicilian. And, then you find chestnuts — that’s a big thing in Sicilian families. Chestnuts — and you roast them on the fire, that kind of thing. There are lots of nuts, lots of almonds. Lots and lots and lots of almonds everywhere. There are almond shells all over the place. Gosh, they’re such a mess. So, that’s a big part of it, too. I’m trying to think of what else we do. There’s always fish on Christmas Eve, and eel is probably one of the most important.


Kate:  That does not sound very appealing. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t sound really great. But, probably how you cook it, it is good.


Joette:  Oh, it’s absolutely delicious. I will tell you that I love foods like that. I like the strange stuff. I like sweetbreads. I like Rocky Mountain oysters. I like liver. I like kidney stew. I love those kinds of foods. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t get enough of them. I love tripe. That’s also very Italian.


Kate:  Have you ever had blood soup?


Joette:  Yes, duck blood soup. That’s Polish.


Kate:  Yes, it is. I’m Polish, and that’s what my family grew up with. But, you tell people that, and they sort of freak out.


Joette:  Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys just eat your Twinkies, okay. You put them in your microwave, and then hit the diet soda. Then meanwhile, I’m going to eat my duck blood soup and be hearty, and strong and reproductive.


Kate:  Right. So, do you make any New Year’s resolutions?


Joette:  It’s always about eating. I’ve got to stop the chocolate. Most often, that’s my New Year’s resolution. Then by March, it’s dead.


Kate:  Well, three months is pretty good.


Joette:  Yes, it is. Actually, it’s pretty good. So, it’s either chocolate, or I love sweets. It’s just one of my downfalls. I don’t eat junky sweets. I make them myself. I make cannoli from scratch. I mean that means you’re getting the little dough — I make my dough — roll it out; wrap it around little rollers. I make sfingi which are little donuts, little Italian donuts. I make everything from scratch. So, it’s hard to resist, when I’m making that for my family to stay away from that. Once I trigger that desire for those sweets then it’s very hard to stop. I can’t just eat them Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. And, then I have a son who makes a Yule log from scratch every year. He uses mascarpone cheese. I mean it’s just heaven!


Kate:  Wow! That sounds amazing. I know your son's cook, don’t they?


Joette:  They do. They do. They all live together, and they cook meals every night — at least that’s the last I heard a couple of weeks ago. They’ve been telling me they’re still doing that. They make chili and stock. They make roasts and roast chicken. Everything is from scratch. I have one son who loves to make pastries. He’s the one who makes the Yule log. He makes everything from scratch, no mixes. There he is, whipping away. When I used to homeschool our kids, when he finished his day of work, he would go into the kitchen and whip up like challah bread or something like that. My kids are really into cooking. I think it’s my fault.


Kate:  Wow! That’s amazing. That’s great.


Joette:  Yes, it is great.


Kate:  It’s a wonderful thing to pass on to your children.


Joette:  Yes. Well, unless they all turn fat. Then we’re in trouble.


Kate:  They’re young boys.


Joette:  Which could happen. At this point, they’re pretty lucky — but it could happen.


Kate:  So today, I was meeting with a friend. We were watching our children as they rehearse for a choir concert. We were talking about homeopathy. She was saying how her daughter had come down with another cold-fever type thing. Every year during the choir concert season, she always gets a cold and virus. Something goes around their family. So, she said, “Boy, I was so glad that I had taken the Gateway to Homeopathy last year. I had kept excellent notes of what we did exactly last year during the choir concert when they came down with something. Because now, this year, I just went back to my notes and I was able to figure out what I gave her and what helped. So, this year, I didn’t have to think about it!”



Joette:  Exactly. You don’t have to look it up again. You go back to your daughter’s notes. You go into her file and look it up. There it is.


Kate:  So, I think that’s really important. We all get lazy, right? We stop writing things down. Then, later on, we have someone ask us, “Well, what can I do for the same condition?” Now, you don’t have notes. It would have been so easy, but now you have to go and do the research again.


