Mindful Homeopathy Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia… Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions. These are my favorites that I guarantee you’ll use. I created an infographic to give you hope that real, safe, efficacious alternatives to chemical drugs exist. Click here and read more. This infographic contains some of my favorite remedies that I guarantee you’ll use. |
I’ve recently been embroiled in a family conflict. I won’t bore you with the details, but you might be comforted to know that I, too, have a couple of crazies in my family who cause conflict, just like everyone else does.
For those of us who have families large enough to be able to pick and choose who we associate and spend time with, we know that when the “crazy” behavior erupts, the best course of action is to tune them out and move on.
But sometimes this is hard to do, and what follows is the chatter in your head that won’t shut off. You know the kind; the he-said-this-so-I-should’ve-said-that chatter.
But we (you and I) have a secret weapon.
We know that when things get out of control in our heads we can soften it, calm it down, and sometimes even halt it altogether.
And halt it is just what I did. I used my homeopathy, and I was able to concentrate (happily) without a thought of the meaninglessness of the conflict. Instead, I spent the next many days on vacation with my husband and we barely discussed the situation at all.
What’s the remedy I like best for this?
Ignatia 200. (See below for a special discount code BoironUSA has graciously extend to my readers of this blog).
I know. You’re probably asking, “I thought Ignatia is used for grief and anxiety?” And I was not experiencing that.
The answer to that is, not always. Ignatia is also a first-rate medicine for when there’s a conflict in your life and it's taking up too much space in your brain.
For me personally, some prayer is also called for. I make a point of not making this blog a religious one, but since my faith is an important aspect of who I am, I can’t help but make note that Ignatia is named after the founder of the Jesuit order, Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Oh, those saints. If nothing else, they’re an inspiration.
And to have a homeopathic medicine named after one of the most important ones is significant.
So here’s what I did:
I took a dose of Ignatia 200 twice on the day of the conflict and repeated it for the next few days.
As you know, one reminder to take a homeopathic is the symptoms. In other words, if I didn’t have the chatter in my head, it would have been easy to overlook it was needed.
And that’s just what happened to me. After a few doses, I no longer needed Ignatia. Concurrently, I simply forgot to take it anymore. And so far, I haven't needed to.
Thank you, St. Ignatia, and thank you homeopathy.
BoironUSA has graciously created a special checkout code for me to give to you: Joette. As of this writing, this code will take 20 percent off any order and shipping is free if you spend over $50 or more (after the discount is applied).
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I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
I am so pleased you wrote this! This happens to me also and although prayer is my most often go-to on it, there are certainly times when I really need something more. Very very useful for me. I had no idea I could use Ignatia this way. THANK YOU.
Hi Joette:
I have a kit and it only has 30C and wondered if this would be as effective or would I need to take more. I just in the last 2 days had an incident with a family member that left me doing brain chatter and it was simply awful and so this post was very appropriate for my situation at present. I put one of the 30C under my tongue but did want to know for future events if I absolutely needed the 200C. My website is traditionalcook dot com but I could not get it to populate in the area below the reply. I am also a Traditional Catholic and prayer, especially the Rosary is a very important piece of my daily life.
Gorgeous! (The Catholic part.) As for potency, 30 might help but 200 is usually spot on.
May I ask you if Ignatia 200 means Ignatia 200CH or Ignatia 200CK? Do you mean the 200th Hannehman dilution or the 200th Korsakow dilution? I know that the two dilutions (CH, or CK) are different. Thanks.
Either potency will do. I like them both.
Joette, you recommended Ignatia to me during a phone consultation, and I have found it very helpful ever since, for exactly what you describe. Often I take it at night if I can’t turn off obsessive thinking. The words you used “soften” and “calm” perfectly describe my experience of Ignatia. Thank you!
Yes, and your words “obsessive thinking” are a good way of describing the chatter.
Homeopathy is the gift that keeps on giving!
Hello my old friend Barbara. I hope you are well.
Thank you! I need this from time to time — I’m laid back but if something really gets in my craw as they say, it runs deep for me. And I’m glad you mention your faith, too. I know some people tend to think homeopathy is very new-agey but I feel like God has used it (and people willing to educate about it, like you) to bless my life more than any other substance ever created, used in conjunction with prayer, too.
