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Podcast 46 – Moms with Moxie: Punctures & Toenails & Bladders, Oh My!

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

March 21st, 2018  |  6 Comments


Toe nails, bladder homeopathy


05:29    Advice to beginners

07:30    Puncture wound, Ledum and Arnica

10:01    Toenail injury

11:24    Bladder exstrophy and Cantharis

17:49    Saving through homeopathy

21:30    Gateway curriculum


Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum

Good Gut, Bad Gut

Ledum – for puncture wounds

Arnica – for puncture wounds

Aconite – for puncture wounds

Cantharis – for bladder infections

Pulsatilla  – for soothing child’s clinginess

Chamomilla  – for relaxing a child before bed

Joette’s Facebook Page

Arsenicum  – for food sensitivities and allergies

A Materia medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families

Remedy Kits


Joette:  Each day from my office, I get to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe and I want to share them with you. Some of my students have really caught my eye. Some of you have done all you can to learn how to cure those around you using homeopathic medicines. Your successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful. I can’t keep these successes a secret any longer. So, with help from my roving reporters, we bring you a mini podcast series that I call “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview dads with audacity. See how regular mothers and others, average people who want to cure those around them have gone from freaking to fabulous with homeopathy.

Kate:  You’re listening to Podcast Number 46 here at practicalhomeopathy.com. I’m Kate. On today’s podcast, we have a sweet, young mom who joins us to share her experiences with homeopathy. Suzanne will tell us how she’s helped her whole family with some pretty scary and serious incidents. I think you’ll want to listen to her story and share this podcast with others you know that might be interested in homeopathy and how to get started. I’m also going to share with you information about the new Gateway to Homeopathy study guide. But first, I want to welcome Suzanne to the podcast.

Suzanne, it’s great to be with you here today. I’m excited to get to know you. Welcome!

Suzanne:  Oh, thank you, Kate. I’m very excited to be here.

Kate:  So, you are from Indiana, right?

Suzanne:  Yes. We’re from Indiana. I’m married to Danny. We’ve been married 10 years now. We have three kids. Ian is seven, Jace is five, and Elise is one. We have our dog, Max, too.

Kate:  Another family member.

Suzanne:  Yes. He’s three. He is our teenager in our house, that’s pretty much …

Kate:  That’s funny. Tell me a little bit about your background.

Suzanne:  We have always kind of been conscientious about our health and things like that. Sometimes we slip up, but we wouldn’t consider ourselves “crunchy” in any sense. But yet, we like to have more of a healthy approach to things.

So, my sister has been looking into homeopathy for — it’s been about a year now. She approached me with it. I thought here’s another “one thing” that maybe we could contribute to our family and try to help support us in our health. She started a study group, Joette’s Gateway to Homeopathy. She invited me and a few of my friends. It was a group of six of us. We sat around and went through the book, and we all decided that this is something that we were very interested in. I’m really new to this. So, just been kind of experiencing things through what my family ends up doing.

Kate:  What ends up happening to you guys, right?

Suzanne:  Yes. So, well, with two boys, it’s been kind of crazy.

Kate:  I can imagine. Okay, so you went through the Gateway to Homeopathy curriculum.

Suzanne:  Correct.

Kate:  What did you think of that?

Suzanne:  It was very informative. At first, all we wanted to know was … we wanted to know what to do. It was very refreshing to be at the end of the lessons to get some of that from Joette and understand that we’re in a process. It’s not something that we just figure out the protocol, and we do this. There’s so much work to it. We have to understand the whole aspect of what homeopathy is. So, there’s a little bit of frustration at first. We finally, at the end, we’re like, “Okay, we get this.” Now, we want to do the next study group and we want to move on. My sister has actually moved on to Good Gut, Bad Gut. She’s been really excited about that.

Kate:  I think that’s super common. When people first start out with homeopathy and they take the Gateway or however they’re learning about it, they want to get to, “hat are the protocols? What do I take for xyz?” I think many people don’t understand that there is more to know than just what’s the protocol for a cough. It’s good to have that depth of understanding to know a little bit about the history, and some information about how the remedies are made. So, I think that Gateway curriculum is really great to give a good foundation so that someone then can branch off and study more in-depth.

