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Podcast 16 – Shut UP! How Taking Drugs Shuts Up Symptoms and Causes New, More Sobering Ones Later On

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

December 6th, 2015  |  19 Comments

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In this podcast, we cover:

0:46 A Taking prescription drugs starts in the pediatrician's office.

3:06 B Statin drugs on lowering cholesterol.

19:40 C Rooting out cardiac problems with Arsenicum album.

35:14 D Lachesis for heart problems during menopause.

40:30 E Heart conditions could be symptoms of other health conditions.

46:10 F Learn to say no.

Shut UP! How Taking Drugs Shut Up Symptoms and Cause New, More Sobering Ones Later On:

Cardiac Disease Can Stem From This Abuse While Homeopathy Can Resolve It 

You are listening to a podcast from JoetteCalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.  

Jendy: Hello! This is Jendy, and I’m here with Joette Calabrese. And today, we're going to talk about drugs, silencing symptoms, and heart conditions. Now I was a little taken aback from the title that is on here, Joette. Using “shut up” is a little rude, don't you think?

Taking prescription drugs starts in the pediatrician's office

Joette: Yes, it is. It is. But it's an important subject given the number of people who take drugs pertaining especially to the heart. Let me give you a quote here from the Mayo Clinic that will open this up. It says that seven out ten Americans take prescription drugs. I find that absolutely shocking. And it all starts in what might surprise many people to hear. Now I believe it all starts in the pediatrician's office.

Jendy: I've heard you mention that in the past. You're not very fond of pediatricians and you blame them for a lot of things. Can you tell us why?

Joette: Yes. Yes. I blame them for ISIS too. Oh, just kidding, just kidding. The problem I have with them is that they're paradigm for using an antibiotic for every infection, whether it's bacterial or not; an analgesic for any pain; ibuprofen to shut up a fever; suppress symptoms that are simply signs of an illness instead of the illness itself. That it's a model that needs to be turned on its head. And because in thinking this way, it becomes the training ground for mothers, young mothers and middle aged mothers. Not to mention that the child has now learned when you're sick, you go to the doctor for a drug. It's early training for compliancy, as far as I'm concerned in a modern drug lifestyle.

My favorite pediatrician who is unfortunately no longer with us on Earth is Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. He once said that the key to health is to stay away from doctors. He went on further in my favorite book of his and he's written a few of them – was called How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor. He says the best way to raise a healthy child is to keep them away from doctors except for emergency care, in the case of an accident or an obviously serious illness. And if your child displays symptoms of illness, monitor it closely but don't seek medical help. Don't seek medical help until there are clear indications that he is, here's the word – seriously ill. So it all starts there. That's the end of his quote. It all starts there.

Then add to the chronic bombardment of commercials on TV and women's magazines. Jendy, I can't even look at those magazines anymore because they're fundamentally drug promos with some nice photos of interiors and a few good recipes. What this has done is culminated into a lifestyle that is so drug-filled that no one considers it unusual to not be taking drugs. I have to say that the guidelines are constantly changing so that more and more of the population come under these guidelines.

Jendy: I think you have a recent study you can tell us about, right?

Statin drugs on lowering cholesterol 

Joette: Yes. There was a study that was just published online. Actually it was just this past week on Wednesday and by the New England Journal of Medicine. It was published by the American Heart Association, the study itself and the American College of Cardiology. What they've done is publish new guidelines for what percentage of the population ought to be taking statin drugs. And so it recommends that believe it or not, almost half of Americans ages 40 to 75 and nearly all men over 70 qualify to consider cholesterol lowering statin drugs. These new guidelines put less emphasis on cholesterol and more on drug treatment. So what they're doing in my estimation is planning to put many people on statin drugs who previously would not have qualified for that.

I've a background in marketing and sales. I worked in NBC and I worked in an independent TV station years ago and I know marketing. I can smell a marketing campaign from miles away. Let me tell you what other doctors who are not in this camp are saying. For example, in the book, The Statin Disaster by Dr. David Brownstein, he says that statin drugs fail for nearly 99% of those who take them. They neither prevent heart attacks nor have they been shown to show that people live any longer.

Jendy: Can I ask you what would define a statin drug? What would that be?

Joette: Oh, yes. Good question. I always assume people know what that means but they might not. It's the drug that lowers cholesterol. When your cholesterol is at a certain range, they automatically put you on these drugs.

Jendy: Instead of saying change your diet and exercise?

Joette: Yes, yes, exactly. They might also give that information. But I think the message is very clear to people that if they're not going to do that then they just have to take these drugs. But my contention is that we don't even need to reduce our cholesterol in many situations.

Jendy: Yes. So now they have these new guidelines.

