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Podcast 21-When to Use a Doctor; When to Trust Yourself

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

November 6th, 2016  |  6 Comments

Vintage still life. Vintage compass lies on an ancient world map in 1565.

In this podcast, we cover:
02:28   What is Discernment
11:30   Have The Knowledge
16:40   Own The Remedies
21:15   Know What You’re Looking For
26:17   Diagnosis
31:10   Selecting The Right Doctor
42:03   Finding the Good Doctors


Paola: It’s podcast number 21 at joettecalabrese.com, and here’s some upcoming highlights!

Joette: There’s a lot you can take care of on your own with your family. You know, yes, cancer; yes, AIDS; yes, rheumatoid arthritis but you have to know your stuff. You can’t go say, “Oh, I can treat this” and just go by a protocol. You have to be sure you know what it is you’re treating. There does come a point when you may need more expert opinion. There are times when the people who do not know enough homeopathy that they really do need to go to someone and get perhaps conventional care, just in case. It’s nice to have that second opinion.

Paola: What I like about this podcast is that it gives you another layer of self-empowerment. Those of you who have been reading Joettes blog for a while have come to know the Banerji Protocols which greatly simplify homeopathy. Basically if you have a diagnosis or a clear pathology, you meet it with a protocol to uproot that disease, but it’s important to remember that just because you have a protocol, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have the skill or the tools that you need to progress through that illness.

So in this podcast, Joette gives us four key components to help us determine whether or not we are able to complete the healing at home ourselves, or if we should seek out conventional medical advice.

Joette also gives us some great suggestions on how to find a medical doctor, should you need one. So if you’re ever in a situation where you do want that conventional medical advice, how do you go about selecting the right doctor for you.

You are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.


Paola Brown


Joette Calabrese


Alright, here we go.

Hi Joette, I’m excited to be talking with you again.

Joette: Hi Paola. I love this too.

Paola: I love this podcast. It really is like talking to my wise girlfriend.

Joette: Friends, yup.

Paola: Exactly. So today’s subject that we’re going to talk about is discernment and we’ll go into what we mean by that and also selecting a doctor, an allopathic traditional doctor, right?

Joette: Yes, yes.

Paola: So let’s get started. Tell us. What do we mean by discernment? What does that mean?

What is Discernment?

Joette: I think what you and I have tried to, what we want to convey today because you and I have talked about this in the past is that we want people to understand that there’s a lot you can take care of on your own with your family. You can take care of your children, yourself. You can take care of yourself, your husband, your pets, your livestock, et cetera. But there does come a point when you may need more expert opinions and even care. I always talk about how important it is to be self-empowered but let’s not be so foolish either. We have to know what we’re capable of. When we start learning homeopathy, it is a heady experience when you start curing your family. There’s no doubt about it.

Paola: What do you mean heavy like stressful?

Joette: No, heady, heady.

Paola: Heady.

Joette: Heady experience. Well, to speak in the 70s terms, it’s a rush. It’s a high. It’s a very exciting experience to be able to cure someone. No doubt about it. But we also have to know our limitations. So homeopathy has the ability to cure all diseases. This is an actual quote that Dr. Prasanta Banerji said to me once. He said, “Homeopathy can cure all diseases but it can’t cure all people. So it means that it can. Yes, cancer; yes AIDS; yes, rheumatoid arthritis but not all people with those conditions will be relieved of them completely. So it means that it also depends on the person. There are a lot of factors involved here.

I wish I could say that this medicine is linear and is super simple and it is. We have gotten a very complex medical paradigm, homeopathy and distilled it. By we, I mean the Banerjis have done this. I have some protocols of my own as well as most homeopaths have been in practice for any period of time. But we’ve distilled it down to some real simple protocols. But you have to be sure you know what it is you’re treating.

If you’ve got a urinary tract infection and we’re going to talk about that, if you’ve got a urinary tract infection and you’ve got some urgency and some burning and you’ve had this before, even if you haven’t, you can go right to the remedies that are specific for that: Cantharis 30, Medorrhinum 200, that kind of thing and start using them. You should see some improvement within, some people report improvement within a couple of hours of taking the remedy; some people, not until the end of the day; and others not for a day or so. But if it feels like it’s going to the kidneys, holy cow.

Paola: That’s usually in your mid to lower back.

Joette: Right, right, right, right. Not that homeopathy can’t uproot that, it certainly can but you many not know the protocols well enough. You may not have the confidence or the ability to know how often to use them. There are times when people who do not know enough homeopathy that they really do need to go to someone and get perhaps conventional care. Now, I always talk about how I didn’t take my kids to the doctors while they were growing up. They’re all adults now. But it was also because they never got very seriously ill. There was one time though. I shouldn’t say I never took them. That’s really not 100% true because my eldest son broke his nose. Literally, I mean his nose was off to the side of his face. It was not in the center of his face.

Paola: Oh no.

Joette: It went off to the side. I actually was not home that night. My husband called me and said, “Oh my God. You should see our son.” So my husband is a professional skier and has been taking professional skiing. He teaches professional skiing and as all of our children. He knows what to do about a broken nose. You just push it back in place and there it is. I know it sounds horrible, doesn’t it? But you push it back in place. My son was able to breathe and he was all right. The pain had come down. We had given him Aconitum and Arnica and things were pretty good.

