Every winter. It’s like clockwork. A new flu is discovered, and the press tries to work us into a fevered pitch with concerns of our vulnerability.
Are we vulnerable?
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Should we be prepared?
Why not? Why wouldn’t we have the homeopathic medicines we could potentially need — on hand — in case a flu virus strikes our family?
In my opinion, however, there’s no current call for ferocious flu fears. I encourage you to keep it all in perspective. Keep lighthearted, yet aware and prepared.
If fear becomes too grand — one becomes anxious and fretful — I have had great success with Ignatia 200C, twice a day until my outlook has returned to sound thinking.
But nothing helps allay fears more than information.
While there is not much definitive information about the virus at this time (because we Western homeopaths have not treated any cases yet), there are some helpful suggestions.
And in my estimation, this one is really no different than any others that homeopaths have treated over the last 250 years.
To that end, I’ve devoted a Facebook Live event to the subject: Flu Remedy.
I also expanded on the conversation in last week’s podcast, Flu Got You, Too? There is a lot of information packed into those audio resources. I urge you to listen, as this blog is only a recap!
So, first things first.
Because we all want to avoid getting sick in the first place, I inevitably receive many questions about using homeopathy as protection against catching cold and flu viruses.
As of this writing (February 2020), the press seems overwrought about this virus.
The Ministry of the Central Council for Homeopathy in India released a statement advising Arsenicum album 30 could be used prophylactically — one dose daily for three days, then repeating the regimen monthly.
In fact, in my recent podcast, I mentioned this same medicine as a prophylactic, albeit with a slightly different frequency.
In my experience, when the flu is imminent, the frequency depends on severity.
Arsenicum album 30C or X may be taken either once a day for a week OR maybe twice a day for a week and then back off and take it only once or twice a week from that time forward.
We must realize these recommendations currently offered for the virus by the Indian Council are somewhat speculative, and not based upon experience with patients.
However, this virus has a long incubation period (10-14 days) and initially presents as a cold.
This slow manifestation does suggest Arsenicum album 30, which is an excellent medicine for extreme colds.
In each epidemic (and there have been plenty of them through the ages), homeopaths around the world try to nail down a “genus epidemicus” — one remedy that works across the global population to address a particular illness.
The predominant medicine currently suggested by some homeopaths for this virus is Gelsemium 30 because of the severe fatigue accompanying this virus.
Again, this is based on theory.
Until we have the opportunity to treat many cases and can observe the efficacy of the medicine time and time again, homeopaths appropriately must make their most educated guesses.
Gelsemium has been the genus epidemicus in other flu epidemics (most famously during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 where it worked effectively across the globe).
Gelsemium is particularly well-chosen for extreme fatigue, malaise and achy muscles (all of which present in the virus).
So, it’s a seemingly good fit. And it has acted for garden variety flus in my practice so far this year.
Some homeopaths have also suggested it as a prophylactic:
· One dose of Gelsemium 30 weekly when an outbreak is geographically distant.
· One dose of Gelsemium 30 daily for seven days if you are close to an outbreak, and then twice a week after that until the threat passes.
Other homeopaths recommend using a nosode (a remedy homeopathically prepared from the virus itself).
However, in my experience, I haven’t found nosodes always work the best.
I prefer to employ the simillimum — such as the various homeopathic medicines I’m discussing here.
I’m not saying they’re wrong! Nosodes are simply no longer my first choice.
I also know many people experience wonderful results safeguarding against the flu using Oscillococcinum prophylactically.
With all that said, I feel the best protection against the flu is safeguarding your overall health with nutritious, sanitary food, clean water, clean hands, and plenty of rest.
We Westerners seem to take the first three for granted and ignore the last one. Humans need rest!
Unfortunately, we’ve become accustomed to burning the candle at both ends and in the middle. Then we wonder why we are susceptible to illness.
So, my advice is to take care of yourself now, and perhaps you’ll avoid the flu later!
But even with the greatest of care, we all get sick from time to time.
I keep a Banerji Protocol in my purse, and I suggest you do as well. It’s essential I keep it on hand — immediately ready — for whenever I feel an onset of weakness or that “I’m coming down with something” feeling.
If I feel something is “off,” I employ Aconitum napellus 200C mixed with Bryonia 30C, twice a day.
