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01:00 Introduction: Now I Feel Ready as a Mom
04:21 Finding Friends and Learning Practical Homeopathy® Through the Gateway
Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®: A Guided Study Group Curriculum
05:32 The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®
06:45 Meet the Other Half of Our Courageous Couple
07:10 The Biggest Benefit of Homeopathy in His Mind Is …
09:54 Success Story: Dog and Cat Allergies
10:50 Success Story: Food Allergies
11:32 Success Story: Cataract, Acne and Brain Fog
Skin, the Ugly Truth: Safe, Effective Treatment of Skin Ailments, Chronic or Acute, with Homeopathy
Mindful Homeopathy: Practical Protocols for Mental and Emotional Conditions
13:47 Success Story: DVTs, Blood Clots, Varicose Veins
14:58 Success Story: Wasp Stings
The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy
16:41 Success Story: Fear of Loud Sounds
18:33 Success Story: PTSD
20:28 Success Story: Colds and Flu
22:05 Closing Advice
Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®: A Guided Study Group Curriculum
The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®
Joette's Study Group, Find Your New Study Group Friends
Joette Calabrese on YouTube
This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast, episode number 130.
Hi, I’m Joette Calabrese, and I welcome you to our health care movement — yours, mine and the countless men and women across the globe who have re-taken control of their families’ health with Practical Homeopathy®.
So, for the next few minutes, let's link our arms as I demystify homeopathy — what was once considered an esoteric paradigm — into an understandable, reproducible, safe and effective health care solution available to all.
This is the medicine you've been searching for — my unique brand of homeopathy, PRACTICAL Homeopathy®.
Kate: (01:00)
Hi, I am Kate, and I want to welcome you to the podcast. We're so glad that you're here. I want to thank you also for taking the time to learn about homeopathy. It's such an important medicine. It's going to have a huge impact on your life. So, if you're new here, we want to welcome you.
On today's podcast, I have a lovely, precious woman. Her name is Franicia, and I know that you're going to love her. It's just amazing stories that she has to share with us today. So, I want to dive right in because there's a lot to cover. So, I want to welcome Franicia to the podcast.
Hi Franicia!
Hi Kate.
It's so great to be here with you. I would love for the listeners to get to know you. So why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Thank you. Well, I am a mom of 10 beautiful children and my husband Tim. I look forward to joining us briefly later on. And we live in Florida. We used to be a military family, retired now, and I'm originally from the tropical island of Saipan, the U.S. territory.
Wow, that's so interesting. Where is Saipan? You have to tell us.
Saipan is a 30-minute flight from the island of Guam in the Pacific.
Oh, okay. And you lived there until you were how old?
I lived there until I was 17, and then I went to the Naval Academy Preparatory School, and then the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland where I met my husband.
That's very interesting. And for those of you listening, you can't see Franicia, but she's this very petite woman, and she's also very strong. So, were telling us the other night when we were studying together that you have some degrees in … was it you're a black belt?
Yes, I'm a black belt in karate (aikijutsu).
Wow. So anyway, it's just so ironic because you're so petite and tiny and cute. So, watch out for Franicia.
Thank you for sharing that. And I'd like to also hear a little bit about your story and, how you were introduced to homeopathy and your journey.
Well, as most of us were introduced to homeopathy through health issues, I had been studying herbalism, and I had significant health issues. And I tried Arnica — like most of us have — about a decade ago. Didn't know what I was doing.
Then somebody gave me a Hyland’s kit, tried to help me with mastitis. Again, I didn't know what I was doing. And then a church friend heard about Joette and wanted to start a study group. I wasn't able to join. It wasn't on Zoom, though I had asked at the time — that was around 2019.
And then, about a year or so later, a friend really wanted to help us with some significant health issues, and she thought the best way that we could learn how to use the remedies — because we didn't understand — was by studying Gateway.
So, she became my first Gateway leader. And I only had a bandwidth of about an hour cumulatively in a day for my brain to understand anything, let alone homeopathy.