Suzanne:  Yes, that’s been really helpful to understand that, to just kind of delve into just the thought process behind homeopathy. It’s a total mind-switch.

Kate:  Yes, it is. It’s so different from anything else.

Suzanne:  After we had gotten done with the whole Gateway to Homeopathy, our minds … they were so full of information that we are all starting to go back through that study and relearning a lot more. Because now, we have that foundation to understand the way homeopathy works. It’s been great. Going back through the study on my own is very enriching, even more so.

Advice to beginners

Kate:  So, what recommendations would you have for someone who is just beginning their adventure in homeopathy — just starting out — maybe taking a Gateway group for the first time? What would you have to say to them?

Suzanne:  I will say at first, have patience in it. Have a little bit of faith in it, too. I think a lot of times in our society, we just want that one medicine to just get it, and just be done. Put the Band-Aid over it. I don’t want to deal with it anymore until it comes up again.

It’s just a different mindset. Instead of reaching for an aspirin or the ibuprofen or something like that, what are you going to reach for? Do you have everything in your grasp that you need with homeopathy? That’s the one thing that I’ve learned this last weekend is to have the first aid — homeopathy, ready, set, and go — especially if you have kids. That’s a little bit of advice.

Joette knows exactly what she’s talking about. That’s what gave me the faith at first, having her as the professional knowing what to do, and then utilizing some of the homeopathy remedies and protocols just as a simple step. We all learn when we need to and with situations. And just to be patient in that.

Kate:  Yes, that’s really great advice. Thank you for sharing. I think it’s helpful for those who are just starting out, and like you said, just want to get going and want all the information. So yes, being patient. And oh, it’s so important to have those remedies, isn’t it?

Suzanne:  It is. It is. I wanted to share what happened this weekend. My husband was home. He decided he wanted to fix the cheese slicer — just one of those little cheese slicers that has a little wire that fell off. So, he has a screwdriver like this. He had the cheeser on the side. He puts a Phillips screwdriver through his hand, on the inside of his hand.

Puncture wound, Ledum, and Arnica

So, it’s a very deep puncture wound. I came running downstairs, found him just kind of holding it. It was bleeding enough that I knew that it was getting cleaned out a little bit. And, he proceeded to faint on me.

Kate:  Oh my gosh!

Suzanne:  So, it was just one of those things, that … I’ve never seen him faint. I had no idea that he even would do that on me. So, I got him down on the ground. He had hit his head. So, I immediately grabbed for the Ledum. I only had a 30c. And then I had the Arnica 200c that I started giving him right away for the pain. He was in shock. There are probably more things I could have given him, but I didn’t have them on hand. So, instead of just not giving them to him, I decided to give what I had.

I went ahead and treated the wound just by cleaning it out. He came to. We continued to give him Ledum. It was about every 10 minutes, I would give him a Ledum. It took a good one hour to two hours, I would say, before the pain really subsided. Then after that, it was about every hour that I was giving him a Ledum and an Arnica, actually. After a day, he didn’t need anything. He didn’t take any ibuprofen. There was no swelling. There was no bruising — which I could not believe.

This was my first attempt at the first aid. Any other time, we probably would have gone over to the urgent care or something like that just to make sure. But we were pretty sure and had the faith in what we had learned with homeopathy that that was going to work. It did. He’s back to work. It’s not sore. I was just amazed.

Kate:  Nice! That’s great! I love it! So, did you guys have any Aconite on hand?

Suzanne:  We did not have Aconite on hand. The next day, I went right out and bought some. I knew I needed to have that. As I was flipping through the Gateway to Homeopathy, and I believe on her website, I’m not sure, she has the free first aid paper that I ran to right away, to grab, and went through all the protocols that she had suggested. So, the next day, I was like, “Okay, that’s it. I’m doing this.” I think for some people, it does take them to see it in action and to work for the first time to have faith in it. But, it was amazing.

Toenail injury

About four days later, my son goes out, seven years old. He was putting something in the dumpster. There was a piece of wood that held on his second toe. It broke his toenail open.

Kate:  Oh my!

Suzanne:  Yes, so we had the Ledum. We had the Aconite. And we had the Arnica. We went ahead and started with that. He had no pain by the end of the night. It is totally gone, no bruising. Everything is healed up. It’s been wonderful!

