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Mammogram Pain

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

September 29th, 2020  |  30 Comments

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Joette Calabrese

October: the month of the year when the color pink occupies every corner of our consciousness.

Now, I happen to love the color pink: my clothes, in my kitchen, my office … particularly since I moved to Florida. But I’m not fond of the ubiquitous pink ribbons we see so much of during this time.

Why? Because it smacks of a big, fat, marketing money-grab to me. The American Cancer Society has been in existence since 1913, that’s 107 years, yet they still don’t have a cure. What in God’s name are they doing over there?

Well, let me tell you.

They’re convincing you that you need to get a mammogram every year. 

I honestly don’t need to tell you this, for you know it all too well. Because of their location and composition of sensitive tissue, our breasts are vulnerable to injury year-round.

Seat belt injuries to breast tissue can be debilitating. When a seat belt tightens aggressively during an automobile accident, our breasts are the first to suffer the impact.

I have already written about how to address seat belt injuries homeopathically in a blog post appropriately entitled, Breast Pain: When Even Hugs Hurt.”

And, for all their tenderness, breasts are also hard-working structures. But sometimes when babies nurse too much it can cause pain. I’ve also written 3 Homeopathic Remedies for Mastitis (a terribly painful breast infection that can occur during nursing).

So, while we are aware of our breasts’ susceptibility to injury all year long, the pink of October raises a unique threat to our breasts' sensitive tissues: mammograms.

A mammogram is a diagnostic test routinely prescribed for everyone over a certain age. Routinely.

I like routines, but not someone else’s imposed on to me.

Regardless of family or personal history of cancer. Regardless of risk factors. You turn a magic age, and off you are sent for a mammogram.

If you’ve never experienced one, one of my team members describes it best: “Imagine a hamburger press …”

A former client of mine — we’ll call her Margaret — had perfectly healthy breasts until her first mammogram. The pressure applied during the test caused injury to the soft tissue of one of her breasts, causing subsequent excruciating pain. Daily.

And, this was not a short-lived pain.

Over the following years, it was evident that Margaret’s breast pain due to that one mammogram was chronic. She certainly would not succumb to another annual mammogram — especially not while the ill-effects from her first one still afflicted her! Her doctor shrugged her shoulders. All she could offer her were painkillers and platitudes.

I might add that Margaret actually worked in this doctors’ office.

Margaret’s husband was becoming more and more worried. Her constant pain was affecting their life.

So, after three years of this suffering, Margaret came to me.

Putting our sensitive breasts in a “hamburger press” is traumatic. So, I turned to the homeopathic medicine that is unmatched for trauma to soft tissue:

Arnica 200C, twice daily until very much better.

Remember, Margaret had been suffering for three years. But she called me ten days after commencing the Arnica protocol to tell me her mammogram-induced breast pain was gone.


Did you hear me?  I said that she said the pain was gone for the 1st time in three years.

So the test caused a condition that by the way was superfluous. And to add insult to injury the doctor didn't know how to treat the pathology (mastalgia) that her test caused.

And then homeopathy took care of it.  I can give you countless accounts of this kind of scenario. I witness them in my practice daily.

Now, you may notice I called Margaret a “former” client. After one brief recurrence of the pain — which we addressed again with the same Arnica 200C, twice a day for a few days — Margaret was restored to pain-free health.

I saw her in a grocery store years later, and she was still pain-free — and very thankful for Arnica!

Especially in October, I’m asked, “What if I have to undergo a mammogram? Can I take Arnica 200C as a prophylactic?”

In this case, my answer is, “You betcha!”

If you know you are about to undergo an injury to soft tissue, then yes, you may consider Arnica in advance of the procedure. It’s the same principle as utilizing the pre-surgery protocol. Because post-mammogram pain results from tissue injury, it would behoove a woman to allow homeopathy to gird her soft tissue, encouraging a faster recovery.

Parenthetically, make certain that the mammogram is truly (and I mean truly) called for and not just a calendar filler for someone's OBGYN or mammogram practice.

And should you happen to be interested; I'm 68 years old and have not had a mammogram, thank you very much.

