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Podcast 19 – My Skinny, Little Arm Got Allergy Shots

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

October 2nd, 2016  |  6 Comments

doctor making vaccination to the patient

In this podcast, we cover:

1:58 A   Allergic, Joette’s new course

6:50 B   How the allergies started 

20:42 C  Miasms or inherited taint

36:54 D  Who should take the course and why

46:36Kali bichromium for allergies

You are listening to a podcast from JoetteCalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.


Paola:  We’ve got another great podcast for you at joettecalabrese.com and here’s what’s coming up.

Joette:  Then they test you for it. I don’t know of any conventional allergist that tests you for nail polish, or cigarette smoke, or fumes in the truck ahead of you in the traffic. I’ll be honest with you. I think this is more insidious, this pharmaceutical industry because it gets you when you’re down. You’re already sick and scared and you say, “Oh my gosh, what am I going to do?” And now it’s telling you, not now, it’s been in the last decade, they’ve been encouraging people to go to the doctor and pressure their doctor. They don’t use the word pressure but that’s what it is. About every two weeks, I would go for these shots. As a small child with a skinny, little arm and they were giving me 16 shots, I mean I used to freak when I saw that.

Paola:  In this podcast, Joette is going to talk a lot about allergies. Be sure to stick around to the end of the podcast when she gives a great remedy for sinus problems. It’s funny how this comes full circle because we recorded this on a Monday and now it’s a Friday and I have just suffered from a terrible sinus infection. You can tell from my voice I’m still a little under the weather. Lo and behold, the remedy that she talks about in this podcast just a few days ago is the remedy that cleared out that sinus infection for me.

So here we go. Hi Joette, I’m excited to be doing another podcast with you.

Joette:  I know. I love it too, Paola.

Paola:  We’ve got a really great topic coming up because it has to do with the course that you’re going to launch pretty soon here.

Joette:  Yeah.

Paola:  The course is called Allergic with a question mark and an exclamation point. So why is it called Allergic? Why isn’t it called allergies? 

Allergic, Joette’s new course

 Joette:  Yeah, good distinction. When we first brought that word up, we weren’t really sure how to put it but I think that it makes it different. The two are different because most people think of allergies as something that they have seasonally, seasonal allergies or animal allergies, or food allergies. But allergic seems more encompassing. It’s a broader umbrella. So it incorporates not just allergies to the conventional ideas of what allergies are but also to having chemical sensitivities: food intolerances, allergic to perfumes, allergic to tobacco smoke, or even the change of weather, the change of seasons, barometric pressure changes. So I think it’s a broader term. We wanted to make sure the people understood that we get that, that I get that that it’s s broader term that people are suffering from these days.

Paola:  Yeah, that’s absolutely right. It’s true that the conventional side just really sees kind of anaphylaxis than your allergic or histamine issues.

Joette:  Right and they test you for it. I don’t know of any conventional allergist that tests you for nail polish, or cigarette smoke, or fumes in the truck ahead of you in the traffic. I knew years ago that that’s what I had. I could feel it instantly. I knew right away when somebody sprayed pesticide. I stopped wearing nail polish, those kinds of things. I didn’t need to be tested. It was pretty clear.

Paola:  Right, right, exactly, which leads actually to my next question. You have a history of allergies. Isn’t that why you started homeopathy in the first place?

Joette:  Yeah. I would say it goes even further back than that, further back from homeopathy. Rarely does the person come from illness directly into homeopathy unless you live in Europe, South America, or India. But in North America, people have to travel down this long, circuitous path from I don’t feel well to conventional medicine and all the drugs to gee, I don’t think I like these drugs anymore. They’re making me sicker in a new way to the health food store, vegan, macrobiotic, vitamin therapy, synthetic vitamins. Oh maybe synthetic is not a good idea, okay, now we go to natural vitamins and supplements. Oh my gosh, by the time people get to homeopathy, they’ve spent a good decade.

Paola:  And they’re pretty desperate. You are right though, I’m from Brazil. When my parents moved us as little immigrants to the United States, she brought her homeopathy kit. I told her, “So you understand [00:4:50].” Like, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. When you got sick, I just looked it up in my little book and I gave you the remedy.” I thought that was great. But listen, so then we’re here for 10 years. My mom throws away her kit.

Joette:  Oh no! Oh, she Americanized in the wrong way.

Paola:  Yes!

Joette:  I know about being Americanized but I got to tell you, that was the wrong way to go.

Paola:  It was and it goes exactly to what you just said. It’s like she got influenced in doctors and so she threw.

Joette:  Culture, the culture shifts you.

Paola:  Yes, it did. So you’re absolutely right.

Joette:  Yes, yes, yes. Culture is huge. There’s no doubt about it. When you look at a women’s magazine, you can see who’s paying for all the advertising of the magazine. It’s all the pharmaceutical industry. Then you go on television. Oh my gosh, there it is again. Oh my gosh, it’s in the news. Oh, I can’t get away from this stuff. It’s ubiquitous. Every billboard and magazine and newspaper and radio, it’s the way it used to be with the tobacco and the alcohol industry. That was made illegal. They actually got after those two industries.

I’ll be honest with you, I think this is more insidious, this pharmaceutical industry because it gets you when you’re down. You’re already sick and scared and you say, “Oh my gosh. What am I going to do?” And now it’s telling me, not now, it’s been in the last decade, they’ve been encouraging people to go to the doctor and pressure their doctor. They don’t use the word pressure but that’s what it is. Pressure their doctor, “Why don’t you find out if this is right for you?” So it’s not even up to the doctor anymore. It used to be just the doctors of journals that would have all these advertisements. They got smart. They got sleek. They now advertise to the general public.

Paola:  Well and they’re so good at it.

Joette:  Oh they’re brilliant.

Paola:  I mean case and point, look at the GARDASIL vaccine.