But I said, “Are you comfortable with this?” I asked him. He was about I don’t know 17 at that time. He said, “Yeah, I’m comfortable. I feel like this is okay.” Using Arnica was something that I knew enough to use in case there was hematoma that was internal bleeding. Who knows what could happen? The nose is awfully close to the brain for goodness sakes. Pituitary gland is right behind there. I said, “Do you want to see someone?” He said, “Well, not really mom. I trust that you and dad know.” But then we said just in case.

So we went to an emergency room that’s not too far from us. Now, we live in Farm Country. So we went to this particular one where they see a lot of farm accidents. We walked in and I said to the nurse, “This is not serious. I think he’s fine but it would be really nice if we could just have someone take a quick look.” The doctor looked and said, Yeah. It’s fine.” Nothing was done. It was just a confirmation that yes, indeed, there wasn’t anything more that we needed to do. I mean, we looked and I looked. I looked up in there with a flashlight. My husband looked. He looked fine. But nonetheless, just in case, we did use another opinion. It’s nice to have that second opinion.

Paola: One of the things that I tell people. If you go into the hospital or the ER or the doctor’s office with a situation, you do need to steel yourself to some degree because obviously a broken nose wasn’t an emergency. But I was talking to my girlfriend in the Moms with Moxie podcast that her son had a febrile seizure. She’s like, I don’t know. It was like a coordinated effort. One nurse and another nurse, and one doctor and another doctor were all trying to push Tylenol on her son. She said, “I’m sorry but he doesn’t need Tylenol. She’s a tough cookie.” But if you go in there kind of loosey-goosey and you don’t steel yourself and bolden yourself to know, I want to understand what he needs and what he doesn’t need and she didn’t feel like he needed Tylenol because she felt like the fever was actually trying to kill off an infection.

Joette: She had confidence. The reason she had confidence is because she had been doing her reading. You have to read. You have to educate yourself. You have to know your stuff. You can’t go and say, “Oh, I can treat this and just go buy a protocol.” You better know your stuff. If your family suffers from, let’s say this child suffers from febrile seizures, you better know all about febrile seizures. Better read up on them. If you give Tylenol, are there any side effects? What will Tylenol do? Are we trying to reduce the fever? Are we curing the febrile seizures? You want to know what the goal here is. Is it to treat symptoms or is it to correct the condition? There is no doubt that all of this, the discernment comes in my estimation for finding that tipping point where when it’s intelligent to make decisions on your own for your family and yourself and when it’s foolish.

Paola: Right. In her case, she had read all the books that you recommended, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. He does talk about febrile seizures. So the first time it happens, you don’t know it’s going to happen until it happens, right. But then she already knew and had done some homework. But going back to the benefit of going to a doctor, they told her, “Well, your son had strep throat.”

Joette: Yes, good information.

Paola: Great information, very helpful information especially because he was pretty little and he probably couldn’t articulate very well.

Joette: Right, right. He’s got a strep throat. Now this mother knows what it smells like because there is sometimes an odor to strep throat. Now that she’ll recognize that. Now she’ll say, “Okay, let’s see your throat.” She looks in there and she sees the redness with the white spots or she doesn’t see redness. Sometimes it doesn’t present that way. But if she can get that information down, now she’s learned something.

Paola: Right.

Joette: Something of true value not only for this child but perhaps the subsequent children that come along and have similar situation.

Paola: Guess what? Some of my students in my study group class, because I run a little study group class, they’re telling me that you can get rapid strep test on Amazon.

Joette: Yes, it’s a beautiful thing.

Paola: It’s really cool.

Joette: There you go. Now, if your child is prone to strep throat then you get those strep tests. Find out.

Paola: Right, I did.

Joette: Absolutely.

Paola: I have my box right here. That’s what this is. It just came in the mail because you’re all going to get it at some point.

Joette: It’s very likely, sure, sure.

Paola: So going back to that discernment, are there any guidelines we should have to know okay, this is okay for me to stay at home and wait it out. Obviously the anaphylaxis, those are very obvious that we need to go to the doctor now. But sometimes these illnesses creep up on us one day. Then you just wait a little longer and you wait a little longer and then you might be doing something foolish. So do you have some guidelines?

Have The Knowledge

Joette: Well first of all, one of the things you want to do and you just mentioned it a moment ago is make sure you’re doing your reading. You want to read Dr. Mendelsohn’s book, How to Raise A Healthy Child In spite of Your Doctor. Everyone, every mother who takes any of this seriously, who wants to do this themselves needs to buy that book. It’s a dollar on Amazon. Before you even get it in the mail from Amazon, go online and find Dr. Robert Mendelsohn and watch him on YouTube. He was an amazing man. Unfortunately he passed away a couple of decades ago. He was a pediatrician and he was a stalwart in the alternative pediatric community. Of course, he was a given a lot of heck for it. But his information is like gold.

When you finish reading that book, now, you underline the areas that are the most valuable to you and your family. Go back and look at it again and again and again. Meanwhile, he was not a homeopath. He was an MD but he did not know homeopathy. Now you figure out which homeopathic medicines can be used for that particular condition. Own them, that’s number one. Oh actually, it’s number two. To be able to discern whether or not you can do this is first of all, you have to have some knowledge and that’s what I’m talking about now. Not just homeopathic knowledge, although that’s invaluable but you need some knowledge from other people who’ve stepped outside of this proverbial box. If you haven’t done that and you haven’t done any reading like that then don’t step outside of the box. Then you still do need modern medicine because often, you got to do something, not always, not always.

Before I started learning homeopathy, I knew that there was nothing wrong with a fever. I knew that it’s okay if a child gets a cold. I didn’t have to treat them. I used essential oils here and there. I used herbs and that kind of thing and a little bit of homeopathy because I was just learning it. But I also knew you could do absolutely nothing for most childhood illnesses and they would be just fine, chicken pox and all.