Joette:  Yes, don’t reinvent the wheel. Just jot it down. You don’t have to write copious notes. In fact, copious notes is what I discourage people from doing. Because if they do — if they write too much — now it’s like a quagmire they have to get through. Just simple: the date, what the main condition was, what remedy you used, what potency, what frequency. Then come back after it’s done and say okay: within five hours; within three days; (and these are acutes I’m talking about, of course) very much better; only partially better; or then you went to the next one because the diarrhea then stopped, but now we’ve got fatigue; so now, we go to the next remedy. Those are very simple. Keep it really, really simple because otherwise, you’ll be discouraged from wanting to go through all that reading again.


Little tips from Joette


Kate:  What are the common things that you see from your students or your clients that you wished that you could say, “Here’s what you can do in a different way, or maybe to help yourself and your family?” You know what I mean? Are there maybe little things like that: tips that you want to give us, things that you see over and over again that people could do just a little bit differently, and it could really help them.


Joette:  Well, one thing that I hear frequently — and I think it’s human nature to a certain degree — is that whenever someone is sick (particularly when it’s a chronic illness, but a lot of times when people are sick) they think they’re the only ones who get sick like that. They feel as though they’re very unusual. The reason they feel that they’re unusual is — I don’t believe — it’s self-absorption. I believe that it has to do with they look around, they’re suffering and no one else looks like they’re suffering. So, they conclude that, well, it must be because everyone else is well, and I am not. So, I have an unusual case.


So, when I tell them for example that a particular protocol works for approximately 80% to 85% of the population, the first thing people say when I say that (or what I know that they’re thinking because later on, they share it with me) is that, “Oh I must be part of that 20%. What if I’m part of that 15%? Then I won’t be helped!” So, because they’re thinking like Eeyore, “Well, I guess life just stinks.” And, that’s the way we feel when we’re sick. You know what I mean? We do feel that way.


We have to remember that we’re much more alike than we are different. We live in a society that has emphasized our differences. I tend to disagree. We’re really very alike in many, many ways, even across other societies, other parts of the world. Generally speaking — the cultures can be quite different — but human experience, human suffering is across the board, and so are fears and anxiety, et cetera. The fear of suffering can also be universal. Some people are more fearful than others. Sometimes, it’s because they’ve become shopworn, I guess, or maybe gun-shy is a better way to put it. They’ve had so many illnesses, one after another. They’ve had so many failures with drugs and efforts that they’ve put into it, and they’ve still come up short, that they believe that is the evidence that indicates that they indeed are a difficult case. When really what it is, is they just haven’t employed homeopathy.


Unfortunately, homeopathy is the last place people go in the Western world, especially in North America. We’ve got it all backwards.

People go first to get the colonoscopy. Wait a minute. There’s nothing wrong with you. Why are you going for a colonoscopy? Why would you do that? Why would you subject yourself to that— if nothing other than the inhumane way you get that kind of a test? For crying out loud, who’s willing to do that?

Well, somehow, this marketing has taught them, “No, this is what you do when you’re 40 years old plus.” No, no, no, you save that colonoscopy for when there’s something really wrong. Now, we use technology, and general anesthesia, and drugs to find out what’s going on. Even then I would say if you’ve got some time, you use something else. You use homeopathy or change your nutrition before you go. We’ve got the pyramid upside down.


Kate:  Joette, what about those people that say, “But there is a history in my family of colon cancer,” or things like that. What do you say to them?


Joette:  Oh, well, if you want to list histories, you’ve got everything in your family! We’ve got colon cancer in my family. We’ve got diabetes. We’ve got breast cancer. I mean I’ve got a long list just like anybody else. But, if I followed that list, all I would do is spend time in waiting rooms and go for testing. For me, that’s not a way to live. I would much rather be hanging out with my husband. I’d much rather be hanging out with my kids, traveling. I’d much rather be walking on the beach or making a meal, not sitting in a waiting room to be manhandled.