Its the perfect combination: homeopathy and prayer. What would real medicine be without pure intention?
Joette, you already know that Ignatia was a life-saver to me! Grief from disappointment and family conflict is very hard to go through and Ignatia helped me tremendously to get back to a place of calm. It didn’t even take hardly any doses to work! I always keep it around just in case. I’m so thankful to you for helping me through a difficult time in my life and years later it is even hard to imagine the place where I was when I needed it! I had to comment because this has been my favorite remedy of all for this very reason!
Bethany, I’m so happy to hear that you are doing well and that homeopathy has played an important role. My best to you and your family.
Thank you, Joette! This is exactly what I need since I have been having a summer long “chatter in my head” situation with some of my relatives. I had no idea Ignatia could be used for this too. One of the things I love about you is that you mention your faith, especially since we have the same Faith in common, and I am glad to know the information you shared about Ignatia being named after St. Ignatius of Loyola. God bless you!
I’m really glad you wrote this Joette. I did not realize that Ignatia could do this either. What a joy to find! Saint Ignatius, pray for us. 🙂 +
I love your last sentence.
Where’s the Like button? 🙂
I should keep some Ignatia on the bedside table!
Question: if you’ve got to attend a gathering and you know the difficult people will be stirring up trouble, would it be helpful to take Ignatia beforehand?
Thank you, Joette!
If when they stir up trouble you are put out of sorts, then yes you might just give this a try.
Thank you. I don’t know what I call noise in my head is what you call chatter. The noise is so uncomfortable that I will try Ignatia 200. Again, thank you.
Same stuff! Good luck.
Family conflicts usually involve both grief and anxiety….a perfect fit.
Very timely! Thank you so much… I’d been using Bach remedies to help deal with this sort of issue, but I absolutely will remember this for the future!
Thanks, this is very helpful. I often experience “chattering”. I have used Ignatia for loss and grief in the past and love this remedy. I always used the “x” strength remedies to be on the safe side, sometimes just dropping one pellet in a glass of water to sip.
My son died this summer and I’m using Aconitum alternating with Ignatia. I’m feeling stunned, at a loss, very confused and grief stricken. Please suggest proper doses and administration. Thank you so much for your newsletter. I’m sending you much love and appreciation.
Margaret, My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with you and your family.
For extreme situations, I have used Ignatia 1M twice daily to help take the edge off. When my aunt died, my uncle was hyperventilating and became delusional. He had no evidence of it previously. He kept thinking he saw her laying on the couch. I gave him Ignatia 1M every 6 hours for the 1st few days and then every 12 hours after that until the delusions slipped away.
Thank you and, thank you for your kind thoughts. Homeopathy is so helpful. When I find a remedy that works as well as Ignatia for grief, I don’t understand how people can disregard this as a medical treatment. Perhaps some need to be wacked on the head or punched in the stomach with side effects before they recognize that something is happening. Unfortunately, in my experience those wacks and punches have proven to be unhelpful and unnecessary often to the point of being dangerous to my health. I love your work
God bless you, Margaret for your fortitude.
The Ignatia is helpful but I have started involuntary vocalizations like, “Oh God” or “S–t!” It’s very disturbing and I have done this in public and once while waiting on the phone. When I realize it, I apologize and explain but I don’t always catch myself. Can you suggest something?
Joette – Is the strange side effect that Margaret experienced due to ignatia? If so, that would be a deal breaker for me and I would need to go to the next remedy. Thanks!
No side effects in homeopathy.
Thank you for the (very quick) reply and info. I’m learning as quickly as I can and homeopathy is becoming an obsession for me. As soon as I start having successes, I’ll be all in!
After the delusions slipped away, would you switch to Ignatia 200c 2D for a period of time?
If the previous medicine acts, we don’t abandon it.