Joette: Right. And these guidelines are increasing the number of people who only months ago, before Wednesday, before they put this out, they were considered healthy. Now they throw them into a pool of people they now can call patients and buyers. Once you're a patient, you're a customer for life. But as I said, this has been orchestrated since early childhood when the mom takes the child in for fevers and coughs and tummy aches and rashes. I always say never expect the disclosure of the dangers of medical procedures from those who use them. Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” 

Jendy: But you don't have to take drugs for life, right? You're only supposed to take them until you get better.

Joette: Well, you’d think that was the case but it's not because once you started drug for so-called chronic condition, the guideline the doctors are taught by the ubiquitous drug rep is that this is a drug that's used indefinitely. When I talk to people, I mean, we just had a loss in our family. Someone just passed away in my extended family and I'll be going to the wake and funeral this coming week. I know that we'll be talking about health, et cetera. And when I talk to them who have been taking drugs and many, I've a lot of cousins, lots – a big, fat Italian family is where I come from. And so I'll be with a lot of people this next week. When I ask people how long they've been taking the drugs, “Oh, yes, 10 years, 12 years.” And I always ask them, “So are you cured, yet?” Really? Isn't the idea of taking a medicine to cure not to keep someone on the conveyor belt for life?

But let me go back if you don't mind. Let me go back because these drugs are used for cholesterol and I don't believe cholesterol is a disease. High cholesterol is not a disease. It's simply a marker. And it's a marker for the lipid theory and I believe the operative word here is theory. With this new guideline, they're going to increase the population by 56 million people. But only half of the people will be so-called protected from heart attacks in the next years. That's 0.89%, less than 1%. We should be absolutely outraged.

But anyway, the lipid hypothesis of heart disease has been the darling of the medical establishment for I don't know, maybe 60 years. Clogged arteries is their sacred dictat. This hypothesis, arguably without scientific merit, often has managed to influence and harm generations of people in my opinion. In contrast, there's another theory – the myogenic theory of heart disease. That asserts that heart attacks occur as a result of a cascade of stress-induced conditions in the heart muscle cells themselves. It's not the arteries is what this theory says. There is indeed compelling evidence to substantiate this therapeutic approach, too.;

And if there are opposing views on the same condition, oughtn't we to know about both of them and perhaps a third or a fourth or a fifth theory? But as often as the case in medicine as in most subjects that we find where there's a big profit behind, that the only view that's considered is the view, is one view.

Let me propose another consideration, the homeopathic take on this. The homeopathic take on cardiac disease does not speculate on the various functions of the vessels of the tissues, their uptake ability or the extent of their occlusion, et cetera.

Jendy: So homeopathy doesn't do any speculation at all?

Joette: Well, it's well-established aphorisms in homeopathy. Aphorisms are the rules that homeopathy follows. They've been put out before us by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder; well, I wouldn't call him the discoverer but the founder of today's homeopathy as we know it and back in the late 1700s in Germany. He believed that once the disease is suppressed by outside means such as a drug that it drives the illness to a deeper state and that's a basic aphorism. He had many aphorisms. This happens to be Aphorism 201. I mean, if you ever want to look it up – Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Aphorism 201 in the Organon.

It emphasizes the externalization of internal symptoms. See, what we're talking about, the externalization of internal symptoms are symptoms. The symptom is something that presents on the outside. It's an instinctive reaction when disease is present which naturally creates less risk to more vital organs that are threatened from the originating disease. In effect, it could be described as an innate response by the body's natural defenses to survive and reduce resulting impact on the internal organs and system.

So we consider one of the main causes of heart disease for example, we as homeopaths to be a result of suppression or deepening of some less serious illness from the past or even at the present. In other words, illness that originally presented in a less crucial organ is forced into a more vital organ, the heart; less crucial might be say, the skin, as a direct result of suppression by a drug and other heroic medical measures.

Iatrogenic, by the way is a great term for a disease because it means that a disease or a condition that is caused by medical mismanagement. And that's exactly what we believe happens.

Let me give you an example. Imagine a skin condition such as acne or eczema. The person wants to fix it to silence, to shut up the symptoms via drugs such as topical steroid creams or antibiotics or such. So the illness must either beg to return as soon as the ointment or other suppressive method is halted. But it reappears with symptoms more severe than before or if not allowed to return, will and this is the pivotal moment, drive more deeply into a more critical organ. The illness has the opportunity to be freed from the bondage of drugs but only if it's not suppressed. At this time, if the vital force of the person is capable, it will simply put the pathology right back where it belongs, on the skin where it started. That's not a serious place. I mean, it might be uncomfortable. It might be horribly uncomfortable. But it's not serious.