Joette:  Oh my gosh, it’s brilliant.

Paola:  And how they’re marketing.

Joette:  Absolutely.

Paola:  It’s on MTV. It’s on all that age group. It’s everywhere. Back to allergies, tell me, you had it as a kid, right?

Joette:  Yes.

Paola:  Your whole life, you say it was your middle name?

Joette:  Right, yeah, my middle name used to be allergies. But now, it isn’t anymore. I’m just back to Josephine. That’s actually my middle name, Joette Josephine. I know. I know. They just had to make sure that they got their Jo in there.

How the allergies started

I wasn’t a kid, I was an infant. I was six weeks old when my mother stopped nursing me. We’re talking early 50s, folks. I mean, I’m not a young woman. I got a vaccine. I reacted to this vaccine. I believe it was polio because I don’t know that there was anything more than polio, maybe small pox in those days. I do have my records but I forgot which one it was. Shortly after that, I got an ear infection. Of course, antibiotics were used. Shortly after the antibiotics, up came eczema. It started out on my cheeks. It was pretty rough and raw. Then another ear infection came along and you know the story. This is everybody’s story, another round of antibiotics. In those days, it was an injection of penicillin which does the same.

So then that second otitis media was met with antibiotics. Then lo and behold, eczema that was at every flexor, behind my knees, inside my elbows, on my neck, behind my ears and then I was plagued. So I was plagued with it. Every time I got another ear infection, this is the way my mother remembered it, it seemed to be the ear infection, what she was thinking. That’s what of course what the doctor was saying because the doctor is not going to say, “Oh, it’s got to be the drugs I used on you or on her.” They’re not going to say that. They’re going to say, “Oh, it must be these ear infections.” Then they go, “Tsk, tsk, tsk, that old inheritance.” They’re not saying that but that’s the implication, there’s something wrong with your inheritance. This is a newborn for goodness’ sakes.

Paola:  It’s not his fault or her fault.

Joette:  No, absolutely. So it was my mother’s fault, of course, my father’s fault.

Paola:  All your ancestors.

Joette:  My ancestors all the way back who had never had, by the way, never had antibiotics. I was the first, pretty much the first generation. My father had had a couple of antibiotics by my mother never did. My parents were born at home. They were of that generation where the families couldn’t afford going to a doctor. They mistrusted them. They didn’t believe that the doctors would be helpful to them. They thought they would be – well, they were immigrants – they didn’t trust. So they stayed away. Instead, they used their herbs and their home methods.

Well anyway, then I became a child that was not just one with eczema, I was blanketed in eczema. I mean, there were very few parts of my body that didn’t have it. I didn’t have it on the bottoms of my feet or the palms of my hands. I didn’t have it in my scalp. I didn’t have it in my ears. I had it behind my ears, in front of my ears, down my neck, across my face. It was everywhere. I didn’t have it on my shoulders and my chest but my stomach, my legs, big, huge patches, very uncomfortable, unsightly, embarrassing, and I was always told to stop scratching. So that’s like, for those of you who are out there and have babies, that’s like when the doctors says don’t push in labor. Don’t push. Are you kidding me? Do you think I’m like Herculean or something? 

Paola:  What?

Joette:  When you’re in transition or when you’re past transition, you’re pushing. I’m sorry, doc. There’s no way. I’m pushing.

Paola:  My girlfriend, she had her baby in the car on accident obviously on the way to the birthing center, whatever. And her husband kept yelling, “Stop pushing.”

Joette:  I know. Yeah, right.

Paola:  She’s like, “I’m not doing it. It’s the body’s doing it.”

Joette:  This is a conscious effort, folks. So, to stop scratching was ridiculous. We got steroid creams and they were just coming out at that time. All the miracle drugs were coming out in the early 50s. So we were told to use it sparingly because it would cause trouble later in life. So we used it only when I was in a horrendous flare and my mother was very careful about it. One jar lasted many years because she was very afraid of – my cousin was our doctor – what my cousin warned her about regards to the detriments of using the steroid creams.

Paola:  Tell us. How does this relate to allergies then? Someone might be new to this. They may not realize the connection.

Joette:  One of the things that was found out by my mother taking to an allergist and getting my 16 shots. I’ll never forget it. I’ve actually written about it on my blog. I remember getting the shots. I’m sorry going off in this tangents but I think it makes it more interesting when you hear stories about how this happens to people. I remember seeing the tray that would come in and I knew what was in that tray. It was covered with a cloth but I started to recognize it because I would go about every two weeks, I would go for these shots. As a small child with skinny, little arm and they were giving you 16 shots, I mean I used to freak when I saw that.

Paola:  The steroid shots?

Joette:  These were shots to determine what I was allergic to. What is causing this, they were asking themselves. So was it orange juice? Was it feathers? Was it chocolate? Was it dogs? Was it eggs and milk? So they determined it was yes, all of the above. It was all of that. It was all of that. So, no matter what it was they tested me for, it was that. So basically I was allergic to everything. The more antibiotics I got, I became more and more allergic. But nobody ever tested me interestingly for antibiotics, the stuff that they were doing. That was the invidious for all of this, the etiology. So I don’t know if it would have shown up that way to be honest because it wasn’t that I was allergic to it. It was that it had changed my gut essentially. It changed the architecture of my molecular makeup, so to speak.

So I lived my life not being able to have chocolate and dairy and eggs and no feather pillows and no wool. In those days in the 50s, there were no such, I mean we lived in New York State so we had to wear wool coats. No wool for me. It was very hard to find something that didn’t have down or wool. My mother went crazy trying to find all these things. They were allergies. Even as abstinent as my mother and later I was from these substances, it didn’t make any difference. It might have caught back on a flare but it would not have kept me from being allergic consistently all the time. 

Paola:  That’s what makes your message so unique is that you say fine, if abstinence helps a little bit to it. But that is not a goal.

