Pain From Out of Nowhere? Practical Homeopathy® Counters Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Joette Calabrese, Pain From Out of Nowhere? Practical Homeopathy® Counters Polymyalgia Rheumatica

We’re taking a break from my series on antidoting toxins today to discuss myalgia, a 25-cent word for muscle pain. According to Johns Hopkins, this condition can “involve ligaments, tendons and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones and organs. Injuries, trauma, overuse, tension, certain drugs and illnesses can all bring about myalgia.”1

Speaking of Johns Hopkins, as an aside, let me remind you that it was Dr. William Osler, a founding father of Johns Hopkins, who said, “The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine.”

What a revolutionary observation from a conventional physician, well-respected as an expert diagnostician. In fact, Dr. Osler went even further by saying, “No individual has done more good to the medical profession than Samuel Hahnemann.”

Had I been born in the late 1800s, I think Dr. Osler and I would have gotten along just fine!

But I digress.

Polymyalgia rheumatica

There are several different types of myalgias. Today, I’d like to address polymyalgia rheumatica, a condition that causes pain and stiffness in large muscle groups, such as the shoulders, neck, hips, thighs and back.

Cold, damp weather can exacerbate polymyalgia rheumatica — precisely like the weather they’re having up north right now. (And, I suspect, one of the reasons so many snowbirds come to our warmer climes during the winter).

The condition is usually worse in the morning but, generally, may improve with movement during the day. (If you’ve been reading my blogs for some time, which homeopathic medicine does that symptom bring to mind? If you don’t know, keep reading. The answer will come.)

Perhaps you’ve not heard of polymyalgia rheumatica. Symptoms of polymyalgia can be quite similar to the more well-known fibromyalgia. However, they are clinically different. For instance, sufferers of fibromyalgia experience pain throughout the body rather than only in large muscle groups.

Pain from out of nowhere!

Pain in the joints, tendons, bones and muscles can come on unexpectedly. BAM!

Let me give you an example from my practice. One of my clients (we’ll call her Nancy) was fine until she attended a party one day. The party was chock-full of junk food that Nancy just couldn’t resist. She ate some bad stuff and a lot of it!

The very next morning, BAM! Nancy awoke with rheumatoid arthritis that lasted for almost a year. She was convinced that evening of junk food gluttony had done her in, particularly since she had experienced food intolerances in the past. But interestingly, her previous symptoms were related to swelling of her lips, tongue and throat — not muscle pain.

So, does that mean we’re risking a disease every time we eat ourselves silly at a Christmas party, a Superbowl party or an Easter picnic? Of course not. But for Nancy, it was her personal tipping point.

Don’t assume.

Now, in Practical Homeopathy®, we don’t generally need a condition’s etiology — the cause. However, knowing what triggered the condition can sometimes be significant. For example, “Ever since that car accident, I’ve never been the same.” Or, in Nancy’s case, “I’ve never been well since eating that food.”

However, the reason for the suffering need not be our first concern. I encourage my students not to go down unnecessary rabbit holes trying to postulate a cause for their suffering. If you know what it is — the exact moment the suffering began — fine. If you don’t, don’t assume!

Clients and students say to me, “It must be Lyme,” or “It must be heavy metals,” or “It has to be  parasites.” No. We never start determining the appropriate homeopathic medicine by leaning on assumptions. If we have exhausted the logical approach first with no results, then perhaps we can make some assumptions. But until then, “Just the facts, ma’am.”

We need the name of the condition (from a conventional diagnosis) and/or the symptoms being experienced. Assumptions often lead folks to choose the wrong medicine.

I can’t tell you how many times a sufferer has said, “I tried homeopathy once with no success. I used the protocol for eczema and got no relief.” Then it turns out they didn’t have eczema; they had psoriasis. Or …

“The arthritis protocol didn’t work for me! Homeopathy doesn’t work.” Then it turns out they didn’t have arthritis; they had polymyalgia rheumatica.

Do you see where I’m going with this? They’re blaming homeopathy when it was their assumptions that were wrong. This is so common.

