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A Pox Upon Your Household!


My friend’s young son showed up to his music class one day with his face covered in bright red stickers. “I have Singing Pox,” he said proudly. “I got a spot for every song I sang.”

But a few days later, REAL red spots started popping up all over his face. He also had a low-grade fever, his nose was runny, the itchy rash continued to spread, and blisters began to appear – the classic signs of Chicken Pox.

Now his mom had something to sing about!

My friend was delighted that her son would be able to develop natural, lifelong protection from the Varicella virus that causes the disease. Her son, however, was not so delighted and kept telling her that he didn’t like having the “pokey spots.”

Chicken Pox has long been regarded as a childhood rite of passage and many moms actually seek out opportunities to expose their healthy children to the virus when they are young.

Childhood cases are generally mild and self-resolving, but Chicken Pox as a teen or adult can be much more difficult.

Contracting the virus as a child is the most opportune time to lay the foundations of robust health and immunity. And with homeopathy, the body receives the needed support and impetus for uprooting the illness, rather than suppressing symptoms with pharmaceuticals, which only push the illness deeper and create imbalances that wreak havoc in the body later in life.

No wonder homeopathy has been the “go-to” treatment for parents for over 200 years!

This is not the first time I’ve discussed this; you can read about Chicken Pox in one of my old newsletters here:

I also cover it in my recorded online course (and hefty manual), How to Raise a Drug Free Family.

But now, today I’ve added a Banerji Protocol for this normal childhood disease to add to your homeopathic arsenal.

This tried-and-true plan has the power to uproot the ailment while treating its symptoms at the same time. Have you ever heard of any other medicine that has that capacity?

I personally like using the Banerji’s method of employing Bryonia 30C (Apply the discount coupon code “Joette” at check-out for an additional 20% off!every other day and Antimonium Crudum 6C and Thuja Occidentalis 30C, one dose every 3 hours alternately.

In no time at all, those itchy red spots will be gone, leaving vigorous natural immunity in their wake. I guarantee mothers will be singing the praises of homeopathy and sharing the word with their friends and relatives!

In fact, that’s all l ask of you in exchange for sharing my tips and strategies on this blog: that you pass along this information to everyone in your circle of influence. 



P.S. I already know you will ask if there is a protocol for shingles, so stay tuned for next week’s blog when I answer that question!


I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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