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When in Doubt: Arnica!

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

February 27th, 2022  |  70 Comments

Joette Calabrese

They say it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.

Well, maybe so. But in this case, it is an experienced homeopath’s prerogative to digest additional information and reassess accordingly!

Continuing education is one of my passions in life. I’m always learning from other homeopaths and, of course, clinical experience. Sometimes, taking in new information nudges me to change my mind completely.

Such is the case with Nux vomica.

I used to say, “When in doubt, consider Nux vomica.” You can tell in how many situations Nux vomica is applicable by a simple search on my blog site. (Here, I’ve done it for you!) Nux was my go-to because we lived in a very medicated world. So, in more cases than not, Nux vomica could help push aside the ill effects of a person's lifetime of synthetic medication.

However, people are catching on now! More and more individuals have eschewed synthetic drugs — or at least reduced their dependency on them — so that prior drug-ingestion is not a large component in their case.

These days, I find that Arnica montana has an even greater sweeping ability than Nux vomica to address a wide variety of conditions.

How did I arrive at this conclusion? Well, it was two-fold. First, a major contributing factor was the rediscovery of my own notes! You may know that during the past year, I have been creating in-depth lessons for The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®.

Each week in The Academy, I present about a 40-minute lesson from the materia medica. I usually cover anywhere from 2-5 homeopathic medicines. Last semester, when I presented my lesson on Arnica, I could only cover that one medicine. Yet it took me an entire hour to get through all my notes! That’s right. I rediscovered how much information I had on Arnica.  I just needed to put it all together!

Most everyone (even those who do not study homeopathy) knows that Arnica is great for pain and injuries. But after going through my notes, it suddenly hit me … the list of conditions that Arnica addresses is so huge, it’s ridiculous!

Arnica can be used for:

  • Longevity (Yes, some attribute their longevity to daily ingestion of Arnica!)
  • Sleep (My mother taught me this!)
  • Old dogs (This is based on clinical experience passed on from a seasoned veterinarian that Buster, the Bad Office Dog, wrote about last year in his article, New Trick for an Old Dog or Old Human.)
  • Jet lag (‘Has worked for me countless times.)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Alopecia
  • Skin eruptions, i.e., eczema, psoriasis (And I plan to write a helpful hint on this for my Mighty Members later in the week.)
  • Blood disorders
  • Hematoma
  • Head injury
  • Old concussions
  • Soft tissue injury (Plastic surgeons use it to help prevent and minimize ecchymosis.)
  • Prophylactically, before surgery 
  • Post-surgical pain
  • Joint pain
  • Menstrual pain
  • Dental procedures
  • Angina
  • Arthritis
  • Sepsis
  • Myalgia
  • Boils
  • Gout
  • Influenza
  • Labor
  • Malaria

And there’s even more! I could keep going, but unfortunately, we don’t have an hour to spend together here in this venue as I had in The Academy.

Remember that Arnica might be considered the Swiss Army knife of homeopathic medicines. And the beautiful thing is that it is readily available in almost any store. Arnica seems to be one of the few homeopathic medicines that has almost become — dare I say it — mainstream! So many people use Arnica cream or gel without even realizing that it’s homeopathy!

When employing this medicine, I should mention that the generally accepted potency may vary from condition to condition. But in general, for chronic conditions, I use it twice daily in the 30th potency. Lately, I have been using it in the same manner that Joe DeLivera (you may know him and his method as Joepathy) uses Arnica.

I bought Arnica 30 in liquid form* (rather than pillules in a tube). It can be purchased either in water or alcohol. I then put one dose of the liquid in a bottle containing 15 ounces of water. When it’s time for me to administer a dose — making sure to shake the bottle 10 times before each dose — I take one capful (about one tablespoon).

Joepathy is the first homeopath to convince me to try this method, and I have seen a marked improvement in efficacy for some individuals in my practice. And I employ it for my husband, Buster and me.

So, yes, this homeopath has changed her mind! And that’s my prerogative. So now I say, “When in doubt: ARNICA!” And I think after perusing that list above, you will, too.

Pass on the good news of homeopathy!


Joette Calabrese


* Arnica in liquid form can be purchased from Helios Pharmacy in the United Kingdom. Alternatively, it can be purchased here in the United States from a non-retail pharmacy, available only to my clients and students. It can be found on Amazon as well, but due to feedback I’ve received about inconsistencies with certain homeopathic medicines ordered through Amazon, I have decided not to link to them at this time.

P.S. Today’s blog post is a perfect example of how conversing with like-minded individuals can increase your knowledge and even occasionally change your thinking! What better way for you to learn about homeopathy than with others who will keep you on your toes?