Joette:  It’s not the goal. That’s not a life. That’s not a lifestyle. To abstain from all those things, I mean and the list was longer than that. I mean, it was pretty long because if you can’t have eggs then you really shouldn’t have chicken in many cases. If you can’t have dairy then you shouldn’t have beef. It’s the same species. I’m not saying that’s so for everyone but it depends on the depth and breadth. It’s a little different for everyone but when you have sensitivity to one thing generally, more come down the pike. There’s nothing in conventional medicine that I’m aware of that corrects that. So I went through my life feeling really ugly and homely. People looking at my legs and my arms, I know I was horrible, horrible.

Paola:  You’re the bubble girl.

Joette:  Yeah, I was the bubble girl. I wore long sleeves in the summer and pants in the summer so nobody could see my legs and my arms and all that. Then I hit puberty which was pretty interesting because then it was a big shift. It kind of dissolved. It went away. The eczema went completely away when I was about 12, maybe more like 13. I had one big, bad experience at 12 years old because my father bought a new car and we travelled down to Florida on a trip. It was the one vacation we ever had in our whole lives. I got really sick because it was a brand new car. It was loaded with chemicals. I got very, very, very sick. It took weeks to get over that.

But after that, about a year later, that was the end of it. I never got it again. Then instead, what I had was gut problems. The gut problems were I have lots of pain after I ate. I had a very low appetite. I was really thin. I had lots and lots of stomachaches. So those stomachaches were a problem because they kept me from living my life. I missed school. I missed social events and those kinds of things. I kind of [00:15:43]. Then in my 20s, it was like a grace period. Then I got hit hard again in my 30s. Doctors often say, “Oh, they’ll grow out of it.” No, no, no, you don’t grow out of these things, not if they’ve been treated with medications.

Paola:  It’s almost like it retreats and creates a new plan and then attacks again with a new way.

Joette:  Right, right. Speaking of this course, I just want to say that when we talk about these things deeply in homeopathy, we talk about the direction of disease and then the direction of cure. That is something we’re going to be covering in this course that you’re talking about. I know that some people might worry, “Is this going to be an overlap with the gut courses that I’ve given?”

Paola:  Exactly. That’s exactly what I was thinking. If someone buys the Allergy course and they already own the Good Gut, Bad Gut course, would they want to buy this course?

Joette:  There will be overlap. But thank God we have overlap because if there is an overlap, really, you’ll never get this whole picture of homeopathy because there are homeopathic medicines that work in many different ways and also need to be repeated so that you can understand it with a different set of circumstances, with a different kind of case. Here is how we make this fresh. Now, look at it from this point of view instead of that point of view. Whereas in the gut course, we taught it strictly from a gastrointestinal point of view, in the skin course (we have a skin course too), we talk about it strictly from a skin course. But with this Allergic course, we’re talking about kind of my whole picture because first, it was eczema and ear infections and also, I might add susceptibility to strep throat. Then my tonsils were extracted, I mean we go on and on about how this is all related. It’s very related. So, I want to spend or I am spending a lot of time working on trying to make this new course as in depth and as fresh as possible but there has to be overlap.

Paola:  Well, I think the perfect example of this is just a single homeopathic remedy, how it can be used for many different things like you’re just saying. Here’s a quick example, Ipecac, when you look at it from a female perspective, you think of it maybe during morning sickness.

Joette:  Yes.

Paola:  We’ve got Ipecac again and if you look at it from a food poisoning perspective or a gastrointestinal, you think of Ipecac that way. Then you can also think of Ipecac with diarrhea and dysentery, from that kind of a perspective.

Joette:  And a cough. Ipecac’s great for coughs.

Paola:  You’re right, right. I remember one time we met and you said, “Oh Paola, take some Ipecac.” So it’s just approaching the same remedies but from different directions as we get a complete world view -.

Joette:  Yeah, we’ll be still using some of the same protocols because it’s kind of foolish not to use it just because I mentioned it in another course. It got to be repeating. There’s no doubt about it.

Paola:  But definitely you’re saying even though it’s coming from a different perspective and there may be some repeated protocols, there’s going to be plenty of new information.

Joette:  Yes, ma’am.

Paola:  Okay.

Joette:  Absolutely.

Paola:  I love that. So you really do have to let go of the allopathic model when you use homeopathy. When you think of one remedy treating one thing, no, it treats many things.

Joette:  Yes. You know how you learn this, Paola? You go online. Let’s say you look up Ipecac. You go online and write Ipecac homeopathic materia medica. Look it up on a materia medica. It’s usually Boericke, Dr. Boericke’s material medica who died decades ago or Dr. James Tyler Kent. He died decades ago, half a century ago. Those are the kind of people you want to read about Ipecac. Now, look at all the indications. It’s sweeping. Each of these remedies is pretty sweeping.

If you get a good material medica really like the Concordant, Frans Vermeulen’s Concordant for example, look it up online. I don’t know how much of that is online. But you look at them and you’ll say, “My gosh, Sulphur has six pages of indications. Holy cow.” Now you say, “Well, I thought Sulphur was only for hot flashes.” No, it’s for many, many conditions. If you know Sulphur and you’ve read it and you understand it has something to do with heat, not always but often, it has to do with heat or burning. Now you can think outside the box and say now I get why we use that for let’s say rectal burning. I get it. Now I understand why you can also use it for hot flashes during menopause.

Paola:  Right, I like that. Now, there is a specific subject in this course which I’m really excited about because you haven’t discussed it in any of the other courses. That was miasms. So tell me a little bit about that.

Miasms or inherited taint

Joette:  Let’s go back to my story because I think that will be instructive. When I got that vaccine and that antibiotic, why didn’t I get seizures? Some kids get seizures after vaccines. I mean, there are all kinds of these. Why didn’t I get an eye infection? Why didn’t I get conjunctivitis?