Pass on the good news of homeopathy — especially to women this month!


Joette Calabrese

P.S. There are many other causes of breast pain and many other homeopathic remedies to suit them. A blog post’s short format does not allow for an in-depth lesson. But this is a real good start. 

That’s what my courses are for!

Specifically, for a focus on female issues, I suggest Feminopathy:

How You Can Correct Female Ailments Using Safe, Inexpensive and Effective Homeopathy.

However, if pain is your main concern — either for yourself or your family — my recent course, Make It Stop! Escape From the Prison of Chronic (and Acute) Pain Using Practical Homeopathy®: Learn Effective Methods to Uproot Pain, Often for Good, might be more beneficial for you.

Please try out the Course Survey tool we’ve developed to help you decide which course is right for you. Using a simple check-box method, you can designate which significant points from each course’s syllabus apply to your family. I hope you’ll find it helpful.

And remember – all Mighties (Joette's Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases. If you need assistance getting your discount, email contact@practicalhomeopathy.com for more information.


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Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


30 thoughts on “Mammogram Pain”

  1. Anon says:

    I had my first mammogram at age 64. It felt like someone stuck my breast in an open window and slammed the window down on it. Ouch! The results were unclear and I had a second mammogram for the questonable result. When the unidentified person (no name badge or ID) gave me the result for the redone test, she incorrectly reported the breast it was done on. I notified her employers in writing of her error and received no reply. Never had another mammogram.

  2. Shelly Laine says:

    Wow — love this! I own a Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (aka thermography) company, and will definitely save this information to share!

    P.S. love the hamburger patty press — how appropriate!

    1. Christine Banta says:

      Shelly you really need to expound on the benefits of your equipment!! I too refuse to be subjected to the hamburger press and have chosen thermography instead!! I can tell you that I learned on my own that any kind of soy causes breast inflammation and sounded alarms on the thermo films BUT when I did a repeat 6 weeks later(eliminated all soy from my diet), every ‘hot spot’ was now normal!!

  3. JODY S KELLER says:

    Thank you so very much. I have fibrocystic breast disease as stated by doctors. I don’t call it that but I have had 3 mammograms. I am 66 and I had them in my 40’s to my 60’s. The third was my last because they have all hurt very much to have them and I cannot ignore my intuition that these are not acceptable to me. I agree, 107 years since cancer treatments, studies etc and they have yet to find any kind of reasonable resolve. My doctors always mention a mammogram at my appts because they do this as the medical, insurance protocol. I don’t agree with this and have since said directly to them that I thank them for being concerned but I don’t feel they have enough solid information to convince me they are safe and effective and free from false positives. I had a friend who had lung cancer, was young and she died of the destruction to her artery, that was a direct result of the chemo. NO WAY can that be convincing for me. I will use homeopathy for what ever dis ease that I ever have to face. And I would prefer to die when I have to die. Making my own choices. Hey, how about a palliative care options with homeopathy for people. I would like to hear more dialogue for this area of life. thank you for all your amazing work. You have cleared up so much for me re: using Homeopathy. The way you and the Banjeri’s approach to Homeopathy is astounding in the advancement of this way of living.

  4. Maria says:

    I could not agree more with you!!!!! Have you heard about the suretouch and the breast tomography?

  5. Mary M says:

    I have asked if I have to have a mammogram, meaning is it required by law. Never been answered. My last one, she slammed it down so hard on my left one, which has already had 2 needless biopsies, that I screamed & jerked. I could feel the tissue tear. She said “well, I have to get all cells in there”. I decided then I would never go through this torture again. Shortly after this one, I had a fast growing mole suddenly appear. The dermatologist said he got it just in time (that was less than 3 wks. after it first appeared). My Gyn required me to do this or he wouldn’t see me. At 60, I decided no more. He retired; now my PC dr. wants me to have one, told me to 3 months ago. What are the right words to use to tell her I’m done with this? Thank you for this article & hopefully for an answer!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The words “You’re fired!” is a good start. Well, maybe you needn’t say anything at all and simply no longer visit. Then head to your local health food store, food coop, or chiropractor and ask if they know an MD who is holistic and find someone who thinks the way you do. Your team needs to be as per your lifestyle.

