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Who Else Loved the Weston Price Conference in Santa Clara?

Here's a note about my recent speaking engagement at the Weston A. Price conference written by my wonderful husband Perry:

Five hundred plus cheering attendees joined Joette’s presentation at the Santa Clara conference (standing room only!). The enthusiasm for her message of treating your family yourself was contagious.


The more than 1700 in attendance and the food remained pure and true to Dr. Price’s ideals.


Our booth was frequently three people deep, with loads of questions on how to get started.  Our two sons, staff member Aimee,  Joette and I were busy answering questions on homeopathy from the moment the doors opened until the closing ceremonies.


We've come away with new friends, lots of names submitted for the Hyland’s Household Kit raffle and orders for CDs and kits to be shipped all over the world. It was a blast!


If you've been following our Facebook page and Twitter feeds, you've seen our photographs and followed the memes.


Clearly we touched a subject that has an ardent following.


Let’s stay in touch. As I write this, Joette and her staff are authoring new courses and ways to make learning homeopathy easier.


A standing room only attendance to hear Joette


Joette tells the story of her own recovery.


 Hey, Mom, isn’t that the remedy that got rid of my ear infection?


Joette sizzling between 2 strips of crispy bacon!

Hering’s Laws of Cure Help Us Understand How Homeopathy Works

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In the 1830s, a German homeopath, Constantine Hering, emigrated to the United States and became the Father of American Homeopathy. Included in his works is what today is called “Hering’s Law of Cure.” The precepts of his laws can be used to assess health history and present symptoms. They are not absolute, but should be used as a guideline in prescribing. When an illness is treated homeopathically, you might very well witness the almost unbelievable accuracy of the body’s memory as the healing processes follow “Hering’s Law of Cure.”


Hering’s First Law is that healing migrates from the innermost part of the patient, such as the emotions or lungs, to the outermost areas, such as the muscles or skin.


If we see someone with a lung infection who is relieved of coughing spasms and pain after a homeopathic prescription and then is plagued with an old case of eczema, we are comforted with the knowledge that the pathology has been shifted to the outer area of the body.


Using a cortisone-type cream will likely eliminate the skin issue but may cause the lungs to take on the pathology once again. This is why I plead with my clients to put up with temporary annoyances like rashes without succumbing to over-the-counter or prescription medications.


Once a homeopathic remedy is administered, the body begins to retrace the steps and paths it has taken throughout the illness. The good news is that the retracing of past conditions isn’t a regression, but a progression!


As the body heals according to “Hering’s Law of Cure,” one observes that its first priority is to preserve and protect its most vital organs. Dangers to the internal organs, such as the heart and lungs, are the first to be eliminated. When order is restored to them, the body can then begin healing the less vital organs and systems.


According to Hering’s Second Law, symptoms appear and disappear in reverse order from which they appeared. This is not always evident in acute illness but is often observed in a chronic one.


Hering’s Third Law states that healing proceeds from the upper part of the body to the lower parts. For example, a headache may disappear after the correct prescription, and then the pain will relocate to an old, arthritic wrist. In these cases, we are happy to see this movement towards health, but it doesn't mean we stop there. The next step may mean that we look for the next remedy that will complete the cure by eliminating the last, lodged location of pain.


Observing the direction of cure is valuable for its ability to give us information. It will clue us in to whether the correct remedy has been chosen and where the illness will take the patient.


Understanding these homeopathic laws is of utmost importance for those being treated constitutionally. Be a detective and keep an eye out for any changes. They just might be the signs of cure.


Has all this talk of curing health problems got you wishing you could cure your own family at home?  It's possible with a homeopathic remedy kit, which you can get by calling our office. Continue learning more about homeopathy with any of the digital downloads available here.


6 Reasons to Make Homeopathy Your Medicine

Mama and Baby II

Ever been faced with a skeptical friend or family member who can’t understand why you would choose to treat your family with homeopathy rather than conventional medicine? I've been thinking about some of the top reasons why I made the choice to raise my family with homeopathy.


Keep this list handy for the next time you want a little encouragement or want to succinctly explain the benefits of homeopathy to others.


It’s Cost-Effective

There’s a reason why homeopathy is the medicine of choice in countries like India, Cuba, South America and Europe. It packs quite a punch for the money. Once you have a bit of homeopathic knowledge under your belt, you can treat most ailments at home with your remedy kit and avoid paying co-pays. If you own a kit, the remedies are as low as $2.50 each and will last decades. Feel free to contact us if you’re interested in a household kit.


