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Sickening Summer: Count on Homeopathy Part 1

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

June 21st, 2015  |  17 Comments


Watch out! Heat can be a monster.

Our global neighbors in India have been dealing with devastatingly extreme heat this summer.

As of June 1, 2,330 people have died from heat-related illnesses in India as the country waits for monsoon rains. Temperatures as high as 118 degrees Fahrenheit were recorded in Indian cities in early June.

I recently spoke to an ER doctor in the U.S. who saw five patients in one shift so far this summer, each suffering from heat exhaustion. The ages of those patients ranged from a healthy teenager who spent too much time on the beach to an active 50-something who pushed himself too hard during a 5K race.

When you’re not hydrating properly throughout the heat, you may pay the price, my friend — regardless of how healthy or fit you are. (And no, I’m still not promoting Gatorade or other imitation sports drinks! Refer to my post on the best sports drink you can have on hand.)

But, never fear!

Whether you failed to drink enough water or are in an extreme situation where drinkable water is scarce and the heat unbearable, you can count on homeopathy.

I am going to focus on two heat-related illnesses that are serious, but can be beautifully resolved with hydration and a selection from a few perfect remedies right in your homeopathy kit!

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion, sometimes called heat prostration, is the body’s response to losing water and salt from lots of sweating. When you suspect that someone is suffering from heat exhaustion, Veratrum album 30C  is your best bet.

This remedy is used when the person suffers great weakness or collapse or has a feeling of dizziness and faintness. It may seem counterintuitive, but the person will sometimes become cold, and the focus of his or her coldness will be located primarily in the hands, feet and face. This, however, does not preclude the entire body from being cold. A cold sweat may also accompany these symptoms, as well as nausea and a pale appearance in the face.

In addition, watch for a quickened pulse and general body stiffness.

The rule of thumb is that when the overall list of symptoms includes some of the conditions I’ve mentioned – especially weakness – the remedy that ought to be considered is Veratrum album 30.

The second most commonly used medicine for heat prostration is Cuprum metallicum 30. This remedy is traditionally associated with cramping and jerking muscles, which may even get to the point of convulsions. Many of the symptoms that point to the use of this remedy are light-headedness, a rapid pulse and a cold sweat. However, remember that Cuprum metallicum is the answer when there are muscles that jerk, convulse and seize.

Heat Stroke

Heatstroke is a condition that occurs when the body can no longer regulate its temperature because it’s been in really high temperatures for too long. The key indicators of heat stroke are fever and unconsciousness or deliriousness.

The two remedies indicated for heat stroke are Glonoinum 30 and Belladonna 30. With both remedies, the ill individual will have a red face, throbbing headache, and fever.

Let me note an odd little differentiation between these two medicines. The person who needs Glonoinum cannot tolerate having his or her head laid backward, and upon applying cold compresses, the person may experience twitching or other muscle contractions. This person also craves being in the open air.

On the other hand, the person in need of Belladonna is made more comfortable by the head being laid in a backward position and sitting quietly.

Whichever medicine you choose, administer it every 10 to 20 minutes and less frequently as the person begins to recover. Meanwhile, sips of saltwater between doses are also a good plan.

So, there you have it!

File this away in your emergency first aid kit.

Or better yet, own 100 of the most common remedies by investing in a homeopathy kit.  Should this be of interest, feel free to visit http://joettecalabrese.com/remedy-kits/.  Call or email us, and we’ll send you a kit in a jiffy … anywhere in the world.

Stay tuned for more heat-related survivalist tips next week as I finish up my two-part series on surviving summer.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


17 thoughts on “Sickening Summer: Count on Homeopathy Part 1”

  1. udai zutshi says:

    have u ever tried Natrum Carb for Heat Stroke. Try it. remarkable results

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’ve not used it. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Lindsey says:

    Thanks for the article, this is really helpful! I have a question about another summer issue: I have an awful, itchy, blistery rash on my hands that is worse with heat. This is the second summer I’ve had it. I took your GGBG course and tried the Aresenicum Album/ Antimonium combo for months and it has only gotten worse. I just read your article on poison Ivy and am wondering if the Anacardium remedy would help since it matches my symptoms. Would this be appropriate to try since it’s definitely not caused by poison ivy?

