We tend to socialize more during the holidays, wouldn’t you say? Thanksgiving, Passover, Christmas, New Year’s and all the other end-of-year occasions are a focal point for family and friends to get together. And you know what that means? Small talk, conversation, sharing and answering the usual twenty questions. (more…)
When I was a little girl, Christmas Eve was the one night a year when my parents weren’t strict. My huge Italian family came together at my aunt and uncle’s house to celebrate. After midnight mass, all the cousins — my brother and I included —were allowed to stay up for what seemed like all night long! (more…)
Homeopathy is grand.
If you don’t believe me, pick up a materia medica and start reading. The depth and breadth of these medicines are endlessly fascinating. (more…)
I have a thought to share as we cook down the last of the turkey bones in a big stock pot and say goodbye to the Thanksgiving weekend here in the United States.
I am thankful for Practical Homeopathy®. (more…)
Let’s get back to our task of curating a well-stocked homeopathy kit, shall we? Although, it’s not really a task, per se. Many enjoy collecting and organizing the masterpieces we call homeopathic medicines. It gives moms and others a sense of order and preparedness. Plus, it’s just fun! (more…)
I want to say thank you to all the veterans among us. And I don’t mean just a quick, little “thanks.” I mean, THANK YOU. All caps. Full stop.
Your work in the armed forces gave me the freedom to pursue my mission of bringing homeopathy to families across our great nation and the globe! In other words, the health freedom my readers, students and clients receive is a direct result of your sacrifices in keeping our country free. I can speak my mind because of you. (more…)
Naysayers abound.
I don’t care.
In general, the cynics comprise a small, vocal minority who don’t interact intimately with my life. So, why should their opinions matter to me? (more…)