Mindful Homeopathy Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia… Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions. These are my favorites that I guarantee you’ll use. I created an infographic to give you hope that real, safe, efficacious alternatives to chemical drugs exist. Click here and read more. This infographic contains some of my favorite remedies that I guarantee you’ll use. |
Online pornography: It addicts little boys as young as 9 years old. It breaks up marriages. It’s pervasive.
Unlike other addictions, it rarely comes in through the front door. Instead, it oozes in via internet portals, behind closed bedroom doors.
One method to protect your children (yes, even girls too) is to add an online filter.
When our sons were young and at home, we used SpectorSoft. It told us everything they were up to. At first, we used it without our adolescent son’s knowledge.
Soon, however, it became clear that the only sensible way to be able to do something about behavior was to be open about it. So, we told him we were watching him. Daily.
For anyone who has children in the home (of nearly any age), I urge you to get a good software program as soon as possible, and of course, keep the computers in the family space.
If you suspect an addiction (easily spotted with the software), depending on the age of the child, I’d start by eliminating computer time.
Yes, yes, I know that means taking his world away, but it is a tough-love act that may be necessary. And anyway, there’s more to this world than the internet and computers.
Next, check out this site http://yourbrainonporn.com/ offering far-reaching information on this subject. I don’t have space here to get into all the damaging effects of pornography, but they are serious, and they are legion.
Meanwhile, consider the following:
Fluoric acid 200 is the remedy most frequently used for addictions to sexual activity. It might have been useful for someone like Don Juan, for example.
I’ll be honest, I have no clinical experience with this remedy but it’s partly why I am writing this today-in hopes that if you find that this helps someone, you’ll contact me and let me know. No names needed — just information as to how long it took before seeing positive change, and the degree of change in attitude.
Interestingly, Fluoric acid is specific for severe acne, particularly that which causes scarring. It is not considered for mild to average acne.
Hence, an amalgamation of both a sexual addiction and severe, scarring acne can be considered a call for the use of this remedy.
Fluoric acid has a reputation for aiding those who are promiscuous, so it can be considered when pornography may not be the addiction, but sexual preoccupation is.
After having written abundantly about Nux vomica, it’s fitting to know that these two medicines are quite similar.
They both include people who overwork mentally, and as Roger Morrison states in Desk Top Guide to Homeopathy, people who are “domineering, materialistic with sexual preoccupation”.
The same can be said for those in need of Nux vomica, but we’d most likely choose Fluoric acid 200 for over-sexuality because it is so specific to this condition.
What potency and frequency to choose? My choice would be Fluoric acid 200C, twice weekly for at least two months. Then assess. If there is improvement, even small, then you’ll know that the remedy was well chosen, and it would be worthwhile to continue.
If there is a significant change (and this might be noted in the subject of the conversation), it’s time to stop using the remedy for it has acted. It may need to be taken up in the future but it’s best to allow it to finish its action on its own.
I've studied and used homeopathy for over 29 years, and I’m certain of the power of this medicine to move people in positive ways. I hope this can aid someone in your sphere.
I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Thank you for the newsletter. I have sorely missed your written newsletters these last months. Mary
you’re welcome. I assume the reason you’ve missed them is because of a glitch in the server or some such thing, as I publish every week.
Gallavardin was very successful with Platinum C200. He wrote a famous Book about homeopathy and mental diseases, alcohol addictions etc.
Yes, thank you for this valuable input. I have his book on alcoholism and I considered Platinum.
I just wanted you to know that my 11 year, had started to wet overnight. It was infrequent then it became every night. Not only was it embarrassing for him it was quite a lot of clean up, both for him in the morning before school, and the blankets, etc. that had to be cleaned daily. As a child who wet to bed every single day until the age of 14, I was very excited to see when reading through “How to Raise a Drug Free Family” that there is a cure, and it really is a cure. It worked the very next day! He hasn’t wet since. I didn’t even have to follow up. Sulphur 30 is a winner in my book. 🙂
So happy to hear this. Keep this one in your hip pocket. pls share the blog and homeopathy with others.
