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Homemake Candies – Quick making, Real Healthy, Kid pleasers

2012 05 08 10 00 23Moose Mounds

These homemade candies are quick, nutrient dense and kid pleasers. They have the toothsome resistance to the bite that makes them comparable to a  high quality chocolate bar. But they’re what we want our family to eat. They stay fresh for months in a sealed container in the refrigerator….but if your family knows where they are, they won’t last that long! Very satisfying.

2 cups raw, unpasteurized, almonds, walnuts or pecans

1/5 cup almond flour, sometimes called almond powder

1 cup Green Pasture coconut oil

¼ cup organic raw coco powder or nibs

1-2 cups raisins, goji berries, or any dried fruit as the sweetener or

1 cup raw honey as alternative to dried fruit

1cup  unsweetened dried coconut

Pinch Celtic salt

Teaspoon  vanilla

Place  nuts (one kind or another) in a large bowl. Fill with water up to about 4 inches over the nuts and let sit on counter for 24 hours.  Soaking nuts allows the germination process to begin which in turn  adds higher nutritional value and better digestion.

After having soaked, drain the nuts  thoroughly  and place on cookie sheets so that they’re laying one layer thick only.  Usually 2-3 trays suffice. Put the nuts in an oven set at 120 degrees for 24 hours or until crispy.  Sometimes this process takes hours longer; sometimes shorter.  A dehydrator will do the same if your oven doesn’t have low settings.

In a food processor, grind the nuts to their finest level.   The less oily the nut; the more powdery the results which makes for a finer candy bar texture. Almonds grind to a lovely powdery consistency.

Leave the ground nuts in the food processor, add remaining ingredients and grind everything together.  Taste for flavor.  More  raisins or honey for a sweeter candy, more coco powder for a more intense chocolate taste.

With your fingers, scoop up walnut sized amounts and form into balls. They will be oily and messy because the coconut oil is warm, but will firm up like a candy bar once cooled.   At this time, these can be rolled in coconut or coco powder and then placed on a cookie tray. Place in the refrigerator or freezer for 30 minutes. That’s it!

They can then be placed in little, individual  candy wrappers and left outside the refrigerator unless it’s a warm day.

2012 05 08 10 55 591

Bear Bars

For results that more resemble a chocolate bar, mix in the same fashion as above but  instead of balls, press into a square cake or brownie pan and score into bite sized bars.  Then place in the refrigerator or freezer.

Fox Fudge

Shorter shelf life and refrigerator-dependent but a fudge-like consistency try adding 1-2 cups of cream cheese.

Low Carb-Bar

For diabetics and others who want high saturated fats but low carbs, simply eliminate dried fruit and or honey. Great consistency, but no sweetness. For those on a high fat, low carb diet, these help suppress the appetite!

Joette has mastered the art of getting healthy foods into her children.  If you want to read more download her Digital CD; Secret Spoonfuls  Confessions of a Sneaky Mom – Get Healthy foods into Kids without getting caught. http://bit.ly/atv7A4.

Follow her here for more timely tips, or get her free monthly newsletter that includes more Nutritional and Homeopathic tips.  http://www.homeopathyworks.net/newsletters.cfm

51 Ways to Protect Your Family – Don’t Get Cancer 29,30 and 31

The best way to beat cancer and other chronic illness is to prevent it in the first place.  And the methods aren’t that difficult to accomplish if we stay within reasonable guidelines that have been followed throughout the ages.  At first some of these proposals may seem daunting, but once you analyze them, you’ll surely find that many of the suggestions are already a part of your daily habit.  Take on a few new ones right away and resolve to complete the rest of the list over a period of a few months or so.

29) Absolutely no lawn sprays. Instead simply toss grass seed on the lawn on a regular basis and give it a neat edge cut around it. It makes for a lush and tidy lawn. Lawn sprays are made from lethal derivatives of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. Just in case you’re too young to know, the use of these neuro toxins resulted in our soldiers returning with remarkable numbers of chronic illness, cancer and early deaths.
30) In relation to pesticides, no insecticides either! Carpenter ants are best dealt with by finding their source…wet, rotted wood. Once you find their nest, you’ll be grateful they pointed the way. They only live in these conditions and you need to find it anyway. Then replace the wood, clean out the nest and pour boric acid mixed 50/50 with powdered sugar. It will kill those that remain and the sugar will attract them to complete the job. Fire ants and other insects can be exterminated with a pot of boiling hot water poured on the infestation.
31) Throw out your microwave. Use your stove top, oven, toaster oven or crock pot instead. It has been shown that micro-waved foods rearrange the chemical constituents of food. A landmark law suit in 1991 provided evidence that microwaving can cause a health threat. Norma Levitt was killed when the blood used for her transfusion, was warmed in a microwave by a nurse!

Unavoidable Surgery use Homeopathy

Surgery. We love it; we hate it. It can be life threatening and it can be life saving. In the world of homeopathy, it's a measure that we try to avoid as oft as possible since homeopathy often has the ability to eliminate the need for it. However, there are times in which it is inevitable and so homeopathy is still there in the ready.

The surgical protocol that will be discussed is both pre and post operative and is accepted world wide by homeopathic physicians. It is also the protocol used in homeopathic hospitals in the Netherlands, India, England and South America and was a mainstay of American hospitals until relatively recently.