Paola: I always talk about my mother in law, that her, she had the ten kids. Cumulatively I swear, they have probably, between all 10 children, taken a total of like six antibiotics while they lived with her. I don’t know what it’s been since they’ve grown up. She didn’t have homeopathy. She didn’t have essential oils. She did a little bit of garlic drops for ear infections but she just waited it out and let it go. Let the fever do its thing.

Joette: But you see, a big part of what you’re talking about here is 10 kids. In the old days, women had larger families. The families were just innately larger. So the mothers had a lot of experience. But in today’s world, if a woman has one child, she freaks over that one child. It is something that I see consistently in mothers who have one child. They cannot get over the fact that their child is sick. There’s nothing wrong with a cold. There’s nothing wrong with chicken pox. Actually there’s nothing wrong with measles. I wish my kids have gotten it. There’s nothing wrong mumps. I wished my kids have gotten. Can we get very, very, very sick with those? Of course, we can. A cold could kill you but that doesn’t mean you think it is. You just make sure that the person’s getting bone stocks and drinking properly, et cetera. There are some pretty simple common sense methods here.

Paola: Right. And just waiting it out can be -.

Joette: Yes, it can be valuable in and of itself. Now, when do you wait it out? If you’ve got a kidney infection, you don’t wait it out. That is not going to go away by itself. So you need to do something about a kidney infection for example or if it feels like it’s going into the kidneys. It’s one thing to have a urinary tract infection that’s in the bladder or the ureter or the urethra but not when it starts going into the kidneys. Now, does it mean that homeopathy can treat it? Of course, it can treat it. Of course it can uproot it. But if you don’t have that information, it can’t do it for you. So, you’ll have to have the knowledge.

Paola: I have to be honest with you. My bladder has been my struggle for many years before I met you, Joette. I talked to women who will say, “Oh, I’ve never had a bladder infection before.” My joke is always, “Well, God loved you more,” because it’s terrible. I also feel like if you’re a woman and you’re listening to this and especially if you have a daughter, count on it. Someone you know, your daughter, your sister, your cousin, someone close to you will have a UTI. So brush up on that. That’s something every woman should understand as something because our urethras are shorter so we’re going to get it easier.

Joette: Yup, yup, yup, there are a lot of yes. Certainly, honeymoon cystitis, when a woman first gets married and there’s a lot of activity sexually, that is often a time when that occurs. So we have to be prepared for that.

Paola: That was when I got my first one and boy do I wish. The remedy for that is Staphysagria.

Joette: That’s right.

Paola: Gorgeous. I’m just kicking myself that you bet you, when my daughter goes off to get married, she’s going to take Staphysagria with her.

Joette: On the honeymoon.

Paola: Yes.

Joette: A whole little kit, absolutely. So that’s the first rule in my experience.

Paola: The first two rules, knowledge and remedies.

Own The Remedies

Joette: The second rule with remedies is I often get people who call up and say my child has got this, this and this with a cold or something acute. I say well, I’ll tell you what the remedy is but if you don’t own it, what good is it or if you contact my office and it’s 5 o’clock on Saturday night and we close at a little bit after 5, Eastern Time and now what? The stores are closed. All day Sunday, your stores might be closed. And you’re certainly not going to get mail. Then you order it on Amazon or wherever from Boiron directly. It will be Tuesday when you get it.

Paola: I mean at least Wednesday I feel like.

Joette: Maybe even Wednesday.

Paola: Because they don’t even ship it out – they don’t prepare the package until Monday afternoon.

Joette: You’re lucky if you get it on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s right. So you have to own a kit or two or three. I tell people they should own the top 100 remedies in which the potency is mostly 30s and we sell those in the office.

Paola: That’s the red kit.

Joette: The red kit, yes. Then own a 200 potency kit. That’s a little grey kit. There are 50 remedies in that. You should own every cell salt. We sell those kits too. You don’t have to buy them from me. You just have to own these remedies. We make it easy but you really need to own them. Then if there’s a remedy that’s not in those kits and of course there will be because there are 6000 remedies and we’re only talking about 150 here or 172 or something, 62, when you total all those three kits up, if you have a remedy that you know you’ll need, you better own it.

Paola: So going back to women, you’d have to have Medorrhinum. That is a big part of the protocol for bladder infections and that’s not in those kits.

Joette: That’s right, Medorrhinum 200 absolutely. It’s a beautiful remedy. It’s very important to own.

Paola: I’ll tell you what more that’s not in those kits that people often wish they had is Sanguinaria 200 for sinuses.

Joette: Yes. Camphor 200 is not in those kits too.

Paola: Those are the three that I run into the most that aren’t there.

Joette: Yes ma’am, absolutely. We need to have those. But there are plenty more. There’s Chelidonium 6 and there’s LycoArs. We can go on and on about the remedies that I use that are Banerji Protocols or even that are not Banerji Protocols that you absolutely must own, if you have proneness for one thing or another or you think someone in your family will. Here’s the problem. Most people say, “Well, I already own a lot.” You’ll never own a lot. You’ll never own enough.

When I say there are 6000 homeopathic medicines out there. I mean it. When we had to memorize materia medica when I was studying for the exams to become a professional homeopath, we had to study, we had to memorize 300, 350, something like that homeopathic medicines. We had to know them inside and out. We had to know our medicines. To not own them would be kind of goofy because then if I needed them, I certainly knew all about them. I knew what to do but I didn’t have it to use it. So that’s kind of a non sequitur. The point is that you want to own as many as you possibly can.