  3. Kelly says:

    I experienced heat exhaustion this summer and the remedies in the article worked so well!

  4. Aly says:

    Would cuprum met 200 also be beneficial for daily involuntary muscle twitches (not painful spasms) that occur over the whole body?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Cuprum met has an action that covers both painful as well as not painful muscle twitches.

  5. Mick says:

    Joette, in a heat exhaustion or heat stroke situation, would it also be a good idea to take Cinchona periodically, as well as Nat mur and Kali phos for dehydration?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes; especially China.

  6. Heather Starch says:

    So grateful for your blogs! We were in the middle of our annual Independence Day pig roast yesterday when my mom’s Schnauzer collapsed under a table with heat stroke. After quickly reading through your blogs, we administered Glonoinum. After the seizing stopped, we then gave her several doses of Veratrum album, Nat Mur, Aconite, and put Bioplasma in her water. She could not hold up her head, and her whole back end acted as if she was paralyzed, not able to stand up.

    By this morning, she could take a few wobbly steps on her own and could hold her head up. We’ve continued the Veratrum album, putting Bioplasma directly into her mouth, and started giving her sugar water. After reading the comments, I’ll add the China for dehydration.

    My mom went from thinking she was going to lose her to having her walking around, albeit wobbly, today.

    Funny thing, I had just been raving about homeopathy to some of our guests right before this happened. I had been telling them that homeopathy can’t just be a placebo because kids and animals can’t fake their bodies’ responses to a remedy.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Great story. Pls Keep us all informed here.

      1. Heather Starch says:

        Today she’s still a little wobbly, but is so much better. She’s going in and out of the house by herself to go potty. She also tried wandering off (probably to go dig for ground squirrels, the same adventure that got her into this mess in the first place). Fortunately, she can’t run yet, so it was easy to catch up with her. Thanks again, Joette, for all of the knowledge you share so we can take care of ourselves and our pets!

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          ‘So happy to hear!
          We often continue using the homeopathic that has done the most good until even for a few days later.

          1. Heather Starch says:

            We are continuing with the homeopathy. I spent half of the day gone. When I returned, my mom said the dog had still been throwing up. I told her she probably should not try giving her any special food (pork and chicken scraps from the party), and only give her the remedies and sugar water. When she wants to eat, she’ll walk over to her dry food. Her body doesn’t need to work at digestion right now, but healing. She was much more wobbly tonight after I got home. She looks like a drunken sailor. I gave her more China, and few drops of trace minerals in some water. I’ll be home all day tomorrow, so will be able to monitor her. Any additional suggestions are appreciated.

  7. Heather Starch says:

    My mom’s dog has died. She was responding well to the remedies for the heat stroke/exhaustion and dehydration. She was walking around better and looking more lively. However, anytime she’d drink more that the teaspoon of water we’d give her with remedies, she would throw up. She took a drastic turn for the worse. We think her organs were shutting down from the heat stroke. She started trying to hide every time we’d take her outside. I told my mom that all of her symptoms matched that of renal failure. I had all but one remedy from the Banerji Protocol, but it was too late as this morning she had passed away.

    1. Heather Starch says:

      This has been quite a continuing education experience, especially with animals. They can’t tell you what’s wrong, so you really have to pay attention to symptoms and the animal’s reaction to remedies. Thank you, again, Joette, for your vast knowledge that you are sharing.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I’m sorry to hear, Heather. Pls. extend my sympathies to your mom.

  8. Gee says:

    Hello Joette, which remedy would be recommended for heat intolerance (unable to be outside in the heat) with also getting nervous seeing the sun. Being outside makes me feel like I’m going to pass out and shakiness. And then when it’s a sunny day I get nervous seeing the sun and feel more sensitive to it – visually too.

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