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Podcast 60 – Moms with Moxie: Practice, Persistence and Practical Protocols




03:44    Brain surgery

13:02    Some animal stories

22:20    Some human stories

25:33    Skin conditions

30:42    Some useful information



Pre-surgery protocol

Post-surgery protocol

Weston A. Price Foundation

            A Mother’s Journey

Cell Salts: The Easy Homeopathy

Baby Grande™

Remedy Kits

How to Raise a Drug-Free Family

Facebook post: Quail eyes: before and after photos*

               *The Facebook group referred to in this podcast is a closed group specifically formed as an added benefit for those who have taken my courses. Those who have not yet taken courses are encouraged to follow my Facebook page “Joette Calabrese.


Good Gut, Bad Gut

Skin, the Ugly Truth

Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum



Kate:  This is the Practical Homeopathy Podcast Episode Number 60.

Joette:  Each day from my office, I get to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe, and I want to share them with you. Some of my students have really caught my eye. Some of you have done all you can to learn how to cure those around you using homeopathic medicines, and your successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful, and I can’t keep these successes a secret any longer. So, with help from my roving reporters, we bring you a mini-podcast series that I call “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview “Dads with Audacity.” See how regular mothers and others, average people who want to cure those around them, have gone from freaking to fabulous with homeopathy.

Kate:  Hi! I’m Kate. I’m super excited to be here today with another Mom with Moxie, and her name is Lisa. Welcome, Lisa.

Lisa:  Thank you, Kate. I’m so happy to be here.

Kate:  We’re glad to have you and excited for what you have to share with us. So, Lisa, tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.

Lisa:  Well, I am a mom. I am a hobby farmer. I am a student of homeopathy. I am currently attending a homeopathic college in Ontario because this is what I want to be. You know what? I have Joette to thank for that actually. So, I have two children. I have cats, dogs, horses, ducks, and quails — and a husband

Kate:  Oh quails! And a husband, I like how you say that last, “And a husband.” That’s funny.

So, I think many of the people listening to this podcast might be super-interested, and their ears might have perked up when they heard that you were actually attending college for homeopathy. So, tell us a little bit about that. Are you loving it?

Lisa:  Oh, definitely. Absolutely, I am. I am picking away at it slowly at night because I have my days quite preoccupied and full with all these children and animals. You know, it’s just such a lovely thing to do at the end of the day. It’s like kind of my reward. I get to study.

But, during the day, I can listen to Joette’s webinars, and it helps so much with my school. I’m able to go so much faster through it because I have got all of this foundation, first, from Joette. So, it makes it such a pleasure. You know, you’ve found something that you love, and you’re doing it. I’m able to apply all of this knowledge to everything on the farm and my kids.

I use nothing conventional — and not that I have anything against conventional medicine. My son had to go through a couple of brain surgeries, and I’m very thankful for modern medicine. But for 99% of what we have to deal with in our lives, I can do it myself which is so empowering and so wonderful. So, thanks, Joette … love ya!

Kate:  Wow! Your son had to have surgery? That is really difficult and hard. Tell us the situation if you don’t mind sharing.

Brain Surgery

Lisa:  No, of course! He had hydrocephalus. Which is when … I mean if you look on the internet, the pictures are quite freaky, especially for a mother. So thankfully, we were able to get a brilliant surgeon. Who — and I won’t go into all the details — but who managed to correct it. It had to happen twice.

So, the first time, we did the pre-surgery protocol. It was great. He came out of it amazing, like flying colors, no infections, nothing. But, the one thing that I will never forget … because Ignatia was so amazing for me at that time. When you’re preparing for your son to go into brain surgery, and you’re told by the physician that he could die or there could be something that you touch in the brain where you wish your child had died — because they’re a vegetable now. So, you hear those things and, you know, it’s a little traumatic.

Kate:  Of course! Yeah. I can’t imagine.