The heart is more vital organ. If the person is not of great resiliency because of inherited factors or overuse of previous suppressing treatments, then pathology will travel to the more crucial organ and this might include the lungs. Even pediatricians recognize it. Asthma follows eczema. But what they don't recognize is that it's the treatment of the eczema with the suppressive drugs that then drives it to the lungs. The gut, and here's another example, the gut is also a place that is affected especially after a skin rash has been held back by a drug. Oh and then of course, the heart which is what we're going to be talking about today. A new illness compensates for the suppression of the old is more serious and it can make it very difficult to eradicate this.

I want to mention this to folks who have skin conditions particularly eczema and psoriasis, et cetera. I just found this website. Actually a client, student told me about it. It's called itsan.org, I-T-S-A-N.org. It's a not for profit organization that is designed to help people understand that skin afflictions that have been treated with topical or oral steroids cause an addiction. If you or someone you know has used or is using steroids, check out the site. It is really fascinating. There's a great video on it. I will tell you, I don't agree with their solutions to the problem with the topical steroid addiction but at least it's a group of doctors and patients who have accepted that there is a serious problem that needs awareness.

Jendy: What does this mean to us and to our listeners?

Joette: Well, if you go to ITSAN, I-T-S-A-N.org and watch their short video, this is really a great video. What it talks about is the resolve to keep your children away from medications for fevers, eczema, allergies, diarrhea and anything easily treatable with wiser food choices for example, homeopathic medicines. In the case of a normal fever, doing nothing other than leave the small issues alone; stop using drugs. Shut up the drug use instead of shutting up the symptoms with the drugs. The goal always is to protect our children from damage that can be thrown into their future.

Remember when Nancy Reagan, well you don't remember Nancy Reagan or you barely remember Nancy Reagan. Well, I was in high school when Nancy Reagan was around and she said that slogan, “Just say no to drugs.” And people made fun of her. But she was right. The resolve is that simple. Say no to drugs. Now she was talking about street drugs. Well, but also prescription drugs to a certain degree as well but just say no. No, thank you. I'm not going there.

Jendy: What about the people that have already taken years' worth of medication?

Joette: That's a good question, Jendy. Do you know anyone who isn't taking or hasn't taken a drug in the past? Really. 

Jendy: I don't think so unless it's like… not even a newborn in these days.

Joette: Right. That's right. Even newborns come into the world with Pitocin, spinal blocks, pain relievers, antibiotics and such. That's from a simple so-called natural birth, born in the hospital. What if the mothers had a C-section? It's ubiquitous. 

Jendy: How does that affect the heart conditions?

Joette: Well, let me give you a story to illustrate my point. Let's take Arnie, okay? His digestion or intake of questionable ingredients in his meals has triggered something in him. He's been getting these heart palpitations and pounding and restlessness and apprehension. It could be from the MSG and his Egg Beaters that he has for breakfast every morning or the gluten in corn syrup. He loves bagels.

We often blame what we've eaten and it doesn't mean we shouldn't look at it. But then again, we put a timeline together and I've talked about this many times. If he would look back at what happened in the past several months or even years but particularly in the last several months because now this is new for him, he might recall that he took antibiotics just a few months previous. And his habit, he had this habit of sinus infections. I don't mean to call it a habit but he had these sinus infections that were repetitive. And after the sinus infections, he suffered from indigestion and bloating. So if you were to put it together, you might think well, it's the sinus infections problem, so that its the fault of his own body. It means that there's something wrong with his body. But of course, I'm going in a different path right now.

A few months ago, Arnie woke up at three in the morning with pain in his chest. His heart was racing and in a panic and it scared the bagels right out of him. No, because he had diarrhea. A visit to his doctor and days off from work from all the tests revealed that Arnie was suffering from angina. Well, to be honest, he already knew that except he called it pain in his heart but they got to give this medical term. Along with Arnie's angina also came a sense of urgency and overwhelming anxiety and racing thoughts. During all of this time, he had this painful heart spells. He also found himself pacing the room with angst and couldn't quiet his mind.

But when he visited the cardiologist, no questions with the intent of shedding light on such information were opposed. His doc simply offered tests that revealed of course, a need for prescription. Because folks might think of the meds they took as a culprit but when they asked their doctor if the meds could be the culprit or be the source of the problem, the doctor usually says no, that's not possible. Doctors believe in their paradigms. They're not going to tell you what they gave you is going to cause a problem.

Jendy: Yes. It sounds like maybe he's just prescription deficient.

Joette: Yes, I know. That's what I think the way the modern medicine, medical world looks at it. That's well said, Jendy, a prescription deficient.

In the end, the answer he received went something like this. You're not young anymore, Arnie. No more steaks for you, Arnie. No more eggs. You have to take these pills. Oh, and for how long? Yes, yes, Arnie, for the rest of your life.

Jendy: What would you prescribe for him using homeopathy?