It’s Gentle

What medications do you know of that are safe for everyone including newborns, pregnant women, and the elderly? Rest assured that as long as they are used correctly, homeopathic remedies pose no danger to any of these groups.

It is gentle enough for your baby but also powerful enough to act deeply to fix even chronic health problems.


There Are No Interactions

No matter what medications you take or procedures you undergo, homeopathy causes no negative interactions when used concomitantly. It is particularly beneficial to use when facing an upcoming surgery.  Fortunately, many major medical centers are beginning to realize the benefit of homeopathy. In my home town of Buffalo, New York,  our  flagship hospital uses homeopathy in the emergency room.


Homeopathy Considers the Whole Person  

If you consult with a homeopath, you will probably be surprised at the amount of detailed questions she asks. You might wonder why it matters, for example, whether you’re typically thirsty or not. Homeopathy takes the totality of the individual into account in a way that conventional medicine has no interest in exploring.

The human body was not designed to function as separate systems of organs.


It Offers True Health Independence

This is the reason that resonates most with me as a fiercely independent Sicilian-American. My immigrant grandmothers would never have dreamed of letting anyone tell them how to raise their children. My dream is to see a movement of mothers and curious others committed to taking back their God-given right to decide how to care for their own family.


It Works

Indeed, it works on newborns, the unconscious, livestock, family pets and my father who years ago didn't know I was giving it to him in his soup. So don’t let anyone tell you that it’s a placebo.  And more importantly, it works much more effectively than conventional drugs.


I hope my list has inspired you to be bold, be courageous and count on homeopathy for your family. Certainly, I know how much there is to learn, but if I can do it, you can too.


Check out some of the educational resources I've developed to help mothers and others master the tricks I've learned as a homeopath and mother who has depended exclusively on this form of medicine.  I know you can do this!


Clean Living and Adherence to Judeo-Christian Principles are Foundational to Health

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There are many homeopaths who don’t offer a glimpse into their lifestyles and choices.


I’m not one of them.


Instead, I share my beliefs and values on mothering, family traditions, living a natural lifestyle, and cooking nutrient-dense meals in whatever I write, in whatever I say, and in whatever I teach. This includes prayer. I do this because I genuinely believe that’s what it takes to find genuine health.


Daily, I meet with clients and students from all over the globe who have made poor choices, usually because the right choice was inconvenient.  Today their health is suffering from those decisions.  More effort is required to seek out health-promoting choices, but the reward is great.


This certainly doesn’t apply to everyone, but more and more, I see the ramifications of these poor choices especially in our Western society.  Get our morality straight and health often follows.  Tinker with Mother Nature and the mores and principles of our beliefs, and we will suffer.


That, in my estimation, is  why Judeo-Christian traditions hold so much wisdom when it comes to genuine health.


I believe the world is hungry for time-honored values.  And to me, silence in regards to this message is irresponsible.


I estimate that with this type of message, I will turn some readers off and lose them.  Others will employ these ideas and pass them on.  And  some will simply read and do nothing.


For me, it’s a chance worth taking.  I will do whatever I can to spread the truth of how to achieve genuine health.


Interested in hearing more about my homeopathic journey and philosophy?  Check out my story on my website homeopathyworks.net.

Can You Raise Your Family Without Drugs?


Photo courtesy of www.wopular.com

I can’t imagine what my life would be like without homeopathy. It has changed my life, and the lives of my entire family, too.

Years ago, I thought antibiotics were appropriate simply because my doctor said they were. I fell for immunotherapy and my allergies were driven to a deeper, more entrenched state. I firmly believed the falsehood that drugs, meds and medicaments were irrefutably valuable.

To think of the poor choices I made all of those years irritates me to this day.  But, instead of getting caught up with my mistakes, let me share with you how I overcame them.

(By the way, if you’ve made similar blunders, you can overcome them, too!)

Instead of using drugs, my foremost medicines have long been homeopathy and nutrient dense foods. Thanks to this bold resolution, my family and I took a colossal leap into robust health.  And we’ve never turned back.

I never doled out a single drug to my family; not a Tylenol capsule, not a spoonful of Benadryl and no antibiotics.

Zip, nada, zilch!

Does this sound impossible?

Well, it would be impossible without the correct tools, knowledge and motivation.

That’s why I have organized a FREE webinar called The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health.

Over the years, my clients and students have shared with me their mistakes and I’ve noted what the most popular errors have been. Many of them are made repeatedly by both parents and grandparents alike.

Some of these 5 blunders are grave, but others are minor.

Recognizing our mistakes is one thing – correcting them is another.