Lisa:  No, and nobody should have to. But, we did a lot of prayer, and I remember being in the hotel room (because we had to go to a different city to get the operation). I remember thinking, “Just take some Ignatia.” And so, I took … like, one dose is all I really needed. And I was able to … immediately just a peace came over me. It was amazing! And we were able to go forward.

And then for the second surgery, the same thing. So, we did the pre-surgery protocol which Joette gives free on her blog, I believe, and then the after-surgery protocol.

And then hydrocephalus, it’s very bold. It’s a clear one for the usage of Calc carb, and he was a very Calc carb baby. Anyways, so Joette had given me some advice that maybe give him Calc carb for a month afterwards. He’s been fantastic ever since. We’re so grateful. We’re so grateful. So, that’s that surgery. Leaving out some details, but — you know — we only have a certain amount of time, right.

Kate:  Yeah. Now, did you say he had to have two surgeries?

Lisa:  Uh-huhm. So, with this certain surgery, they make … they would usually put a shunt in from his brain to his stomach, which is …

Kate:  Oh, wow!

Lisa:  Oh! It’s such a pain because they get blocked; they get infected. It’s terrible. But, this particular surgeon went and studied in Africa, where they don’t have access to shunts because they just can’t afford it. So, they have to do a different surgery where they make another hole in the brain for the cerebrospinal fluid to drain out. And, that’s what they did.

So, the first time he went in and did it — I mean, this is right by the brainstem, right? So, it’s a very, very serious thing. So, he didn’t want to go too close. So, he made the hole, but it wasn’t quite big enough. So, a month later, it completely closed up, and then we had to do it again. The second time, there’s a 25% chance that it will work. But I knew in my heart that it would; it just needed to be bigger.

So, once you get past like the six-month mark, that’s when the doctor says you throw a party — because it’s done!

So now, he’s over two. The second surgery happened when he was eight months. So, we’re all good. He still has to go once a year for an MRI, but yeah … he’s really good. So yes, yay, indeed. Yep.

Kate:  Wow!

Lisa:  But, you know what? I really don’t mind because, I mean, no one escapes, right? No one escapes. Everybody has gone through stuff. Right? It’s all in how you handle it. And these surgeries have given me such empathy for other people. I’m working with a woman whose son has a brain tumor. And I was able to reach out and help her, and she listened to me because I had gone through something similar with my own son. Not a tumor — but something very scary, right? So, we use … God gives us these situations, so we can use it. I don’t say, “He gives it.” He gets us through it. He uses it to make it something beautiful in somebody else’s life and to give them encouragement that you went through it, and you can do it, too. So, I really don’t mind these situations.

Kate:  And it gives us so much empathy for other people in those situations as well. It’s just amazing how God does take that and uses it to bless other people.

Lisa:  It makes it good.

Kate:  Yes. So, let’s talk a little bit about your history because I think it’s fascinating. When we were having a conversation before this call, you were talking about your family and their study of medicine. So, tell us a little bit about your family.

Lisa:  Yes. So, my father’s a physician. He’s a neurologist. I’m going to talk about it a little bit later on in our conversation, but it’s very helpful to have a physician in the family for diagnostics — because it is quite important. If the remedies I’m using aren’t working, I can say, “Dad, what am I missing? What’s going on with him?” And he’ll say, “Oh! Well, that’s because of this.” “Oh!” Well then, now I know how to treat it, right?

Kate:  This is such an important thing. I have that same thing happen when our dog was having some issues. I took our dog to the groomer — and not that the groomer is a vet —but she’s like, “Oh, I think your dog has ‘this.’”

I was giving homeopathy, and it wasn’t working. When she gave me that little bit of information … “Oh my goodness! That makes total sense!” And now, I knew what homeopathy to use. I used that homeopathy, and within a day … those circumstances … that dog was feeling better.

