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Podcast 128 — Moms with Moxie: The Body Can Repair Itself, Given the Correct Stimulus


01:00   Introduction: The Body Can Repair Itself, Given the Correct Stimulus

03:09   Diving Right In and Going to Classical Homeopathy School

04:02   The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®

05:26   Going into Practice

07:22   Taking Academics into Practice

08:38   A Tincture of Time

11:47   Success Story: Severe Abdominal Pain

16:30   Success Story: Torn Meniscus

            Make It Stop! Escape From the Prison of Chronic (and Acute) Pain Using Practical Homeopathy®:

            Learn Effective Methods to Uproot Pain, Often for Good

19:00   Success Story: Bee Stings and Hives

22:04   A Homeopath is a Detective

22:27   Closing Advice

            A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families

            Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®: A Guided Study Group Curriculum

            Joette’s Learning Center

            The Antibiotic Alternative: Balance Your Bugs Without the Drugs

            Skin, the Ugly Truth: Safe, Effective Treatment of Skin Ailments, Chronic or Acute, with Homeopathy

            Good Gut, Bad Gut: A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in Body and Mind

            The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®


Joette's Study Group, Find Your New Study Group Friends

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This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast, episode number 128.


Hi, I’m Joette Calabrese, and I welcome you to our health care movement — yours, mine and the countless men and women across the globe who have re-taken control of their families’ health with Practical Homeopathy®.

So, for the next few minutes, let's link our arms as I demystify homeopathy — what was once considered an esoteric paradigm — into an understandable, reproducible, safe and effective health care solution available to all.

This is the medicine you've been searching for — my unique brand of homeopathy, PRACTICAL Homeopathy®.


Kate: (01:00)

Hi! I am Kate, and welcome back to the podcast. I'm so glad that you're here joining us today to learn more about homeopathy. I can't wait for you to meet our special guest today.

Actually, for those of you who have listened to some of Joette's podcasts, you may have already heard our next guest on Podcast 60, but she is going to share so much information.

Really, if you are at a desk or somewhere where you can take notes, you want to do that. And if not, you can always catch up later with the podcast on where the transcript is also available. So, don't worry if you're driving; you can take notes later or read the transcript.

So, with that, I want to get started … dive right in. Lisa, welcome to the podcast.


Thanks, Kate. Lovely to be here once again.


Yes. I can't wait for you to tell us what's been going on since the last time that we talked. So, tell us a little bit again for those students who may not have heard Podcast 60, who you are, and a little bit about your story.


Love to. My name is Lisa Heinrichs. I am a Practical Homeopath®. I am a wife; I am a mother; and I solely use homeopathy for my family. I am located in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada. And so, my journey began actually with Joette when I was reading in a Weston A. Price magazine years ago.

And she had said, “We need to be the healers in our family. We need to be able to take care of them.” And that resonated with me very deeply because I had always been interested in health and wellness.

I did not have a family at the time, which was … I do have an advantage over some people because I was able to start fresh with my kids and know that I didn't want to raise them using medications … unnecessarily, of course. Because there's a time and a place. I always say that. Okay?

So, I listened to Joette. I got all of her recordings and her little books and just dove right in. Got myself a Top 100 homeopathic kit and just was practicing on anybody who would let me.


Lisa: (03:09)

So, fast forward a couple of years, I decided that this is what I wanted to do. Loved it. And so I started to research schools. I wanted to go to a Canadian school. I wanted to go to a reputable school, obviously, and found one in Ontario that I went to.

So, I went to this school. It was the only option. Joette did not have her school then. And most of the time I was simply just doing my best to get through it, as we call it. And some of us have mentioned in The Academy, classical school is kind of like busy work. It's like, why are we doing this? But we have to do it, and I'm sure we'll get to the meat of it soon.

So, I just plowed through, and I did actually very well because I like school. I like learning. But it was also very slow going, and it was lonely. I had a tutor, sort of, that I can call on if I needed to, but I was essentially by myself.


Lisa: (04:02)

So, when The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® came out, I put a pause on my classical school, and I went immediately into The Academy to the pioneer year, I think. Hey, is that we're calling it? The “pioneer year”?


I think so, yes.


So, I went into APH. And we were essentially forced — in a very good way — to be in study groups with other students so we could study together and work together, which is great.

And so, a lot of these ladies that I met in the first year, I followed into Mastery™ and then, now, into Mastermind. And these people are my friends and it’s just … I cannot tell you how important it is to stay linked together.