And excuse me, I mean I know that there is a time for that. So, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it’s always wrong, but it’s grossly overused — these tests, grossly. Mammograms. Really? Mash the most sensitive area of a woman’s body so that it then hurts to find out if she’s got breast cancer? So, how about just palpating? There’s an idea. What do you know? They used to use that. Were the doctors stupid then, and now they’re smarter? No, they just have machines now. How about just using thermogram, thermography? How about just assuming that life is good and stop digging for an illness?


Stop trying to find illness. If you keep searching, you’ll find something. You’ll find a polyp. You’ll find a precancerous … you’ll find something if you dig hard enough. That is a prescription for a life of angst. A life of angst is not a good life.


Kate:  I think what happens is we see people, whether it’s friends or family members and we see them going through whether it’s cancer or things like that, and then we start to fear those same things, right? And, we start to wonder, “Well, what if this cough or this feeling, this pain that I’ve had, what if that’s cancer or something else?” Then we go down that path. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about just being positive. Just trying not to worry and go down those paths. I know we’re talking about homeopathy, but I also think that it’s important like you said, we always think that we’re that 20% or that 1%. Let’s just try …  I think if we try to be more positive that we’re going to feel better.


Joette:  Someone told me the other day that they had a condition, and the doctor had told them that it’s a 40% chance that it’s cancer. I said, “No, no, no, no, no. It’s a 60% chance that it’s not cancer!” You’ve got to turn it around. If you’re saying, “stay positive,” I think that the real way to do that is to do useful work. Do purposeful work. Make a meal for your family. Go to a neighbor’s house and help someone who’s sick. Take soup. I’ve got a friend whose father is sick right now and she’s tending to him. I’m bringing soup over there tonight. Go to church. Go to temple. Be active. Do good work on a day-to-day basis. The less you do, the more your brain goes cockeyed. So, be active.


Listen, I don’t have to tell most of the people who follow me, because I know what kind of people follow me. They are the “doers” in the world. I know them because they’ve become my clients. They’ve become my students. I hear them, and I see how hardworking they are. Many of them are homeschooling moms — and fathers, too — but mostly it’s mothers. I see how hard people work where they have ranches or they have farms, and they are tending to livestock. These are not the people who are sitting back and letting someone else take care of them. These are the people who are the underpinnings of society. This is what girds our society, is people like that.


So, I’m kind of preaching to the choir. But, the point is that if you have a moment of that in your life: fill it with something. Fill it with something lofty. I always say fill it with prayer work. Fill it with reading your Bible, your Catechism, your Torah. That’s what you fill with. Fill it with beautiful music by Mendelssohn and Beethoven. That’s how you fill it. Fill it with loftiness. Forget the stupid television shows that are on.


Kate:  Right.


Joette:  They just bring us down. They’re immoral, and they just bring us down.


Being relevant in your kids’ life


Kate:  So, let’s dive into the mind of Joette Calabrese for a moment, and let’s hear …


Joette:  Oh, God, that’s not very deep. I hope you like shallow water!


Kate:  Joette, you’re so fun to be with because you’re funny and you’re passionate. So no, it is fun to dig into your mind. But, let’s talk a little bit about a case and see how you processed it. You said a little bit about your son, how he got …


Joette:  Oh, yes, even before he started that because I knew I’ve talked about this so many times in the past, but it is definitely worth repeating. I always say make sure you’re relevant. Get relevant now. As a mother of children who I homeschooled, and the last day when I finished homeschooling, I cried like a baby as I closed up the cabinet and started giving the books away. My kids were laughing at me. But, I was crying. I was like a blubbering idiot crying because it was over! The whole thing was over. My son was going to college. It was all done. I’m thinking to myself, “Who am I to them now? I’m no longer their teacher?” I mean, obviously, I’m their mother but the point is that you vest so much into them to just say, “Okay, off you go now.” No, that’s not my style. I want to be relevant in their lives. I’ve said this before, and excuse me for being repetitive, but a good way to be relevant is to have the stuff they want.