So, it is so important. I feel like if the homeopathy isn’t working, there’s something that we’re missing. If we know what it is, it’s just so much easier to really nail that remedy down, that right remedy.

Lisa:  Right, right, exactly.

Kate:  So, do you feel like you inherited some of this passion for healing from your dad who’s a neurologist?

Lisa:  Definitely! Definitely. Yeah, my father … he’s been in practice for over 40 years. He will do it until he’s not here anymore. That’s exactly what I would do. I don’t believe in retirement. I want to do this until I can’t do it anymore. Right? Because that’s what we’re here for.

Kate:  Yeah.

Lisa:  We’re here to help others in one way, shape or form. That’s kind of what our role is on this earth, I think. So, I was always into herbs and essential oils and natural stuff.

It’s funny because I was raised on margarine and skimmed milk powder, right? Because as a neurologist, you do whatever the Health Canada says. “Oh! Skimmed milk powder is right? Then, darn it, let’s go get a big bag of it!” I remember that.

And then turning full circle away from that, you get a new, fresh perspective. Especially since everybody else is doing it? Do the opposite, and you’re probably on the right track.

So, when I was first a member of Weston A. Price Foundation, I was reading Joette’s article. (I had no idea who Joette Calabrese was.) She said it is your job, as a mother, to heal your family.s And that totally hit home! (And this was before I had kids — I had a couple of dogs, and that was it.) I said, “Yes! Of course, it is! That was it!” As soon as I read that article, the next day, I was Googling her. I was ordering the cell salts and the Baby Grande™ and I got myself one of those little, red Top 100 kits — and that was it. That was it. I was sold out for homeopathy.

Kate:  I know. Don’t you feel like once you find homeopathy, it just trumps everything else that you’ve done? Because, yeah … just the same story — a history of herbs and essential oils, and nutrition — and those are all great things. But homeopathy? You just want to shout, “This is it!”

Lisa:  This is it. This is it. This is it. And all those other things are nice additives, right? That’s it, definitely. There’s nothing else. There’s nothing.

I talk to people all the time — I’m sure you do, too — that have said … you know. One person I know is doing like breathing. Not to say anything bad about that modality, but breathing isn’t going to kill your allergies properly. It’s this technique thing that people do. I said, “Okay. Well, yeah, I’m here if you need me.”

Sure enough, okay, well, maybe we can try a little something else, too — because the breathing wasn’t really doing it for them all that great. So anyway, yeah — homeopathy.

Kate:  I’m curious. Going back to your dad for just a minute, is your father, as a neurologist, is he supportive of you learning homeopathy and using homeopathy?

Lisa:  My dad is great. He had always said since the beginning that, “Whatever you want to do, and you’re happy doing it — great.” We can have a discussion like you and I are having, and it’s completely fine. When I was teaching a class about homeopathy, and we were talking about fevers — and he’s of the old school that fevers are not that great because he says he sees people who might have … you know, they had febrile seizures, and now it’s affecting them later in life. I said, “There’s no correlation.” And we love to have these conversations. Then he’s saying, “Well, whatever works, works. It doesn’t matter. If that works for you, great. Good for you. Great, it worked.”

Kate:  Okay.

Lisa:  But he’s not willing to try. Like, he has so many things I could help him with but he’s like, “No thanks.”

Some animal stories

Kate:  So, Lisa, tell us about some of the ways that you’ve used homeopathy to encourage those who are listening today.

Lisa:  Okay. Some of the ones that really stand out in my mind. And a simple one: when I was pregnant with my first, and I just finished the Drug-Free Family course, and I was petting our little puppy. She was itching a lot. I looked through her hair, and I saw some lice. I quickly Googled it — because I didn’t want to get lice. It was coming from my chicken coop. It was like chicken lice. So, it doesn’t affect humans.

So, I started to use essential oils, and I did all that first. I don’t know why I went there first, but I did. Then that wasn’t working; it wasn’t helping. So, I went into my Drug-Free Family course, and I looked under lice — because it doesn’t matter if it’s humans or dogs or sheep or cats or whatever.