Homeopathy is a two hundred year old medical method. In the US, it was considered a mainstay of 40% of the doctors and hospitals until the 1940's. It's demise came as a result of political in-fighting between medical factions, but today it is making a comeback in the US while it continues to thrive in Europe and India. It has the reputation for dealing with the most rigorous post surgical settings in short order.

The most important aspect of the protocol is that the advice of a homeopathic consultant be attained throughout the process. This is valuable since there are situations in which the educated voice of experience is necessary. At such a tentative period in someone's life, situations can change rapidly.

The protocol is as follows:

Arnica montana 200c given morning and night on the day before surgery. Then repeated the morning of and just before being wheeled into the operating room. What is the purpose? Arnica montana has a reputation for keeping infection at bay, minimizing the shock to the system, reducing swelling, minimizing the possibility of hemorrhages and putting the patient at ease. This should be repeated as soon as possible after surgery and administered every 2-3 hours from that time on until consciousness is revived, then repeated as often as required to eliminate pain. If pain is persistent, it indicates the need for more frequent repetition, perhaps every hour or two. If the pain is still a problem, Hypericum 200 should be considered an alternate so that Arnica is administered say, every even hour and Hypericum every odd hour.

Sometimes, other remedies are required, such as Staphasagria 200 for wound pain and Nux vomica for nausea from the anesthetic. Phosphorus also comes into use as a powerful remedy for headaches and difficulty withdrawing from the anesthetic. This is when the experience of a well educated homeopath is best employed, whether in person or on the phone.

If the American surgeon was reacquainted with the methods of his predecessors and European counterparts who so deftly understand the value of homeopathy, the rates of post surgical problems would be greatly minimized. Why is this no longer common protocol? To shorten a very long story; it has more to do with the pharmaceutical industry's profit margins and how they have successfully infiltrated the education of doctors and hospitals. Quarterly margins should not come in the way of you or your loved one's surgical recovery and well being.

It's important to know that homeopathic remedies can never interfere with conventional drugs. This includes the ingestion before surgery. For obvious reasons, it is advisable to not take food or drink before surgery, but the melting of three tiny pills for each dose doesn't fall into this category. Homeopathy is safe, gentle, curative, noninvasive and compatible.

The next time you or someone you love is faced with surgery, talk with your homeopath first, then if surgery is certain, work with your homeopath and follow the protocol utilized by homeopathic hospitals and physicians throughout the world. Then your world will be a be better place for it.

Medicine that makes sense

In recent years a profound shift in thinking about health and medicine has emerged.  The public is clamoring for medicine that makes sense.   The intelligent person asks the questions“ If orthodox medicine were really effective why do heart disease and cancer effect so many people when only two generations or so ago they were rare?  Why are classrooms filled with asthmatic and ADT children?”  These illnesses were an unusual occurrence.  Arising from these kinds of questions is a trend toward a more holistic viewpoint.   The underlining concept in holism is that each of us is an integrated whole.  That is, we’re not fragmented into separate parts each carrying a specific illness or diagnostic category.

Joette Says…

Men can maximize their output and minimize their downtime. Homeopathy has the ability to set your compass on course with success.  This is not an empty promise, because homeopathy, a natural medical model, stimulates the body’s ability to bring it to its best economy.

Downtime is unproductive, whether it be a simple cold that requires you to sleep more or an injury that keeps you out of your game. Even psychological issues can force the brain to become, not only unproductive, but irritable or uncreative.
The remedies homeopathy employs are without side effects, so they’re safe and have stood the test of time.  They go after the imbalances by stimulating the body's ability to bring about health.  This is because the promise behind homeopathy’s laws of nature includes the law that the body is always in search of equilibrium.  We experience illness when that equilibrium is stalled or suppressed. The stalling process is often a result of the use of meds. They kill the messenger instead of allowing the body’s natural process to complete.  Homeopathy, on the on the other hand, uses the process to its advantage and stimulates the healing process that is a natural direction.

Homeopathic remedies can be self prescribed for simple injuries and illnesses of common origin or can be addressed with a homeopathic consultant for fine tuning the areas of greater depth.  In either case, homeopathy’s focus and reputation is to resolve the problem, not cover it up. Sounds like a plan.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

Homeopathy Is…

Safe, holistic therapy.  It does not mean home remedies, but instead is a respected branch of medicine that has been the choice of such cultural heroes as John D. Rockefeller, Chopin, Tony Blair, Florence Nightingale and Paul McCartney.  Is it a coincidence that these public figures choose homeopathy as their course of action for their health care, or is it that when one has the where-with-all that the preference is for the more supreme?  Homeopathy is the choice of medicine for the discerning.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

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Joette Says…

What does the Jesuit order, Mother Teresa, Pope Paul Vl, Pope Paul X and Pope Gregory XVl have in common?  Well, besides being  examples of Catholics of great faith and notoriety,  they were all champions of homeopathy. Mother Teresa and her order dispensed, prescribed it and sang homeopathy’s praises. Pope Gregory hired a homeopath, Dr. Johann Wilhelm Wahle, to work in the Vatican and sought to establish a homeopathic hospital. St Joseph’s Leper Hospital was a homeopathic hospital run by Father Augustus Muller, a Jesuit missionary in India. There are many other examples of devout and traditional Catholics who have hailed homeopathy as a valued medicine.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

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Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

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Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

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Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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