Rooting out cardiac problems with Arsenicum album.

Joette: Well, the considerations of his cardiac reactions to MSG would necessitate the remedy Arsenicum album 30. Now we don't know that that's for sure that it was MSG but that's certainly something to think about. It has a reputation for being able to remove the immediate poisoning effects of such additives. It would not be taken – you don't take Arsenicum album 30, however unless there are clear indications that it is the reason for the influence, so it's influenced this problem.

In other words, this is not a time for speculation. If you look into antidote the effects of MSG, let's say it wasn't from his Egg Beaters even though he'd been eating them for a long time, Arsenicum album would certainly be the remedy. Arsenicum album 30 would be the remedy to bring down the palpitations, pounding, apprehension and restlessness. It has the ability to allay fears and panic and to abort the potential of ensuing cardiac pathology. We're not treating symptoms here. We're not just getting rid of the problems that are presenting. We're rooting it out.

Jendy: And would he still need to stop eating the Egg Beaters?

Joette: Well, I would do that if I were Arnie. If he thought that was the cause, certainly; just to calm things down a bit. I mean, Egg Beaters, really? Nobody should be eating Egg Beaters. You should be eating eggs.

Jendy: True.

Joette: That's the way they were intended to be eaten, the whole egg. So eventually, Arnie snapped to his senses. He realized that he was probably relying on drugs more often than was prudent. So he consulted with a homeopath. And the homeopath told him to take the nitroglycerin that the doctor had ordered for a while longer but to follow it with a specific homeopathic medicine within a few minutes of each episode. That would likely take care of the racing heart and his anxiety.

Jendy: So this is where the ‘like cures like' in the homeopathic philosophy?

Joette: Yes. Yes. This is where it comes in. As its paradigm, what better remedy choice than something that in its gross form causes symptoms such as what Arnie was suffering? So we might also use the remedy, the homeopathic remedy that might be prepared from coffee because that's exactly what he was experiencing, that raciness and stepped-up heart, et cetera. So he took the remedy Coffea cruda 200. That's homeopathic Coffea that's made originally from coffee. And after a few nights of taking Coffea cruda, Arnie was able to calm down. And he started to return to sense of himself again. The remedy helped him minimize the need to use the nitroglycerin. This is what his homeopath counted on, of course.

But Arnie didn't listen to his homeopath. The next time he experienced that horrible anguish and jumping heart with pain, he skipped the drug altogether – the nitroglycerin and instead only took Coffea cruda 200. To his relief again, he not only came down from that anxiety but the pain and pounding heart vanished in about the same amount of time as he would have experienced with the use of the drug.

Jendy: Does that mean he could wean himself off the nitroglycerin?

Joette: Well, no homeopath in the US is willing to overstep in the situation like this. The homeopath was cautious and she's told Arnie that she would like him to meet with his cardiologist regaining this decision. But Arnie didn't do that. Arnie's got this kind of personality that he just does what he wants to do which is actually very good in many ways. After using Coffea cruda, after the span of about two weeks, his confidence completely returned. He reported that now he keeps the nitroglycerin in his medicine cabinet instead of his hip pocket. And just as homeopathy is intended to work, he requires Coffea cruda less and less because his problem is resolving. It's happening fewer and fewer times.Here's the most important part about homeopathy as far as I'm concerned is that we've used symptoms as signs; signs that there is something wrong. And if the signs are not there then the disease isn't either. So I’d like to be clear that because homeopaths no longer have their hospitals in North America nor the climate within which to practice freely, I, too would not recommend to clients that they eliminate a drug without the oversight of a medical doctor. Removal of any prescription medication is never a decision to be taken lightly especially blood pressure drugs, et cetera. But you have to consider the possibility of a boomerang effect when you do this, when you do get off of the drug with the guidance even of the doctor and even if it's done slowly and judiciously. Remember, the body has habituated and compensated for with these drugs and remission should be carefully monitored, if possible.

Jendy: Did Arnie just stop the drugs? Is he still taking the Coffea 200?

Joette: Yes. Well, he no longer takes either one. He doesn't take the Coffea cruda and he doesn't take the nitroglycerin. Now, I also want to say here that if these were a more serious condition other than simply palpitations and some angina, this is not the answer. But this is the answer for Arnie and that's why I'm giving a specific example. But the homeopathic remedies do something most people don't even expect. They cure the condition so that even the homeopathic remedy is no longer needed. That's the best part.

Jendy: So you are saying that homeopathy cures all diseases?

Joette: Well, I worked with Drs. Banerji in Calcutta and Dr. Prasanta Banerji once told me that homeopathy has the ability to cure all diseases but it may not cure all people with diseases.

Jendy: What about diseases like AIDS or cancer?