      1. Mary M says:

        Sounds good to me! Thank you!

  6. Lisa says:

    I had an aunt who asked her doctor “would you put your testicles in that machine?”

    1. Mary M says:

      That’s funny. Love it!

  7. I don’t remember when I had the last mammogram, but it was years ago. My gynecologist will not send me to have one done unless she suspects something. She has seen women getting cancer from these tests. Oh, and by the way, for any of your ladies who suffer from premenstrual breast pain and swelling, here’s a tip that helped me I can highly recommend getting lymph drainage, not necessarily every month. A therapist can help with a timetable. After my therapist started this, I never once had any such premenstrual pains again.

  8. Liz says:

    yes, I agree. Please Joette, some homeopathy for palliative care. That is so topical right now and will remain so. Liz

  9. Judy Leahy says:

    Joette – would you use Bellis perennis 30 as a follow up to Arnica 200, if needed?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:


  10. dd says:

    this just in,Dr.Joette! http://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/boobs-the-war-on-women-s-breasts
    Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
    19 minutes ago-

    “bOObs: The War on Women’s Breasts”
    The first feature documentary undertaken by WayMark Productions, (Oct. 6, 2020 target release date),
    investigates the world of mammography and a possible new breast cancer screening protocol used side-by-side:
    thermography and ultrasound. A short documentary by the same name won numerous film festival awards, and was written, produced and directed by Megan S. Smith, M.S. It will be distributed worldwide by Los Angeles-based Cinema Libre Studio.

    Watch Trailer Here https://youtu.be/gC8H27P22cc

    In “bOObs,” we learn from medical doctors (Dr. Otis Brawley, Dr. Ben Johnson, Dr. Galina Migalko, Dr. Julian Kenyon, Dr. Manfred Doepp, Dr. Toni Bark and others) the myths surrounding mammography — such as mammograms are “early detection” and “low radiation” — that are widely repeated by doctors, lead cancer associations, women’s health groups, and governmental agencies worldwide.

    We hear heart-breaking stories of how this test tragically changed the lives of female patients, leaving them permanently maimed following questionable diagnoses. One woman’s cancer exponentially worsened following the physical trauma from mammograms to her biopsied tumor.

    Then we learn the benefits of thermography: a test of physiology capable of detecting the heat of inflammation via infrared camera. As thermography may discern this important cancer precursor, it is truly an “early detection” tool.

    When used in conjunction with ultrasound — another test of anatomy, like mammography and MRI — these two painless, radiation-free tests are capable of finding cancer years before a tumor forms and without harm to the patient.

    Dr. Galina Migalko, a medical doctor from Los Angeles states, “it is important to realize that you are at risk of breast cancer, regardless of your family history. Current statistics show that one-in-eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, and this is rapidly headed for one-in-seven women. Numerous steps to prevent breast cancer are known and available, but not mainstream knowledge, so prevention is not being implemented. And, since prevention has not been embraced by American women, early detection of breast cancer is imperative”.Dr. Galina Migalko, a medical doctor from Los Angeles states, “it is important to realize that you are at risk of breast cancer, regardless of your family history. Current statistics show that one-in-eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, and this is rapidly headed for one-in-seven women. Numerous steps to prevent breast cancer are known and available, but not mainstream knowledge, so prevention is not being implemented. And, since prevention has not been embraced by American women, early detection of breast cancer is imperative”.
    Doctors explain that when these two tests are combined, they have up to twice the accuracy of mammograms on certain women. Further, the majority of the new 3D mammogram machines deliver double the amount of radiation over the 2D machines they are replacing if the facility lacks a certain software — but women aren’t informed of this prior to screening.

  11. regina says:

    Ihave only had one mammogram-I was 40+ with the first and so far only one test – now I am 71 and have had 2 breast thermography tests – they have seen “hot”spots which by the 2nd one, it had improved some – diet is very important mostly plant based if possible and a nutrition/supplement regime to help get better – my “regular” doctors do not know anything about breast thermography-the excuse used is they do not have any training and testings to prove that it is good and another doctor says they only follow the FDA rulings – you must be your own personal physician since it seems they just do not care.