If I know I’m getting slammed with a virus, I use it every few hours. (This Banerji Protocol is also helpful for coughs from flu, as I mentioned in my podcast.)
If I were definitively diagnosed with this virus, I might also consider employing the Banerji Protocol for SARS (a generally similarly presenting virus):
· Lachesis mutus 200C, one dose, every other day (used to combat symptoms in the lungs)
· Chelidonium majus 6X (best in liquid form) + Hepar sulphuris calcareum 6C, every 2 hours (used to address cough and symptoms in lungs and throat)
· Kali muriaticum 3X* mixed with Ferrum phosphoricum 3X twice a day (used to address issues in the blood and grand fatigue)
*In the United States, Kali mur and Ferrum phos are easier to find in a 6X potency — an acceptable substitution.
But don’t assume the worst!
Initially, look at your virus as a cold (consider ColdCalm), until you are proven otherwise. Consider your flu as a “regular” flu. Perhaps consider Oscillococcinum or Dr. Dale’s ALL FLU, which my sons have successfully employed. [Editor's note: ALL FLU is now called Dr. Dale's COLD GUARD PLUS.]
Don’t automatically assume you’ve contracted the virus simply because you’ve heard so much about it in the media!
I provide a free flu chart to help you determine whether you’re dealing with the flu or something else. It also walks you through various choices to consider for use after you determine if you’re battling the flu, colds or allergies.
For the flu, in addition to the Arsenicum album 30 and Gelsemium 30 mentioned above, I might use another Banerji Protocol that I discussed in a recent podcast: Rhus tox 30 mixed with Bryonia 30.
These are generally taken either alternating every 3 hours if initially getting sick OR mixed together in the mouth every 3 hours if symptoms are already established (e.g., achiness, chest heaviness).
I might also add Nux vomica 30 for chills and fever (especially in those who are overworked and achy). Ferrum phos 30 is a well-qualified medicine for low-grade fevers (which uniquely presents with the virus).
Many times, any form of flu presents bone aches. I’m not talking about mild achiness here; I’m talking about the feeling that every bone in your body is breaking — intense pain, especially in the back.
This type of bone pain carries with it a restlessness — a desire to move, but that movement provides no relief.
There is also generally a prominent chilliness and inability to warm up. The pain may also be temporarily ameliorated after vomiting.
When the flu manifests in these symptoms, I have had great success with Eupatorium perfoliatum 200, taken every 3-4 hours depending on the intensity of the pain.
If there are coughs with the flu, you can search my blog for specific medicines matching the various types of coughs.
As you can see, I suggest using each symptom — while it is the predominant complaint — to guide you to the appropriate homeopathic medicine to use.
As each aspect of the condition clears —as the medicines have done their job — discontinue the current remedy’s use and turn your attention to the next primary problem until you are returned to good health.
One last note: Don’t be surprised — or embarrassed — if a bit of depression sets in after you’ve recovered from a virus.
It’s very common, yet we all seem to think post-illness depression is unique to us. I rely on Aurum metallicum 200C, one dose every 2-3 days until I am back to my usual self.
My final point: remember, viruses don’t respond to antibiotics.
All too often, people demand their health care practitioners prescribe an unnecessary antibiotic.
And much more often than they should, practitioners acquiesce.
Antibiotics should only be prescribed for bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, ear infections or sinus infections.
But — and it’s a big BUT — we who employ homeopathy know even then, antibiotics carry their own long-term dangers.
There’s an alternative!
For instance, the Aconite 200/Bryonia 30 Banerji Protocol I mentioned earlier is also an effective protocol for pneumonia.
Kali carb 200 is also extremely useful in pneumonia cases.
But proper utilization of these medicines requires more education than I can give in these short, free formats.
Because of the timeliness of this topic, I am relaunching my course, “The Antibiotic Alternative: Balance Your Bugs Without the Drugs.”
Click here to download a free infographic and learn more about this valuable course.
I urge you to stop relying on allopathic drugs that carry myriad side-effects and trigger additional health concerns.
Homeopathy is relatively safe, gentle, polite and efficacious — when you are well-trained in its use.
There is no better time than now for you to learn the antibiotic alternatives homeopathy has to offer.
I hope you’ll share this post, my podcasts and my Facebook Live events with your friends and loved ones who may also be concerned about the flu. Pass on the good news of homeopathy!
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.