Kate:  So, how does your husband feel about homeopathy? Did that incident that he experienced this weekend, did that help bring his confidence level of using homeopathy up or was he already supportive?

Suzanne:  He was very supportive anyway. But after something like that happens to yourself, you think, “I think I might need to go to the doctor,” especially after he fainted. We just talked about it. We asked a couple of nurses. I just explained to them what I was doing. They actually had a little bit of knowledge of the Ledum. That was enough for him as a confirmation to keep going and see what happens. It was really great. He is now very supportive, and he wants us to get some kits. He wants us to get some cell salts. We’ve seen a lot of really great things come out of the homeopathy.

Bladder exstrophy and Cantharis

This is Jace. He is my middle son. He is five. He was born with bladder exstrophy or they also call it OEIS. It’s a 1 in 400,000. We didn’t know he was going to have this until a C-section. The doctor held him up and said, “Oh, I’ve never seen this before.”

It’s been a blessing though. We’ve met so many people through this. We have just started him on the Cantharis for bladder.

Kate:  Cantharis?

Suzanne:  Yes, 30c. He has done phenomenal. He’s very susceptible to bladder infections. His bladder was on the outside of his body when he was born. He had to have a lot of surgeries to have that fixed. It has been amazing. We’re really excited about that ever since he was born, he’s been on Septra. It’s an antibiotic. So, we really wanted to get him off that. This has been our chance to do that.

Kate:  Wow! That’s amazing! So, do you give it to him regularly or is it just when he presents with an infection?

Suzanne:  It’s everyday that I’ve been giving it to him. This has been about three weeks that I’ve been giving this to him everyday. I would love to get some input from Joette at some point to see what she would recommend. The doctors have said if he gets a really bad bladder infection that goes into his kidneys, it could be life-threatening. So, that’s kind of where I’m at with doing it on a daily basis. There’s probably a better suggestion. That’s kind of what I’ve known so far though.

Kate:  So far, he’s been doing well, no infections?

Suzanne:  No infections. He’s been doing very well. My kids don’t mind taking the little pills.

Kate:  I know!

Suzanne:  My daughter actually, every morning, she’ll ask for medicine. She’s asking for the homeopathy. I’m like, “Honey, you don’t need that for today.”

Kate:  Yes, isn’t that wonderful when we don’t have to figure out how to try to get the medicine down.

Suzanne:  Yes, it’s wonderful.

Kate:  Okay Suzanne, so you have a one-year-old daughter named Elise. You have an interesting story about some homeopathy with her and what seems to be effective with Elise. Why don’t you tell us about that?

Suzanne:  She is my little Pulsatilla girl. She is clingy. She wants mommy. She wants up. She just wants to be with me, and a little bit weepy. I just know that Pulsatilla helps with that from the study that I did. That’s what I’ve been giving her every once in a while. When she gets in a mood like that — the clinginess, and the crying — I just give her a 30c, and she calms right down. The Chamomilla 30c also really helps at night. Like before she gets ready to go to bed, if she is really anxious or wants to stay up and play and it’s bedtime, I just give her one of those. It just relaxes her. I love knowing that it’s natural. I love that part of it, that it can’t hurt her.

Kate:  So, I bet you’re pretty excited about the successes you’ve had with homeopathy and probably have been sharing with your family members or friends. Tell us a little bit about how receptive they’ve been to homeopathy.

Suzanne:  They have been receptive. They’re also health conscious, too. But, they also have their own things that they like to do and things that they like to use. But, they have been really receptive to listening to what has happened. My dad has started to use homeopathy when he starts with a cold or something like that. He’s older. So, he likes to stay on top of things. We’ve been able to … my sister and I both work on him and just let him know what there is out there in homeopathy to be able to help him. My sister, she’s like, “Here, take these, Dad.” So, he’s learning right along with us — which is great.

One of my friends who is actually my niece-in-law went to the study group with me. It’s nice to have some people that have taken the study group with you to understand and be able to talk with. She wasn’t sure the homeopathy was really for her. But, through my circumstances that have happened and me sharing with her, she started to use them more. I have another friend, Katie that did the study group. She and I talk all the time just about what we’re utilizing, what’s working. I love being able to talk with others about what they’re doing.