Here’s the thing. When people start saying that this is expensive, I want to just smack them. It’s not expensive. They’re not expensive. When you buy a kit that has 100 remedies in it and the cost is $257, that means each bottle costs $2.57. Can you find anything anywhere, essential oils, herbs, vitamins? God forbid, we’re talking about drugs. I mean EpiPens are now what, $600 or something and they are stale dated. With homeopathy, nothing is stale dated. They may put a date on it because the FDA requires it. But to be honest, I’ve got remedies here in my office that are from 1918 and they still work. I mean the bottle has stamp on it, 1918, Belladonna 30X. I have used it and it still works. So these remedies will be passed down to your great, great grandchildren. So it’s an investment.

Paola: Speaking of the FDA, the controversial with Hyland's Teething Tablets, Hyland's decided to remove the teething tablets from the US. Own your remedies.

Joette: Yeah, you better own them. That’s right.

Paola: You’ll never know.

Joette: That’s right.

Paola: You’ll never know what new controversy is on the horizon. Own your remedies.

Joette: That’s right. That’s right.

Paola: So let’s say, let’s go back to the UTI example. Let’s say I’m struggling with the UTI. I have the knowledge. I have the remedies and still struggling with it. What’s the next step in discernment?

Know What You’re Looking For

Joette: What you want to know is what you’re looking for. Once you’ve taken the medicine, you got to know what it is you’re looking for. If you think that it’s going to take four days for it to correct itself and you’ve got a urinary tract infection, you’re incorrect. That’s not the way it works. You should be able to take it about every, if it’s very severe, every hour even or maybe every three hours and then watch for improvement. It’s really better generally speaking to use it every about three to four hours.

But if it’s screaming horrendous, there’s a lot of pain, a lot of urgency then you take it every hour for a couple of hours or a couple of doses and then you open it up to every three to four hours. If you don’t see a change after a few doses, I mean, we’re looking even for a little bit of a change but if you don’t see a change, you know what, you may be wrong in the remedies that you’re choosing. If that’s the case, you might indeed need to get to a hospital or to a doctor because we don’t want to take a chance with an infection of that potential magnitude. Now, if it’s a cold, that’s something else. But when we’re talking about urinary tract, we don’t want it going into the kidneys.

Paola: Let me explain why I think some people don’t even realize that. When it gets to your kidneys, your kidneys are what filter your blood. So if your kidneys are infected with E. coli or whatever it is and your blood is going through those kidneys, your blood is picking up the infection and you’re going sepsis phase all over your body. Now, I’m not trying to scare people but you do need to know what we’re talking about.

Joette: Right, right. I will tell you. My next suggestion is you get your remedy kit. If you’re not sure what to do and you’re thinking, “I wonder if I should get to an emergency room, I’m really scared,” whether it’s UTI or going to the kidneys or your child or a head injury, whatever it might be, you grab your remedies. You get into the car with your child and you get to an emergency room. Oh you should bring a little bit more than that. Bring some water, maybe some playing cards, a bag of popcorn or something and you stand. You go to the emergency room but you don’t go in necessarily. I mean if you need to, of course. I mean if it’s really, really obvious, of course you’re going to go in. But park in the parking lot of the emergency room with a blanket, a deck of cards, and hang out and see how the remedies are acting. If the remedies start to act, you can go home and if you start seeing the things are moving along. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve done that with my father who thought he was having a heart attack and then in the end, turned out that he actually was not having a heart attack.

Paola: Like terrible gas.

Joette: Meanwhile, I’m in the car with him. We’ve got a blanket over his lap. He’s got his nice, warm water that he’s drinking with say Mag phos in it in a 6X and he’s sipping it. We’re talking and we’re playing classical music so we can calm down. I’m administering the remedies. I said, “Dad, at any time, we can go in but why don’t we just sit here and hang out.” He knows that he’s only 30 paces away from that emergency. How comforting is that. Now, you’ve got the best of both worlds.

Paola: It’s true.

Joette: The beauty of this is that you might be able to turn it around, go home, and he’ll never get all the drugs or she will never get all the drugs that are automatically given regardless of what’s happening, almost. You lose control in the emergency room. Sometimes you need to do that. We’re going to concede on that. Sometimes you need to do that. But too many times, it’s fear that brings you there.

Paola: Yes.

Joette: It’s not the logic. If you can see the remedy is starting to act and you’re only 20 paces away, you got the best of both worlds.

Paola: Well, I have to say -.

Joette: Park in the parking lot of the hospital.

Paola: The worst decisions I have made about my health were when I led with fear. Fear we know, it dilutes your thinking, your logic. So that’s why it goes back to step number 1, you have to have the knowledge because if you know that knowledge really well, it kicks in when you need it. It just hits. I know what to do. So the rule number three is basically following the rules of what you should expect as far as improvement goes, the length of time.

Joette: And know those, know those rules.

Paola: And know those rules. So for an acute condition, I can’t say this enough when I teach my Sunday group classes, for an acute condition, you should see some sort of shift within three to five-ish doses.

Joette: Doses, right, yes, absolutely.

Paola: That shouldn’t be spread out every 30 minutes unless you’re having some sort of anaphylactic.

Joette: Unless it’s very severe, unless the symptoms are extremely severe.

Paola: Life threatening.

