Prince Harry's vitality may be the direct result of the medical decisions his family has made for generations.
Prince Charles made news in the UK in early May because of his support of homeopathy. The prince had a private meeting with UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to lobby for National Health Service funding for alternative medicines, including homeopathy.
Opponents of alternative medicine had urged the prince to stay out of the debate and were aggravated by his continual attempts to influence Hunt, who shares the prince’s appreciation for alternative medicines.
But the prince has strong opinions on the subject. Both he and his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, are strong proponents of homeopathy and have attributed their good health to its use. In fact, the queen is patron of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. (Yes, they still have homeopathic hospitals in England!) (more…)
Let’s add to our arsenal of homeopathic remedies for simple first aid. Today, we’ll look at fainting.
Fainting is a unique way for the body to display stress. Frightening experiences and other emotional times in one’s life are nearly always met with a physical component. Fainting occurs when the heart suddenly fails in its normal action. It most often afflicts women and the “faint-hearted.” The causes for fainting spells are often varied. (more…)
Want to learn more about how to use homeopathy to care for yourself and your family?
Do you find it difficult to resist cute animal pictures?
Well then, you’re in luck!
You know how when you don’t have enough money to pay for a new outfit, you find a way to make your own or scour the consignment shops instead? Or how you’d never entertain the idea of buying a pie for a potluck gathering, but you would instead pick apples from the neighbor’s backyard tree and make your own? And how in the end, the product was far superior to what you could buy retail?
Having the ability to make something from nothing or next to nothing is one of my favorite things in life to do. And I’ll bet it is yours, too. But there is something else that plays into this. Your new skirt, made from fabric found in the remnant bin, is different from anything anyone else is wearing. YOUR pie used butter or lard instead of commercial vegetable oil … and the house smelled of baked apples all day. What could be better?
And that’s independence. That’s self-reliance; it is pride.
And that, my friends, is the making of excellence.
In just a few short days, I will be leaving for the Weston A. Price Foundation’s 14th Annual Conference, Wise Traditions 2013, held November 8-11 in Atlanta, Georgia. I can’t wait!
This year’s theme is “Curing the Incurable: Holistic Therapies for Chronic Disease,” and the conference has gathered some of the best minds in the country to speak on diverse topics such as raw milk safety, Chinese medicine, magnetism, cheesemaking, raising your own livestock and poultry and just about anything you want to know about nutrition and traditional diets.
And the conference fee includes five delicious gourmet meals that incorporate the principles of these healthy diets! Where else could you find that?
My husband and I recently contracted to have some work done to the outside of our house. Winter is just around the corner, and several places on the roof needed repair.
The contractor came that first day, sun shining, full crew and eager to start, but they did not finish. After that first day, they never returned, despite the fact that the job was incomplete. We paid them a large portion of the agreement at the end of that first day and haven’t seen them since. Paying without completion of work was probably the problem, but that’s the subject of another story.
As I write this, it’s day 18 (but who’s counting?) after the project began, and the last little bit that will complete the roof repair remains elusively incomplete. I am beginning to accept that the work may never get done. I’m already past the stage of being angry with the contractor. I’ve begun to creep into the “oh-well-I-guess-I-have-to-learn-to-live-with-it-as-it-is” stage.
Good Gut, Bad Gut: FAQ
“Read the Science. Raise Your Hand. Ask Your Questions. Learn the Facts”
Many of you have asked very good questions, so I know you are learning the facts.
1) I can’t see my insides … how do I know if my gut is good or bad?
he relationship between digestion and overall health is much more far-reaching than simply experiencing frank gastrointestinal symptoms. Various mental and physical ailments, such as ADD and autoimmune diseases, have been observed to have their origins in poor digestive health. The way you might know if an illness is related to the gut is if there are chronic problems that began after a gastrointestinal event, even years previous. Also, if foods seem to be bothersome, even if the symptoms present in remote areas such as on the skin, the respiratory tract or neurologically, it can potentially mean the gut is disturbed and is worth investigation. (more…)