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Double, Double, Boil and Trouble: Treat Boils and Cystic Abscesses with Homeopathy

boils and cystsInfected cysts and boils are essentially the same in that the infection is what calls our attention to the problem.

Hot, red, swollen, tender and screaming for attention.

Get to the dermatologist! No, to the surgeon! No, to ye olde witches! They know about boils and warts and all things yucky, right?

Stop! These kinds of infections can be addressed with a no-knife and no-toadstool protocol I learned in Calcutta beside the team of homeopathic physicians. (more…)

I Want That: Confident Mothering

Confident MotheringI don’t consider myself a jealous person. I usually find inspiration in those who have achieved or have more than I, but with that said, allow me to confess a moment of desire that altered my life.

About 27 years ago, having recently discovered homeopathy, I sat engaged in an appointment with my homeopath.

Her seven-year-old daughter knocked at the door of the consulting room and peeped in. She was pale and perspiring, and in a feeble little voice, she breathed, “I’m sick. My stomach hurts.”

My homeopath went to her cabinet, tucked into the corner of this office, where she had a stash of a hundred homeopathic remedies from which she dispensed the little pills. She plucked a remedy from the lot, opened the bottle, released the pills into the cap and tossed them into her daughter’s opened mouth.

She had complete confidence in her ability to address her child’s needs. (more…)

Travis, the Teenager, Loves Homeopathy

“Sweet!” crowed Travis, the 16-year-old, as he rose up with renewed strength.

Travis the teenager loves homeopathyJust hours ago, Travis had been suffering from a 103-degree fever, pounding headache and relentless nausea. After three doses of Belladonna 30C and a much-needed nap, this pale, emotional child was made whole.

Since it was Saturday night, this meant he would be able to go to his school dance.

His parents had no reservations. (more…)

Vertigo, Meniere’s and Tinnitus: Homeopathy Can Offer a Quieting Method

Vertigo, Tinnitus, Meniere’s

I recently posted about how to relieve travel sickness quickly

Today I am going to address vertigo and tinnitus, which sometimes share similar aspects of motion sickness.

However, these maladies can be even more debilitating when associated with a chronic condition.

While travel sickness is due to movement, vertigo and tinnitus can often accompany nausea, making it a double whammy.

Some describe the feeling as existing in a factory of constant noise, being intoxicated or having a bad case of “the spins.”

Infections, fevers, seemingly unrelated illness, movement, inner ear issues, exposure to loud noises, eye problems or even a major stress can lead to a bout of vertigo and long-term tinnitus. (more…)

Be the Healer in Your Home with Homeopathy

As parents, our greatest responsibility is to nourish and protect our children. We must defend them like mother lionesses. Let me point out that “mother” is a term I use for anyone who has loving charge over another. The same holds true for the “mothers” of friends or pets. 

Here are my strategies to become the healer in your home with homeopathy:

healer in home with the help of homeopathy

1. Always protect your thinking. When you’re told that the only way to address an ear infection or fever is with an antibiotic, learn enough homeopathy not only to prove otherwise to yourself but to offer the same success to others.


Sixteen Reasons to Choose Homeopathy

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This is our best kit.

Homeopathy is fast becoming the medicine of choice for families who are sick and tired of being dependent on drugs that often cause more problems than the original sufferings.

Ok, ok, I’ll admit, Darvon works. Indeed, it kills pain, but after having been prescribed for 50+ years, it was banned from the marketplace for causing deaths in people who innocently took it for their pain. And what was the cause of death? It was cardiac arrest in those who had no previous nor family history of such. Quite a price to pay for something that could easily have been resolved with the use of a simple, inexpensive homeopathic remedy such as Belladonna, Arnica or Hypericum. If only those folks and their families knew before they filled the prescription. (more…)

Morning Sickness Ruining Your Pregnancy? Choose One of These Homeopathic Remedies

toilet2Forget the mornings … sometimes this awful sensation can last all day! However, not with homeopathy. Unlike many modern medical methods, homeopathy has no side effects or detriments to the baby. In fact, one of the best times to use homeopathy is during pregnancy.

Choose a Remedy

Choose one of the remedies below that most closely fits the symptoms at hand, and for most moms, if the remedy is taken twice daily for 1-10 days, there’s often a nice shift. That’s how we know it’s time to stop using the remedy. If the symptoms return, then it’s time to resume its use.


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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

Combo pac lg

Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

See More Products