And I'm so grateful for Joette and the team who came up with “You need to have study buddies,” right? What a great concept!


Yes. Study buddies!


No, as I was doing — I just got to say this funny thing — because as I was doing my passport renewal, it was like, “Oh, you have to give a couple of references who you've known at least two years.” And I'm like, “Oh, these people could be my references!”




So, I cannot imagine not having these people in my life because I think no matter how much you think you know, you could always learn more. And these women are in it, right? And are sharing, and it's … I love it.


Kate: (05:26)

What is going on in your life now, Lisa? What does it look like? How are you applying all this knowledge that you gained in school?


Well, as soon as I graduated from The Academy, I opened up a practice. And so before, when I was in classical school, you weren't allowed to see people. You were not allowed to treat people … nothing.

But at the same time, I was taking all these courses from Joette. So, I would secretly be helping people and be learning as I went with taking classical at the same time.

So, when I was ready to go into practice, I already had a network of people who knew me, who knew about me, and so it was quite easy to start up.

So, I see clients Monday to Friday. Also, I'm very active on my social media, so I take a page out of Joette's book when she just shares the information. She freely gives it away. So, every other day I am sharing a reel. I'm sharing tips. I do a free blog to all my subscribers every other week.

And so, I really stay active. I really try and stay on top of everything. And I really am so passionate about promoting homeopathy, and how you can use it, and how you can exchange it for your OTCs (your over-the-counters). Right?

That's kind of my focus right now, which I love. It's like my stress relief. Go check me out.


Well, a little tidbit that people probably don't know about you is that you have a passion for acting, and you've done some acting. And so, really, you're very animated and creative in the social media things that you share. So, I know we enjoy them.


Right. Yes. That was my first love … was theater. So, yeah, I get to be on the stage writing my own scripts. It's lovely. Okay. And using it for good!

So, yes, that's what I am doing right now. I'm in practice and balance between home life and work life.


Kate: (07:22)

What are you seeing from what you learned … now, taking that to practice? I know we were talking a little earlier about some things that you're noticing that Joette taught, and now, you're seeing it. So, what are those things?


Because I have been with Joette for so long — I would say, like, gosh … 13, 14 years now … something like that — everything that she has said, now, I see in practice with everybody. Things people say; the things people do. It's like, “Oh, oh, okay, this is just … I've “arrived” because …

So, lemme just say, lemme just really stress this because it's so important to be … you know, we're all starting out. We're all learning. But never stop taking classes, taking courses, stay with the people who have taught you. Read! Read, read, read, read, read. Because you need that confidence moving forward because it's so easy to get knocked off balance.

I would not be the confident prescriber I am if I didn't have Mastery™, if I didn't have Mastermind. Right? And learning from my colleagues now is so important. Because when people say to me — and what Joette had always said — people say to me, “I don't see change.”


Lisa: (08:38)

“I don't see change. Really, Lisa. I don't really see anything.”

It’s water off the duck's back. “Okay, well, let's just look.”

And 99% of the time, there is change, but it's so subtle. It's so gentle; they don't even notice it. And human suffering, like Joette says, we forget it. We forget our sufferings as we get better, which is a beautiful thing.

But the homeopath has to be completely in control because they took good notes, took a good case, used the correct remedies because of what we've learned. And generally, we see lovely changes just giving it time.

Lemme also say this too, about the time thing … because I will say at the beginning of every case (if it's a fungal case or if it's a skin case) I will say, “Give me a year.”

Now, it won't take a year to see change, but I need a year so that it takes the pressure off of the client; it takes the pressure off of me; and it takes the pressure off of homeopathy.

We have to give it time. What is it? A tincture of time.


Yes, that's what Joette says.


Yes. And I was actually learning about that phrase, too. It's an old English phrase. (I think so. Somebody's going to correct me, I think probably. But that's okay. So, that means they're listening.)

One of the biggest things that I will always remember in my mind is when I was working with a fellow who had toenail fungus.

I always make sure to get my clients to take pictures. Okay? You need pictures for skin cases, fungal cases, warts. Anything that you can see, take a picture of so we can measure change. Okay? It might be subtle, but it's there. So, I always say, “Take a picture. Show me these pictures.” And they have it in their files.

He messaged me at two months when we had our follow-up. “I don't see any changes.”

I'm like, “Okay, well, it does take time. It does take time.”

Now, this is a guy who had been on medications for 20-odd years … trying to deal with this. TWENTY years.