Paola:  Some people get nothing.

Joette:  Some people get nothing, absolutely. Why was I even affected at all? Good point. Well because we have miasms. Miasms is another way of saying inherited taint, T-A-I-N-T, inherited taint or the inheritance. If we look back at my parents, they didn’t have eczema. Actually, my mother had a tiny bit of eczema behind her ears and a little bit around her elbow when she was a young woman. But that was all it was. So nobody thought to take her to an allergist. That would be the last thing my grandparents would have done. My father had some allergies to certain insects, these sandflies that fly around the neighborhood where he grew up and so his eyes would swell up. We had allergies in the family. So once you have a child, you can assume that that’s going to be a potential concern are these allergies. Interestingly, both of them, one was on the skin for my mother and the other one was around the eyes and swelling. That’s what showed up in me later in life was swelling. Oh actually, when we did that trip to Florida, that’s exactly what happened and my eyes swelled up, not from insects but from the chemicals in the new car.

Paola:  Which would have been probably Apis, right, Apis 6 (Apply the discount coupon code – “Joette”– at check-out for an additional 20% off!)?

Joette:  Yeah, yeah, it would have been, absolutely. Apis, especially when it looks there are bags of water. It’s edematous, really, really swollen with fluid inside. So that would have helped. It would have helped my father all those years, too. So at any rate, what we’re looking at is when I was given the vaccine, the miasm was stimulated. The inheritance, the lowest level of the inheritance, the weakest link in the inheritance was let loose or was weakened further. So had I not had those allopathic methods administered to me at such a tender age and at the same time my mother stopped nursing, it was like boom, boom, boom. Really, when you think about it, it’s huge. No more nursing, vaccine, and antibiotics. No! I mean I was an infant.

Paola:  It’s the alarm clock for the sleeping giant.

Joette:  Yes.

Paola:  It’s like wake up now.

Joette:  Yeah, somebody kicked him in the gut and said wake up sleeping giant. All the bad stuff that’s in your inheritance has just been awakened. So I wasn’t going to get toenail fungus. I wasn’t going to get seizures. I was going to get what was already there lurking in the background that needed to be protected and unknowingly, my parents didn’t do that.

Paola:  This is so funny. People will say, “Well, we have pretty good genetics. Nobody in my family has cancer or whatever.” And I just want to say you’re not perfect. You’re not a Spartan, okay? Everyone has something.

Joette:  We have a lawyer here, folks.

Paola:  I know. You do no know. Everyone has something and you want to know what it is?

Joette:  Take a drug.

Paola:  Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t listen to me.

Joette:  Keep taking those drugs and you’ll see what the weakest links are in your family. But will this happen to everyone? Like you said, no, it doesn’t. There are many people who can get past all of this stuff pretty easily. But I was very sensitive and have been a good part of my life to chemicals, to heavy metals, to additives, to preservatives. So I think that had a lot to do with how I reacted as well. But who knows? Who know? You could analyze that until the cows come home. I don’t know that it’s worthy of that. Was it the adjuncts in the polio vaccine or was it polio vaccine. Was it the live polio that was injected? Was it live or was it dead or killed? I can’t remember now when they were. I don’t know what they were using in early 50s. Was it killed polio or the live? It was the sugar cube versus the injection? I would not have remembered, of course, what was done to me but I could certainly look it up and find out which one it was.

Paola:  So you’re saying the miasms that you’re going to talk about then look at correcting your genetics, basically?

Joette:  Yes. Now, that’s a big sweeping statement, isn’t it? Nobody can release that. What do you mean? If it’s inherited, I’m stuck with it, right? No, no, no, no, no. It means that you will always have the propensity for that but we want to correct the condition, the disease. It can be done. I’ve seen it done. I’m not going to tell you that it’s everyone. It can be done. I’m not going to tell everyone that they can all be cured because I believe and this is actually something that the Banerjis told me and I was thinking this all along but they put it so succinctly. They said every disease is curable, not every person is curable. So cancer is curable with homeopathy. AIDS is curable with homeopathy. I’ve seen it at the Banerji clinic. I’ve seen it. I’ve watched it. I’ve observed it. I’ve gone back looked at the records. I’ve checked it out. I want to see it for myself. I believe it. I see it. It’s data that is reproducible data. But it doesn’t mean that everybody with AIDS will be cured because it depends on how far they are, how deep the miasm is, how many the drugs they’ve taken.

Paola:  Their vital force, basically.

Joette:  Their vital force, absolutely. Their circumstances, there’s a lot to be included in this. Then a lot of people say, “Well so, what about my vital force? What are the chances of my getting past this?” Well we still don’t know.

Paola:  You just got to do it.

Joette:  We do the best we can. That’s right. We do the best we can. Of course, we want to put our ducks in order. I always tell people, “Look, make good choices. Before you have the baby, get married.” That makes life easy, right? It’s simple. It makes life super easy because now you’ve got two people taking care of one person. But make sure you’ve also got food on the table and you’ve got a roof over your head. I mean that’s just logical to me and it should be the right person to marry, too. That’s a big deal, huge. Make sure that person doesn’t have cocaine addiction.

Paola:  I always joked. I used to work at the bank when my husband and I were dating. He had an account at the bank that I worked at. Do you think I looked it up to see if he was in debts or whatever and what kind of places he was going to? Absolutely.

Joette:  I know. In the old days, you’d have to prove – the woman’s family would have to prove the dowry value. So you’re just using it in the modern way.

Paola:  Just doing my due diligence and I’m not ashamed.

Joette:  Yeah, you don’t want to live in abject poverty. You don’t want to do this alone. You want to do this. A partner makes a big difference. A husband makes s huge difference. So now you also want to make sure that you’re eating good food. Now, how can you do that without the other underpinnings? It’s possible. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that mothers out there who don’t have husbands are naughty or anything. I’m just telling you that it certainly makes it a lot easier in the long run if you’re doing this with someone else.