Right now, the one thing that I love seeing on a daily basis, I have Joette’s podcasts that come up on my Facebook feed. Facebook has that new … that you can save all the articles that pop up. So, I’ve been saving all the articles that pop up so that I can read them when I have time. Those podcasts are amazing that she does. It’s all written out. Then she has the little cards at the end that I can save for some of the protocols that I’ve been really wanting to know.

Kate:  Okay, so tell us a little bit about saving those articles with Facebook because I’m not that familiar with it. I think it would be useful for a lot of the people who are listening to this podcast.

Suzanne:  Yes, it is wonderful. Even when you’re just in your newsfeed, up on the top right-hand corner, there are three little dots you can click on. I believe it’s the first little thing — it says, “Save post.” You can save that post. Just go back to it whenever you have a chance. I try to have a little bit of a routine that I do. I’ll save the post. I’ll go into the post right away. Save the protocols that are at the end. And then I will go through later and read the whole article. Otherwise, I get so many posts that I’ve saved that I don’t have time to go back through every single thing.

I love reading what she writes. She just wrote one that I was almost in tears because it’s just exactly where I’m at, being a young mom, into some of the other healthy things that are out there.

There was one podcast … Joette was talking about how she got into homeopathy, her being a mom of young kids, and how there are many things out there that helped. There are a lot of things that help. But homeopathy cures, and that’s what I’m starting to learn. It’s not a Band-Aid. It’s not something that you just give that’s going to just cover it up. It cures. And I am so excited to delve into this further. I can’t wait to be able to get more classes.

Kate:  Yes!

Saving through homeopathy

Suzanne:  My sister is probably going to do the next study group because I’m like, “Please, we need to join the next study group. We need to do this.” So, I’m beyond myself knowing that there’s actually something out there that will cure this.

Kate:  And that you can give and like you said before, it’s safe. Your kids, they don’t mind taking it. It’s not a struggle. It’s so simple, isn’t it?

Suzanne:  Yes. It’s very simple. Also, for us being a young family, we don’t have a lot of money to do a lot of things. Homeopathy is not expensive. I have been so amazed at that. That’s why we really started trying it because it was the one thing that we could really get into and not put a ton of money into right away. That’s been wonderful. I feel like I have the resources to be able to give to my kids what I know that they need right now. Then I could also save up a little bit of money and get the first aid things that I need and get some cell salts that I need. So yes, it’s been amazing.

Kate:  Yes. Although it’s a win all around, isn’t it?

Suzanne:  All around, yes.

Kate:  Yes, I know. You can’t contain yourself almost when you have these successes and then you start sharing them. And it never ends! It’s all the time, all the time. It’s going to continue, and spiral, and super exciting.

Suzanne:  I have one more thing. My husband, all of his life really has had something that happens to him whenever he eats sugar. We’ve kind of looked into it a little bit more. Doctors have not really been able to put a finger on it. It’s not diabetes. It’s nothing like that. The carbs, the sugar, anything like that makes him have really foggy mind, and he can’t think well. So, we really stay away from any carbs. But, when I started looking into homeopathy, the Arsenicum 30 … if he eats something that might have some carbs in it — like if we go out on a date or something and he wants to be able to continue the conversation with me — I carry that in my purse. He takes one pill. Then another 10 minutes, he takes another pill, and he’s good.

Kate:  Wow!

Suzanne:  I’m amazed! I mean we can go out on a date now, and he can kind of eat a little bit of what he really wants. We can have him take that Arsenicum, and he feels so much better. His mind is not foggy. We still try to stay away from that type of thing, but the Arsenicum is “in for the save.”

Kate:  That’s awesome, very, very cool! So, I’ve had that same experience with Arsenicum album with some students that were in a study group. Someone reacted to something in one of the study groups. They took an Arsenicum album. I can’t remember if it was a 30c or 200c. I think it was a smell that affected them. Someone had used a strong essential oil. They took a dose. It worked within … I don’t know … was it 10 minutes, 15 minutes, something like that? They said normally, it would put them out for a day at least. They would be just out, you know … down and out, trying to recover from that exposure. Yes, it’s amazing.