I used the remedy for lice; a couple of days, it was gone. It’s interesting because it works so fast. One, I think because my dogs are pretty pure. They eat raw. They have farm life. They have a good life, right? So, I find that the remedies work faster with people and animals that are pure. So, within a couple of days, she was lice-free. It was gone! It was great.

Kate:  Yay!

Lisa:  Yeah. So, that was the first. I was like, “Wow! Holy smokes! This is great!” Because this is one of my first real triumphs. And then later on, I got a couple of horses. They would always use just conventional deworming methods. I thought, “Well, why wouldn’t I just use Cina for them?” So, I did!

I got us dropper bottles. I would just spray it into their mouth whenever I went to feed them. That was that. It’s gone. It seems to work so well; I haven’t even had to do it this year. So, it’s gone. I don’t know if it’s just inhospitable for a while now … or I don’t know. I guess I’ll do it again when I see signs of worms.

Kate:  So, how long did you use that for? And did you use it when you started seeing worms? How did you do that?

Lisa:  Hmmm, what did I do? Yeah, yeah, I would see one of the horses start to rub their bum. Because, unfortunately, I’m super-busy, so, sometimes it needs to hit me in the face before I remember that, “Oh, shucks, I need to deworm them.” And then I’ll do that to both of them and I’ll just … so, they’ll just start to rub. I should do it preventatively. That would probably be a good thing. But, I don’t think it’s a big deal if I’m doing it as it’s happening, too.

Kate:  So, we’ve got dogs. We have horses. And, you have other animal stories.

Lisa:  Oh, yes! It’s nice to see success stories on Joette’s Facebook page, too. Everybody has so many issues. It’s really encouraging to see pictures and success stories.

So, I saw one of my quails, and quails are kind of new to my farm. I’ve only had them for about a year and a half. I’ve noticed that they have some eye problem sometimes. I got these quails from probably a place that was not so clean. So, one of the eyes was completely covering over and infected, and it was happening to the other eye as well.

So, I’m like, “Well, let’s try if we can get a success story.” So, I took a picture and then immediately started treating her with a combo dilution of Euphrasia officinalis in mother tincture; I used Calendula in mother tincture; and I used Hepar sulph (and I dissolved four pellets into that). I gave her like a little concoction. I would spray that twice a day: once in her eyes — both eyes — and then I would give it to her in the mouth.

I don’t have the exact dates with me, but I know within the week, it was completely gone. She was totally fine, totally fine. It was amazing! So, I have the before-and-after pictures on the forum* (just Google my name and then “quails,” “quail eyes” or whatever).

Kate:  This leads us into your chicken story. You have one of those.

Lisa:  Oh, yes! One of my chickens had bumblefoot, which is an infection in the bottom of the foot. Their foot gets … it looks like there’s a nail in almost the bottom of their foot. It gets really swollen. You can tell immediately because they start walking funny. And then you just pick them up, you turn them over, and you can see it. So, normally the treatment is people do a little surgery at home, and then they give them antibiotics.

Kate:  Oh!

Lisa:  Yeah. You do a little surgery. You take out the nail-thing.

Kate:  It’s not a real nail. It’s just … what? I don’t understand.

Lisa:  The bumblefoot?

Kate:  Yeah.

Lisa:  So, it’s at the bottom of the foot. It looks like there’s like a nail in their foot.

Kate:  But there’s not? There’s not a nail?

Lisa:  No. No. It’s like a scab.

Kate:  Oh!

Lisa:  There is something … because we did … the first time, I thought it was a nail. So, my husband pulled it out with tweezers, and it was not. I’m like, “What the heck?” So, then I Googled it, and it was bumblefoot (because that was our first time that we experienced that).

Kate:  Oh, my goodness!