So happy to hear! Pls pass on the good news to others.
My sons have struggled with porn issues for years. My oldest who is now 16 yr was exposed to it in 3rd grade when he went to a friend’s house and the introduced it to his brother. We’ve even been through counseling and court due to him acting out sexually on his sister. Just horrible! His personality however is not the picture of someone driven to overwork. Frankly the opposite. His personality is pretty laid back and “phlegmatic”. As it stands now, his world is pretty regulated but adulthood is fast approaching. Will this remedy still be one you might recommend? I need all the tools I can get. Thanks. Love what you’re doing so much. Deeply appreciate you!
I urge you to read up on the remedy by studying your materia medica. You might find that the medicine suits him in other ways that will help you determine its use. Having said this, not every aspect of the medicine needs to correspond to the person. Probably only about 25% but they must be the most noteworthy aspects of the case. Read the comments below. Others have offered their experience with this and other homeopathics that may be of help. One more bit of advice: don’t be frozen with indecision. Do what it takes and should you still be unsure, you might want to consider my online course “Mindful Homeopathy” where I cover this problem in greater detail.
I wish you the best.
Thanks so much! I just got Clarke’s materia medica and will look there as well as the other remedies mentioned in the comments. I’ll check out the course. Do you think something like this warrants a constitutional consult if I’m unable to take the course?
I don’t encourage the constitutional method because the results are too slow. I teach and use practical homeopathy.
Thank you, Joette. Very timely. I will let you know how this works, if I can get the person in question to take it. And than you for the reminder I needed to finally install protective software on all our devices.
Also, phosphorus, natrum sulph, and some biochemic phosphates like natr phos, kali phos, calc phos, etc., will reduce excess desires and even relieve the after-effects like excess guilt and weaknesses from those excesses!
I heard you for the first time on the Essential Oil Revolution — excellent interview even if it wasn’t quite on EOs! lol I’ve been using homeopathic remedies since my oldest was an infant, so over 15 years and it has really been life changing. I’m so glad to have the resource of your site as sometimes I don’t even think about remedies as the children get older and I should with the emotional side of their lives. They’re very healthy (as I discovered the uselessness of those well baby visits myself and pretty much only use health care as emergency/urgent care), but I do have some teens now and there are aspects of their lives where they can use assistance to be balanced.
Anyway, I will be picking up Fluoric Acid tomorrow as my oldest is open about his struggle with pornography and has continually asked us for help. I can only be grateful for that and certainly for your timely article. Thank you.
The reason I offer a more fleshed out discussion on Floric acid is because that is when the personality is taken to an extreme. Regardless of the personality, I’d still consider this remedy for someone in my family suffering from this condition.
i am very thankful that you decide to write on this topic. I started the habit of writing questions down with the faith that once asked the answers will come. My first question I wrote was “Is there a natural solution for my son’s addiction to pornography?” This is the second answer to my question I have found which gives me much hope. I am also grateful for your recommendation of adding filters to our devices. But I am hoping to pick your brain a bit more on the homeopathics you suggested. My son is not domineering or materialistic by nature, nor has he ever had a girlfriend(he is 16), so I’m not sure that Fluoric Acid, from your description above, would be the best option for his personality. He is very tender and sweet, but has come to us and admitted he is struggling with pornography and has for many yrs. he says he can go months even yrs without watching. He is very hard on himself and even refuses to start dating because he doesn’t trust himself to be honorable towards girls. I want to help him in any way I can by giving him as many tools as I can. So if you have any insight I would be very grateful.
I’m delighted to be a small catalyst in your life.
My husband took Nux Vomica (He also drinks wine daily) and it has helped him with his pornography habit of over 10 years.