If you haven’t already, I urge you to consider joining a Gateway to Homeopathy study group. The benefits of joining a study group are almost as extensive as the benefits of Arnica montana! You will never regret having a network of moms, dads, grandmoms, nurses, chiropractors and others who will walk beside you in lockstep as you head down the path of learning this sweeping medicine — homeopathy.

Look at these smiling faces from all over the globe. Zoom in. Doesn’t it look like fun? In case you can't tell, each is holding up their homemade signs indicating from where they hail. I might add, that they're from all over the world.  You, too, can join this exclusive group. Study groups are forming all the time. Don’t wait. Check out the available groups now on the Joette’s Study Group: Find your new Study Group Friends’ Facebook page.

Gateway to Homeopathy Joette Calabrese


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When in Doubt: Arnica!


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


70 thoughts on “When in Doubt: Arnica!”

  1. Catherine says:

    Love it. I too started my 55 yr old husband on the Joepathy protocol. He has been a competitive athlete all his life, rugby, surfing, soccer, marathons and works a physical job. You get the picture. One morning about a week after starting the “JP” my husband said to me “You know, I don’t wake up with my little niggly aches and pains anymore.” Another score for homeopathy! Learned about Mr. DeLivera from Joette. Another score for Joette ! Makes me love her even more that she’s open to trying new things, educate herself and always willing to share. Joette you are such a gift. Many thanks.

  2. Linda Taylor says:

    My daughter funds that arnica makes her feel itchy. I am not sure if she has only used the topical remedies or also the pillules. Can you suggest a different remedy for frozen shoulder. Probably brought on by stress. Allergy to chamomile and cilantro.

    1. Joy Peoples says:

      I’m interested in frozen shoulder info too…

      1. Bekah says:

        For eczema, should I take pellets or use a topical cream or tincture?

  3. THANK YOU! Very helpful! The liquid form of Arnica from Helios is only available in alcohol form. I have two questions please:
    1. which one do we choose???
    2. when you say you put one “dose” in a bottle of 15oz water…what is a “dose”? I know dose for using pillules, but not for liquid forms of homeopathy.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      A dose is what is printed on the side of the bottle, whether pills or liquid.

  4. Maureen Nibecker says:

    I completely agree!!! I’ve been using homeopathy for about 5 years and come back to arnica time and again: bump on the head of my child at the park, vertigo after a plane trip, bruising of my arm, overuse of my daughter’s dancing legs, for my son in the ER after a concussion… the list goes on and on! Great insight, Joette!! Thank you.

  5. Jonetta says:

    My daughter recently had a C-section because of complications. After entering the hospital and up until the time she knew it would be a C-section she had been taking Arnica regularly. Two weeks after the surgery, my daughter mentioned that she was always a little early in her recuperation when at the hospital. The nurses often expected healing to take longer than it actually did. She attributes it all to the Arnica.

  6. Nancy Perry says:

    Thank you for this – I too use Arnica for so many things – closest thing to a panacea I’ve ever had experience with!!

  7. Robin Howard says:

    Hi Joette! Buster question. Which dilution do you add to Buster’s water? You said you use the water dilution with him now. Is it the same if I add a dose of Arnica daily to clean water or better to use the water dilution method for my kitty cat?
    Thank you for all you do and I am still singing with you:)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I’ve used both methods and can’t say that one is necessarily more efficacious than another.

  8. Maryann says:

    Thank you for such excellent information! Will the liquid have to be refrigerated? And does it last indefinitely as the pellets do?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I can’t imagine that the pellets nor the liquid last indefinitely. When they go bad, I toss it out and start again.

  9. Maryann says:

    Also, I’ve noticed that some of the Banerji’s protocols use certain meds in liquid form. Can pellet form be just as effective?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      If its important enough, follow the directions.

  10. Valerie says:

    Thank you for this article, Joette. I have been using this arnica remedy from Joepathy which I found on his website: 3 drops of liquid Arnica 6c in 500ml water, shaken 8 times, 1 teaspoon 2D. This is different from what you are using. Is your formula from Dr. Joe a more recent one?
    Now I’m not sure which is the most effective remedy. I would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you for all you do!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      There are different potencies for different conditions. And Joe tells me that he shakes it 10x.
      Additionally, 10 shakes is what I have used for years, except that I succussed it instead of shaking.

      1. Alejandra Blanco says:

        When you dilute one dose of Arnica in 15oz of water do you add some type of alcohol such as vodka to preserve or do you keep the water in the fridge?
        We appreciate your hard work. God bless you.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          If you expect to keep it for a long time, you can do either.

  11. Jami Breitigam says:

    One capful would be a teaspoon, not a tablespoon.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      This would depend on the size of your cap. If yours is a teaspoon, take 3.

  12. Megan says:

    On the Helios website I see oral liquid (23% alcohol), medicating potency, oral liquid (10% alcohol), LM liquid, and mother tincture. Which one should I order? Thank you! I look forward to trying this.