Joette Calabrese, Pain From Out of Nowhere? Practical Homeopathy® Counters Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Homeopathy works!

So, let’s talk specifically about how we would approach a diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica with Practical Homeopathy®.

For the muscular, tendon and bone pain of polymyalgia, homeopaths have historically called for Symphytum officinale 200C mixed together in the mouth with Calcarea phosphorica 3X. (If one cannot purchase it in a 3X, Calc phos 3C will do, or even Calc phos 6 will suffice.) This mixture would generally be utilized twice daily until very much better.

Because movement throughout the day can lead to improvement in the pain (better from movement), Rhus toxicodendron 200C is also generally added to the schedule.

Hypericum perforatum 200C may be employed as an SOS medication — meaning, when pain is acute and debilitating, one may need a few doses of this dependable homeopathic to nudge the body in the right direction.

Choose the most appropriate homeopathic medicine for the specific condition.

I’ll let you in on a little secret: This protocol may also be effective in cases of fibromyalgia as well. To see the similarities, read my previous blog, “How I Cured My Fibromyalgia With One Simple Medicine.”

If the diagnosis is instead arthritis, then turn to my other blogs, such as “Symphonic Symphytum for Pain” or “Ouch, My Back, Joint and Bone Pain Is Killing Me!” Or listen to my Monday Night Live from April 12, 2021, entitled “Arthritis. Joint pain. Muscle and Ligament Pain. Overused Joints and Muscles.

Better yet, my friends, if chronic pain is bedeviling you, consider a deep dive into my course, Make It Stop! Escape From the Prison of Chronic (and Acute) Pain Using Practical Homeopathy®: Learn Effective Methods to Uproot Pain, Often for Good.

Not only do I cover specific protocols for polymyalgia rheumatica, fibromyalgia and arthritis, but I also instruct on headaches, frozen shoulder, shingles, back pain and various organ pains — just to highlight a few. (And remember — all of my Mighties (Joette’s Mighty Members) qualify for a 10% discount on course purchases.)

I’ll discuss this subject further on Monday, March 10, at 8 p.m. EDT, within my Joette’s Mighty Members site or on our simulcast network through the Joette Calabrese Facebook pageYouTubeX (formerly Twitter), Rumble and Instagram. Join me!

Pass on the good news of Practical Homeopathy®!


Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®

P.S. If you’re not quite ready to consider a course, joining a Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® study group may be just the learning opportunity you’re looking for. It’s the same way I began my studies — except you’ll benefit from my years of teaching experience. The curriculum, which I recently revised to reflect my current teaching methods, is easy to follow. Plus, you’ll make lifelong, like-minded friends who will support you throughout your genuine health care path.

I offer something for every level of interest in homeopathy. So, join me today and learn how to become your family’s trusted health care provider!


A Well-Rounded Homeschool Education Starts with Homeopathy


2 thoughts on “Pain From Out of Nowhere? Practical Homeopathy® Counters Polymyalgia Rheumatica”

  1. Thank you for addressing Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Late 2019 I suddenly had pain in the back of my legs. I have been following your blogs and collecting your cards for years. So I searched everywhere, but couldn’t quite find what fit my symptoms. I hoped it would go away, but instead it worked it’s way up my body until I could hardly move without debilitating pain. I could not shower, comb my hair. I could hardly dress myself. Looking online (by now it was 2020) every site blamed it on Covid, which I knew was not it. I finally ended up at a rheumatologist who prescribed Prednisone. What a relief and I was glad to take it. However, I knew I would not stay there, and I continued searching. The best I could put together was Symphytom and Rhus Tox. Along with exercise and diet – doing everything to get rid of inflammation, I was able to wean off Prednisone without any re-occurrance. PMR is horrible! So you can imagine my absolute delight to read this blog. I see I was a little off on the protocol, and I will make adjustments if PMR ever starts up again. I will be ready! As a side, your information totally healed my re-occuring UTI many years ago with Sarsaparilla. I always have it on hand just in case. After being free of UTI for close to 20 years, I know homeopathy works!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for this Remedy Card. THANK YOU – THANK YOU – THANK YOU!!!!!

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