Joette: Yeah, life threatening, if they’re not very severe and you’re doing, you’re administering this on the way to the hospital folks. I am not saying that you should ignore life threatening conditions and not go to the hospital. If you feel that you can’t do this then by all means, you get to the hospital. On the way, you’re administering. Maybe your husband is driving and you’re administering.

Paola: So you need to know when improvement should be, what it should look like, and how soon to come.

Joette: Right, right exactly.

Paola: What’s the fourth guideline?


Joette: The fourth guideline is diagnosis because if you don’t know what it is and it can be very useful to know what it is obviously for many reasons. I mean, if it’s hemorrhaging, you need to know it. If it’s septic, the infection has gone septic, you need to know that. So a diagnosis is very valuable not only because it tells you, “Uh-oh, I need to get to an emergency room or a doctor or something.” But it also tells you if it’s not that severe and you feel as though you can handle it, what homeopathic medicines to use.

Paola: Right, right. It goes back to that story we were talking about the Moms with Moxie interview where her son had a fever seizure. When she realized it was strep throat, she was like oh. First of all, the fever seizure (and everybody agreed) wasn’t life threatening. It was just it happened. Now, I know how to take care of whatever illness this is. It’s strep. I got it. I’m going to go home. She took care of it.

Joette: Those febrile seizures are very, very scary. There’s no doubt about it. If a parent has never witnessed one, it can freak them out. So that is something to be reckoned with but really more from a psychological point of view for the parent because by the time you get to the hospital with a child with a febrile seizure, the seizures are gone. They only last a few minutes. Then when they get there, then all that is done is they just give him his Tylenol. Really, Tylenol? It’s a seizure. Well no. But the seizure’s over with.

A febrile seizure is only – if we’re talking about normal childhood illness now, we’re not talking about head injuries that causes seizure, that may cause a seizure, or a fever of 108 which is only from a head injury, or 107 that it could go that high because fever have their own level. They can’t go any higher than generally 105, 106 even for a normal childhood illness. That’s within reason to allow that to occur without treatment, without even homeopathic treatment for that matter.

I will refer you to go online and check out what American Academy of Pediatric says about fevers. They say finally, I might add, finally -. I mean the homeopaths have known this for 230 years that a fever is curative and that you should not treat the symptom which is the fever. You should allow the fever to cook off the disease, the bacteria, or the virus, so that the child can heal. But if you’re always given that Tylenol or acetaminophen every single time a child has something like this, they’re never going to be able to learn. The body’s never going to learn how to cook off a disease. You’re constantly suppressing it and not allowing it to occur.

Paola: For her, getting the diagnosis was actually helpful. He had a fever and it helped her understand the illness more fully to finish the illness. Of course the next morning, he was perfectly fine.

Joette: Yes, yes.

Paola: This reminds me of the time my son, this is like very embarrassing. He’s not going to listen to this podcast. He’s nine. He had a pain in one of his testicles, really bad pain. It just came out of nowhere. It was so extreme. He was even having to walk weird. So, I picked a remedy for him. I actually gave him Pulsatilla. It helped. We’re in the middle of getting ready to move and over I think five days, it had improved significantly but it wasn’t totally done.

I was just getting a little leery. I called the 800 that our insurance gives for the nurse line. She says it could be testicular torsion. You need to take him to the emergency room immediately because it can cut the blood supply off to the testicle and basically become gangrene. I was kind of aware that maybe this could be a big deal so I finally just said we’re going to go in. We’re just going to do an ultrasound and let’s just look. It was right before we moved. When I moved, I wouldn’t know where to go if it got serious, where to drive to. It was nice to kind of know it’s going to be fine. And they looked. She said whatever it is, his body’s working it out. I thought it was going to be torsion but it’s not based on the symptoms
Joette: Isn’t that comforting to know that.

Paola: It is.

Joette: Yes.

Paola: It doesn’t hurt to know a little more.

Joette: Right, right. So that’s what I like doctors for. It’s diagnostics or nurses. They’re very good at that. They don’t always get it right but they often do. They see a lot of the same cases over and over again. So I like that diagnostic. What I don’t like are some of the treatments. So we have to be careful of that.

Paola: That’s what I was saying. Steel yourself when you get in there. Embolden yourself. Know what you’re going to be okay with and what you’re not. So going to doctors, we’re saying that we are going to want a relationship with the doctor. How? Do you have any suggestions for selecting a doctor?

Joette: Yes. Get an old one.

Paola: Al old guy.

Selecting the Right Doctor

Joette: An old guy, no one under 60. Maybe I’m being a little facetious here but you want someone who doesn’t have a mortgage anymore. You want someone who doesn’t pay tuition anymore. You want someone who’s not pressured by his financial constraints in his own life and feeling overwhelmed that he has to make a decision that is in line with what the pharmaceutical rep is saying to him every couple of days in his office. You want a guy who is willing to step outside of the box. That comes not only from not being pressured financially to make decisions that are more about his state of being than yours but you also want someone who clinically speaking has seen these cases time and time again and will after a while say, “Febrile seizures, so we give the kid a Tylenol. I don’t know what good that does. That’s what I’m told to do. I learned that in medical school.” You give a Tylenol. You give acetaminophen. Then he starts asking himself what’s the point. Why am I doing this? The child’s not in pain. The seizure’s over with. He starts asking questions because he’s seen it so many times.