Paola:  Sure. So, kind of eating a high quality diet, that raw milk.

Joette:  Absolutely, absolutely.

Paola:  Reducing your stress.

Joette:  Yes, fresh air. Try to buy a house that doesn’t have pesticides sprayed all around it. Try to get into a school where you feel comfortable with where it’s a good school or you decide to homeschool. These are huge decisions and you want all your options available to you.

Paola:  Right, right. If your immediate family is exhaustingly stressful, move a few hours away. Do what it takes.

Joette:  And if standard family is good for you, by all means, take advantage of that. You need that extended family. Grandparents are key.

Paola:  Going back to the concept of genetics, there’s this hot new word out there called epigenetics. So we know about genetics but now it’s epigenetics. I’m not sure if all our listeners know what epigenetics is. It’s basically the modification of gene expression rather than the alteration of the genetic code itself.

Joette:  So we’re trying splitting hairs here. We’re moderating not changing.

Paola:  Right. So genetics, they’re saying, can change completely the code. Then epigenetics is saying is instead the code is the same, it’s just how it’s expressing itself as that.

Joette:  Yeah, yeah, so the expression of it, not the underlying molecular level of it, the makeup of it. Well and miasms have to do with what we’re talking about. There’s no doubt about it. I think we’re kind of splitting hairs, although it would be fascinating to find that out homeopathically.

But here’s the thing. Modern science is always digging around to find out these kinds of answers. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t think we have any answers. I mean we know that there are certain inherited taints in the family. Whether you look it up and you go through blood tests or saliva tests or other kinds of molecular tests, there are specific diseases that you’re likely to get when you learn about miasms. That’s already determined. That was determined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann back in the early 1800s, 1801, 1810, 1805. That was all figured out, not with microscopes, not with testing of saliva but it was determined through clinical experience. It was seen time and again. It’s a fascinating study. I won’t go into it too much here because we’re all going to talk about it in this course. I mean, we could talk about this all day long. Miasms are very fascinating.

But you can see that it’s coming from the family. What I love about this is it’s not saying, “Oh jeepers, now I’m doomed.” I’d rather say, “No. Look at your health. Look at your parent’s health. Look at your husband’s health and his parent’s health. Now, you know where your kids are going if you’re not careful, if you are imprudent, if there are drugs that are used for every sniffle and sneeze or even for not every sniffle and sneeze, for diseases or conditions that can so readily be corrected and aided or even softened if nothing else with methods that do not drive the pathology to a deeper state.” That’s the phrase. It drives the pathology or the family inheritance to a deeper state, a more sobering state. So that that next generation because now we’ve had three generations, four even, four generations depending on which family we’re looking at, of vaccinations. Now the kids are getting, I think the last tally was 69 vaccines by the time they reached college. By the time I reached college, I had maybe, I don’t know four.

Paola:  Wow.

Joette:  So it’s something to think about.

Paola:  So you’re saying, when it comes to homeopathy, who cares if the actual genetic code is different or if it’s expressing itself differently. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that it came from your family and you’re sick. So now we treat it with the protocol.

Joette:  Right. Now, we use homeopathy to uproot it. Now we can look down the pike and look at our children and say, “Ho, ho, now I better watch out for that because my husband had asthma and I had eczema. That could come down the pike.” It doesn’t take much to turn that on or as you said, kick – put the alarm clock next to that sleeping giant or I said kick him in the gut. Suddenly, he wakes up and all the wrath of the family inheritance comes out.

Paola:  They wake up mad. They don’t wake up happy.

Joette:  Right, right.

Paola:  So I, myself was allergic or intolerant to it. It wasn’t so much chemicals for me but it was food. If any of the listeners are listening, you might have heard of the Autoimmune Paleo diet. So I couldn’t have milk, eggs, soy, beans, nuts. I couldn’t have any form of -.

Joette:  Grains.

Paola:  Oh, no grains, no rice, that goes without saying. I couldn’t even have nightshade vegetables, so tomatoes.

Joette:  Tomatoes and eggplant, and yeah, all the things that you love, that I love.

Paola:  Right. And I was slow and avocado, I was trying to crop out and that was a big one for me because it gave me all the fats that I needed and so I started living off of coconut products. I could tell that sooner or later that was going to get added to the list, too.

Joette:  The more myopic or the more narrow we become in our food choices, the more narrow we have to become on our food choices.

Paola:  Right, right. I have to say, Joette, all I avoid right now is gluten. I believe that I could probably start working on that but I’m just so happy that all I have to do is avoid gluten. So I’m just taking a break right now and just avoid gluten and I love it.

Joette:  Yeah, it’s a beautiful thing. I say that later on in life, I had eight, nine foods. I keep forgetting. I think I’ve said eight. I think I’ve said nine. So just to correct that, I’ve said both ways. Nine foods that I could eat and I called it my sad little diet.

Paola:  This was in your 30s?

Joette:  Yeah, when I was in my 30s. The more I couldn’t eat, the more I couldn’t eat. It was an exercise in my poor husband. We couldn’t go out to dinner. We couldn’t travel or if we did, we had coolers. I mean, I had the state of the art coolers, I have to tell you because when we were on road trips. That’s now what I want to be known for, my coolers.

Paola:  Right. Don’t.

Joette:  We went out to dinner last night. I didn’t even give it a thought. I mean I’m not going to eat stuff with MSG in it. But tonight, we’re going to meet with some friends and they’re going to have hotdogs and hamburgers and I’m going to eat it. Believe it or not, I’m going to eat on their free range. You know what I mean? These are not hotdogs that are high quality hotdogs. So actually, I will probably just have the hamburger but it’s certainly not from a free range cow. I can pretty much guarantee that. So I’m bringing the salad. I’m bringing an avocado salad and tomatoes. So I’ll eat a lot of my stuff and then I’ll have one hamburger, maybe without the bun.

