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Where to Buy Homeopathic Medicines

Shopping can be fun. But shopping for something specific can sometimes become frustrating.

This is especially true when looking for a precise homeopathic medicine that you or your family needs. It starts to feel like a treasure hunt, right? I understand. We’ve all been there.

With that in mind, I’ve put together this guide — your treasure map — to give you an organized starting point to help you build your collection of homeopathic medicines. This guide contains my preferred homeopathic pharmacies (the manufacturers of their specific brand) and one of the top online resellers of homeopathic products.

So, bookmark this list, and let’s get shopping!

Keep in mind: This kind of shopping is not like buying a new pair of shoes or a fresh pillow for the couch. Instead, this kind of shopping is an investment in your family’s health that will likely save you thousands of dollars in medical bills and countless hours of angst. Plus, these medicines have a reputation for remaining usable well into the future. I  have bottles of homeopathics manufactured in 1918 that have remained efficacious over 100 years later!  So, don’t throw them out when they get dusty.  

I generally encourage the support of our American homeopathic manufacturers. However, with homeopathy under closer scrutiny by the FDA, it is more critical than ever that we show our support to our homeopathic pharmacies. We vote with our dollars — so make your voices heard.

Unfortunately, certain medicines are difficult to purchase from American companies because of tightened regulations. In those cases, one may choose to turn to the British companies listed below. But keep in mind that foreign companies cannot control what U.S. Customs allows in through the border. So, certain orders may not be guaranteed to arrive intact.

Once again, this is a reason to make your voice in support of homeopathy heard — to both the FDA and your representatives in our governing bodies.


Homeopathic Pharmacies (Manufacturers of Medicines)

Boiron, a French company has been in the pharmacy business since 1932 and established a presence in the U.S. in 1983. I count on Boiron! They are known for their ubiquitous little blue tubes found at Walmart, Wegmans, Amazon and most health food and drug stores. Use their Store Locator application to find a retailer near you or simply order from their website, where they sell the most commonly used remedies and potencies directly to the consumer. When you enter the promo code Joette at checkout, Boiron applies a 20% discount on your purchase. I might add that this is not an affiliate program offering me a kickback. The discount is given to you.

Boiron is also well known for its stellar proprietary combination medicines for various conditions. For instance, many people depend on their product for colds (ColdCalm®) and flu (Oscillococcinum®, the top-selling over-the-counter pharmacological product in France).

Located in California, they offer a large selection of medicines sold through their website. They are also well known for their product SinEcch™, sold through their marketing arm at Alpine Pharmaceuticals. Many traditional plastic surgeons depend on this branded Arnica medicine both before and after surgery.

A professional pharmacy that only provides homeopathic remedies to practitioners, students of homeopathy, and their clients/patients — not directly to the public.
OHM is a different kind of pharmacy because they are not public retailers. Not only do they offer a wealth of homeopathic medicines in an array of potencies, but they are also a specialty compounding homeopathic pharmacy where one can buy pre-mixed combination Banerji Protocols. In addition, OHM offers lactose and sucrose-free remedies and custom-made medicines in an aqueous solution (either alcohol or water).

My clients and students (who have received their certificates upon completion of one of my courses) are able to contact OHM to order and at a discount. The discount code will be provided to you when you set up your account with OHM. The discount percentage may vary depending on whether you are a student or a client, and the type of discount offered by OHM at the time. Any questions regarding OHM discounts (once you have earned a certificate) should be directed to OHM Pharma.

Beginning in 1873, Washington Homeopathic has offered a wealth of homeopathic medicines in seemingly boundless potencies. They also provide a selection of refills for the 100 and 200 remedy kits previously sold through my office. (As of this writing, my office no longer has inventory available.) Washington Homeopathic also sells a vast collection of homeopathy-related books, which are definitely worth checking out.

Helios is a household homeopathic name in Europe, especially in the U.K. Surprisingly, shipping costs are not as high as one would expect when shipped to the U.S. and other areas of the world. However, don’t lose hope if you need a medicine not listed on their website. In many instances, they can accommodate special requests. Contact Helios via email here: They respond as quickly as can be expected from a busy manufacturer and retailer, and they provide excellent customer service.