Joette: Yes, even those and more. I've actually seen it in Calcutta. But some people, depending on the amount of drugs they've taken, the depth and breadth of their involvement to such methods, their age, their history, the inherited taint, how late they came to homeopathy, all of those will influence the outcome in whether or not this person can find the cure.

But even now after being a homeopath full time for 20 plus years and having studied and taught it for 29 years, I'm still amazed even flabbergasted by what this medicine is capable of accomplishing. I tell people regularly, you must allow the medicines to act. It often takes time with little steps forward and perhaps a small one back again. I know we've got more with Arnie. So let me go back because we were talking about the bagels and his food, his Egg Beaters and all that.

Let's look at another homeopathic medicine that would have benefited Arnie; Lycopodium 200 mixed with Arsenicum album. This is the combination that I learned from the Drs. Banerji while in Calcutta. And it's usually taken twice daily. It's a great antidote to the ills that result in bloating in the sense of uncomfortable fullness in the gut even including the lower chest. It's not for heart necessarily but it certainly is for gastrointestinal bloating.

Of course, Arnie should improve his diet. But remember, not everyone is willing to do that and Arnie's strong willed. He might be one of those people who don't want to change his diet. But just doing that is a good step towards guiding him to excellence in his food even if we just discussed it. That alone can perhaps change his thinking a little bit. 

Jendy: Can you tell us more about a homeopathic medicine that would help a cardiac condition?

Joette: Yes. Yes. Let me give you an example of one that I have taught about a few years ago. Several years ago, for some reason, I received a rush of desperate phone calls. They were all from women and they were all about 45 years old. I don't know why it happened like that but it just happened that way. They were complaining of overwhelming anguish and anxiety and their heart was quickened and their heart was thumping and they were having atrial fibrillation occasionally.

None had been asked by their family practitioners what they had eaten just before their cardiac incident. I think it's important that we ask those questions. None were asked whether they regularly drank coffee or how much. None were asked whether chocolates especially, a lot of sugar, MSG laden foods, even wheat or other such foods for daily fare or consumed prior to their cardiac palpitations, their incidences.

The Mayo Clinic, I just want to include this little statement, says that palpitations can be frightening but they are not always dangerous and that's something to remember. Now obviously, we don't want to be foolish about this. But if you start looking at okay, they're not always dangerous and what did I just eat, it's really important to break it down.

A lot of women who have this are certain they're going to die of a heart attack when this happens. And especially at that age, 45 years old, I see this happening more and more and I believe they're entering into menopause. They run to the ER where they submit to a battery of tests and they're exhausted and frightened and then they whimper home with the prescription that suppresses all of their symptoms. 

Jendy: These are pretty interesting. I'm sure you have another example you could share about shutting up symptoms.

Joette: Yes. Yes. I also want to mention that these calls that I started to get, a couple of them were women who were just eating a lot of chocolate. One of them was, actually two of them had just eaten. It was Halloween. It was after Halloween and one of them, when their kids went off to school, just got into the chocolate that they don't normally eat that much of. And my guess is when it's Halloween candy, I'm sure there's MSG and all kinds of other kinds. 

Jendy: You would think that would to raise a red flag.

Joette: Yes. Yes. But you know what? It gets so scary for people that they just can't think straight. And another time was the same situation. This woman had eaten those coffee beans coated with chocolate and her heart was racing. In both those cases I might add, I used, specifically I used Nux vomica. I told them to use Nux vomica 30 or 200. 

Jendy: And why doesn't the doctor ask?

Joette: I know. They don't think about it. It's not about rooting out the illness. It's not about uprooting and getting rid and getting to the bottom of things. It's about simply, here's the prescription, next; next person.

Let me tell you about Jane, okay, so another person. Jane was an empty nester and she didn't like to speak about it too much. She suffered silently. She felt as though she was probably overreacting. But she was secretly weeping a lot. She would get into the bath tub nightly, night after night after night and she would just weep.

To everyone else, it appeared that she had strolled seamlessly back into her previous world. She was a real estate agent but it helped her get her mind off the fact that her last baby, who is now 21 years old was out of the house. And after raising four kids, the change required as usual significant shift in her nature. I know the feeling. I know that it's an awful feeling. You know when they say empty nester, the real operative word here is empty. It's a horribly empty feeling when your last child leaves.

But she would get into the bath tub to calm her nerves and she would whisper to herself all soaking in the tub, “I used to be a mom and now a real estate agent. I hate this.” So it was right about this time that not only did her daughter leave but her menses did, too. Isn't that unfortunate that everything happens at once? In its place, of her menses came sleepless nights, heart pain, anxiety, palpitations, and even a little vertigo.