But a doctor fresh out of medical school is very impressed and I can guarantee here she is with his or her education. You know why they’re impressed because they spent a darn fortune on it. So when they get out of medical school in residency and internship, they have committed themselves to doing every single thing they’ve been taught because it cost so much. Now, they’re not saying it because it cost so much. They’re saying because what are you kidding me? I just spent all these money? He’s got to be right. I mean, that’s the way we all think. It’s like telling a guy who just bought a Ferrari, “No, you know? You shouldn’t have bought a Ferrari. You should have bought a Maserati.” He’s never going to say, “Oh my gosh. You’re right. I just spent $100,000 on this car and I should have bought another one.” No, it took him a long time to get to that car. He’s not going to give it up because somebody said there’s something else out there.

Paola: It’s like they’ve chosen to become indoctrinated which is funny, indoctrinated doctors.

Joette: Right, right. It is a choice. It absolutely is a choice. Look, I’m not saying medical school has no value because anatomy, physiology, pathology, all of that is very important information for a doctor. What I don’t like that they’re learning is the stuff that they get that is pharmaceutically based. That is what their professors are doing. They are teaching them the pharmacy directly from the pharmaceutical companies. That is what makes me nervous. So they think that there is a drug for every ill. They know nothing else except they do know diagnostics, pathology, as I said. So they’re good for that but what I don’t like generally speaking are the methods that they use to treat.

Paola: Actually, my friend went to school to be a doctor. She’s about my age. What am I, early 30s? She quit medical school. She went into it for a while and she said, “Paola, they give us one semester of pharmacology. So we are not taught to understand the drugs. It’s just one semester. Beyond that, it’s just here’s the drug that we use, here’s the drug that we use directly from the pharmaceutical reps.” Absolutely and she quit because she said this is ridiculous. This isn’t medicine. This is me just being a monkey.

Joette: Right. It’s very disappointing.

Paola: It is. It is.

Joette: Very, very disappointing stuff. As I said earlier, when I had to take my test to get my degrees, we had to memorize 300 some homeopathic medicines. We had to memorize them inside and out. I had to know my medicines. I had to know what they were capable of touching as much as I could possibly memorize. I don’t know the key notes and some of the lesser conditions that they would touch. Conventional doctors, I’m going to be honest with you don’t know their medicines. How come they don’t know them? Well because my medicines haven’t changed since 100, 230 years ago. Their medicines change every two years. Why? Because they’re yanked from the market. They’re yanked out and now they’ve got another one that they have to learn.

So they don’t learn them. It’s just the drug rep. I’m sorry to be so – I don’t mean to be condescending here but it is a paradigm that I know a great deal about from many different angles. But they know what drugs to use for one condition once they’re in practice because the cute drug rep with the short skirts bearing the donuts twice a week and giving the classes to the medical staff there is telling them what it’s used for. So what’s happening is that they’re learning from the industry instead of learning from their clinical experience. That’s the wrong paradigm.

Paola: You have said that before about the pharmaceutical rep being this cute person. I would always think deep down like, “Oh, maybe Joette’s a little outdated with that because now we’re so aware of sexism and all that stuff.”

Joette: Oh garbage, absolutely. Men love young, gorgeous girls.

Paola: I’m watching a TV show. Megan Fox is like the epitome of – she’s like the prettiest girl around. I’m watching her TV show. She comes in a short skirt. She’s a pharmaceutical rep. I fell off my chair. I was like Joette’s been right this entire time.

Joette: Let me tell you how I also know. Not only do I know because I was married to a doctor in my 20s, neurosurgeon but also because when I was about 30, I had been working in real estate in Washington DC. I had moved back to my hometown. I needed a job. I had been in sales. Yes, I did ma’am, absolutely.

Paola: You were a pharmaceutical rep?

Joette: No, I didn’t get the job. Let me tell you how this works out. I applied for a job for one of the major pharmaceutical companies. They were located in my area. I applied and I was the second runner up for the position. Now, I got to tell you. In college, I was an English major. The only discernable value I got out being an English major to be honest is to know how to spell discernable. But I never took a single biology, anatomy, physiology, pathology course in my entire life at that point. I had never even touched the course. I never even took biology because it was not required. I went to a very liberal college, I might add. There were no requirements like that. So for them to even be considering me was absolutely ridiculous.

Paola: That’s your key.

Joette: Yes. I was cute. I wore short skirts. I had sales experience. I had no understanding of medicine at that time in my life whatsoever. Now, the woman who got the job because I came back for two interviews, the woman who got the job was a nurse. She should have gotten the job. I should never have been considered. In a million years, I was absolutely the wrong profile in my mind. I was laughing all the way thinking, I can’t believe this. These people actually think I can do this. And I didn’t lie.

Paola: Right, right.

Joette: I told them what background. I said I was in real estate for crying out loud.

Paola: Well you dodged the bullet, lady.

Joette: Well, I don’t know. It might have been quite the experience. But that woman deserved that job, not me. I should never have even been considered.

Paola: Right. You should never have been -.

Joette: So, I know how the system works. I also have been in business and many businesses and many industries through the years. I’m in my 60s. I’ve done it all. I’ve been there and done it. I will tell you those young svelte girls who dress stylishly in high heels sell. That’s the way it works. That’s what sells. End of discussion and if anybody wants to think differently, well you’re welcome to do so. But that’s what sells to doctors especially when they’re exhausted and they’re just about had it and she comes in with the donuts or the chicken wings.

Paola: So you want the doctor that has been through it all, and is at the end of it, and can think critically, and doesn’t care. My neighbor is actually, he’s an older gentleman just like you’ve been describing. His children are put through school, financially independent. I’m sure he doesn’t have a mortgage anymore. He is a child psychologist. Do you know what he does? One of his first lines of attacks when he’s treating someone with ADHD or something, he says we start with the placebo. I sit the parents down. I say placebo is actually a real cure. Here’s a bottle. It’s a sugar pill. Give your kid this. Let’s see if placebo acts. If it cures them, it’s a cure. It’s a real cure. Why wouldn’t I do that? It works. I forgot the number he gave me but kind of a big enough number for him to want to do it.