Lisa:  Yeah. So, I went into, like, I have a homeopathy book for animals. And I started looking at that and tried that … tried some different remedies there. I’m like, “This isn’t working.” It’s an infection, so I’m going to give her Hepar sulph. I did that, and — same thing — it started to heal up pretty quick. Within the first few days, I started to see a difference. Then at the end of the week, she was fine, and it was gone. It was gone.

Kate:  Oh, my gosh!

Lisa:  Yeah! And the only treatment is antibiotics.

Kate:  I’m sorry, but every time I say that word, “bumblefoot,” in my mind, I just have this funny image in my head of bumblefoot. That’s an interesting name.

Lisa:  Yeah, yeah.

Kate:  So, they say it won’t go away unless you treat it with antibiotics, right?

Lisa:  Yeah, you do a little surgery, and with the surgery, obviously, they give antibiotics. Right? You give an analgesic to the chicken. And then you do your little mild surgery, pull it out, and then clean it up and give them antibiotics. And then, you know … So, I said, “Well, I’m not going to do that.” I’ll just try with Hepar sulph.

My chickens are great guinea pigs. I don’t mean to be cruel, but chickens die. And if I lose a chicken, it’s not the end of the world. Right? So, I can try stuff on them.

Kate:  So, you would just put the Hepar sulph in the water?

Lisa:  I just… well, I grabbed my chicken at night and sprayed it into her mouth.

Kate:  Oh! Okay.

Lisa:  Squirt it into her mouth with a dropper. Yeah, I couldn’t put it in all the water because then all the chickens would get it, right?

Kate:  So, you used Hepar sulph 200 or 30?

Lisa:  I started with 30. I think I just used 30.

Kate:  Okay, yeah. Awesome! Okay, so, let’s get to some human stories. Oh no, wait! You have to tell the story that you talked to me about earlier.

Lisa:  Oh! The porcupine! So, you know, it’s 7:00 in the morning, and you open the door about to do your chores. You look out, and your dog — one of your two German Shepherds — greets you with a mouthful of porcupine quills. It’s … that’s the worst … and my husband’s gone. It’s just me and the boys.

So, I called up some reinforcements, and my friend who’s our CMP held each of my dogs down while I pulled them out one by one. It was awful. It was awful! At that time, I didn’t even think to give them anything either because they didn’t want to take anything in their mouth — nothing. They couldn’t drink. They couldn’t do anything. So, I was focused on getting these quills out and then dealing with it afterward. And dogs are super-hardy. And once you get them out, I mean, the quills are pretty sterile, too. Once you get them out, they’re fine.

So, my black German Shepherd, she got them all out fine. My sable German Shepherd — one broke off in the bottom of her lip. Now, the thing is with porcupine quills, they have the barbs at the end of them. And so, if it’s somewhere in, like, her chest or her head or something like that, you have to go and get the vet to take it out — because it will work its way into the body and cause a lot of trouble. Yeah, we have a vet as a friend (which is also very convenient), and he just explained this to us.

So, what I did is, I said, “Well, of course, Silica. Silica pushes everything out!” And it was in the lip. I wasn’t too concerned at all because it’s in the lip where it’s really not going to go really any place. So, I kept an eye out on it, and I put it [the Silica] into her water. I figured it’s Silica! The other dog can get it, too, for her hair, skin, and nails. It will be fine. So, I put it in the water.

Kate:  She’ll have beautiful nails!

Lisa:  Yeah, and teeth. So, I put it in the water, and I could see the pus starting to come out. Slowly but surely, it’s working its way out. Then I talked to you, Kate, the other day, and you said you just used a 30. I don’t know. I just used what I had — a 6 or a 9 or something like that. So then, I just started doing the 30, and I saw a little piece coming out at the top. So, I pulled that out, but I think there’s still more. But it’s very, very small; it’s very contained. It’s not going anywhere else. I just sort of push at it every day — my dog loves me for that, of course — but I just sort of push it out, and I see some pus. I see that the body’s doing its job by containing it and working its way out. So, that’s pretty awesome. You know, you’re not scared at all, right? There’s no fear. When you know what you’re doing, there’s no fear. “Oh, I’ll just use Silica. It’ll be fine.” And it is! It’s great.