But her brother-in-law was from England and he was a homeopathic physician there. And England has many homeopathic physicians, very common. She contacted him. And instead of drugs, this is what he said. Instead of drugs to restrain the warning signals; do you hear that folks, again? I'm going to say it again. This physician in England knows; instead of drugs to restrain the warning signals. 

Jendy: It's so different than homeopathic view.

Joette: It is. It is. We're not going to use drugs to restrain the warning signs. We're going to use homeopathics to correct the problem that the warning signs are telling us about. We don't believe that symptoms ought to be shut up. I'm going to say it again and again. As I mentioned earlier, take in to a deeper level of illness. Instead, remember those symptoms. Everything that Jane is experiencing are indicators as to how to treat the problem that we are intended to make a point of. So we want to uproot the problem so that symptoms will not be required to present and the drugs will become superfluous.

Jendy: So did her brother help Jane?

Joette: Yes, brother-in-law. Yes. Jane didn't favor hormone replacement methods either. Those are those bioidentical hormones that we euphemistically are calling natural but she might have halted some of her menopausal symptoms with that. There's no doubt that those drugs would have done that. But what she would have done, she would have accomplished a suspension of her ills. It would not have cured her problem. 

Jendy: And I've heard that you have a course out now called Feminopathy? Do you cover this information about the bioidentical hormones?

Joette: Yes, yes, I do. I'm happy you brought that course up. It's called Feminopathy: How You Can Correct Female Ailments Using Safe, Inexpensive, and Effective Homeopathy. It's not that I want everyone to run and get this course. But what I do want people to do is to start thinking about learning how to do this themselves.

Lachesis for heart problems during menopause

Anyway, let's get back to Jane. She went to these remedies that her brother-in-law sent along, her brother-in-law sent along. The first remedy was Lachesis, twice daily. Lachesis 200 is chosen probably because to calm Jane's heart, palpitations, and the angina. It's nearly specific for women during and around menopause. Interestingly, it's particularly well-chosen for this particular combination of heart symptoms during menopause. Lachesis 200 taken twice daily.

hDr. Gibson in his studies of homeopathic remedy says of Lachesis; now remember here’s a doctor again. So for those of you who believe that I'm anti-doctor, I'm not. There are plenty of doctors out there who get all of these. He says, syncopal episodes are associated (this is under the title of Lachesis and how it is associated with the heart) with cardiac pain or accompanied by nausea and vertigo. Now she didn't have the nausea but she did have vertigo. Heart thumping, palpitations, he says are associated with the sense of tightness in the chest. The remedy is of special value in relation to the throat and affections and menopausal disorders.

Now again, Jane didn't have all of these symptoms. She didn't have the throat problems yet the remedy picture here fits in other important ways. So then he added another remedy, Ignatia 200 taken twice daily. And this is the best bet for the deep sadness Jane felt for the loss of her life as a stay-at-home mom. It has a reputation for lifting sufferers from grief and relentless sadness.

I've written about this remedy on my blog and I urge folks to read about it. You just use the little search bar in my blog and put in Ignatia. Just read about how valuable this remedy can be. 

Jendy: It sounds really interesting because that brings the whole emotional side and not just physical which we always separate like mental health, physical health.

Joette: Right. Right. The Lachesis is dealing with the heart issue and the hormonal issue that's obviously or apparently appears to be the ideology, the cause of all of these. But now we also have this emotional aspect and we give Ignatia to help with that as well. I totally agreed with her brother-in-law, by the way. They were very well chosen remedies.

And later on, he added Crataegus, C-R-A-T-A-E-G-U-S, Crataegus and it was a mother tincture that he gave her. It's mother tincture. It means it's not made into homeopathic medicine yet. It's still in the gross form and so it's a botanical. It also covers cardiac maladies. It's just a great remedy for any cardiac malady and I believe she was taking that twice a day as well.

There's another bit of information here that I want to read and this is from Frans Vermeulen's Concordant Materia Medica, a medical homeopathic medical book. He talks about Crataegus with valvular murmurs, angina pectoris, cardiac dropsy which is swelling (dropsy's the old word for edema), aortic disease, pain in the region of the heart under the left clavicle and under the left scapula, pulse accelerated and irregular, feeble intermittent valvular murmurs, and angina pectoris. That's the end of his quote.

That's what gives us this information as homeopaths to determine which remedies to choose. We use this book. We don't just pick these remedies out of the sky. We use this kind of information that's been collected through the sentries. 

Jendy: And did that help Jane get over her bath tub crying and her palpitations?

Joette: Yes, her bath tub crying. Yes. Yes. In a mere couple of days after Ignatia 200 and it's her daily routine, Jane's anxiety and sadness and depression just melted away. Then she started baking cookies and did something positive to send back to her daughter away at school. A lot of times, simple gestures will bring people back to themselves. But previously she couldn't get there. She just wasn't in that frame of mind. She was weeping and so saddened that she couldn't move forward.