Kate:  Not just the food, right?


Joette:  Not just the food — although food is important, too — but you got to have the stuff they want. What do they want? “Mom, I don’t feel well.” Now, you tell them exactly what to use. Of course, they’ve got their own remedies. I make sure they’ve got the kits, and they own as many remedies as we can stuff into their medicine cabinet. But, I’ve got the answers. That’s what we all want to have for our children. We want to be able to give our children answers even though they’re adults. My children are adults.


Not more than half an hour ago before you and I started this podcast, my oldest son who is 31 — he’s a pilot — Skyped me. He Skypes me almost every day, which is great. He said, “Mom, I’ve got this chest cold that’s coming on.” Now, he knows some of the medicines, but he wasn’t so sure about this one. So, I got to talk to him for 15 minutes. Not just about his chest, but about, “Okay, when is your next flight?” “Oh, I’m leaving tonight.” “What are you doing now?” “Oh, I’m making my dinner so I can take it on the flight.” So, I get to be a part of his life. Meanwhile, I’ve just given him the name of the medicine and how to use it. So, I told him Aconitum 200 mixed with Bryonia 30, and to take it every 3 to 12 hours depending on how severe it is. And, get into bed, please. Get into bed when you get home from that flight. Drink some Kombucha and maybe some bone stock, and you’ll probably be fine by tomorrow. So, I get to be close to him. I told him I was going to talk about this today on the podcast.


Kate:  Oh, what did he say?


Joette: “Yes. You still have us, don’t you?” I said, “You bet. I’m going to do whatever it takes. I want you part of my life.” Listen, when he gets married and has kids — which I’m waiting for — my guess is they’re going to be even more a part of my life. Because that’s what happens when kids get married and have their own children, then they become closer to their parents. But meanwhile, while they’re still single, I don’t want to lose those years. I want them close by. It’s a great strategy. It’s a mothering strategy. So, we’re imparting our wisdom.


Look, you don’t have to be an expert in homeopathy, although it doesn’t take too long to get that way — especially if you’re just using my blog. Really, it’s all free! Remember folks, just use that blog. I mean, what I just gave to my son is right on my blog. So, you don’t have to be an expert. You don’t have to be good every time or be correct every time. But, if you can hit it 80 — let’s go back to 80% again — 80% of the time, those are good numbers.


So, how did I think it through? It’s this simple: chest. Had he said “cold” like cold in his nose or sinuses, I would have said Coldcalm by Boiron. Super easy. Or maybe some Ferrum phos, or maybe some Sanguinaria and Belladonna. If it was painful, we might use Sanguinaria 200 with Belladonna 3. That’s a Banerji Protocol. They use that. And so is the Aconitum and Bryonia, a Banerji Protocol for that matter. But, because he said chest and cough, I immediately went to Aconitum, Bryonia.


Kate:  Had this just started with him?


Joette:  Yes, last night he said it started.


Kate:  Okay.


Joette:  I’m not looking for them to say, “Oh my gosh, I’m sick. Call Mom.” I don’t want someone hanging on my apron strings. I want someone who says, “Oh, I’ll just go bed and see how it goes. Maybe I’ll just take a bath or something, an Epsom salt bath, and see how I feel in the morning.” But, he knew he had a flight today. My gosh, they’re exposed to all kinds of things in those flights.


Kate:  Right. But I have found that the quicker that you can get the homeopathy in, the better your chances are of really aborting an illness.


Joette:  Yes, yes. It’s the same thing if you use Vitamin C. The faster you get that Vitamin C in, or the faster you use that … some people use Alka-Seltzer Gold or whatever … it’s true for everything. If you catch something in its infancy stage, you’re more likely to be able abort it in its center stage.