Kate:  Right, yeah, all right. So, share with us …

Lisa:  Humans?

Kate:  Yeah, some of those human stories, like with your kids. I’m sure you’ve had things that have happened.


Some human stories

Lisa:  Oh yeah. I mean there’s always the bump. There’s always a bruise. There’s always a scrape and scratch. I mean I couldn’t imagine my life without Arnica and Calendulaseriously — and Hypericum, of course.

But the one, again, that really stands out in my mind that I found some real victory was croup. I had learned about croup in the Drug-Free Family course. My kids are super-healthy because I started this before I had kids. So, I was prepared, and I’m kind of just waiting for stuff to happen, so I can use my newfound knowledge.

Last Christmas, my son does his usual — when I know he’s coming down with something. Mothers just know when their kids are … this is happening. So, he’s on the couch. I think I’m making some Christmas ornaments at the table, and I hear this cough. I’m like, “Is that croup? I think that’s croup!”

So, in my mind I’m going, “ASH: Aconite, Spongia tosta, Hepar sulph.” Those are three top remedies for croup, and I’m going, “Okay, Aconite, it usually comes on powerful. It comes on strong. That’s the first remedy we think of.” But usually it happens around midnight, right? And it wasn’t midnight. It’s well before midnight. I’m like this is more like Spongia tosta which is like a saw going through wood. And I will never forget that, right? When Joette talked about it in that Drug-Free Family course. I thought, “I’m going to try Spongia tosta.”

So, I started with Spongia tosta 30. I probably gave him four doses total. I stayed up with him. And he was very scared which is also indicative of Aconite, but I wanted to stick with Spongia. I just stayed up with him. We just read, and then he would fall asleep, and then wake up and then that hacking cough again. And then we were able to … after about four doses, it was done for the night. It was done. He went to sleep. He was fine. The next night, it started again, but it was much milder. I used Spongia tosta again — probably only two doses — and that was it. I remember talking to my stepmother who is my father’s wife. She said, “Croup, what did you do?” I said, “I used homeopathy.” “Oh!” Yeah, that’s it, like it was no big deal — because her daughter had to take her son to the emergency room three times when he had croup.

Kate:  Oh, wow!

Lisa:  So, I’m like, the emergency room is for a broken bone, not for croup! It’s crazy to me.

Kate:  So, that first night when you gave him the Spongia, how often did you give it?

Lisa:  At first, I gave it every 30 minutes because it wasn’t crazy. And I would take him into the shower and get that steam going. And that really helped him a lot, too. I gave him hot water with a little sea salt which he called “special water.” So, that really helped him, too. Because I just remember the bronchioles — you sort of relax the bronchioles with the salt and the warm water. Right? So, that’s all I did.

Kate:  That’s awesome.

Skin conditions

Lisa:  I know a lot of mothers (and a lot of people, in general) have trouble with these skin conditions — the eczema. I was quite frustrated with it as well because I tried to help a couple of people without any really great success. This is when I just first started about the Good Gut, Bad Gut course and the Skin course. I probably didn’t listen to it enough times, or I needed more information. So, it’s cumulative! Now that I have all of these courses, and I listen to them all. And then I start from the beginning, and I listen again. And so, you start to really … I don’t want to say I’m an expert, but it’s coming together for me.

So, with the one little girl — and I don’t know all the circumstances — but I tried to help her, and it wasn’t helping that.

So, I was a little more cautious working with this little boy. He was probably eight months old. He’s blanketed in eczema — very bad. It’s to the point where people were staring at him and saying like, “What’s wrong with your child?”