Suzanne:  That’s wonderful. Like I said, we try to stay away from things that we think are going to happen, but there’s always something that’s going to come up. To have that arsenal of homeopathy in my purse — I love that.

Kate:  Right. Now, you know that eventually you’ll learn things that you can use homeopathically that will help to uproot that condition. Then, you’ll be able to hopefully be over that and not have to utilize that. That’s exciting.

Suzanne:  Yes.

Gateway curriculum

Kate:  Is there any other stories that you have or things that you wanted to share with us?

Suzanne:  We’ve run the gamut through my whole family. I’m really trying to get started into cell salts. I know that they are very supportive. I do want to start uprooting some of the things that are happening with our health.

Kate:  So, in the Gateway II curriculum, we actually have one chapter devoted to all the cells salts. We go through each of the cell salts. We talk about how they can help. We’re going to talk about colds and flus, and just a little bit more in-depth about how you can look at those viruses that come around seasonally, and seasonal allergies, as well. We’re going to be talking about the repertory and Materia Medica, a little bit about the proof of homeopathy, so that people have the information that they need to talk in an educated fashion about the support of homeopathy and the scientific evidence for homeopathy. Then one of the chapters is about emergencies, just like what you were talking about. We’re going to fill out a chart about what things might be useful for our family as we work our way through that chapter. We’re going to go through some different scenarios and then talk about what to do for further studies. So, it’s pretty exciting. I can’t wait for it to come out.

Suzanne:  That’s great. I can’t either.

Kate:  It sounds like right up your alley. Maybe you guys want to continue on and go right in to the Gateway II curriculum after that comes out.

Suzanne:  Yes, yes, we would love to do that. I cannot wait to get my hand on one of those materia medicas. My sister just got hers the other week, and I was like, “I need to get one so bad.”

Kate:  Yes, yes. I just got one and I love it. It’s easy to use.

Suzanne:  That’s great. That’s what I had seen with hers. I just can’t wait to get my hands on one.

Kate:  Suzanne, thank you so much for taking the time to share with us because I know there’s a lot of moms out there with young children that run into the same situations that you do. Or maybe there’s a mom that has the son who had those bladder issues, and that you can help. So, that’s great. I look forward to hearing more in the future about what happens with that and success stories. So, let’s talk again sometime. Anything you want to leave us with?

Suzanne:  Just get out there and get your homeopathy kit. Have your first aid ready —  especially if you have kids. Just get out and discover it.

Kate:  Thank you, Suzanne.

Suzanne:  Oh good, thank you.

Kate:  You just listened to a podcast from practicalhomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Stitcher, and TuneIn radio.

Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit practicalhomeopathy.com.




*AR Sound Effects    https://www.youtube.com/c/ARSoundEffects

*Ehrling – Sommar | Chill Royalty Free Music | No Copyright 2018

               Music Link https://youtu.be/jVqxkN05UIg

               Artist SC https://soundcloud.com/ehrling

               Music Promoted by Chill Royalty Free Music https://goo.gl/5NfMV4

 These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


6 thoughts on “Podcast 46 – Moms with Moxie: Punctures & Toenails & Bladders, Oh My!”

  1. Bea says:

    This article discusses cantharis 30C everyday for bladder infection. Is that twice a day or only once? Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      For infections, we generally use a medicine more frequently based on severity.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      To know how to treat infections (they can be tricky), I urge you to consider my course titled “Infections”.

  2. Shino says:

    I have been use for Saccharimun30c and Nux Vomica 30c for My husband with sugar problem.Whatever he eat has sugar can’t go sleep and stomach upset and has diarrhea physical reaction with get angry and depressed for emotion reaction. It’s getting better. I will try add Arenicum !

  3. Geralyn Devereaux says:

    There is a condition where gut bacteria make a form of potent alchohol from carbs! I suffered with it for a while too very disconcerting but after fasting my system must have shaken that one, this was before homeopathy which would have been very useful. I am not sure how l kept my job through that!

  4. Geralyn Devereaux says:

    The reaction to carbs is gut bacteria making a potent form of alcohol! I had it for quite a while, not sure how I kept my job.

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