Kate:  So, Joette, you’ve talked before about just sometimes they’re colds. Our bodies … it’s a way that we can flush out toxins. We’re going to get colds, and just letting them ride out. I know I struggle, and I imagine some of our listeners struggle … how often to just jump right in with the Aconitum and Bryonia, and when do we just let it ride? So, maybe help us think through that picture a little.


To take or not to take remedies


Joette:  Yes. Well, it’s for him because he had to work. I mean, he doesn’t have to. He could certainly take a sick day, but he prides himself in never taking sick days. I know how he feels about that. He was like that his whole life. So, it would be nice if he could take it easy, but he can’t or he won’t. So, I know he won’t. So, it’s better that we give him something now than to let it ride itself out.


Plus, the chest is a different area, of course. If you’re getting a sinus infection or a little dripping in the post nasal and it’s causing a little sore throat, that’s a little different than something going to the chest. Lungs matter, obviously. So, little conjunctivitis or a little cough or cold that’s on the upper end of the respiratory, then I’m not so worried about.


But, what I like to caution folks about is to not freak. Because children — now he’s not a child — but, children get sick, and they’re supposed to get sick. That’s part of their education! I mean, there’s controversy about this and I’m sorry — I believe they’re supposed to get sick. The way that I came to this had nothing to do with what I read but rather what I experienced in my children.


What I often found was that, for example, my other son was having difficulty riding a bike at one point when he was a youngster. I can’t remember exactly how old that was. He just couldn’t do it. Then he couldn’t do it … he couldn’t do it. He’s very frustrated. Everybody else was riding their bike, but he just couldn’t do it. Then he got sick. He got an ear infection. After the ear infection, literally right after the infection was gone, a couple of days later, he felt well enough to go back outside and play. He got on his bike and rode it. He was on his two-wheeler.


So, Rudolf Steiner, who many people follow his work, he was from the turn of the last century in Germany. He believed that it was important — not that I follow necessarily all of his works — but, he believed that it was part of their education. And, that there’s a growth spurt that is a natural growth spurt.

I’ve seen the same thing with another child who was having difficulty reading. He couldn’t read … he couldn’t read. He could read a sentence, but he couldn’t read two sentences. He got sick. It’s almost like they’re going to push through the eye of a needle. Once they get to the other side, they’ve cleared it. He couldn’t read … he couldn’t read. Got sick, had a sore throat, on the other side of the sore throat — bam, able to read.


So, it’s like a psychological connection or a mental connection to a physical experience. To me, that makes a lot of sense. If you’ve not seen that, if you’re not a mother and you’ve never watched that, you might question it. But, I’ve seen it too many times to question whether or not there’s a reason for these colds. It is a good thing — completing their education. We’re building their immunities so that as an adult they’re not getting chicken pox. As an adult, they don’t get these colds and flu. They get them as children as they’re supposed to do … as has been done through the ages.


Kate:  So, if it’s just a minor cold, sniffles, a little bit of a sore throat, maybe let it go for kids. But now, if you have someone that has a history of pneumonia, and they’re coming down and it seems a little heavier, then …


Joette:  Oh, you do it, absolutely treat them. Absolutely. Even if it’s just a little sore throat and minor cold, you might just take Coldcalm. I love that medicine. It’s Coldcalm, C-A-L-M is the second word by Boiron. It’s excellent.


Kate:  Right. I know a lot of my friends have been using that this season and loving it.


Joette:  Yes. Also, Oscillococcinum made by Boiron. That’s another good one. There are a lot of great remedies. Listen , folks, I always tell people, make sure that you’re getting those combination medicines. Buy them all. Buy everything Boiron owns as a combination. Buy everything that Hyland's owns, all of those combination medicines. They are really smart. It takes a lot less intelligence or study — maybe not intelligence is the word — but study to use those than it does to try to figure out exactly the medicine, because they figured it out for you. If it acts, you go back and look at the ingredients and say, “Hah, no wonder why I got rid of that fatigue. Gelsemium is in there.” Or if you don’t know that, you’ll look up in your materia medica every one of those medicines and learn them. That’s how you learn this. You just investigate, investigate and be curious.