  13. Courtney says:

    Hi Joette! Great blog! My stepdad keeps telling me I need to be taking aspirin to make sure I don’t get blood clots after having covid last year etc. I finally told him two days ago I’m taking arnica instead of aspirin. Tonight I opened my inbox and see this blog! I feel like that’s a good sign!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Read my article “My Dad and the Dead Cardiologists” describing how I got my father off of aspirin.

      1. Andrea says:

        Great info and very timely! My husband, children and I just had covid. Our children are ages 1 month – 9 years. Would it be one tablespoon of the Joepathy arnica for a dose for my children as well? Or would it be better to follow the WAPF article with arnica 6x twice daily? How long does one take the arnica in this post-covid situation?

      2. Courtney says:

        It’s crazy how you learn new stuff even when you’ve read it before. I’ve probably read that article 3 times… just read it again and connected even more dots! Thank you, as always for everything you do! I honestly was curious if other people have put that connection together w Arnica and aspirin, then right there in the article it says where u switched the aspirin to arnica. This is the kind of stuff that makes me excited!😍

  14. Katja says:

    what form of Arnica should be bought for this method from Helios Pharmacy: Oral liquid (23% alc.), Oral Liquid (10% alc.), LM liquid (10% alc.) or Mother tincture?
    Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      The potency is included in the downloadable remedy card.

      1. Victoria MacBain says:

        I have tried several time and hav not received the download able card. Never had trouble before

  15. Mary D says:

    The liquid dilutions in alcohol can also be purchased from http://www.beehealthyhomeopathic.com in Virginia.

  16. Melanie says:

    Could putting the pills into water and adding a bit of brandy work just as well? I have a ton of arnica 30, just not in the liquid form.

    1. Hélène says:

      Ok I see this above comment will cause contention. Pls delete it. Thx

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

        no problem.

    2. Debra says:

      Somewhere on the Joepathy site, he advises that if you can’t get the liquid arnica, then use 8 pellets in 500 ml bottle of water.

  17. Stephen says:

    Hi Joette a question about Joe DeLivera and his Arnica 30 Wet Dose is this something that you will be taking the rest of your life as he does? also i sent an email to your office about a show of hands blog i hope you got to read it about my horse just amazing please read if you have not thank you so much

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I can’t say that I’ll be doing so forever but that’s the idea.
      ‘Looking forward to hearing about Mr. Ed.

      1. Stephen says:

        I have already sent an email and received a reply from Eileen Tomasello so please ask her so you can read it i use homeopathic remedies always now since that wonderful day when my horse came back from the dead

      2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

        Here’s the story that you sent to my office. And they call homeopathy placebo!
        ” I had a horse many years ago who had stopped eating and was playing in his water bucket. not a good sign for a horse… a sign that he was heading to death’s door. I had the vet come when this first happened and he gave him a bunch of drugs and later said no more could be done. as a last-ditch effort, I called a friend who apparently REALLY knew what to do. I gave the horse a total of 4 doses 15 minutes apart of a homeopathic that my friend recommended. To my amazement, after the second dose, the horse walked straight over to his feed tin and started eating!!

        He lived a long life after all that. The remedy contained Aconite Arnica & China.
        Homeopathics are the best and safest mode for healing.
        Please share the story.


  18. Alex says:

    Hello Joette,

    Thank you for your wonderful blog articles. Is this wet Arnica 30 protocol more efficient than the dry Arnica 3 protocol (instead of aspirin) for potential blockages and heart issues? When would you employ one over the other?

    Also, is the wet Arnica 30 beneficial overall as a prophylactic for teens?

    Thank you.

  19. TJ says:

    And the ‘when in doubt’ can be a play on words as well – arnica is a great remedy for those who ‘doubt they need help’… This will often help them embrace the idea of getting help!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:


  20. sharon says:

    Can you provide link to purchase book from their site? I clicked the link provided and still can’t find a way to purchase.

  21. Hélène says:

    I find it highly telling his moniker is Joepathy and ur name is Joette. No coincidences in this reality!
    Thx so much for introducing me to Joe and to making arnica water. An ND we once saw had me make a water for my daughter to sip. The cup needs to be tossed daily though? Seems a waste to make up so much at a time but I suppose there’s no way to use less than a pellet a time.
    I can find nothing on impetigo here on the blog. I don’t recall it in the Gateway course either 🥺

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      It should not be tossed out daily. Use it until its empty and start again as needed.
      I agree with the name coincidence, particularly since Joe DeLivera and I have become friends.

  22. Rose says:

    > “Joepathy is the first homeopath…”

    To clarify, Joe De Livera is not a homeopath. This is not to take away from the success he has had, and continues to have, with his way of practising homeopathy – ‘Joepathy’.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      What is your definition of a homeopath?