His mother has psoriasis. So, it’s an inherited trait. She’s a nurse. He had a birth in which she called a very “normal” birth. All of the standard things were given, maybe except the epidural. “You know, we had this, we had this, and we had this. But, I mean that’s just normal.” I’m like, “Okay.” You know, you don’t say anything; this has nothing to do with it. What are you going to do? “What do you mean “normal?” So, I’m thinking in my brain, “Well, that’s what triggered it. All of these little things triggered the eczema in this little boy.”

So, I tried the first line for eczema, and it did not help. It made the eczema worse. It’s very interesting because that remedy may not have been correct, but it opened the door to the correct one. So, it peeled back that layer. We were able to see what the real remedy was. And, his mother realized that she had forgotten to tell me a very important thing where it’s burning, and it’s worse with hot water. It’s burning, right. So, I went, “Oh! Sulphur!” So, I said, “Quit that other stuff.”

She did the nosode to take care of that family inheritance and Sulphur. And it was done. She was thrilled! Thrilled. She went, “You know what? We’re done. I think I want to take a break from the remedies, and, you know, everything is great.” I said, “Great! You can talk to me again if you want to work on those food intolerances,” (because, of course, he has those, too).

Kate:  Yes.

Lisa:  “Yes, I will for sure.” She was just elated. You make believers of people like that, right?

Kate:  Yeah.

Lisa, you mentioned a couple of Joette’s courses that you listened to over and over again: Good Gut, Bad Gut and the Skin, The Ugly Truth course along with the others. For those of you wanting to know more about these courses, we will put a link to them in the resource section at the top of the transcript for this podcast. For those of you listening to this podcast not on Joette’s website, to find this transcript just go to Joette’s website, and look up Podcast 60. You can also just Google “Joette Calabrese Podcast 60” and you should find it that way as well.

And I love what you said about if we get that first remedy, and it doesn’t hit it, a lot of times people can get discouraged if it doesn’t take care of it completely. So, I’ve heard Joette say this many times that that remedy — though it may not have been 100% correct — it will often point us in the direction and make it more clear … the best remedy.

Lisa:  Yes, that was a huge little tidbit that after listening and listening — I heard it. You know when you hear something because you listen again, and again and again. And then you hear that one thing that you almost needed to know, and you use that. And it’s so wonderful.

So, that’s why when she’s talking, and Lara is talking in the courses and saying listen to it again and again. I’m thinking, “Of course, you have to listen to it. You’re listening to it once, are you nuts? You’re only going to get like 10% of what you need to know if you’re not hearing it again, and again and again.” Because things start to come out and be clear and make sense to you, you know?

Kate:  Yeah.

Lisa:  So, sometimes I’m like, “Oh! I don’t need to listen to the Skin course. I’ve heard it; I don’t need it right now. And I make myself, like studying, you make yourself do it. Oh man! I’m so glad I listened to it because I got that little tidbit, and it helped. That little tidbit that pointed you in the right direction was huge for me at this time. I use it a lot.

Kate:  As I lead study groups, the Gateway to Homeopathy study groups, every time I lead a group, I get something new out of that material in that book or something someone says.

Lisa:  Totally.

Kate:  And so, I just feel like you cannot study your materials — whatever it is that you’re studying — enough. Keep going over and over them like you said, because you’re going to find that little bit of information that you need. So, it will pop out this time to you, and it didn’t even faze you before. You didn’t even hear it before.

Lisa:  Totally, totally. And that’s with anything, absolutely with anything.

Kate:  With anything.

Lisa:  So, delve right in. Do it 100%.

Some Useful Information

Kate:  Yeah. Lisa, you shared with us so much. Do you have any closing remarks for those who are listening — anything that you want to share that you think would be important for them to know?