We are lucky to have had Hyland’s as a trusted homeopathic pharmacy since 1903. You may recognize Hyland’s cell salts because they label each of the 12 cell salts in numerical order. But they are not simply a cell salt manufacturer. Here you’ll find many excellent proprietary combination medicines for both adults and children. Please note however that Hylands has recently come under new ownership which may mean nothing to customers or that there will be forthcoming changes.

Ainsworths is a long-standing pharmacy based in London. Through their ordering process, they make available many homeopathic medicines in a myriad of customizable formats and potencies. They also offer mother tinctures and nosodes. Plus, they additionally specialize in medicines specific to veterinary and farm use and have an interesting library of books available for purchase.

Ollois, formed in 2012, offers exclusively organic and lactose-free medicines. In 2020, this American-based company merged with a French laboratory and homeopathic manufacturer. In their “seed-to-shelf” process, they now plant, grow and harvest their plant-based substances to create homeopathic medicines.

Thompson’s, in Toronto, Ontario, was established in 1868, making it Canada’s oldest supplier of homeopathic products. They have over 154 years of experience manufacturing a wide array of homeopathic medicines according to Hahnemann’s exact standards.


*LF = Lactose-free
The reason most homeopathic medicines are made in sucrose is that sugar is stable. Nonetheless, many people wish to avoid sugar. Therefore, many pharmacies offer remedies that are sucrose-free (sugar-free). Often, these medicines are carried in liquid form. Contact the pharmacy for more information.

—  Compiled April 2022, revised February 2023


Online Retailer of Homeopathic Medicines

They sell an extensive array of medicines from different manufacturers, allowing you to select which pharmacy (brand) you prefer.


Brick-and-Mortar Stores That May Be Local to You
(Some also have websites from which you can order):

Vitamin Shoppe


Rite Aid Pharmacy

Whole Foods
Locally owned health food stores


Disambiguation of Banerji:

Paramesh Banerji Life Sciences
In India, the surname Banerji is as common as Smith is here in North America. However, this pharmacy is not associated with the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF).



Take photographs of the available homeopathy at your local health food store. That way, you have a log of what is available to you locally — in case you find yourself in need at the last minute.

Your understanding of homeopathic medicines and owning the medicines you need are inextricably tied to your family’s healthcare. So, do as much as you can to learn more. Read my blogs, download the Remedy Cards, listen to my podcasts, start a Study Group with Gateway to Homeopathy or start taking my online courses. (Remember — all of my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases.) I want to provide you with as much education as I can so that you can make good choices for health freedom and we can keep this movement linking mother to mother, grandmother to grandmother.

I also urge you to have access to a materia medica — a listing of the homeopathic medicines along with their keynotes and other information. There are free versions of historical materia medicas available on the internet. But those can be more difficult to interpret for someone new to homeopathy. So, might I suggest a small investment in A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families. I’ve created this easy-to-understand materia medica just for people like you — in plain English with illustrations and stories to help flesh out your knowledge.

With this list, you should be able to locate and purchase all the medicines you choose.

In closing, did you notice anything conspicuous by its absence from this list? Indeed, where is Amazon on this list? Unfortunately, I no longer recommend purchasing medicine from Amazon due to reports of cases of incorrect or even fraudulent medicines being received by students and team members.

You also may recall that I’ve previously mentioned reports of potentially counterfeit Banerji Protocol books being sold by Amazon. (Please read the P.S. below for more information about that specific issue.) Because of this uncertainty, I no longer have a high level of confidence in Amazon’s third-party vendors, so I will allow you to make your own decisions regarding ordering from them. As they say, “Your mileage may vary.”

Pass on the good news of homeopathy!



P.S. I want to follow up briefly on my earlier expressed concern regarding possible counterfeit Banerji Protocol books sold through Amazon. Because I don’t control publishers or retailers, I can’t be certain as to whether a book is counterfeit or not. But the recently reported printing irregularities do give me pause.

However, a few of my students and I went through newly purchased books, comparing them to books purchased previously.

Hopefully, by correcting that information, you may regain confidence in your copy of “The Banerji Protocols.”

It was noted that the ISBN is the same on the newer version, the cost is in Euros, and there’s no hologram on what should be numbered as page IV (the page before V).