Kate: (04:21)
Again, those of you who don't know Franicia, she had some serious health issues and really struggled for quite a while. And so, learning this was a huge undertaking for her.
And so, what she's referring to when she said “Gateway” is the Joette’s Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® study guide, and that's usually done with a group of people. It's pretty neat because you study with a group of people — though you can do it on your own — but these people usually end up staying together and become a wonderful resource going forward in your life. Some of my best friends are people that I met through this study, and I'm sure that's the same for you.
Yeah, very much. That was so wonderful because it is a very dear friend, who you know. Noreen was my first Gateway study group leader. And then I wanted to learn more, and I looked online and found you, Kate … you and Michelle …
… and been hooked ever since. I took the Gateway courses many times from the two of you and then took all the protocol courses and then now — so thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to be part of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®.
Kate: (05:32)
So, The Academy is the yearlong school, which provides students with a whole, complete foundational education in homeopathy from the unique perspective, actually, of Practical Homeopathy®.
So, you've been starting that, and it's been a couple of months. And I would actually love to know what you're finding the most interesting or something surprising from The Academy.
Oh, wow. Interesting or surprising? I love the way that Joette answers all our questions in APH in a very intimate setting. I had heard about it, but just to actually see how it's being handled … I think it's really awesome. It's just learning from somebody who's a master at Practical Homeopathy®. It's so wonderful. You hear about how great it is, but you don't realize until you're actually a part of The Academy. It's more than just studying the protocol courses. It's so much more.
Awesome. Well, thank you for that.
I know you have a lot of stories to share, but before we dive into those stories, I wondered if Tim could join us for just a minute, and I would love to pick his brain on a few things.
Franicia: (06:45)
Yeah, sounds great.
Hi, Kate.
Hi. Thank you for being here.
I wanted to speak to you and have you speak to those men who are listening to this. Because we don't often hear from men, and we are seeing more and more men studying homeopathy now, which is really great. I wanted to ask you a few questions and get your perspective, if that's okay?
Yeah, absolutely.
Kate: (07:10)
So, I wanted to start by asking you what is the biggest benefit that you've seen from you and Franicia learning homeopathy together?,
Well, one of them is the ability to get away from some of the pharmaceuticals that can be toxic and also expensive. We've been able to treat a lot of ailments with homeopathic remedies, even for me personally. And I've been able to get off of a medication that was affecting me in some pretty significant ways.
And then for Franicia, she's had some pretty significant health challenges, and I feel like I've gotten my wife back in the past three years largely because of the effects of homeopathy. So, very thankful for that.
Yeah. What made you decide to learn homeopathy?
I think seeing those benefits and wanting to be able to support Franicia, and also understand how to use homeopathy for myself, and how we're using it … how Franicia was recommending that use for me. And also to be able to help my children and to be able to help Franicia if she's feeling poorly.
There've been some times where I've been able to repertorize things for her and help her. And I see my responsibility as husband and father to provide for my family and to protect them as a provider and protector. And a lot of times that seems like I need to do that financially. I want to do that spiritually. I want to do that medically as well. And so, wherever I'm able to, I try to learn more and be that provider and protector as much as in my power.
And so, I really encourage men if they have that opportunity to learn to just at least get that baseline, that Gateway I and II can provide. But also, if they don't have that bandwidth to do what they can to support their wives if their wives are interested in learning. Because homeopathy, it can be very empowering for kind of independence and kind of confidence and peace of mind for the family.
Well said. Thank you so much. I know you have to get back to what you were doing, so I'll let you go, and I want to pick Franicia’s brain some more about some of the success stories that you guys have seen, so thank you.
Okay, sounds good. Thank you.
Okay, Franicia, you have a lot to share. You have given me a list of all the ways that homeopathy has helped you and your family and those you know, and it was a long list! And you said that's just a small portion of the list that you have, so I can't wait to dive in.
So, go ahead. Start. Tell us how homeopathy has helped you and your family.