      1. Rose says:

        Formally speaking, professional qualifications in homeopathy and accredited to treat patients.

  23. Margaret says:

    Thank so much for the info! I purchased the liquid arnica 30ch in ethanol. It does not say how many drops are a “dose”. How many drops of this liquid arnica would I add to the water. Thank you Ms Joette 🙂

  24. Marie says:

    Hello, I bought the homeopathy kit from you a few years ago and I have a question. The pellets are so small, how do you get them out of the bottles easier? The ones I have bought from the store were always bigger. They are so hard to use. Any tips?

    Thank you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Pour them back and forth from the cap to the bottle until you get the number you want.

      1. Kerri Ramirez says:

        A little tip My husband showed me, that if you twist the bottle while pouring only one of two will come out at a time.

  25. Marie says:

    I have the Arnica 30 C and the dose says 4 drops in a teaspoon of water 3 times per day. So with this method would I put 12 drops in the 15 ounces of water then take a capful at night?

    Thank you in advance

  26. David says:

    I’ve been exploring Joepathy sincre you brought it to our attention and would like to know if your more lenient view of coffee consumption (if it’s a part of one’s life it shouldn’t antidote) carries over to this method, where Joe is absolute about eliminating it. Thank you for for everything! (Unless of course I really must give up coffee…).

  27. Rosanne Fischer says:

    I read recently somewhere on Joe’s blog where he backs off a bit from his adamancy re: coffee. He says he intended it for Americans who gobble up 10 cups or more a day, that a cup or two esp if part of everyday life should not do harm. Perhaps in a search for acne treatment or at the tag end of February archives which run on to present time? That’s where I’ve been spending quite a bit of time.

  28. Andrea Farrell says:

    Hello again Joette, okay this question might seem daft but I hope you can clarify the answer.
    Add 30c Arnica to a bottle of spring water, shake for 10 x take one spoonful and one at night. Good plan I refridgerated the Water. How long is that bottle of water going to last, given that most things go off, stale, unsafe after so many days. Can I really keep that water until its finished?
    Some homeopaths say the dose is already in the bottle refil with tap water and repeat. the process.
    Would you suggest a fresh bottle of spring water and a fresh dose when the first bottle has depleted.
    I have looked on line for answers but no one is offering the answer I need.
    Thirdly can you take a Wet Dose of Arnica twice a day and other homeopathics as required re your Blog caring for your lovely Mom.
    okay no more questions I do apologise for all the questions, hope to hear from you xxx

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Keep it for as long as it doesn’t go bad.
      A fresh bottle is a good plan.
      A schedule of rems may indeed include Arnica as well as others.

  29. Andrea Farrell says:

    Thanks Joette,
    Greatly appreciate your help and insight and advice. xxx Andrea

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      The pleasure is mine, Andrea.

  30. Stephen says:

    Hi Joette can you please give me an update on your experience on taking Arnica 30 wet dose as per Joe DeLivera if you are still taking it

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I took it for a while and then stopped. And now that I think of it, I can’t remember why I stopped.
      I know.
      ‘Not very scientific.

      1. Stephen says:

        Hi Joette I read a lot of your articles and there is none better I see by your reply you no longer take Arnica 30 Wet Dose but if I may ask does your father still take Arnica 6x twice daily instead of Aspirin which I read about how your father outlived a bunch of cardiologists I have read this blog more than 10 times love the feeling I get from reading it warms my heart father and loving daughter if there were more families like yours the world would be a better place thank you

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          My father passed away 3 years ago at the age of 90. Many thanks for your kind words.

  31. Edina says:

    Hi Joette,

    How do you antidote topical arnica gel?

    Thank you.

      1. Edina says:

        Thank you! Very good article! I did use a dose of camphor 200, washed it with peppermint soap, but I think what actually helped was Epsom salt soak. It was a swelling issue, not a rash.

  32. Stephen says:

    Sorry Joette I didn’t know my apologies all the best to you and all your loved ones

  33. Kevin says:

    Dear Joette

    Are you still using arnica in the wet dose or have you taken a break. You said you gave it to your dog. Was it like two doses per day. Did you notice any benefit. I look forward to your response.

  34. Pat Fitzsimmons says:

    Hi Joette, Is taking Arnica 1M potency a few times per week when in severe pain too high of a potency? My friend is awaiting back surgery months down the road for 3 herniated discs and she also suffers from Sciatica, spinal stenosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia (for which yesterday she just started using the suggestions in your Fibromyalgia blog). All at the age of 38! Thanks for all you do! Merry Christmas!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      If it’s acting, it’s not too high.
      If it’s not, it ought to be reassessed and replaced.

  35. Iwona says:

    I’ve found Arnica 30 at Kauai airport two months ago 🙂

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