The more important mistakes noted in these more recently purchased books are as follows:

  • Page XIV: In the first line:
    • The word “proven” should be “provers”.
  • Page XIV: In section b):
    • Instead of “117 +1-43 minutes,” it should read “117 +/- 43 minutes”.
  • Page 38: Paragraph 8:
    • Instead of “3Vi years,” it should read, “3 1/2 years”.
  • Page 39: Stomach cancer:
    • The first line reads to take one dose of Arsenicum album 3C 13 minutes before food. It should be 15 minutes before food.
  • Page 53: Benign Liver Neoplasm
    • Change the heading “Second Line Medicines” to “First Line Medicines” and “Third Line Medicines” to “Second Line Medicines”.
  • Page 53: Benign tumors of the stomach:
    • The first line reads Conium maculatum 1000C in liquid.
    • It should be Conium maculatum 3C, two doses daily.
  • Page 60: Complications for blood transfusions:
    • Instead of the headings being, “First Line Medicines, Second Line Medicines, and Third Line Medicines,” those headings should be, “For Fever”, “For Allergic Rashes on Body”, and “For Fever and Chill”, respectively.
    • Under the information for Allergic Rashes on Body, Arsenicum album is misprinted as 299C. It should be Arsenicum album 200C.
  • Page 64: Dacryocystitis:
    • In the First Line Medicines, it should read Silicea 200C, one dose every alternate day.”
  • Page 78: Frozen shoulder:
    • The medicine mentioned in both the first and second line medicines should be Hypericum perforatum, not “flypericum.”
  • Page 81: Gastrointestinal Diseases: Dyspepsia, Nausea and Vomiting:
    • In the second paragraph, change “FT pylori” to H.pylori.
  • Page 86: Hirsutism and Virilization:
    • In the First Line Medicines, the “0” after Sabal serrulata should be replaced by the symbol for mother tincture — Sabal serrulata ø.
  • Page 108: Pyogenic hepatic abscess
    • The first-line medicines’ instructions should read one dose every 3 hours alternately (after Carduus marianus ø).
  • Page 139: Line 5
    • Should read “4. Glonoine 30C, two doses daily”.
  • Page 141: In the next to last line:
    • Instead of “1A”, it should say “1/4 of the doses every month,”.
  • Page 155: Seventh symptom down:
    • It should read, “Problems due to severe air pollution — eye (Keratoconjunctivitis)”


In addition, here are the corrections to some minor typos and missing punctuation that don’t affect the meaning of the sentence or the accuracy of protocols:


  • Page 5: In the last line of the second paragraph:
    • Instead of “rbe” it should say “the”.
  • Page 12: The last sentence of the next to the last paragraph (above the images):
    • Should read, “No mass lesion is evident …”.
  • Page 19: Lung Cancer: Case Study 1
    • Should read, “— Broncho alveolar congestion lateral and posterior basal segment of left lower lobe …”.
  • Page 31: Our statistics:
    • Should read “Improved/Static”.
  • Page 33:
    • Last sentence should end with a period.
  • Page 34: The next to last paragraph:
    • Should end with a quotation mark, as “— MALIGNANT NEOPLASM …”.
  • Page 35: Second paragraph:
    • Quotation mark missing. Should read, “… There is no filling defect in the esophagus …”.”
  • Page 38: Line 1
    • Quotation mark missing. Should read, “… a well defined eccentric lesion in metaphysis with sclerosis at edges – ? fibrous cortical defect/aneurismal bone cyst/lymphoma …”.
  • Page 41: Line 2:
    • Period is missing at the end of the sentence.
  • Page 42: Second paragraph, line 2:
    • Period is missing at the end of the paragraph.
  • Page 43: Fifth paragraph under Transitional Cell Carcinoma of Bladder: Case Study:
    • Quotation mark is missing before “… no mass in urinary bladder …”.
  • Page 54: Breast Abscess:
    • First line, second sentence, the first word should read, “It” not “Ir”.
  • Page 119: Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus (SLE):
    • Typo in the second line — the correct word is “predominantly”.
    • In the last line of the same paragraph, a space is missing between “and” and “certain” and “play” and “some”.
  • Page 139: Line 6:
    • Instead of “constandy”, it should read, “constantly”.
  • Page 147: Second paragraph under Uterine Tumor:
    • A quotation mark should be placed in front of “… a large SOL (10.5 cm x 7.4 cm)”.
  • Page 151: Third line:
    • Instead of a “-” there should be a period after (1800 A.D.).
  • Page 161: Last line of references:
    • It should read, “P161-4”, not “PI61-4.


A special thank you to all the students who contributed to this document.




I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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