Joette: Now, I wondered where he learned that. That’s a smart man.

Paola: Yeah.

Joette: You know what it is? It’s more than smart. That’s a wise man. That is a wise man. That’s the kind of doctors we need. We need those with wisdom, not the kind of smarts that got him into medical school because I’ll tell you, the kind of smarts that gets you into medical school is compliancy. You have to memorize this. You have to please the professor. You get to do that in undergrad. Now you get to medical school like a compliancy study. This is what you study, you idiot. And they’re really unkind to them. They really can be pretty mean in medical school. So this is what you read, idiot. This is what you study. This is how you do it. Study this. Memorize it and spew it back to us.

So what we’re getting out, what we’re educating them to become are compliant soldiers. I believe that that is where what we’re doing is that we’re training doctors to be compliant to an industry. They are just drug reps in the end. That’s what they’re doing. Just being the job is being passed on to the doctor. Then that is the training ground especially if we’re talking about pediatricians, the training ground for parents.

Paola: You just see the pattern, no one’s questioning. The drug rep isn’t questioning. The doctor isn’t questioning. That’s our job then. Then we need to question. Someone needs to break that pattern.

Joette: I hate mediocrity. I hate mediocre thinking. I think we should all excel at what we do. I love doctors who excel. There aren’t an awful lot of those that are out who are incredible like Dr. Robert Mendelsohn. There are others too that I have met throughout the country at conferences, et cetera and they do exist.

Paola: So how do we find them?

Finding the Good Doctors
Joette: I know. You’re right. You know how you find them? You ask. You talk to your friends. Go to your chiropractor and say you know a good doctor? You go to the Whole Foods place where you get your groceries.

Paola: Your natural store.

Joette: Yes, your natural stores and ask people. You want to hear the same name again and again and again. One of the words is, “Oh, he’s a young doctor.” Forget it. You don’t generally want a young doctor. As I said, they’re too impressed with what they’ve learned.

Paola: Well, I have to say one of the big things people say is, “Oh my doctor is great. He really listens to me.” It doesn’t matter if he listens to you. I mean it does matter. But to some degree, it doesn’t matter if he listens to you. What matters is what he’s telling you and if you guys are working together. I agree. You go to your local, especially the locally owned natural health food store. They have a lot of resources.

Joette: Yes, they have. The owners of those stores really have their hands on the pulse of what’s going on in the medical community.

Paola: In your local area.

Joette: Don’t expect that it’s going to be someone around the corner. You may have to travel an hour. So what? So what?

Paola: Another tip I’ve heard is you can also try and find the doctors that don’t force vaccinations. The government pays doctors some sort of a bonus check.

Joette: A stipend, right.

Paola: Right then, so if a certain percentage of their patients are vaccinated. So the doctors that opt out of that are the ones that aren’t going to compel parents and the ones that don’t compel parents to vaccinate. Now whether or not you vaccinate, that’s up to you. But I’m saying if you’re a doctor, it’s okay in bringing you into the conversation and having a relationship and a partnership over your child’s health. That’s probably a good doctor. So I say find the doctor who doesn’t push vaccines. It’s a good way.

Joette: Right, exactly. Now, that could be a naturopath, a doctor of naturopathy. It could be a good chiropractor.

Paola: Yeah, I like that.

Joette: It can be also, it can be a conventional doctor who’s thinking a little differently. Don’t assume that if it’s a woman that she’s going to be any more open than a man is. But if it is a woman, you want one that has a lot of kids because she’s already seen what’s happened.

Paola: She’s comfortable. She’s okay. She’s been there.

Joette: Yeah.

Paola: I like that about chiropractors. People take their kids to chiropractors for ear infections.

Joette: Yes.

Paola: I never knew you could do that. That’s great.

Joette: Yes, absolutely.

Paola: Chiropractors tend to be a little easier to find, I feel like.

Joette: Well, what I like about chiropractors too is they palpate. They actually touch you. They don’t send you for tests far in the distance way. Then you have to come back two weeks later. Then let’s analyze, et cetera. Not that we don’t like tests. Please don’t get me wrong. I really believe that there is a time for tests. No doubt about it. Diagnostics, having that in your hip pocket can be very, very valuable. Let me just give you a quick example. You got a lump around your breast and you don’t know what it is. It’s not something that’s getting larger and smaller every month or if you eat too much chocolate or something. You not it’s fibrous tissue. Something is off. You want to know. Is that an abscess? Is that a fibroid? Is it cancer?

Paola: So you do a thermal scan.

Joette: At some point, you do thermography and find out what it is. If they still can’t tell you with thermography, yes, you would go for a mammogram. Of course, you would go to the next step. You’re not foolish about this. On the other hand, to go straight to mammography just because you turned a certain age sounds to me like relining someone’s pockets.

Paola: I also tell people when they’re trying to find a good OBGYN, not everybody is comfortable doing home birth or birth with a midwife or sometimes it’s the husband. The husband is not comfortable with it. So you’re trying to find a compromise. I tell people, well find a great midwife and find out who her attending physician is.

Joette: Good idea.

Paola: Oftentimes, they have a good relationship.

Joette: Yeah, that’s a great idea, Paola. Yeah, I like that. I like that. Absolutely.