By the third or fourth day of taking all the remedies, she noted that the palpitations have gone and her sleep was re-established. By the end of the two months that rolled around and that's when she was supposed to Skype call with her brother-in-law, nothing that was plaguing her previously remained. Instead, she asked if he had a homeopathic remedy for weight gain. But that's the subject of another article. What that means is it finished everything though homeopathic remedies took care of every single aspect of what she was suffering. 

Jendy: Yes and you said it was like fours days. It was fast.

Joette: Yes, it was fast. But it doesn't always act that fast. I got to tell you that, Jendy. It also again depends on the case and the person. But to get an idea of what to look for so that you can know that the remedies you've chosen are correct and that you're moving in the right direction, I always want to tell people – our listeners to go to our podcast titled Podcast #12 and Why You May Be Disillusioned with Homeopathy. 

Jendy: So what's the upshot?

Heart conditions could be symptoms of other health conditions

Joette: Okay. The upshot is that many cases that present as a heart condition may indeed be a reaction, a symptom of something else that just necessitates our attention. This means that all symptoms represent something. Hence, they should never be shut up with drugs. Sometimes it's easy to figure out what they signify. Sometimes it's not. But the examination of them is worthy of our effort, particularly if we have homeopathy to address each one of those and not just to cover them up.

This is also true when we take into account that these concomitant conditions that may appear unremarkable by ignoring them might easily miss the most telling information. The importance of taking superfluous drugs that shut up the symptoms or merely silence the condition away from our bodies can't be emphasized enough. It is an off-missed piece to the puzzle of not only heart disease but many other chronic conditions. 

Jendy: We need to switch our thinking to look strategically and long term.

Joette: Yes and from a health standpoint, our lives are simply timelines. The more time on a drug, the darker the hue of the graph. Each onslaught affects our health on some area or another. 

Jendy: But it is encouraging to know that homeopathy can still help someone that has a burdened timeline from years of medication.

Joette: Well, who doesn't have a burdened timeline? Would it not be wise to keep the assault to a quiet murmur now from the time that you know this though, instead of allowing it to get to a roaring tsunami before you start doing something about it? Less is more. Not when enjoying healthy saturated fats but when considering taking a drug. I believe and I want to mention that healthy saturated fats. I believe in taking saturated or eating saturated fats.

We need to remember that we save drugs as Dr. Mendelsohn said earlier for rare life-saving emergencies not for common ear infections, fevers, birth control pills or birth control I should say, eczema, menopausal shifts, or chronic conditions. But if you're on them, don't just slip off imprudently. I always tell folks, be careful. We have to seek a better way and put your life in order first and then move out of them quietly and gently.

I want to remind you that you mustn't count on the doctor however, who prescribed the drug to offer that alternative solution. If he had one, he would have given it to you. I suggest that people find the doctor with compatible convictions. If you have to go to a doctor, find one who is in agreement with you, or work with a homeopath, or better yet learn how to use homeopathy for the small potatoes so that you don't have a bigger one to pick later.

So try to learn to treat your family, yourself for those acutes. Learn how to really treat fever. Know how to root out eczema instead of driving it to a deeper state. Know how to address asthma yourself or with your homeopath. As your knowledge deepens, you'll be able to take on more complex conditions and you'll become more confident. Then you'll be able to go use such foods, good foods as nourishing traditional foods and homeopathic medicine. And just be unstoppable in your resolve because it's important. 

Jendy: You can learn how to do a lot of these on Joette's blog. For our listeners, we go to joettecalabrese.com. I just am learning she has written a weekly blog post for about nine years and you can go there. There's a search bar in the top and you can type in what your problem is and it'll bring up a list of things to read and check out for. I've gone there many times. Just recently, we went through a bout of fever and flu at our house and she had a free eBook download. I think it's called Ahh Choo! The Flu! I downloaded that. I was reading that. You still have it up, right?

Joette: Yes. I believe so. I mean, things are always changing here and I'm not the one doing it. I have my family members mail that for me. 

Jendy: Well, you can check in the search bar on the blog and then there's also like if you want more in-depth courses and you really want to study it, Joette has things, the courses you can buy, the CDs you can download to put in your car. You can even get somebody to work with you one on one. Sometimes people feel better talking to somebody. But there are all levels of information if you want to learn more.

Joette: Yes and I'm not the only one out there teaching homeopathy for these everyday ills to families. For those who are just starting, take a look at our quick start guide on the front page of my website. It will help you get going on all of these. Then take advantage of every article I write on this blog. I teach how to use homeopathy instead of antibiotics and I teach how to treat acne using our medicines. Not our, meaning that you buy the medicines from me but homeopathic medicines. I teach how to address even Lyme disease and anxiety, et cetera. It's all there for free so take advantage of it. 

