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Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

May 9th, 2022  |  35 Comments

Joette Calabrese

“Be careful with that stick, or you’ll poke your eye out!” Have you ever said something to that effect?

Yep, guilty as charged. Right? Unfortunately, we moms tend to create common expressions out of worst-case scenarios.

How about this one? “Don’t cross your eyes, or they’ll get stuck that way!”

Okay, okay. One might experience muscle fatigue from too much eye-crossing, but I’ve never heard of anyone actually getting their eyes stuck!

However, there is a medical condition of crossed eyes called strabismus. Some call this condition by the vernacular term “cross-eyed.” But in truth, strabismus also includes many different manifestations of eye misalignment.

Joette Calabrese

It’s estimated that about 5% of pre-school children exhibit some degree of strabismus. The condition can be subtle, or it can be pronounced, forcing the sufferer to squint in order to see adequately. However, in cases where the eyes do not track together correctly, the “binocular effect” of normal 3-D vision may be adversely impacted and even lost.

Strabismus can result from damage, synthetic drugs, muscle weakness, or even serve as a manifestation of other medical conditions. So, it’s important — as always — to get a diagnosis. However, there is no need to panic that surgery will be required.

There are several homeopathic medicines that we might call upon to address strabismus, either alone or with or without surgery. Of course, this blog format does not allow enough time for a complete education on all the potential medicines, so let me share two and some of my ideas surrounding them.

Today is a lesson on how to choose a homeopathic medicine when we have to differentiate between a couple of choices. So, there will be no remedy card with specifics.

The first medicine that one might consider is Argentum nitricum. Given that this medicine has sweeping effects on the eyes in general, we ought to at least consider it in the running. So, we’re more or less extrapolating from a general eye protocol medicine.

Using the homeopathic method, we strive to keep medicine schedules tidy by observing other pathologies that might influence the medicine choice. This is done by using a homeopathic repertory as well as a couple of materia medicas. Indeed, if we can uncover another clue about the sufferer’s total picture — even something that doesn't necessarily relate to the eyes, such as mental, emotional or general symptoms — it may help pinpoint the best homeopathic medicine for the specific condition of strabismus.

For instance, does the individual also suffer from anxiety or muscle spasms?

Those “seemingly” unrelated pathologies can all be clues to which Strabismus remedy would be most appropriate.

So, for instance, if I have discerned that the person suffers from anxiety, then Argentum nitricum might very well be especially warranted, as it addresses both strabismus and anxiety — wrapping two pathologies in one tidy package!

If the eyes shutter or spasm, that would be a slam dunk for my second-choice medicine for strabismus: Cuprum metallicum. Why? Because Cuprum also addresses spasms!

So, even if the sufferer commonly experiences muscle spasms in another part of the body (such as leg cramps or twitching), I would still lean towards Cuprum rather than Argentum for the simple reason that its a more inclusive choice.

If they’ve had a head injury, I would also lean towards Cuprum for the strabismus condition because Cuprum is a particularly good medicine for head injuries.

Do you see how this works? We strive for a neat, tidy package. We choose a homeopathic medicine that benefits not only the primary pathology but also addresses any secondary issues.

Ophthalmologists warn that if left untreated, strabismus can lead to another condition called amblyopia (the medical term for a lazy eye), leading to loss of sight.

So, it's important, as always to work with a medical doctor who has your best interest at heart.

But we need not panic. Homeopathy has a history of addressing this and a myriad of other conditions without side effects.

Remember to pass on the good news of homeopathy! We can’t keep this medicine to ourselves. You owe it to your family, friends and community to share the knowledge that you’ve learned!



Joette Calabrese



P.S. How does one determine which potential homeopathic medicines are best in any given situation if there is no specific protocol to follow? Why, with a materia medica, of course. I’ve written an accessible materia medica covering over 150 of the most used homeopathic medicines.

Why do I call it “accessible?” A typical materia medica can be thousands of pages written in a homeopathic language that takes a bit of education to fully and instinctually appreciate.

Instead, my materia medica is written like this blog post — in my everyday language with my stories and examples.

But I don’t consider it simply for entry-level students. No! Even those who have studied homeopathy will appreciate my materia medica’s clinical examples, illustrations and ease of use. After all, we don’t always need thousands of pages when we can find the answer more readily in A Materia Medica: Practical Homeopathy® for Busy Families.




Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


35 thoughts on “Strabismus”

  1. Marni says:

    Dear Joette, this post is a treasure to me. My daughter, who just turned 3 years old, was born with strabismus.

  2. Sharon Reeve says:

    Vaccines caused my son’s Strabismus

    1. Amanda says:

      Same, Sharon. I didn’t make that mistake with my younger children.

      1. theresa says:

        I initially suspected vaccines caused the strabismus in my first-born, but then my second son developed strabismus within the first few months of life as well, even though he wasn’t vaccinated at all. My guess is that my imbalanced microbiome via birth and nursing influenced this. We figured out later on that something in chocolate(maybe theobromine) caused their eyes to straighten temporarily. The health of the gut plays a key role…….lots of neurotransmitters within it!

  3. Wanda Kaluzny says:

    Wow, that’s amazing! Is there also a remedy for astigmatism? Thank you for your blogs and courses — they have changed my life!

  4. Sarah says:

    is there a homeopathic remedy for amblyopia?
    Is there a difference if the child was born with strabismus?
    Thank you so much for bringing up this topic I’ve been trying to find a remedy for so long. Is this in any of your courses?