Paola:  Right.

Joette:  I still eat. I want to be part of the group.

Paola:  That’s my point. That’s what’s so exciting. Had I only found you now, I think maybe I would have taken this over even the Good Gut, Bad Gut because I have to tell you, my biggest fear, Joette was that I was going to starve.

Joette:  Yes, oh yes.

Paola:  I will have to have that bag that goes straight. I mean that was my biggest fear.

Joette:  Yes, absolutely. That’s the way I felt, too. I got to the point where I was afraid to eat anything because I didn’t know whether or not that was going to trigger it.

Paola:  Right, right.

Joette:  Being for me, it was asthma later on. So it went from skin to stomach to asthma.

Paola:  For me, it was my bladder. It would make my bladder bleed and that goes back to the whole genetics, whatever we’re predisposed to.

So Joette, why this course?

Who should take the course and why

Joette:  Because I feel as though there’s something in the other courses and that was just what we’re talking about, the genetic. So I feel that we needed to go deeper. I had not done that in other courses as deep as I’d like to. I want to explain how this has an inheritance value. It will give a lot of insight into what homeopathic medicines can be used but also what’s coming down the pike for folks, families. So this course is not for everyone. A lot of times, it’s so for all of my courses where everything I talk about is not for everyone. There are many people who really don’t have any interest in this. That’s their decision. But this course is not for someone who feels that they can’t take another course on, that they just don’t want to go this deep. They don’t need to understand why this is happening or how this is happening and what homeopathic medicines are connected to it.

But it is for someone who says I can’t get enough of this stuff. I know that many of the folks who are our students are of that ilk. They can’t get enough, just like me. I still can’t get enough. I’m in my 60s. I can’t stop reading this stuff. I can’t stop learning that’s why I go to India every year. I mean, I just got back a month ago. I’m ready to go in January. I just said to my husband, “Let’s go back.” I want to go back. He says, “Really?” Yeah. Why does it have to be once a year. Why can’t we go twice a year? I can’t get enough because it’s so fascinating.

It’s the only that I can equate this to is music. When you first start learning music and you find out where Middle C is and then you have one hand in the scales and then the arpeggios and then you can learn a little tune. Then you start playing little simple sonatas. Then by the time you turn into an adult, you really learned a lot but there’s always more to learn. You don’t even think to learn of the romantics or maybe you didn’t even think to learn about the jazz that came in the 20th century. I start learning rhythms. How cool is that? You could keep going on and on. How about country rhythms and how about comparing that to rhythms that were used in just a cappella or back in the 1600s by the monks? It’s just too cool. There is so much to learn and that’s the way homeopathy is.

Paola:  Well, I really relate to this. When my kids, and I play a little bit of piano, but my kids play piano. When they start off, they’re frustrated. It’s hard and I don’t get it.

Joette:  Because there’s no beauty to it, yet. There’s no fun.

Paola:  And that’s how I felt when I started off with homeopathy. But then as you progress, in piano, it takes a couple of years but with homeopathy, it’s much quicker than that. As you progress, you get your kid looking at you, “That was really fun.” My son’s playing this little song called Happy Farmer and it has this really fun scale. He loves it. That’s how I feel about the homeopathy. It’s no longer frustrating. I kind of passed the beginner stage and it is fun to cure people.

Joette:  Oh my God, it’s such a heady experience.

Here’s the thing I always tell people. We, humans are always looking at what the goals is, looking ahead, looking ahead. I got to cure this. I got to get to that. I got to be able to take care of my child’s this and my aunt’s that. I say, “No, no, no, no, no, no. Don’t look at what’s always ahead.” Of course, you don’t always want. You want to have goals. But turn around, look back, and look at what you have accomplished. Look 80% back. You won’t realize how much you’ve learned until you look back and say, “Wow, my child doesn’t have constipation anymore. My neighbor doesn’t have those arthritic knees any longer. My mother doesn’t have the weeping any more. My father doesn’t have shin splints.” I mean these are things that homeopathy corrects, not treats, remember. We’re not treating symptoms. We are correcting. So it is a heady experience. I always say it’s deliciously intellectual.

Paola:  I love that.

So there is one thing I want to talk about, Joette. That is your mission. Your mission is to get homeopathy in how many homes is it?

Joette:  I think it was a million. Did I say million? I keep forgetting. I think it was 100,000.

Paola:  You wrote it down somewhere.

Joette:  Yeah, I know. I have it written on a little slate at my desk.

Paola:  There’s a number.

Joette:  By 2020. That was the number, by 2020. So I don’t know if we’re being really ridiculous in thinking that.

Paola:  Yeah, we can do it.

Joette:  In four years, whether we can do this but with the help of the internet and people and really more than anything, mothers spreading it to mother to grand mom and to neighbor.

Paola:  At the rate people are getting sick with not very good options at their fingertips, I mean this is going to keep spreading.

Joette:  Yeah, it comes along faster for many, yes. Yes, that’s right. There, we want to get it out there. I always wonder whether or not I should do this podcasts about a course. I believe very strongly in this medicine, this medical paradigm. So my passion is to get it to people and so we create these courses. The courses are not necessarily for everyone. Not everyone wants to put out the money or doesn’t have the money to do this. So I have developed or we, as a group, my whole group and my team around me including you, Paola have put together tiers, levels of ability or interest in learning more. So I suppose the top tier would be working with me one on one.

So that if you have a problem and you don’t want to take course or you’re taking a course and you just can’t move fast along, enough along in it then you can work with me one on one. That’s certainly very acceptable for many people and it’s not for others. But let’s say that’s not affordable then I also have CDs and people can purchase CDs. They can also purchase the courses. So the courses are I think reasonable but some might not agree with that. But for what’s in them and for the fact that this information is so unique, I think that the value is there. But let’s say people don’t agree with that. The value isn’t there. Now, what I suggest you do is you spend time on my blog. I’ve been offering this blog for nine years.

