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Bryonia: Breast Pain Is Breast Pain

Joette Calabrese

What is a list of must-have homeopathic medicines without Bryonia alba? It’s an incomplete list, I’d say!

Bryonia probably should have been at the top of the list we are creating together. Talk about burying the lede! But I’m trying to keep you intrigued for 52 weeks, so I’m sharing my favorites in no particular order. (more…)

Is It Hot in Here? Sulphur and Hot Flashes

Joette Calabrese

Is it hot in here?

How many times do perimenopausal and menopausal ladies check the setting on the air conditioner only to discover that the room is not hot — it’s just them? Plenty! (more…)

Death, Taxes and Menopause


Joette Calabrese


Wise elder statesman Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

With apologies to our dear Mr. Franklin, half of the population can easily spot that he missed something. (more…)

Cantharis for Burns

Joette Calabrese



Many folks head for the aloe, but I’d love to see a world where everyone first thinks of Cantharis.

We have discussed its use when burning symptoms signal a urinary tract infection. We’ve also given examples in which it has been shown to relieve sunburn.

However, Cantharis is an incomparable remedy for burns. Period. (more…)

Don’t Forget Sepia for Headaches!

Joette Calabrese


Hello, my fellow moms! Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope your family is celebrating you, or you’re celebrating your own mom. There is nothing more heartwarming than having our children surround us.

Did your family give you some new homeopathic medicines to add to your collection? (If not, you know it’s never too late to drop a hint!) In my blog posts this year, I’ve tried to give one must-have medicine each week to help you create a well-appointed homeopathy kit. (more…)

All Creatures Great and Small

Joette Calabrese

One of my favorite things about homeopathy — and truthfully, there are so many — is that it is an equal-opportunity medical paradigm! Whether the sufferer is a baby or a grandfather, a mom or a mouse, homeopathy has been shown to be equally polite and efficacious. (more…)


Joette Calabrese

If you’re a pufferfish, bloating is a good thing. If you’re a human … not so much.

My friends, this week’s featured homeopathic medicine — one that should have a place in every homeopathy kit — is quite specific for bloating. (more…)

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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