Paola: Then I have to say. My husband had a little skin thing. We weren’t sure if it’s a wart. It just popped up out of nowhere. I was worried it was like a mole. If it’s cancer, I don’t know. You told me, go find an old guy. Go find an old dermatologist. So, I sat at my computer. I was like how do I Google this?

Joette: Somebody’s who’s got his own warts.

Paola: I was like old guy, dermatologist. I was looking through pictures of local dermatologists. I was like this one looks old.

Joette: Find the guys without hair.

Paola: Right. So I did. I found this old guy.

Joette: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Paola: Of course, he’s not covered on our insurance. He’s out of network. I told my husband. You have an appointment with this guy on this day. Just so you know, it’s going to be out of pocket so you’re going to pay 100 bucks.

Joette: Right.

Paola: My husband is like, “What?” I was like, “Trust me on this. Just go.” Of course, he didn’t have to do a biopsy. He looked at it. He knew exactly what it was.

Joette: That’s what we want. We want somebody who’s seen a couple of thousands of those. They can say after a while, that’s what this is. Another thing I like about the old guys is they don’t fall into line with the political correctness of the AMA or the medical society in their area or the department of medicine in their state. So they don’t follow the rules quite as much. I’m going to be retired in another five to eight years. I’m going to do what I know is right, not what is required by some organization and some rule that tells me that I have to have everything biopsied.

Paola: Right, right. You’re right.

Joette: They’re not worried about the litigious nature of society. They’re ready to retire.

Paola: Right. They want to do what they think is best.

Joette: Right, right.

Paola: Don’t tell them what to do.

Joette: You may not get any alternative information from them but you may get something that’s a little more conservative. That’s what we’re looking for.

Paola: Right, you’re right. That’s it. So let’s review. When you’re trying to discern about whether or not you should stay home or you’ll see a doctor or go to the emergency room, you told us about the four steps. We need to have the knowledge.

Joette: Knowledge, yes.

Paola: About homeopathy, about the remedies about how to do it. You have to own the remedies. You’ve got to have them in your house. Then you need to follow the rules of what you should expect as far as improvement goes with homeopathy.

Joette: That’s right.

Paola: You must have three to five doses. I usually say if it’s not extreme, the three to five doses should take about a full day so like 12 hours.

Joette: Depending on the condition and of course, we’re talking about acutes here, not chronic.

Paola: Right, acutes. Thank you. Then finally, when in doubt or if it’s persisting, go for a diagnosis. Find out. Make sure it’s not any seriouser than you think it is or whatever. It’s not a real word but you know what I mean.

Joette: Yes.

Paola: Then when you do need to go to a doctor, have one in place that’s a good one, an old one.

Joette: An old one, an old one that takes it in his stride. Oh yeah, I have seen this 100 times or whatever. That’s what we want, clinical experience. It can’t be beat instead of oh boy, what’s the insurance company going to say. Oh I got to have this tested when he knows darn well, it doesn’t need to be tested because it’s just a [0:49:22] or something.

Paola: Right. [0:49:24]. Alright Joette, this is really great information. I think we need to put it on our study group curriculum and make people listen to it for homework because it is very helpful, very important to protect yourself and make sure you’re making wise choices as you go through.

Joette: Yes, it’s always fun Paola. I love it.

Paola: I know. Thank you, Joette.

Joette: We’re both so enthusiastic about this method that it’s just too much fun. We enjoy it every time.

Paola: Sorry, it’s so long now but it’s good information. We love it. Okay, thanks.

Joette: Thank you.

Paola: You just listened to a podcast by joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author Joette Calabrese shared her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.

Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com and schedule a free 15-minute conversation.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


6 thoughts on “Podcast 21-When to Use a Doctor; When to Trust Yourself”

  1. Martha says:

    Thank you for a very informative podcast. I recently took Kali Phos cell salt for feeling as though my “nerves” were just “shot” (for lack of a better description) in trying to help my son with his chronic health challenges. Even the cell salts are quite powerful. I took 1 pellet of OHM Kali Phos cell salt two times a day and found that by the second day I took enough. The challenge I find is if I am taking or administering more than one remedy at a time…..how do I know which remedy to stop particularly if both of them have overlapping symptoms. I agree that the remedies really need to be carefully administered as they are quite powerful and curative.

  2. Colleen Barlow says:

    Very informative, I really enjoyed it. I have raised 15 children with step to step learning. My most favorite doctor was an older gentlemen, I called him a good old country doctor. It is hard to find those kind any more. I will be sending this on to my children. Thank you so much for the information.

  3. Amy G. says:

    Hi – I want to have remedies on hand in case of a UTI. What potency and how often for the staphysagria? Is that the top remedy for a UTI? Also, best I can tell, medorrhinum 200 isn’t sold in the U.S., except possibly on Amazon by Paramesh Banerji Life Sciences brand, but probably then from India or Canada. I don’t know anything about that brand. Any input would be appreciated! Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      When you’re lloking for this kind of remedy, you either need to be a student or client if buying in the U.S. You might however try Helios in England.

      1. Amy G. says:

        OK, thanks. By the way, I’m reading every blog post, every transcript, etc, on your site. It’s like reading a fun, juicy book! And speaking of books – I’m sure that you hear this every day and get tired of it – but it would be the greatest thing if all of your info was available in one amazing book. That would be so handy for everyone! Thank you very, very much for your information and expertise, and I’ll keep reading your website and therefore trying to heal my family and friends.

  4. mari says:

    Would love a blog post or podcast with more on UTI kidneys and symptoms that come along with!

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