Paola:  It’s awesome.

Joette:  It is every single week. In the beginning, I give a lot of classical information. So there are some information that it would be valuable but I say the last four, five years is the information that I’m the most proud of since I started working with protocols and the Banerjis. I give you, I come back from India. My assistant collates all my information for me, puts it together. Then I give this away on my blog. I teach people. I do this for free.

Paola:  Yes. I just want to, case in point, it costs money for you to get this information from India, here. It costs money to put these courses together. It’s a lot of work. I’m on the back side of that. I see how much work it takes. So obviously, you want to support those endeavors but I’m going to say it, Joette. I don’t think you’ve ever come out and said this before. But when I realized that this was what was going on, I just thought, “This needs to come out.”

When you buy a course from Joette like the Good Gut, Bad Gut or this Allergic course, you get access to a pharmacy where you get a discount. If you take even her study groups, which is kind of cheaper, it’s just like 50 bucks for that course, you do get a smaller discount but you get a discount and access to our preferred pharmacy. Anyhow, I was asking Joette once. So, why do we get this discount? It’s because Joette is waving her commission? For anyone who buys a remedy, she would get like 30%. But what she did is she turned that around and is giving it to her students because she didn’t want to have her hand in that way of making money.

Joette:  That’s the paradigm of conventional medicine where the doctor gives you a drug and he gets, I don’t know if I call it a kickback, I don’t know what it’s called these days. It’s changing all the time to protect the interest of those that are involved. But I don’t want to tell people, “Yeah, take this homeopathic medicine.” And then I’m getting a buck on it. I want you to just take it because it’s going to help you. I don’t want to make anything on it. It’s the same thing. We’re doing this with Boiron, too. When you click on it, on the medicine that’s on the blog and it takes you to Boiron, the pharmacy. It’s an international homeopathic pharmacy.

Paola:  Wonderful.

Joette:  You get a 20% discount if you use my name. I don’t get anything. I don’t want anything.

Paola:  That’s how we can make that possible is because you’ve given that up. That is your goal, Joette, is you want to help people and cure them. This isn’t about building some empire. It’s about building some empire. It’s about making people well. Am I allowed to say that?

Joette:  Well, it’s awfully nice of you to say that. But I still, I want you to know that I still make a living. That is part of this too. But I also know that people who come to the blog often can’t afford. So I don’t want them to say, “Oh my gosh. I have to send $15.” Some people can’t. They really can’t. So I want this to be available to all. If this is the way it’s best done, that’s the way we’re going to do it.

Paola:  Right, right. Well very good. Getting back to the Allergic course, how to conclude that idea. Tell me the Kali bichromium.

Kali bichromium for allergies 

Joette:  Oh yeah, yeah, bichromium, yeah. Because I want to give at least a protocol so that folks can go away with knowing something about how to use homeopathy for allergies. Quite a while ago, I used to have tremendous headaches and I used to think they were migraines. But I didn’t really know. I just knew the pain was horrendous. It was every single time the barometric pressure changed. Now, I lived in right downtown Buffalo, New York at that time. There was a barometric pressure change twice a week for crying out loud.

Paola:  So what is that exactly? I’m not sensitive to that. What is a barometric pressure?

Joette:  It means that the clouds have either come in and the sky is low. It’s actually the clouds are low. Then behind them, it might be a front or a clearing and as they blow through, it changes. The barometric pressure actually changes because now the clouds are lifted or they’ve dissolved or they’ve evaporated. The wind just blown them away and now it’s changed again. So it has to do with humidity too but it’s also pressure.

Paola:  So that’s what Chicken Little was referring to when the sky was falling because of that barometric pressure thing?

Joette:  Maybe, maybe. So every time a little storm would come through or a cloud cover would come through and it was imminent and I could feel that it was coming along, I would get these tremendous headaches. Well, these headaches were specific. That’s what I’m going to talk about, the specific kind of headache that was across my face, behind my eyes, above my eyes. It often started above my eye or between them and then it would just spread across. Sometimes it would go into my ears and it almost felt like it could be allergies.

At one point, I went to an allergist at that time. They said, “Oh yeah, it’s allergies.” Of course, he wanted to give me steroids. But I just started to learn about homeopathy and I said no, no, no, no. I’m going to have to stop. Thanks for the information and no thanks. So I went home and I just started to learn about homeopathy. At that time, I had a simple book and I looked up barometric pressure change or headaches or sinus. I think it was sinus. I looked at sinus pain and that’s what it was. So I took Kali bichromium 30, Kali, K-A-L-I, bichromium, B-I-C-H-R-O-M-I-U-M, bichromium 30C or 30X. Either one would probably act just as well. Because of my naiveté, I took one dose. I thought well, no change here. I guess that’s the end of that. Then I learned a couple of weeks later, no, no, no, when you’ve got something like this, you take several doses. You take them until it works. So I did it again.

Paola:  Just let’s remind people. It’s three to four doses and then the cue is not just end this.

Joette:  Yeah, you don’t take it forever. You give it a chance to act. It’s usually about four doses that will determine whether or not that will work or not. Yeah, so I took it maybe three times then it took the pain away within I don’t know, a couple of hours. Normally, I would suffer for days. So I was elated. I wasn’t going to take drugs at that time. I already knew at that point no more drugs. I knew that I was as sick with drugs as I was without them. So I said I’m stopping this stuff. I’m stopping spending the money on it and stop making myself sicker.

So then the next barometric pressure change came along and that was about a week later as usual or two weeks later. I took it again. I started to feel the pain, I took it again. That was it. I never had another headache, sinus pain headache or any headache for that matter now that I think of it except for maybe if I had a flu or something. I never had it again. I had suffered with these headaches for years, every week, every ten days. For years, I had suffered. It took two rounds.