  12. Frances says:

    I am also 68, have never and will never have a mammogram. Thank you for the information and support. I have often wondered about the safety to the tissue and had never heard or read any discussion of that.

  13. C says:

    Thank you for saying it like it is Joette ! Seems to be those pink ribbons and all the fund raising behind them are just lining someone else’s pockets. And mammograms…no need to repeat what everyone else has said above. Eat right, exercise maybe avoid underwire….

  14. For 4 years now, I’ve been forgoing the mammo and doing a thermography. My doc would like for me to rotate every other year and I told her I’d think about it…. I’m still thinking and I haven’t changed my mind. I’m not going back ~ I’ve found the one and only way anyone is going to check my breast for suspicious anything ! And I go every year in the month of Oct. when it breast cancer awareness month and get it done at half the price. I pay $100 out of pocket. Well worth it to me.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      It might be interesting to learn what your doctor’s rationale is. For example, what she has read that influenced her thinking.

  15. Mary G says:

    WOW I had no idea that a mammogram could be painful. I’m in my early 30’s but now I will reconsider. Anything this painful can’t be good for my mind body spirit

  16. Kara D says:

    Two years ago, I had my first mammogram due to a painful lump and a family history of breast cancer. The results were a fatty lipoma (benign). But with the family history, I’m torn on whether I should go back.
    Have you had clients with a family history decide to forego the mammogram? What would you suggest in this case?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If I looked at my family history and subsequently agreed to undergo medical tests for all of the conditions my family has suffered and that I’ve been surrounded by all my life I wouldn’t have time to write this.
      Actually, now that I think of it, maybe I would have the time ’cause my life would be lived in a series of one waiting room after another, day after day, month after month into years.
      I choose not to live that way.
      But I would never make a decision like that for you or anyone including my clients and students.

  17. E says:

    What do you suggest for mediating the radiation of a mammogram ? Scheduled for one tomorrow

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      key into your browser: JoetteCalabreseRadiation.
      This simple method will help you access my 13+ years of weekly blogs on subjects wide and far.

  18. Lynn says:

    I seriously do not know what to do. I’m 44 years old and never had a mammogram. My doctor suggested for me to get one just to get a baseline. I’ve been losing sleep over this. Any advice or suggestion would help. Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Check out what Dr. Joseph Mercola says about mammograms.
      And consider that perhaps you need a new doctor; one more aligned with your thinking and a bit more updated.
      I believe that diagnostic tests should be used for precisely that…diagnosis of something that’s wrong. Simply having breasts is not a criterion.

  19. Jen Ellen says:

    I am a 35 year old woman and made the mistake of insisting on a mammogram even though only ultrasound was prescribed for monitoring a likely benign mass. (I usually do way more research, but had very little knowledge about mammograms.) Come December of last year, I had one and the pain was excruciating during the process, and aching lingered long after. The mammogram didn’t even pick up what the ultrasound already did because of how dense my breasts are!

    Anyway I applied topical arnica for weeks…then stopped. And seemed to be fine. But now I notice my usual cyclic breast tightness that occurs around menstrual cycle is far more painful than before. I feel it’s due to the residual impact of the mammogram. I pray this won’t be chronic. Any advice?


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, PHom M says:

      I’m sorry for your suffering, Jen but I’m happy for your new-found understanding regarding the problems associated with this procedure.
      Without offering you specific advice, which I’m not able to do on this platform, when someone finds that a homeopathic medicine acts and on halting its use, the condition returns, it’s likely an indication that the medicine was correctly chosen. From that, we might deduce that its needed to be taken up again.
      Should you be interested, I cover this, many other female conditions and how to address them homeopathically in my online course titled Feminopathy. It’s found on my site under Joette’s Learning Center. Once you begin using homeopathy its helpful to know how to approach the repetition of the medicines.
      You’ll find what you’re looking for here

  20. Jen Ellen says:

    Okay great Thank you!

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