Jendy: Yes, that's the first place I go. I don't go to the over the counter drug shelves in the store anymore when we're sick. I go to Joette's site.

Joette: Yes. Well, thank you. Thank you for saying that. Oh, yes. There's no need to spend money here, folks. Just take it all for free. It's a course in and of itself. 

Jendy: All right. Do you have any parting word for us this time?

Learn to say no

Joette: No. Well, actually not that I don't have a parting word. But the word is no. That's my parting word. I think I've said this before but the word is no. Say no. You could always say yes later but start with no first. It will buy you time to figure out what you need to do. It will also allow you to tuck in. Figure out what needs to be done after the blush of the doctor's office has worn off.

No is the most powerful word in our vocabulary. No thanks, Doc. I need to give this some thought. Then run. Don't walk to your search engine and look up the side effects that will help you understand what it is you're about to take or give to your child and the homeopathic medicine that can be used instead. No. Not today, Doc. I need to discuss this with my husband.

My rule of thumb is don't be a good girl. Be a good mother. Be prepared to fight to the finish for your family. Don't be a compliant patient. Be a force. Don't accept mediocre food. Don't accept the mediocre life. In fact, don't just step outside of the box. Gain enough knowledge so that you can kick the box away. 

Jendy: Thank you so much, Joette. I know you've told us this before but it's always good to be encouraged and hear it again.

Joette: Yes. Thank you, Jendy. Nice conversation.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com and schedule a free 15-minute conversation.



Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


19 thoughts on “Podcast 16 – Shut UP! How Taking Drugs Shuts Up Symptoms and Causes New, More Sobering Ones Later On”

  1. Laurel says:

    Lots of good information here. Good stuff, but I think you could use an editor. Eg. off-missed should be oft missed.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Thanks for your response. I have an editor, but sometimes the program thinks it knows best and re-corrects what has been corrected.

  2. Mary Ross says:

    Thanks for all the great information. You make all these complicated health problems so approachable with your remedies. Most of all, thank you for printing out the podcast so I can read it. Reading it also gives me time to jot down pertinent information.

  3. Kerry says:

    Thank you for including the transcript! I don’t have the opportunity to listen to the podcasts, but wish to learn everything I can – so the transcripts are a wonderful gift 🙂

  4. Pat says:

    I too love the transcript. Thank you!

  5. Rajdeep says:

    I would like to ask if coffea 200 can be taken with the protocol that you suggested for genital herpes,which I’m currently taking?If yes,then what would be the dosage for anxiety following hours long irregular heart beat and pounding? Thanks in advance.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Coffea will likely not antidote what you’re using.

      1. Rajdeep says:

        Should I take it twice daily or just once before bed?

  6. Pauliina says:

    I was wondering have you updated the combo pack with Banerji Protocols?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      No, but our other educational products have been.

  7. Vallerie says:

    Enjoyed the podcast, but would be interested in protocols or remedies for people wanting to get off statin drugs. Build up of plaque or cholesterol in arteries, and how to reduce it. It is said cholesterol isn’t our enemy, so what is clogging our arteries? Thank you for any info.

    1. RW says:

      I improved all of my cholesterol numbers by an average of 30% by reducing carbs to about 15 grams of carbs per meal-eat a good serving of protein first. I also drank Matcha tea and took unrefined fish oil (Polar Power Salmon Oil.) My blood sugar numbers were on the high side and they came back into normal range again, too. I did not cut down on fats at all and eat lots of animal fats. Doc was very happy and asked what I did. Sorry this isn’t homeopathic, but I thought it might be helpful anyway.

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        I don’t give any thought to cholesterol numbers. They indicate next to nothing. But it sounds like your diet is good and that you are happy.

  8. Amy G. says:

    Jane, referenced in this podcast, asked her brother-in-law “if he had a remedy for weight gain. But that’s another article.” Talk about leaving us hanging! Between this and your recent weight loss, I would love to read a blog post or transcript about it. Hearing your story would be wonderful! Thanks for considering it.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      1. Stephanie says:

        I second that suggestion.

  9. Grandma says:

    Hi, could you direct me to an article in your blog for blockages? We were told he has a 99% blockage and he has refused all procedures offered by the doctors. Fluid is beginning to build up and he still refuses the procedures. Thank you so much for sharing all that you do in your blogs. My grandchildren haven’t needed to see a doctor in over a year now since my daughter started implementing your protocols. Thank you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      So happy to hear that your daughter has found the blogs useful.
      I’ve written on what we used for my father in this article https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/homeopathy/my-dad-and-the-dead-cardiologists/

  10. Heather says:

    What would be the remedy and protocol for a weakened heart? Mainly presenting with chest pain.

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