Thank you Joette! God must have sent your blog post on this subject at the very moment when I needed it the most! I had just arrived at the shore for a much-needed family vacation on 8/7 but that chatter in my mind replaying an upsetting conversation with my closest friend was brain luggage I did not need to drag along on this trip. Luckily I had brought my remedies with me and I had ignatia 200! I quickly mixed up a remedy bottle (this is my preferred way of dosing) and took a sip before heading to the beach with my family. Besides the toes in the water/sand effect, my brain was finally calm. I followed your protocol and within a few days I forgot to take it again, it must have been a remedy I needed at a deeper level because I was recovering from kidney cyst surgery and it also wiped out the lingering post-surgery symptoms. I am home now and wanted to post a comment because I am so thankful you posted that blog entry at the moment you did. I have my full energy and physical mobility back and no longer suffer from the “rewind, repeat” chatter in my mind. I also share a deep faith and hold to the hope that He will provide when you most need the help. I recently signed up for your study group and am looking forward to this new learning adventure in September!!
Thank you Joette. I am ordering this and will take with an intercession to St. Ignatia. Love your blogs and also signed up for the study group. Would this work for anxiety prone pets too? My son has his dog on Prozac.
A dog on Prozac? I didn’t know they gave that to dogs. Its a great remedy for dog anxiety. BUster gets it twice daily when my husband is out of town.
If someone seems to be doing better on aurum (for 1 month) for severe depression, but still has persistent anxiety, would you ever then use ignatia for the anxiety in tandem with the aurum? I know she recommends choosing between the two in the Allergic class.
I find that Aurum will often clear anxiety if given enough time.
This is going to be very helpful in the future. Sometimes my mind gets cluttered. When taking a remedy how long does it take to know if it is going to work?
Thank you St Ignatia, and thank YOU Joette!
Amazing..isn’t it?
Ignatia 200 2D has helped me tremendously. It helps my irrational fears, anxieties, seasonal sadness and it does help with calmness. As someone who is prone to anger easily, I can attest that Ignatia helps with this as well. Prayer is my first go to, but Homeopathy is what kicks all the symptoms butts! (Can I say that here? :->)
You bet you can! So happy to hear of your success.
joette would this help for depression stressed anxieties and suspicious mind and paranoia or is this is to complicated for you to help on line its for a friend not me thank you
What I love about homeopathy is that it’s possible to give a remedy a try for a few weeks and watch for improvement or not. If none, then stop, Camphor 200(if there’s time) and move on to another.
ok thank you I will
Hi, I noticed that you also cover delusions, schizophrenia and paranoia on your Mindful Homeopathy course. Could these protocols on your course bring about a full resolution of something like paranoid schizophrenia? Or if not, have you seen these results in one to one consultations?
Thank you
I have witnessed full resolution in some but that doesn’t mean that any modality, including homeopathy, can take a case to full, unremitted cure.
Thank you for yor response. If a resolution is possible for that person using homeopathy, would this be possible through using protocols on your course or would they need to work with you 1-1? Thank you
I urge folks to learn as much as they can and give it a good try on their own and if the results are not fruitful to consider working one on one. It often depends on the severity and complexity of the case, such as whether the person is and has been on psychotropic and other drugs.
Thank you for your response :). I definitely have many of your courses on my ‘to purchase’ list and look forward to trying them out.
Have been Tremendously helped by your Perimenopause Webinar and Infographic you gave , Big Thank you ?and Gratitude ?Sepia n pulsatilla are really helping most Perimenopause Hormonal Imbalance transition symptoms n then I read about your Ammonium carbonicum dose too ,taking them now but Sleep hasn’t been helped at all n Any Homeopathy Medicines I try for sleep in fact makes me wide awake after 1 st dose?!is if a Hormonal Reaction?n why only Sleep is not Healing, when other symptoms are slowly Easing Off?
I am new to homeopathy and I wanted to know what one would take for someone who has had a psychotic break and hasn’t recovered from it. They took. The same medication that you would take for schizophrenia for a year and had to come off of it because their sugar went to high. They have been off of the medication for a few months and they are still experiencing a very active mind. Their cognitive state continues to change. Their mind is not stable and consistent.
I don’t give personal advice on this forum. And for the sake of your understanding of homeopathy this article https://joettecalabrese.com/blog/anxiety-when-the-elevator-flies-to-the-top/
could be of use to you to get started. Should you need more, feel free to go to my online course, Mindful Homeopathy.