Kate:  And, you’ll be glad you have them if you’re sick, your family is sick, you can’t think straight. You don’t know what to give them. You just reach for those and say, “Hey, go take one of those combinations.” And, it’s simple, right?


Joette:  Well, when I get sick, my mind turns to mush. I’m useless. I mean really, I can’t even think of what I’m experiencing. So, I know what that’s like for folks. Then I turn to my husband who doesn’t know an awful lot of homeopathy, but he knows enough about me to be able to figure out somewhat what I should be taking.


Kate:  Nice. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today. I’m excited for the listeners to get to hear a little bit more about what goes on in your brain as you think about cases. So, thank you, Joette.


Joette:  Yes, it’s always fun, Kate, looking forward to next time.


Kate:  You just listened to a podcast by joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shared her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Stitcher, and TuneIn radio.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com.

*Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


18 thoughts on “Podcast 41 – Joette’s Holiday Traditions and Remedy Tips”

  1. Marla says:

    I really enjoyed this podcast! Thanks! Your Christmas celebrations sound very similar to mine when I was a child, minus the eel!! My sympathy on the death of your father, Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Thank you for your good wishes, Marla. Many years of good health and prosperity to you and yours.

  2. Narendra says:

    It’s Amazing Podcast. You are lovely mother and care taking Homoeopath. It is a great pleasure to know you and learn from you. Thank you very much.
    Happy New Year 2018.

  3. Jaime says:

    Joette, I love what you teach about homeopathy, but I love what you say about family most of all! My husband and I have been blessed with six sons and I too am determined to stay relevent in their lives as they grow and become independent. (My oldest two are already off to college and church mission. Their brothers will follow too soon, I know.) Health may come and go, but families are forever.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m envious. I wish I had started my family early enough to have more sons (and a daughter or two). You’re right; the family is our earthly team.
      By the way, nice job raising sons who work in church missions.

  4. Josie D'Agostino says:

    I appreciate your tips for staying relevant in the lives of our grown children. Time lost is gone forever. And I also appreciate your enthusiasm for sharing what you love and helping others. Thank you, Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Hi Josie, ‘Nice name! and thanks for your kind words.

  5. Philippa says:

    Hi Joette, I really enjoyed the podcast, as usual. I’m considering your taking Good gut Bad gut course….I’m hoping it may be helpful as my daughter suffers from Misophonia, which although neurological, may be related to gut issues. I’m wondering if I’m able access your Gut-Psychology: Connection – Homeopathy Trump Card info before making my decision. Thanks

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Could you be more specific? I produce so many infographics, articles, events and podcasts, I lose track of their formats, etc. Meanwhile, if it was on the internet, try googling my name and what you’re looking for.

  6. Philippa says:

    Thanks, it is something you get for free once registered for the GGBG course, which it says can be bought from the Weston A Price association,…
    or alternatively, could you tell me if you think this course contains information I’ll find helpful in dealing with Misophonia?
    Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Misophonia is not specifically covered in this course, only gut related conditions. If the gut is the source or a contributor to the problem, this course will cover that.

  7. Philippa says:

    Thanks….would Misophonia be covered on any of your courses? thanks again

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Not specifically.

    2. Talitha says:

      Misophonia also greatly affects my life. I am wondering if you have found any leads to this being addressed through homeopathy, here or in other places. Thanks.

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

        Most certainly. If you own a homeopathic repertory you’ll find it.
        An aside: All diseases. All conditions. All sufferings are covered by homeopathy. It’s the true medicine.

  8. Mick says:

    Joette, thank you for another terrific podcast. I am sorry to hear about your father’s passing; I will pray for the repose of his soul.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      MAny thanks for your kind words, Mick. And especially for your offer of prayer for my father.

  9. Kishan Lal Roshia says:

    You spread hope in homeopathy. Wishing you happy new year.

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