  5. Karen says:

    Since Argentum nitricum is a sweeping eye medicine, would it also be for eye inflammation? Or would this be leaning more towards Euphrasia? Could you extrapolate using Argentum nitricum for mucous on the eye or an inflamed eye (not conjunctivitis)? Or even for a dog’s protruding cherry eye?

  6. Jenn says:

    Joette, thank you SO MUCH! Now I know my daughter’s crossed eye may be related to her random leg cramps. And maybe, in time and with work, we can lose the glasses…

  7. Debbie says:

    Does the materia medica give other remedies for strabismus along with dosages? I’d really like to find a way to treat this for my daughter. This blog post is a good place to start, but I’d like more details and don’t know the best place to get them.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      A materia medica doesn’t include potencies and frequencies. This is what I often teach here on the blog and specifically in my online courses found here:
      Also, I urge you to consider joining one of my online study groups, Gateway to Homeopathy. You’ll meet others of like mind and learn how to treat your family. https://joettecalabrese.com/tag/gateway-to-homeopathy-study-group/

      1. Barbara Jones says:

        How do I join a study group?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          Here you go!

          OR you may call my office and speak to Eileen.

          1. Barbara Jones says:

            How do I cal your office? I don’t know the number since you moved.

          2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

            Click on the “contact” button at the bottom of the main page of JoetteCalabrese.com

  8. Sarah says:

    Will you be posting a recipe card link for this?

  9. Amanda says:

    My family learned the hard way that surgery is a costly, traumatic, and often temporary fix.

    Vision Therapy is what ultimately made true, lasting healing possible for my son, but OH how I wish I had known about homeopathy at the time! Thank you for sharing this, Joette.

  10. Bethany says:

    Thank you for this Joette! My son who is now 8 just graduated from vision therapy last month (right eye intermittent exotropia at distance), this is quite a feat for anyone. During the hard days of doing his eye exercises he would just stop and look at me and ask, “Don’t you just have a remedy you can give me, Mom?” Thanks to your gateway courses and trainings I’ve obviously been able to help my family, friends and many others (read: strangers). I told him at dinner tonight that you did just post this blog and I’d look into which one to give him. His eyes lit up! (No pun!!)

    In hopes this will help others, I do believe his exotropia developed after his MMR V and I first went to a pediatric ophthalmologist who wanted to do surgery at two years old. We put the brakes on that and got a second opinion from a different pediatric ophthalmologist. He said the same thing, surgery when we’re “sick of looking at it” and that it was “purely cosmetic.” Then I went to an optometrist who said this is the easiest eye issue to treat with vision therapy. I’ve also taken my son to the chiropractor and that’s worked synergistically to help. I’m thankful there’s a 3rd implementation to integrate into his success!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      ‘Great story of a mom with tenacity! Very nice job, Bethany.

    2. Stephanie H says:

      Bethany, my daughter has what your son has. Have you had any luck with any remedies? Would you be willing to contact me please regarding this?

  11. Sheila Cook says:

    Hello Joette, I’ve been reading through your many blogs and sure I saw something about Lymes but searching shows nothing, can you direct me please.
    I’ve found so many great tips here, thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Using your browser, key in words: “Lyme Joette Calabrese”. It’s the way to find many conditions and how to treat them.

      1. Sheila Cook says:

        Thank you, Joette.

  12. sami says:

    Would you consider the same medicine for lazy eye as well?

  13. Jill Oneglia says:

    I am sure eye exercises would be beneficial in aiding the eyes to work together.

  14. monica says:

    do you have a protocol for amblyopia?

  15. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks Joette! I’m scouring all your blogs for eye conditions. My son was born with congenital cataracts and had surgery to remove them. It’s a wait and see to see how his eyes develop and see and I’m trying to learn all I can to be ready for any issues that may pop up on top of his nystagmus that is already there. Strabismus is one that I’m noticing right now, just here and there. I need to go through the remedies and look for what matches best with his whole self. Thanks for this awesome lesson. 🙏

  16. Aslynn says:

    Do you have more information on Hypertropia? I started with a study group Monday! Ordered my books today and will order the materia medica next paycheck.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      If you delve into homeopathy fully, you’ll find medicines that cover e. conditions known to mankind. One way to do this is to own a repertory. Another is to take my courses where we cover eye and vision conditions.

      1. Cynthia says:

        Hi Joette,

        Which specific course covers eye and vision conditions?


        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

          Hi Cynthia,
          The course on vision and eyes is within my Academy. Should you be interested, feel free to call my office 561.537. 5900 and speak to Eileen or Shannon about the Academy of Practical Homeopathy.

  17. Lola says:

    How often do you use Cuprum and Argentum in both protocols

  18. Lola says:

    I am writing again since I want to add to my question, how often and what potency do you use both remedies?

  19. Georgia says:

    What would be the potency are frequency? Is this going to fix the alignment ?

  20. Jessica says:

    My 3 year old daughter has accommodative esotropia. I’ve been working with a homeopath (my teacher – I am finishing up year 1 of my schooling to be a homeopath myself!) to treat her since the spring. I am wondering if it’s best to do multiple forms of treatment to heal, or if homeopathy alone can bring complete healing? We have done chiro, osteo, and I am considering vision therapy, but am hesitant as the 2 ophthalmologists we saw said she needed glasses right away and surgery down the road.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      Why don’t you ask this question of your homeopath/teacher, who intimately knows your case?
      He/she has the whole picture.

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