Yes. Excellent! Nux vomica has a history of showing similar results, particularly when there is substance abuse or overuse.
You recommend, “What potency and frequency to choose? My choice would be Fluoric acid 200C, twice weekly for at least two months.”
Is that one tablet of Fluoric acid 200C, twice weekly?
Read the label of the bottle you have. The number of pills is indicated as to what comprises a dose.
Interesting discussion, looking also for not remedies that address it specifically but also related rubrics in our repertories. Many rubrics could be updated for our times for problems such as those fitting gender confusion, sexual abuse and porn addiction.
I have seem benefit from Staphisagria which fits well and possibly Medorrhinum as well. Flouric Acid is good but also the whole person remains pertinent of course.
Appreciate your addressing this issue as its seems huge world wide.
I also consider the abstraction and refuge from intimacy directly and those remedies that can work alongside counseling of some kind to encourage fuller venturing into and return to real life so to speak.
Yes. Your input and experience is appreciated. I also believe that, at least in western countries that the diminishing importance of the family and marriage has also contributed to this.
I have found Staphysagria to be wonderful for porn addictions, or for a variety of sexual issues like masturbation, especially with suppressed anger/stress. Definitely one to consider.
Yes, thanks for your input.
Can you please tell me the strength of the Staphysagria?
To what are you referencing?
What does of this remedy is appropriate, how often and for how long? Thanks.
Read the article carefully. Your answers are there.
Thanks. So I can assume the twice weekly dosage applies to staphysagria as well.
My daughter gave her 18 year old boyfriend Fluoric Acid 200 and Nux Vomica 200 to take 2x per week for 2-3 months. He has been addicted to pornography since age 13.
That was 4 months ago and he has not looked at it even a single time since she first gave him the homeopathics. He said he has lost his desire for pornography. Only 1 time in the last 4 months was he even tempted. Absolutely miraculous!!!! Homepathy WORKS!
I couldn’t be happier for all! It may need to be repeated from time to time.
Is Fluoric acid sold as Hydrofluoricum acid?
Joette, since your original post, have you had any clinical use and success with Fluoric acid that you could share with us? Do you think the July 21, 2017 post ( by reader Lisa H.) is typical?
I have seen it help some and not others. I’ve also used Nux vomica with good results but you might want to read some of the comments. There were some good suggestions made if Floric acid doesn’t help.
Glad to pass this info on… thank you, as always. I am leading a study course right now and in this age of computers and handheld devices, it is a timely subject. Do you suggest Nux Vom 30 or 200? and good to take alongside your Flouric 200? Much thanks for all you do…
I’d chose one or the other (NV or FA). Whichever you choose, I find 200 to best for this situation.
So happy to hear you’re leading a study group. I’m sure you have realized that you learn a ton when you do that.
Yes, I have told so many about your groups. I was a Gateway I & II student and now doing an online one with ladies from all over the country. I have told many about YOU, in general, too… One last question about this blog topic – would NV or FA (assuming it is hydroflouric acid, cannot find info on FA) decrease a normal, healthy libido? Thinking no, but I saw someone ask this above and wondering myself so I can spread the word. Much continued thanks…
Welcome to the fold, Kimberley!
Homeopathic medicines do good when well-chosen and can cause a proving when incorrectly used. This is true for each medicine in our materia medica.
Joette, my husband sadly struggles with this addiction. It has caused so much turmoil in our marriage. I am taking Ignatia because i feel that it certainly is in order.
My question is, even if a person is a very Nux Vomica kind of person, would the Flouric Acid still be first line for the pornography addiction? My husband also struggles with being able to sexually perform, the fluoric acid wouldnt make this worse, would it? Since youve written this article, have you seen any successes? Thank you so much. God bless you, Joette.
I have honestly never read such overwhelmingly good content like this. I agree with your points and your ideas. This info is really great. Thanks.