Franicia: (09:54)
One of the great ways that homeopathy has helped our family is that one of my daughters is allergic to or was allergic to a number of things, and specifically dogs and cats. And she was using a remedy at one point. It was helping her dog allergy, among other things.
And then I studied the Allergic?! course and heard about the cat allergy protocol. And within two doses … she took it, and her cat allergy was gone.
This was really significant because we were exposed to cats, where you can get adjusted by a chiropractor at either her office or her home, where she has her cat or cats. And I used to have to change my clothes when I came home, and she used to have to take a shower every single time because she was getting allergic reactions with her eyes, with her lungs, and now we no longer have to do any of that.
So that's just been very helpful for her with that specifically.
Franicia: (10:50)
Another way in which she has gotten benefit from the remedies with her allergies is that she used to have certain food allergies. A bunch of us actually have. We've a number of our family members used to be very allergic to wheat or specifically gluten, and some had dairy intolerance.
And now my daughter can eat dairy when she was very allergic before. She's able to have gluten. A number of us are able to have gluten without having a significant muscular issues or a reaction with their tongue, certain gut issues. Some of us have to still calm it down and not take it too much, just like Joette has mentioned.
Franicia: (11:32)
And while my daughter, who had removed a bunch of her allergies through the use of some of these remedies, we started noticing in the very beginning that she has a congenital cataract. And her vision went from 5% to 80% vision. And she was seeing black and white in that eye, and then she was able to see in color. So, now she's using glasses to kind of help her with her eye, but she never got to use that eye before.
Wow, that is incredible. I didn't know that. How did you find what remedies to use for that?
So, it all started out with Gateway. We took the Gateway course. And actually, she was trying to find an acne remedy, and she found a bunch of remedies that matched her. And so somewhere in Gateway, and eventually we learned that some of the remedies she wanted to use were in Allergic?! and Skin as well. And she was able to take the teenage acne protocol, which was awesome for her skin.
And that very evening after her taking the teenage acne protocol, the redness in her skin went down, and then the burning sensation went down, and then eventually, her face started to clear. And so, she's been on and off that protocol for the last two or more years — maybe two and a half or three years. And so, it's just been so phenomenal.
And your daughter and some of your other children have started learning homeopathy as well, which is so exciting. I know, oftentimes, you'll tell me that one of your daughters looks up what you need or one of the kids needs, and she finds it, and that's very exciting.
Yeah, very much. That's very exciting as a mom because they not only learn how to use the remedies where they can help out and be able to help me out with a bunch of things.
My other daughter was able to use a different remedy for her acne, too, and that helped her with her studying because it fit. It's in the Mindful course of the college student remedy or when you have exhaustion, the intellectual fatigue. And so that was able to help her with the brain fog, the fatigue, and also a bit with the acne. It took a bit longer with her, but the brain fog was helped first, more so than the acne.
Kate: (13:47)
I would like to hear next about the person who you helped with DVTs, blood clots, varicose veins, et cetera. Can you tell us about that?
Yeah, so there was a person who I helped who had had multiple DVTs in their calf and ankle, so blood clot issues and also had varicose veins. I mentioned the fact that there was also varicose veins because the protocol for that is the same thing. And it was just so amazing because this person had been hospitalized many times due to their DVTs.
They were getting side effects from the medication. They were getting fatigue and weakness, digestive issues, and they were able to be able to wean off of and get off their medication and doing really well and no blood clots. And it doesn't even appear as if the person has varicose veins in their legs anymore. It was very prominent when you would see it before.
And from what you said, this person was really struggling. I mean, this was very serious. And so to have this of a recovery from this is amazing.
Yeah, very much. Life-changing.
Franicia: (14:58)
Another thing I love about homeopathy is that now I feel ready as a mom. And my son, or one of my boys, came to me and said he got stung by a wasp. This time, a lot more. He said they were actually biting him, and then stinging him. And there were about five of them.
And he was in so much pain. I think his pain scale was between an 8 or a 9. And his eye started to swell a little bit. But there was so much pain. And I was able to find a good frequency from the Allergic?! course.