He gave conventional medication 20 years. Now it's been two months with me. Two months! And I was a student then, too, right? Everything was very cost-efficient. And yet he said, “Okay, I'll give it another two months.”


Gave it another two months, messaged me back before our next follow-up and said, “I don't see change. I'm going to cancel our appointment.”

And I said, “Okay, I'm sorry that it did not meet your expectations. Would you mind just sending me one picture of your foot now?”

I use this as an example all the time, Kate, because there was drastic change. Drastic.




“Okay,” I said. “I understand, and I'm not trying to get you back, but do you see that there's a change?”


And yet, not enough — not fast enough. He left. He stopped.


I wonder how much change there was in that 20 years. You know?


Right? They were bad.

Anyway, so that's the kind of things. It's just like for me, it's like … and like Joette said — here's another thing — “You are going to lose people. You're going to lose people, and you just got to move on. It's just how it is.”

Right? Thick skin … rhino skin, right? That's what you sort of have to have doing this, right? Yeah.


Kate: (11:47)

So, share some more with us, Lisa. I'm sure you have a lot of stories. Can you share a few more with us?


Oh, yes. I would love to.

Okay. The first story I want to share with you is about a client, and we'll call him Bill.

Now, I was actually supposed to see Bill's son first, but his situation was so intense that he asked if I could see him first.

Now, with Bill, he had been suffering with extreme abdominal pain to the point where he had to take time off of work, and he had a very important job. Not only was it an important job, but he's also providing for his family. So, it's a big deal if he can't go to work.

His pain was at a 10 out of 10 every single night, and he had been to every specialist and tried everything. He had been through the wringer to try to bring himself — get himself — some relief. The last specialist he told me about, he said that this specialist … when they were trying, these doctors, they're trying to help him and going through every single test.

And the last test was about … he told him that we want to do a, oh, gosh, it was an MRI on his stomach, and we want to see if there's sufficient blood flow to the abdominal area. I'm like, “It sounds a little desperate like they're grasping at some straws there.”

And he said, ‘Yeah, yeah, he totally is, right? But at least they're trying. I got to give them that, right?”

So, he comes to me, and so you can imagine there's a lot of pressure on me. Right? It was Thursday. This is a Thursday I talked with him, okay? And I had his schedule, and I knew exactly what he needed to do. But again, this is a lot of pressure because he's in excruciating pain; this is his first time using homeopathy; and it's a Thursday; and he needs it immediately because he is in so much pain.

So, he's paying for drop-ship like the airplane — which is very expensive from the pharmacy — because he can't have pellets. He has to have it in liquid, too, right, because he has such an extreme sensitivity to dairy.

So, I called the pharmacy. I make sure — like, if anybody knows me, they know I'm thorough. After the case, I order these right away because — and thank God — I had been studying for so long, it didn't take me long to figure out this case and what he needed. I immediately wrote it up, immediately made the order, called the pharmacy: “Will it get delivered tomorrow?” Because after tomorrow, we’ve got the weekend, and he's just, like, he's in so much pain. This is insane, right?

“Yes, it will be delivered tomorrow, overnight, drop-shipped.”


And so, then he gets them the next day. “I got them.”


I don't hear from him over the weekend, and it's like …


You can't see her right now, but she's making a face like thinking, “Oh my goodness, what's going to happen? What's going to happen?”


Right? He messages me … ‘cause he is so polite. He messages me over the weekend … after the weekend … Monday, and said, “As soon as I started taking them, I felt immediate relief.”

I was like, “Oh, thank God.” Like, I was so grateful.

And I've worked with him since, now, because it was a long way back. It was a long way back because of the drugs … because of the drugs that he had to be subjected to for years and years and years and years and years. And we can talk about that ad infinitum … how it's the drugs that is causing this.

But anyway, I digress at this moment.

And he wrote me a testimonial, and I was just telling you, Kate, that I've yet to read it. But when people write test…

I only ask for testimonials when it's been kind of an extreme case. And the people who give me the testimonials, it's very lovely. And it's when they've been through something that everything else failed them. But homeopathy.



It's really sad that people have to go through all those other things to get to homeopathy. I wish more people knew about it in the beginning so they didn't have to go through that suffering.

So, those of you who are younger and listening to this podcast really commend you for studying this and learning more about it. It will save you so much in time and suffering and expenses.


Oh, yeah. So much.

I'm so grateful. I always prayed for wisdom. Before I had babies, I always prayed for wisdom, and this is it. This is it! We don't use any of that. We don't use that. We use homeopathy.

