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Put Down That Chocolate!

Chocolate Addiction - Joette Calabrese

I’ve given you four days to eat the chocolate left over from Halloween. Now stop it!

Put it down.

I’m not kidding. Step away from the chocolate!

Here’s why: (more…)

Breaking News


Joette Calabrese, AFM

We interrupt your regularly scheduled week for a special blog post regarding recent breaking news. (more…)

Cell Salt Series: Sweltering and Swelling

Joette Calabrese


Not to get too personal, but have your ankles ever looked like water balloons? (And felt like them, too?) (more…)

(Buster’s Blog) Hot Dog – Hot Spots!

Hot Spots Joette Calabrese

Hi! Buster, the Bad Office Dog, here! (more…)

Let Me Google That for You


Joette Calabrese

Allow me to be a proud Mama Bear for a moment, will you? (more…)

Cell Salt Series: Nat mur, The Water Distributor

Cell Salts, Joette Calabrese

Did you know our human bodies are, on average, about 60 percent water?

Remarkable, right? (more…)

Cell Salt Series: Calc fluor, The Elasticity Cell Salt

Cell Salts, Joette Calabrese

Isn’t it annoying to attempt to use a rubber band that has lost its proper elasticity?

If it stretches too much, it won’t offer enough support. Conversely, a rubber band becomes utterly worthless if it can no longer stretch enough and snaps. (more…)

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

Combo pac lg

Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

cell salts300x200

The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

See More Products