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You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

I'm regularly asked if I can direct someone to a book that has the name of all conditions and which medicine to use for each.

Why, yes! Yes, I can. But are you sure that’s what you want?

Before you make your decision, let me give you some background.

Since 1805, homeopathic repertories are the books in which that information has been collected and organized. These books have been through many incarnations and written by many different homeopaths. The internet offers a few free repertories online from such storied homeopaths as Kent and Boericke.

However, in my opinion, a recent publication stands out among the rest. “Robin Murphy’s MetaRepertory, Fourth Edition” is a masterpiece. (I’ve linked here to Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy’s offering because after seeing the current price Amazon is asking as of this writing — double the usual retail price — I almost needed Aconite for shock!)

Murphy’s “MetaRepertory” is a compilation of all historical and recent homeopathic practitioners’ provings and clinical evidence culled from prior repertories. Plus, it incorporates thousands of new conditions and rubrics and the associated homeopathic medicines to be considered.

Even though Dr. Murphy created his repertory to be more modern and clinically easier to use than the older repertories, it is still a complicated book! While it is an undoubtedly exciting book, it can also be painfully difficult to slog through the detailed, extraordinarily in-depth listings.

Let’s face it, “MetaRepertory” is over 2,600 pages of ultra-thin Bible paper! Can you imagine how huge this book would be if it were printed on regular paper? It would resemble a set of encyclopedias!

Let’s look at a common condition as an example — constipation.

If you don’t own Murphy’s “MetaRepertory,” take a look at this photo from page 2164.

Just look at that repertory page, will you? There are over 200 different homeopathic medicines within the initial general section of constipation alone — and that’s before the individual rubrics begin. The remedy possibilities continue for 4 ¼ pages in total!

So, how does one pick between all these possible choices? Why, by owning a materia medica as well — generally, another massive tome in which to look up each of the suggested medicines and consider their keynotes before making a final decision on the best fitting medicine.

Do you have all day?

Prior to the Banerji Protocols, this is exactly what each homeopath was expected to wade through before determining the appropriate medicine for each sufferer. And that’s not even the end of it. After eventually choosing the proper medicine, then the homeopath would need to figure out the proper potency and frequency!

Do you see how difficult, remote, recherché or elite homeopathy might seem to the average individual?

Homeopaths who don’t use the protocols must still trudge through their repertories. But what the Banerjis have created — and what I am giving to you — is a distillation of this vast amount of information so that you don’t have to wade through it all!

I’m sure you can more fully appreciate why it was worth my going to India for eight years to learn protocols at the side of the Drs. Banerji.

So, now, instead of considering the 200+ potential medicines listed for constipation, I simply teach, “For constipation, consider Nux vomica 30 twice daily, until the condition is resolved. To address hard, reluctant stools, consider Lycopodium 200 mixed with Plumbum metallicum 200, twice daily until stools return to normal.”

That’s it — the end. We’re done. (And many times the constipation will be done, too! These protocols work!)

Folks, I am trying to make homeopathy more accessible to the masses so that families across the globe are not forced to sink into a quagmire of complexity.

I’m going as fast as I possibly can to get information about Practical Homeopathy® into the hands of the public. I honestly can’t go any faster to get these protocols out there!

So, rather than researching endlessly in a repertory, the fastest and easiest way I know for individuals to learn which medicine applies to which condition is through:



Consider my blog posts to be your first stop — your “Remedy Reference Guide.” Going back to our example, let’s search for “constipation” on my website. I’ve discussed the topic several times, so there are several blog posts and podcasts for you to choose from. But let’s look at one entry from the article The MiraLAX Blues.

Now, isn’t that easier than wading through the repertory?

If you want to learn more about any particular health topic, you can purchase a more in-depth course. Using our example, I cover constipation in Good Gut, Bad Gut particularly if the protocols I discuss here don't act fully. For a different condition, use my Course Selector to determine which course would be right for you.

Lastly, if you want to go straight to the masters, own a copy of The Banerji Protocols by Drs. Prasanta Banerji and Pratip Banerji. Keeping with our example, here is their entry for constipation.

Wouldn’t you say that’s much more straightforward than the repertory page?

However, I do urge you to read the book! Please don’t simply use “The Banerji Protocols” as a shortcut to “finding the remedy” without reading the extremely valuable information in the book's written chapters — especially in the Background section.

A word of concern that I would like to share out of an abundance of caution. A version of the book purchased from Amazon was reported to me as being counterfeit. Because I don’t have a connection to any of the marketplaces that sell “The Banerji Protocols,” I cannot give assurances as to whether any particular source is legitimate or not. So, instead, let me give you this warning: If the price seems too good to believe, it is most likely a counterfeit book.

I encourage you to check the reputation of the third-party seller (should you choose to buy the book from Amazon) or purchase from another source that you know you can trust.

So, let’s sum this up, shall we? For years, when I practiced as a classical homeopath, I slogged through all these potential medicines contained in the repertory. But now, thanks to the Banerjis and years of clinical experience, you have access to resources that don’t require hours and hours, a magnifying glass, and plenty of trial and error! Instead, utilize my blog, in-depth courses, and “The Banerji Protocols” to learn the most appropriate medicine for most common conditions.

If homeopathy becomes your passion, then you may certainly consider Robin Murphy’s “MetaRepertory” as an erudite addition to your library.

As always, pass on the good news of homeopathy … by sharing my easy-to-understand blog posts!



P.S. UPDATE: Thanks to the help of some eagle-eyed students and my team, I have compiled a list of corrections to the errors that some copies of “The Banerji Protocols” contain. If you're concerned about your copy, please see the P.S. at the end of the blog post, Where to Buy Homeopathic Medicines to make any necessary alterations to your book.

P.P.S. My Mighty Members’ private website is also an abundant source of additional information I post each week — as well as an enjoyable place for you to share freely with like-minded people without the prying eyes of Facebook.

And remember — all my Mighties qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email for more information.

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I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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