I’m trying really hard not to go off on a tangent about my thoughts surrounding the irresponsibility of government, and how we are more on our own than we'd like to believe (although I may have just done so by making that statement.)
This time, it's the local government who apparently, knowingly allowed the populace to be exposed to noteworthy amounts of lead in their municipal water system. (more…)
Fibromyalgia doesn’t scare me. It used to, particularly when I suffered from it nearly 35 years ago.
But not anymore. (more…)
Courtney, one of our team members, recently conducted a search of the most popular blogs (more…)
So often, my clients report that they have taken a drug and subsequently experienced mild, to even serious, side effects that linger beyond their expectations. (more…)
When I was twelve years old, my cousin’s family invited a neighbor of theirs, a really cute boy, to our annual family picnic. He had liquid Italian eyes with long eyelashes, hair resembling that of an Adonis, and a delightfully preppy look.
I was smitten. But that night when we all gathered on the beach, I saw him throw a rock at a toad and kill it.
I’m traveling this week and am having a hard time getting to writing as I usually do, so I’m going to make this week’s article short but super useful. Perhaps you’ll even use it this week. (more…)