You’ve won the man of your dreams. Now you want to win over his family!
“Will I make the grade with my husband’s parents?
Is my house in perfect order?
Can I make the perfect meal?
Can I keep the kids well behaved, so his parents respect my mothering skills?”
Trust me, wives through the ages have experienced anxiety when faced with entertaining their in-laws. I certainly have.
But there’s no need to worry yourself sick.
First of all, you’re reading this blog!
That, in itself, shows that you’re a conscientious, caring wife and mother — a woman any mother-in-law should be proud of.
Secondly, (and most importantly), when apprehension, fear and anxiety creep in, you have homeopathy. Passiflora incarnata, to be exact.
Perhaps you heard me speak in a recent Anxiety Summit as I mentioned my high regard for this medicine.
Unfortunately, time and format did not permit me to teach potency or frequency, so I wanted to continue the discussion here.
Generally, Passiflora is used in mother tincture form — five drops directly in the mouth just before dinner time (say, around 5 p.m.) and then again before bedtime (roughly 11 p.m.).
In homeopathic form, Passiflora 6C would be the preferred choice, also employed in the same manner.
Discontinue the medicine when anxiety dissipates.
As I teach in my materia medica, “The Passiflora personality tends to worry all the time and work too much.”
I’m willing to bet many of you young women (and older ones as well) experienced this feeling over the recent holidays. All kinds of things can go wrong, causing us to doubt ourselves.
I recall one young woman who traveled to her husband’s parents’ home for Christmas.
They were newly married, and she was — as most of us would be — a little on edge about making a good impression.
While there, the family cat went missing. Of course, she joined the family as they searched for the beloved pet for hours — to no avail.
Later that evening, with the entire family still under a cloud of concern, she began to prepare their sofa bed for sleep.
As she opened the sofa bed, guess who popped out — unharmed, but snarling and hissing with his fur all matted in the wrong direction?
You got it!
She’d “found” the missing family cat. She’d accidentally made him up in the sofa bed that morning.
So much for making a good impression on the in-laws.
Things happen.
They happen to all of us. (Well, maybe not trapping a cat in a sofa bed, but you know what I mean.)
While causing anxiety at the time, these are the kind of instances that become hysterically funny holiday stories years later. (Years.)
But it’s January now. Relax. Take a deep breath. The onslaught is over …
For now.
The next time you have to be with his family (or your family or even a group of persnickety friends), don’t let anxiety get the better of you.
No hysteria.
No panic. Have Passiflora on hand and keep calm.
And double-check the sofa bed.
Pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. I’ve written other blogs about anxiety in different situations. Perhaps those will interest you as well. Check out: Anxiety: When the Elevator Flies to the Top and You Mean Summer is OVER? When Back to School Results in Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Homeopathy Saves the Day.
However, if anxiety is a chronic condition requiring more thorough education to determine the correct remedy, I encourage you to consider taking my in-depth course, Mindful Homeopathy: Practical Protocols for Mental and Emotional Conditions.
P.P.S. Earlier, I quoted a line from the section on this particular remedy contained in my materia medica. Passiflora is just one of the over 150 homeopathic medicines that I discuss in A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families.
Even if you own other materia medicas (which I hope you do), I’m confident you’ll find this book is an invaluable addition to your homeopathy library.
This unique reference provides my take on these medicines — Practical Homeopathy®.
Now is the perfect time to learn more about the homeopathic remedies that can liberate your family.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.