Search results for: "nux"
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Sometimes, humans just don’t know what’s good for them … or bad. Our widespread societal reliance on technology has its good points (it’s easier to deposit a check digitally or borrow a digital copy of a book from the
Posted in Podcast
IN THIS PODCAST, WE COVER: A Decade of Homeopathic Experience and Still Eager to Learn More 00:58 Introduction Podcast 116 — Moms with Moxie: A Close-Knit Study Group The
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Drug tests. Remember when early radio and television shows closed by saying, “Keep those cards and letters rolling in?” Well, believe me. Cards, letters, emails and phone calls roll into my office every day. In fact, my t
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What good does knowledge about homeopathic medicines do if we don’t have the remedies on hand when they’re needed? Not much. That’s why I encourage my clients and students to create a well-curated homeopathy kit — an
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My friends, will you allow me to gush about my family for a moment? No, I’m not going to pull out my phone and show you a million and two photos of my grandchild. Instead, I want to celebrate the spectacular quality of the
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Socks ✅ Underwear ✅ Toothbrush ✅ When packing for a trip, we all have our must-have lists of items to fill our suitcases. A recent blog reader asked me for a list of homeopathic medicines to include while
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When Baby New Year (or any baby, for that matter) presents with painful colic, nothing is happy. Not the new year, not the baby, not the parents and probably not even the neighbors! But not to worry! As usual, homeopathy stan
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We tend to socialize more during the holidays, wouldn’t you say? Thanksgiving, Passover, Christmas, New Year’s and all the other end-of-year occasions are a focal point for family and friends to get together
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Many schools are back in session, but some folks are still having a swell summer. By “swell,” I mean that certain people are experiencing swelling in the crazy heat and humidity blanketing the Northern Hemisphere.
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Hello, my fellow moms! Happy Mother’s Day! I hope your family is celebrating you, or you’re celebrating your own mom. There is nothing more heartwarming than having our children surround us. Did your family give yo
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One of my favorite things about homeopathy — and truthfully, there are so many — is that it is an equal-opportunity medical paradigm! Whether the sufferer is a baby or a grandfather, a mom or a mouse, homeopathy has been
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“What? I’m sorry, did you say something? My mind was wandering because I just didn’t get a good night’s sleep.” Boy, if you had a nickel for every time you’ve heard someone say that … or even said it your
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