Now, I want to parenthetically tell everyone it doesn’t always work like this. I love to tell the stories that are exciting like this because they illustrate so beautifully. There are lots of stories in which it takes months for conditions to correct but this was stunning. So I still have that bottle of Kali bichromium. No one else in my family has suffered from this except me. I can see how much I used. I used two rounds. Maybe what, four, six, eight doses altogether, I’ve never had another one since.

Paola:  So it’s like you were allergic to the barometric -.

Joette:  Oh, I was just allergic to the environment. I don’t know that you call it allergies. Yeah, it was in the environment. Yeah, maybe it is an allergy. Maybe some people do consider weather change as an allergic response. There’s no doubt about it. Some people say, “Well, it’s just because of the mold or that’s because of the pollen.” It can also be the change in weather. A lot of people suffer from allergies in spring or fall. They’re fine in the summer or they’re worse in the winter. Certain seasons bring it on. It doesn’t have to be that’s just because the heat went on and there’s dust or those kinds of things. It doesn’t have to be that. It can simply be weather. So yeah, I was allergic to – it seemed like so many darn things. It was just one more thing.

Paola:  So you’re saying as barometric pressure changes, Kali bichromium is the first one to think of?

Joette:  To think of when you have pain in the sinuses especially related to that. Now, there are other characteristics to this medicine. One is that the mucus is stringy and it’s Plasticine. I didn’t have any of that. All I had was the face pain, had pain into my ears above my forehead. I mean, it was the kind where I just had to lay down. I used to take this drug before I decided I wasn’t going to do this any longer. I used to take this drug called 222. I live in New York State and I used to travel. You couldn’t get it over the counter in New York State. I was so desperate for relief that I would go over the bridge to Canada and buy these things over the counter. They had codeine in them. I was creating like this codeine habit over this stupid barometric pressure change pain that I used to have then I’d be groggy. Then I’d get constipation from it. I mean, the list went on and on because of what the drug did. On one hand, I was thankful it got rid of the pain but it never cured me. It only caused the potential of a new long-term problem.

Paola:  It’s interesting how if the stars line up, something like a barometric pressure change can really bother some people.

Joette:  Oh you bet.

Paola:  I have a cute sister in law who delivered at the hospital. But she delivered in the hallway because there was some big, barometric pressure change and it put all these women into labor that they didn’t have a room for.

Joette:  Wow. And they recognized that. Isn’t that interesting?

Paola:  Yeah, they told her. Oh well it was the nurse. The nurses will know.

Joette:  The nurses are really astute. Really, nurses get it because they’re in the trenches. They see everything.

Paola:  They do, yeah.

Joette:  And they’re moms. They’re often moms and grandmothers. They’re observant because they’ve been watching their own for a couple of decades or so.

Paola:  Very good. Well thanks, Joette. This is a great treat. I’m so glad to talk with you. I’m really looking forward to your upcoming course.

Joette:  Oh Paola, I love doing this with you.

Paola:  Oh thanks.

Joette:  That’s really great. I hope it helps folks. Remember folks, if this doesn’t turn you on, you don’t want to go to courses, no problem. Go to the blog. Just use it. Use it. That’s what it’s there for. Just use that little search bar. Look up the condition that you or someone in your family is suffering from and including your dogs and cats and birds and wildlife. It’s the same thing for animals. So just look it up there and find out what I’m recommending for that particular condition and there you go. It’s free. You just click on it. Go to amazon and you buy it yourself or you go to your local store or you go to your homeopathy kit.

Paola:  You can get it from Boiron because we have that discount now.

Joette:  Boiron – that discount, Boiron, yeah, absolutely.

Paola:  Awesome. Thanks, Joette.

Joette:  Okay, my pleasure, Paola. Take care.

Paola:  You just listened to a podcast by joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified homeopath public speaker and author, Joette Calabrese shared her passion for helping families stay healthy, do homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com and schedule a free 15-minute conversation.

” If you have allergies, remember that modern medicine has written you off. The CDC itself will tell you: “There is no cure for allergies. Strict avoidance of the allergen is the only way to prevent a reaction.” I lived decades living in a bubble, dealing with my allergies. Things improved when I stopped taking prescription drugs and changed my diet, but I was not cured. So I kept searching until I found the thing that changed my life forever:homeopathy. Want to learn the same homeopathic steps I took to clear myself of allergies? Learn them today and use them tonight with my newest course: Allergic: http://allergies.joettecalabrese.com/allergic/ and download a free infographic, and start learning what remedies could help uproot your allergies. “


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


6 thoughts on “Podcast 19 – My Skinny, Little Arm Got Allergy Shots”

  1. Kate says:

    I just want to say “God bless you, Joette!” The amount of information you share is such a God-send, and gives hope to so many of us!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      THank you for your kind words. Pls pass along the message to your friends and relatives.

  2. PW says:

    Thank-you Joette and Paola for this podcast. I am taking the ALLERGIC course for my husband, I am so grateful for all the information you share Joette, homeopathy is giving so many of us a new hope.

  3. Cristin says:

    When will the Allergic course be available for purchase? I can’t wait!

  4. Mayda says:

    Would this course address nut allergies and how to treat it? My son is 3 now. Still nursing. He had eczema as a baby but has outgrown that. He was skin tested for allergies and they determined that he had peanut, almond, etc. Allergy. I sometimes will eat peanuts just to get the thing in his system. Would I benefit from this course or would it be better to contact the office for consultation?
    I don’t want him to have nut allergies all his life.

    1. Courtney Ingham says:

      It is indeed covered in my course “Allergic”. Should you be interested in talking with someone who can help you decide, feel free to call my office M-Sat from 8:30 -4:30.

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