And my kids know homeopathy, right? It's beautiful thing. Yeah. Again, again, again. And in Podcast 60 will talk about how modern medicine saved my son's life. So, I will always be grateful for that. But mismanaged acutes? Ooof.


Lisa: (16:30)

But anyway, let's move on to the next one. Do you want to talk about the next one? My next one?


Yes, let's.


This one is more so, so important to keep studying and keep learning. If you really want to get it, right, you have to keep learning and understand how these medicines work.

So, the next story I want to tell you about is a case of a torn meniscus. Now, this woman I was working with, we'll call her Flo, had other things going on like we normally do. How often?

And so, as we're working on other parts, everything's falling into place. She's doing great, but it's this knee, right? And at first, she didn't even know what it was. So, I'm using all of the pain remedies and torn meniscus remedies that we learned about in the pain course — great course. (They're all great.) But that one specifically is where it talks about the torn meniscus, and what to use and what to try, and that it takes a long time, right? It takes a long time.

We were getting nowhere. The pain was, as she said, “12 out of 10” with what we were using. But she refused to give up.

She had faith in homeopathy. She'd seen it work in other areas of her life. She had faith in her practitioner — me, that I would find something. It took time. It took time.

Now, because of the training that I had through Joette in how to study materia medica, repertory, I was able to find the remedy that she needed within — she said, oh gosh — days? The 12 out of 10 went to zero, ZERO out of 10.


Wow. Wow.


I was like, what!? Now, because she stayed with it and trusted her “detective,” I was able to solve that case. And she's good. No pain, still to this day. If she gets a twinge, she'll take the remedy, and it's gone.




I know. Amazing.


So incredible. Yeah. So thankful for these medicines.


Yes. And she is older, right? She's older. She's probably late sixties, early seventies. Doesn't matter how old you are, right? The body can repair itself, given the correct stimulus.




Lisa: (19:00)

Oooh, oooh, oooh! This one's fun. So, this is a friend of mine. We're calling her Sally, and Sally uses homeopathy all the time. I help her all the time — her and her family and her animals. She just can feel free to message me and say, “Lisa … okay…”

Because tried it! So, she doesn't call me and say, “Lisa, what do I do for this?”

She'll say, “Lisa, I've tried this, this, this and this, and nothing's acting.”

And I said, “Okay, give me the symptoms.”

“Okay, it's burning. Yeah, super itchy.”

I should back up. She had a bee sting — several bee stings. She has hives, and she had several bee stings.

And she had done the Ledum, right? She had done the Apis. She had put the Calendula on. Can't remember what else things she's tried … just other things she was trying to try. I think there's, like, her cousin said, “Put a copper penny on it,” or something! She did everything. I said, you [inaudible] with me before that.

And so, I said, “Okay.” I'm thinking in my brain, remedies. Because that's what we do. The more you learn, I love it! It's like one of the other APH students or graduates had said, “It's like a superpower.” And sometimes it feels like. I loved that.


I love that analogy. Yeah, that's great!


This is what I do day in and day out, right? I'm immersed in it, like Joette says. I just am. I'm immersed in it. I don't have a whole lot of a social life. When you see those reels, those are like my late-night socials. That's what I do. That's my social.

Anyways, back to the story. So, I'm thinking about remedies going on in my mind, right? Okay, what this and this and that. And I said, “Are you restless?”

And she sends me back a meme of an ostrich dancing up and down, dancing up and down, losing his mind.

And I went, “Oh! You need Arsenicum album?”

And she's like, “Okay, I'll try it.”

Totally worked.

She said, “What potency?”

I said, “What do you have?”


Now, normally, I probably would've gone a little bit lower to start, but that's what she had.

So, you use what you have, right? Give it a go.

She said, after the second dose, brought it all the way down. All the way down. And she had to go to a party where there was a vet there. And the vet is very, very medical. She didn't want to show up freaking out about these bites because she would be quite restless and be told, “You need to take this antihistamine,” or “You need to take this med. You just need to.”

She wanted to prove that homeopathy could do it.

And I said, “You could just say nothing.”

She's like, “No!”

So, she did. She went there. She's like, “Oh, no, I'm good. I don't need anything. I have my homeopathy.”

So, love it. Love it. So that was a fun story.

And again, it's like you have the symptoms. If the obvious remedies aren't doing it, then you go to the next one. You'll always find it. You will find the one. There's got to be the one.