I even opened up my Survivalist binder. And you can find different remedies, which was awesome.
It was so amazing to see how his pain around his eye reduced down to zero in less than an hour, just giving him Apis according to the frequency that's mentioned in the course. And then the pain was gone.
He felt fine, but as he slept in the night … the next day, he woke up, and he looked like Rocky. It looked like someone punched him in both eyes, and his eyes were swollen shut. And so those pictures, as you see, as I wanted to know, “Oh my, how should I give him these remedies?”
Sticking to the protocol with the frequency, and it was helping, even if there wasn't pain, there was swelling. And to see that swelling just reduce so much before lunch and then, especially, by the evening times, it's amazing.
Those wasp stings are super painful, super painful and scary. So yeah, I don't know what I would do without homeopathy. I just got attacked recently by a swarm of wasps, and it was not fun.
Okay. What else would you like to share with us?
Franicia: (16:41)
Let's see. I have a young boy — one of my little boys — who was very affected by loud sounds, thunder, lightning. Joette writes about in her blog how you could use the Phosphorus remedy and with fireworks. And I had that remedy ready, but I didn't get to use it quite yet. I had it.
And he covered his ears one birthday of his. We were singing Happy Birthday. And having 10 children, I've never seen this before — where a kid will cover their ears as you sing Happy Birthday. It's a very happy moment.
And when he would see the Blue Angels fly above with the jets; he was so scared with fireworks. He wanted to stay inside. Everybody else was fine with it.
Well, this past July 4th, we were over at a friend's house, and they had a big gathering. And he was in the pool, and he was sticking his fingers in his ears. I didn't know that one of the neighbors was going to have a fancy display, and it was so loud. It was beautiful. But he was just trying to play around. But he was bothered by the fireworks, so he was covering his ears. And I decided to give him Ignatia.
And it was amazing because in less than a minute, he started taking out his fingers from his ears. He was splashing around and playing. And then he said something I never thought I'd ever hear him say because he was only a few years old at the time. And he said, “Mommy, I want to go to the fireworks.”
So, he got out the pool, and he ran out. And I have a picture where he's staring, and he's loving it, and he's watching the fireworks go off. And later that evening, the fireworks went off again. There was a new set, and he was telling me how much he loved the fireworks. And he didn't need another remedy. He was like, “I love it now.”
Oh, wow. I love hearing these stories.
Do you have anything else? I think … oh, speaking of someone that's afraid (but it's a shock more so), do you want to tell us about the PTSD?
Franicia: (18:33)
Yes. That was just so phenomenal for me.
So, my husband was almost killed by a terrorist during a terrorist attack in Chattanooga, July 16th, 2015, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. And though it had been many years since a terrorist was outside of his building and tried to kill him and, unfortunately, killed a number of men there, that greatly affected our whole family.
And I was very much frightened by the event, and I was very concerned about safety and security. We were living in Texas at the time that I learned Gateway. And we were living near cartels, and I just had fear about safety and security. So, we were going to a new church, and I saw that they were near the border, and it wasn't in the best area. This was El Paso. And I started getting very nervous.
And after learning Gateway, Joette teaches to carry Aconite 200 because you never know when you're going to need it, if you feel that fright or shock even after so many years. And I'm so glad I had that, too, because I was getting almost like a panic attack. I was very concerned, and I was wondering if we were going to have lots of guards at this new church because I didn't know. I was just coming up all these thoughts.
I was very concerned, but I took a dose. And I had this great calm I had never experienced in all those years. And then it started to come back to a little bit. I took a second time, and I was fine for that Bible study.
I was fine after that. And I was never concerned when we went to church. And I could care less if there weren't any guards at every door like I was hoping — which doesn't happen at churches — but that really gave me my life back after all those years of having that kind of PTSD.
That is life-changing, isn't it? I know that you have so many more stories, but maybe let's just end with, let's talk about how you and your family respond to colds and flu.
Franicia: (20:28)
I spoke to my children, and I said, “What's one of the greatest things that you're so thankful for from homeopathy?”