How did I correct my blunders?  By using intelligent methods coupled with pig-headed determination.

And that’s what you can use, too. A knowledgeable mom can aptly deal with much of what faces her family’s health. There are methods you can employ today that will help you safely uproot illness instead of just covering it up with drugs. It takes perseverance and persistence, but really, what is more important than the health of our families?

I know you have the motivation already, so let me provide you with the correct tools and knowledge that took me decades to “get”.

I’ll get you started with my Free Webinar, The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health this Tuesday, April 10 at 8PM EST.

Let’s right the wrongs together.

I hope to see you there!

Note:  If you can’t make my webinar, sign up anyway and you’ll receive instructions on how to hear/view the webinar later.

Moms, Are You Making These 5 Mistakes?

There’s no time like the present and now is the time to take control of your family’s health and well-being.  Let me get you started mp900442523with my free webinar called “The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health.”

We’ve all made mistakes without realizing it, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep making those same mistakes over and over again, does it?

Truth is, many of us have goofed up when it comes to helping our children through an illness. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

In my upcoming webinar, I’m not just going to fill you in on those five infamous mistakes; I’m going to share a tried-and-true method that’s both safe and effective to correct those mistakes.

Millions of parents are already using this model to either reduce their visits to doctors’ offices or to take 100% control of their family’s health altogether.

I’d like to show you 5 ways to fever-proof your kids and how homeopathy is the sure way to address sickness in your own home.

In fact, homeopathy is the safest and most reliable health system in the world today.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom with a large family or a professional mom who just needs those easy, go-to tips to keep your children healthy, join me and I’ll show you how to be prepared for anything and everything!

Plus, wouldn’t you like a chance to win a scholarship for my new system that’s starting up soon?

I hope you’ll join me. I know you’ll learn so much! Sign up HERE.

AHHH CHOO! It’s Hay Fever Time Again

sneeze article1It’s that hay fever time of year again.  Not only does springtime bring us bright, cheerful blossoms, but it also bestows upon many of us a not-so-cheerful-time: allergy season.

Fortunately, some of the great minds of homeopathy have taken up the subject of hay fever.  They maintain that it’s the result of poorly treated fevers during childhood and youth.

In other words, hay fever can be directly attributed to the countless doctors, who unknowingly handed out detrimental drugs like aspirin, Tylenol and antibiotics to address fevers in children.  This is what many believe cause hay fever later in life and this is reason enough not to use drugs of commerce when addressing fevers.

Since we can’t return to the past, we must work with what we have.  Luckily for us, we have homeopathy!

Homeopathy is unique because it doesn’t treat the illness, but treats the entire person.  This means that five people with hay fever could receive five different remedies, depending upon each person’s symptoms or how each illness presents.

A homeopathic remedy is chosen based on the symptoms at hand and generally, it’s given hourly, if the symptoms are severe.  If the hay fever is not presenting yet, but is forthcoming, then give the remedy three times per day, every day, during the weeks leading up to it.

The premier remedy to not only prevent the threatening attack, but to subdue one that has already begun, is Mag Phos 6x.

Mag phos is a remedy for spasms, so it will relax the spasms of sneezing fits.  It is best administered in a cup of hot water and then sipped, one sip at a time, every 30 seconds or so.   I like to call this remedy Mug phos because it works so well in a mug of hot water; it is often the only remedy needed to abort a sneezing episode.

If a person craves salt and the sunlight worsens both the sneezing and runny eyes, and if the nose and other associated areas itch, then Nat mur 6x is indicated. This can be taken 3 times per day for maintenance and up to 10 times per day when the suffering is more extreme.

Silica 6x is a remedy for those who have itching deep in the nose, in the back of the throat and deep in the ears.  There is often violent sneezing with tingling in the nose, especially in the morning.  The mucus can be of a burning nature, accompanied by hoarseness and dryness in the throat.  This is relieved by a cool drink of water. All of these symptoms, especially a tickling in the throat, are made worse by lying down at night.  Use this in the same fashion as Nat mur.

Then, there are combination remedies such as Sabadil, made by Boiron. It’s made up of several remedies, all of which are known to address hay fever.   Many of my clients have found relief from it.

We can’t assume that the above remedies will thoroughly eliminate hay fever forever, but they can certainly make enduring allergy season a bit easier.

It’s always worth a try to do this alone, but if complete success is the goal, and there’s an interest in deepening the curative action of homeopathy, contact your homeopath. This way, you’ll get to the bottom of it and prevent it from becoming an annual affair….often forever!

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

See More Products