Lisa:  Yeah. So, for that person who is just starting out, this is kind of what would have helped me — had I heard it — is to not get overwhelmed because homeopathy is so big! It’s wonderful that it’s big because it’s a lifelong study, and you never get bored. You never get tired of it. It’s awesome! So, don’t get overwhelmed. Just get started. Just start. Learn it. Use it. Use your pets and your family and your friends as your guinea pigs to practice — who don’t mind if you get it wrong the first time, the second time. They’ll still keep with you, right? (Or they’re your family, and they have no choice.) Because that’s how we learn.

So, there are times when you will get frustrated, and you think that you can’t do it. But, you just keep trying. You keep learning, and you will get it — because that’s just how it works with anything. And then that feeling that you get when you’re able to help others is pretty addictive. Sometimes, it’s all you need to spur you on to keep reading and to keep learning.

For the more experienced person, I don’t know if I’m qualified to speak to those of you out there.

Kate:  I’m sure you are.

Lisa:  Here’s what I got. It took me a while to think about what I wanted to say. But, currently at this time, I want to say never underestimate the power of a good diagnosis. Because when I was first starting to learn homeopathy, classically, I thought that all I needed were the symptoms, and that was good enough. And sometimes it is; sometimes it isn’t. God gave us good doctors for a reason.

If I can just use one more example for myself — because I think it’s a good one — I got something on my finger. It was starting to get a little swollen. It started to get a little painful to the touch, and I didn’t know what it was. But, it had lasted for over a week. So, I knew that it wasn’t just a little cut or something. There was no cut. There was nothing. It was just a little swollen finger. I tried numerous remedies to no avail, and I was very frustrated. You start to second guess yourself and going, “Well, maybe this doesn’t work.” For some reason, you forget about all of the successes you’ve had in the past!

Kate:  It’s so true.

Lisa:  And then you second guess yourself. “Well, maybe I just suck at this homeopathy thing.” Right? You start to think those things!

Kate:  Yeah.

Lisa:  And then we’re sitting at the kitchen table, and my dad had come over. I said, “Dad, what is this?” He goes, “Looks like a little infection to me.” “Oh, okay!”

And, I had already started doing it that morning. Because I’d looked on the Facebook forum, and I’m looking through seeing if I can find any bit of tidbits, right, because I wasn’t getting anywhere by myself. And I thought, “You know what? Maybe it’s an infection. I can’t see anything. It is not super painful. But, I’m going to start.” So, I started the infection protocol, and then my dad confirms it. It started to work that night, and then it was gone within three days. Now, it’s like completely done. All I needed was a good diagnosis. And, apparently, homeopathy does work, and I don’t suck at it.

Kate:  Apparently, it still works!

Lisa:  Yes. So, that’s the thing. Even though you can be super-experienced — you’ve done it for a long time — you can still get those moments. But don’t be … what’s the word? Don’t be discouraged. Just keep doing it. You will find the answer. You will. So, don’t give up. You have to go back and remind yourself of all of those successes that you’ve had. Then, “Okay, I guess this will work.” So, the bottom line is don’t give up. Don’t give up!

Kate:  That’s when it’s great also to have like either someone to diagnose or a community of people to come alongside you and say, “Hey, what about this? What about this?” “Oh, I didn’t think about that.” And, I love that.

Lisa:  Yes, totally. I don’t have a lot of people, you know. I’m not from a really big place. So, not many people are into this. I’m the most knowledgeable in my area. So, I don’t really have anybody to help me. So, physicians — I think — are very helpful in that sense. And then I can go back and ask on the forum or go back to my books, you know? Stuff like that. Community is good. It’s really, really good, very important. No man is an island.

Kate:  Or woman, no woman.

Lisa:  Yes, yes.

Kate:  Well, thank you, Lisa. You’ve been an inspiration to me, and I loved our conversation. So, thank you for taking the time to share with us. I just appreciate you.

Lisa:  Thank you, Kate.

Kate:  You just listened to a podcast from where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Stitcher, and TuneIn radio.

Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit




These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.


I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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