What Do Sniffles and Shoulders Have in Common? Sanguinaria

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy


Homeopathy is grand.

If you don’t believe me, pick up a materia medica and start reading. The depth and breadth of these medicines are endlessly fascinating.

If you don’t already own a materia medica, you might consider one I wrote specifically with you in mind. Mine is not as daunting as a professional materia media, which often comprises a couple thousand pages of thin Bible paper. Indeed, A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families contains the most commonly utilized homeopathic medicines, and it’s written in plain English. (Well, Western New York English … my language.)

It’s a jam-packed spiral-bound book designed to familiarize you with medicines your family might require — quickly, easily and affordably. It occurs to me that it might make an excellent Christmas gift!

Once you fall into the pages of a materia medica, your appreciation of these medicines will intensify.

For instance, let’s look at Sanguinaria canadensis. This medicine, prepared from the bloodroot herb, is chiefly known for affecting the mucus membranes of the head and respiratory system. In fact, I’ve written about it extensively in the past for sinus headaches, sinus infections, allergies, loss of taste and smell, and even sleep apnea.

In addition to those acute conditions, it has also been shown to address chronic hay fever, nasal polyps and rhinitis (a chronic runny nose).

It’s no wonder we’re adding Sanguinaria to our list of must-have medicines to include in a well-curated homeopathy kit.

But today, I’d like to detail yet another potential condition for which Sanguinaria may be considered: right-sided shoulder pain.

See what I mean? Isn’t homeopathy grand?

Meet Vanessa, who’s had pain and achy tendons in her right shoulder. Even putting her hair in a ponytail caused her to wince. She’s suffered from this ailment for about 15 years, thinking there was nothing to do except buck up and soldier through the pain.

Then she heard about homeopathy — specifically, Practical Homeopathy® — and she became my client.

After we unsuccessfully tried more commonly used protocols for shoulder pain, Vanessa finally got a specific diagnosis: a torn rotator cuff.

So, I returned to my repertory “armed” — if you’ll pardon the pun — with new information. When there isn’t a specific protocol or the protocol doesn’t act, returning to the repertory is what everyone should do. Sanguinaria caught my eye. Then, I turned to the materia medica of one of the great masters of homeopathy, Dr. William Boericke. Upon further study, there it was:Rheumatism of right shoulder … Rheumatic pains in places least covered by flesh; not in joints.”

Indeed, her pain was not within the joint itself — not stemming from the bones. Vanessa was experiencing muscle and tendon pain in her right shoulder in a place “least covered by flesh.” (I love that phrase. It’s so impeccably descriptive. I encourage all of my students to read the masters. Their command of language as they share their knowledge is enlightening and intellectually delicious.)

Joette Calabrese, Sniffles


Vanessa began a schedule of Sanguinaria canadensis 200, twice daily. Would you be surprised to learn that her 15-year-old malady has softened to a mere occasional annoyance rather than a constant ache? She can put a ponytail in her hair without pain — not even a tweak.

More bold movements — such as lifting something heavy with an outstretched arm — will still induce a wince. So, Vanessa will continue with Sanguinaria until it has completed its work. However, she knows full well to stop this medicine when its work is complete.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: Homeopathy is not a supplement that one takes forever. Indeed, we stop utilizing a medicine when the condition improves. If it recurs, we begin the medicine again.

Conversely, we also stop the medicine if no improvement is observed (after giving the medicine ample time to act, of course).

What I’m saying is, for all its grandness, homeopathy is not to be misused willy-nilly.

But if you were to ask Vanessa if she believes in the power of homeopathy, I bet she’d raise her hand — her right hand — because she can do that now without pain.

Pass on the good news of homeopathy!


Joette Calabrese



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12 thoughts on “What Do Sniffles and Shoulders Have in Common? <i>Sanguinaria</i>”

  1. I had already read about Sanguinaria and sleep apnea, watery eyes, headaches and now shoulder pain and sniffles. But does it have restless unrefreshing sleep with bad dreams? Because in searching for a remedy this is a significant symptom. Yes, I need another Materia medica but I cant afford it, sadly.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      Homeopathic materia medicas are free on line.
      Dr. William Boericke, Dr Phatak, Dr. James Tyler Kent.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      Ailments from injuries is one big, fat, well-known, common homeopathic medicine that if you give a little extra thought to you might just come up with.

  2. Thanks for the info, as always!

    I’ve been reading about the mysterious pneumonia that’s affecting children in China and would love to stock up on some remedies. I’m wondering if you’d be willing to suggest some that are good to have on hand?

    The symptoms are:
    A very high temperature
    Sweating and shivering
    Rapid heartbeat
    Sharp, stabbing chest pain
    Quick, shallow breaths
    Breathlessness at rest
    A dry, irritable cough
    Delirium or confusion

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      ‘Sounds like the list of any garden variety flu. I urge you to not take the scare tactics promulgated by governmetns, pharaceutical industry and media seriously.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      We all need the reminder from time to time. Images of children in hospitals is certainly a trigger for all of us.

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