There seems to be an ever-increasing list of things foisted on us. My team and I hear your frustrations almost every day.
Most recently, we’ve been receiving a lot of renewed questions about hand sanitizer. The use of sanitizer has gone from personal choice to de rigueur to mandated in some situations. (more…)
Tomorrow is picture day at school.
Your wedding is this weekend.
It’s time to get dressed for your high school reunion.
The whole family is gathering to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary.
What do all these occasions have in common? The potential for acne (or just that one quintessential pimple) to rise up and blight our smiling countenance. (more…)
Hi Folks!
Buster, the Bad Office Dog, here!
Mom’s been talking about Valentine’s Day this morning, as though love is something only you humans experience. It may surprise you to know this, but I was in love once.
Oh, she was beautiful. She was so foxy.
Seriously. She was a fox. (more…)
(Before I begin, let me suggest that for a moment that you look closely at the image above. Read further down, and I'll explain why.)
I receive all manner of questions about materia medicas and repertories:
“Do I need them both?”
“Which ones do I buy?”
“Now that I have one, how the heck do I decipher this information?” (more…)
By now, you have no doubt heard the news of the sudden passing of Dr. Pratip Banerji.
All in one moment, India lost a visionary leader, his family lost their lodestar, and homeopathy lost a wealth of research acumen and future discovery.
The loss for the entire world is immeasurable. (more…)
I’m sure to those of you who have followed me for a long time, I sound like a broken record on the topic of antibiotics.
I’ve written about their dangers countless times!
I’ve warned about the fallout from willy-nilly antibiotic use — the side effects, the recurrent infections, the seemingly unrelated “whack-a-mole” conditions that arise just when we think we have one thing cured. (more…)
Are you familiar with those ubiquitous “listicles” on the internet? Like, “The Top 7 Reasons Your House is a Mess” or “The 9 Most Frightening Items in Your Closet” (more…)