And they mentioned their own key stories. But almost all of them said the same thing that I felt — and my husband, too — is how we can manage colds and flus. Because sometimes you have body aches or you don't feel well. You have headaches; however you might feel.
It's so awesome because we have it in Gateway. In Joette's blog, she teaches about that awesome combo from the Banerjis, Aconite and Bryonia. And then, of course, Boiron has come up with their Oscillococcinum.
Those are some of our top remedies, and that has replaced our use of a bunch of herbs that we used to use. And even when a time when some herbalists weren't sure if you should use elderberry a few years ago for certain illnesses that came up. They're like, they're not sure if you should have certain types of herbs.
It's just so wonderful that this has been a main staple. It's been phenomenal. On top of adding other remedies for cold and flus that we've been able to tackle so many things that we could hear in the lungs. Or when my voice was hoarse, and I was losing it. I took the Aconite and Bryonia combo, and my voice came back. I mean, just so many things. It's just wonderful.
These are really great examples of how homeopathy can be so powerful. And you have so many more, so we'll have to have you back some other time to share more.
So, I imagine with 10 children, you have a lot of opportunities to use homeopathy.
Yeah, I think so.
Kate: (22:05)
So, as we finish up the podcast today, would you just share a couple of tips — things that you've learned and maybe would be helpful for those who are listening?
Yes, I would love to. I definitely want to encourage anybody who's listening: Learn from Joette as much as you can. There's a lot of free information: her blogs. Do the Gateway courses — many times. Once, is not enough.
And join Mighty Members, if you can — especially, Mighty Members Plus, where there's a special Q&A.
I encourage you to also purchase the protocol courses and take them just the way Joette says. She says to take them at least four times. It sounds impossible. It's doable. It can happen because it's not enough to just get a protocol. But within the protocol courses, Joette explains how to differentiate between sometimes two protocols for the same condition. Or the need to be able to take certain remedies that you don't want to take it just for anything. And so, she fleshes it out. She really teaches you really well.
And lastly, if you can, join The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and beyond. I know beyond that’s Mastery™ and then Mastermind. Because you learn so much about these remedies and it's just life-changing for yourself, your family, and the people that God puts in your path.
Yeah. And you had something else.
Oh, I do. I wanted to add that Joette has a lot of golden nuggets of wisdom. And if she says something more than once, definitely do it.
And so, she mentions all the ways you can learn from her. I encourage you to learn from good study groups. But Joette likes to mention that we should buy remedies and start with kits.
And especially focus on your family's needs because you never know when you might need them. And that's happened for us. Plan for emergencies because you won't be able to use remedies if you don't have them on hand.
And lastly, I know if I encourage a lot of people, not just Joette, but Joette says to take good notes. And I want to add onto that is if you can, try to take any electronic notes that are searchable and printable if you can, because you can print those notes. But also, if you're looking up something you've studied or a need or a symptom — whatever it be — you could type it down, and you'll be able to find it through your notes and be able to use it.
Oh, this has been so fun. I look forward to talking with you some more. And I know those who are listening will really enjoy hearing your stories. So, thanks for being with us, Franicia.
Thank you, Kate. This was an honor. I'm very thankful to the Lord for this opportunity.
It's my honor to share many lessons on this simple method of using homeopathy for free —without affiliates or advertising — here in my podcasts, but also my blog posts and Monday Night Lives.
But it's critical that you learn how to use these medicines properly. These podcasts should serve as only the beginning of your training. Peruse JoettesLearningCenter.com to find fun study group opportunities and in-depth courses developed by subject.
So, with the proper training, you can join the thousands of students before you in developing the confidence and competence to protect the health of your family and loved ones with my brand of homeopathy, Practical Homeopathy®.
You just listened to a podcast from internationally acclaimed homeopath, public speaker and author, the founder of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®, Joette Calabrese. Joette’s podcasts are available on all your favorite podcast apps.
To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.
I would love to know the protocol that Franicia used for the varicose veins. Thank you.