I always say that too, right? When Joette would pick up the materia medica and be like, “The answer is in here, or the repertory. The answer is in here. I just got to find it.”

The more you learn, the more you get into practice, the more you see that's what starts to happen. You don't get the obvious ones anymore. Right? Those are the patterns, too.


Kate: (22:04)

That leads us to being a detective. You mentioned that earlier, that that's what your job is. You are a detective.


I'm Miss Marple.


These are great stories, Lisa. I am thrilled with what is happening in your life and what you're accomplishing. And can you just share with us some final thoughts as we wrap up the podcast?


Lisa: (22:27)

Yes. You know, the biggest thing that I'm seeing, that I'm hearing right now from people, is that — and again, I'm going to quote Joette because she would say, “People will say, ‘I didn't want to use the drug. I didn't want to use the antibiotic. I just didn't know there was another way.’ Well, now you do!”

So, I ran into a mom. This is one of many kind of encounters that I see. And she said, “You know, I take for granted that my family and I … we're in good health. So, when my daughter had an ear infection, I didn't know what to do.”

So, in my mind, of course, I'm going through the remedies for ear infections: Chamomilla, Hepar sulph, Pulsatilla, Calc Phos. And she's telling me now, “Well, I didn't know. So, we went to urgent care.” And they're saying, “Well, here's your antibiotic. They have to take this antibiotic.”

And she's thinking to herself, this mother, “But I don't want to use this. I know there is another way. There's got to be another way.”

And for me, that's my tagline. There is another way, and this is it.

And I said to her, “Yeah, you're in good health now. But mismanaged acutes will lead to chronic illness later in life. You have to learn this stuff if you want to take care of your family. If you'll want to avoid those chronic conditions later in life, it is so important to learn this medicine. You have to start somewhere. You can't just learn by osmosis and have the book next to you. You have to … Yes, it's a lot of work. I know! I've done it! It is, but it's so worth it.”

Imagine being that mom now — being like me, where when people told me that they went to the hospital because of croup, I was like, “Really? People go to the hospital because of that? I just used Spongia. Worked like a charm. I don't get it.”

Learn this medicine. Learn this medicine now. Just start now. Buy a book. Just start reading now.


And if you want to know where to start, Joette's blogs are free and a great resource. And she also published a materia medica book called “Practical Homeopathy for Busy Families.” This is great to own because you can study the homeopathic medicines and how to use them. And Joette also shares some homeopathic protocols throughout for various conditions.

So, if you want to go a bit further, the Gateway to Practical Homeopathy Study Guide is where you can learn about homeopathy in a group. And you can put together a group, or you can join another group. It's a six-week guided curriculum with a discussion guide.

And of course, Joette has many courses, so check those out on her website, such as Antibiotic Alternative; the Skin Course; Good Gut, Bad Gut; and many others.

Now, I know Lisa mentioned a little earlier in the program about The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®, which is a year-long immersive educational curriculum allowing you to take your pursuit of excellence in homeopathy to the next level.

It's a more formalized education. You can help your loved ones, church members, and even the broader community by opening a practice should you desire after going through this year-long study.

And if you want to, you can go on from there for a second year called Mastery™. It's an immersive postgraduate education involving extensive repetorization and casework. And I know that you went through that, Lisa, and you did a great job.

And all this information will be linked in the podcast notes on the website if you want to know right where to go.

Lisa, thank you so much for sharing all these stories with us and your life and what's going on, and how you've applied the knowledge that you've learned. And it's so wonderful that you're able to help so many people. So, thank you for sharing.


Thanks for having me, Kate. Such a pleasure.


It's my honor to share many lessons on this simple method of using homeopathy for free —without affiliates or advertising — here in my podcasts, but also my blog posts and Monday Night Lives.

But it's critical that you learn how to use these medicines properly. These podcasts should serve as only the beginning of your training. Peruse to find fun study group opportunities and in-depth courses developed by subject.

So, with the proper training, you can join the thousands of students before you in developing the confidence and competence to protect the health of your family and loved ones with my brand of homeopathy, Practical Homeopathy®.


You just listened to a podcast from internationally acclaimed homeopath, public speaker and author, the founder of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®, Joette Calabrese. Joette’s podcasts are available on all your favorite podcast apps.

To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit

Lisa Heinrichs, PHom M, is a graduate of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and Mastery™ programs. She is also a member of Joette's Mastermind group. You can find Lisa on social media @heinrichshomeopathy.


I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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