Have been using Hydrofluoric acid and Nux Vomica both in 200CH potency since last 20 days. Have observed significant decrease in urges and haven’t relapsed in last 10 days whereas previously i used to relapse 2-3 times in a week. Lets see how it works in long term. I know it solely cant help with this addiction but its doing a great job for me.
Also i am taking Acid phos and kali phos to fight the weakness generated due to this addiction and its really working great.
I’m happy this is working for you and many thanks for offering your experience with these. There are many homeopathics that approach this condition.
Makarand: Please, are you using Flouric Acid and Nux Vomica combo 2 times per week?
Thank you for replying!
Makarand: Please, are you using Flouric Acid and Nux Vomica combo 2 times per week?
Thank you for replying!
Hi. Many thanks God bless You for sharing this important information. I did strugling with this addiction for a many, many years. I started with Staphysagria 30c for a start and general desire highly reduce on a second day as Im sensitive to medicine. I Will carry on for another 2 days twice a day. Can I aswell take fluoric acid 200c twice a week to make sure that my desire is under control or just stay with Staphysagria. Many thanks one more time as I think that milions people suffer and normal doctors can not help
The general rule of thumb is that when a homeopathic acts the schedule should not be altered. These medicines go deeper and deeper as time goes on.
Hi Joette,
thanks for picking up this topic. I am on the verge of hopelessness not knowing what to do. I am currently 30 and probably one of the most severe cases you ever heard. Since the age of 12-13 I started watching pornography and in the age of internet I started to slip into this deeper and deeper. In certain phases I watched porn on a daily basis for several hours with having multiple tabs opened at once. However, this was also always combined with excessive masturbation and at times also with masturbation without pornography. In addition to that I also used to visit prostitutes and call girls, not necessarily getting sexual with them, but mostly talking to them and then making an excuse to leave and masturbating afterwards recalling the visits. Had also 4-5 sexual encounters with prostitutes, but still visualizing these memories for masturbation. It is therefore not only an addiction to pornography, but more of a form of hypersexuality. My diseases also has an aspect of obsessive compulsive behaviour as at times it got that extreme that I used to masturbate for more than 150 times a day. My mind often tricked me in telling me to do a certain number of masturbation before stopping, but then after reaching this number just telling me to do another few times setting another number to reach and so on. I also had the compulsion to stop masturbation on a particular day in the week which is a holy day in our religion. I also have a family history of OCD as my mum has an OCD in form of frequent, excessive hand washing and cleaning and is taking anti-depressants.
I tried out different ways of treatment like the self-help group of Sexaholics Anonymous, a no porn and no fap app, Psych-K and are currently also doing a conventional psychotherapy. I also went to two homeopathic doctors, however don’t know the medicine they gave me. Despite having really good phases and improvements with once having 70 days and once around 40 days of abstinence, there was no sustainable success.
Currently I manage to stay clean for 10-20 days followed by a relapsing episode of 4-5 days with use excessive use of pornography and masturbation.
I am married but because of this disease also our marital sexual life is ruined as I donˋt seek pleasure and the interest in sexual interaction with my wife. What is even more worrying that I am not only ruining my life but also her life.
I have a post-graduate degree and have a office job. At times I also fall to the temptation of watching porn and masturbating and the workplace. Obviously secretly or when no others are there.
Otherwise I am a quite extrovert personality, but not very active in terms of hobbies and extra work activities. I love sports, but hasn’t engaged in it for a long time. At times I also have feelings of anger and arrogance. I am also over-weight, but otherwise physically healthy. I am often very tired and have real difficulties to get up early. Procrastination is a major personality trait.
It is probably the most severe case you have heard considering the sheer amount of masturbation. The severity of the addiction and OCD. Please I need your help! My life is a hell and I am a wreck. Please tell me which medicine is the right one for me.
Thank you!
I’m so sorry that you’re suffering. I’m not able to take cases on this forum, but it indeed sounds like a method that needs to be employed is to approach this with one of the medicines i mention in the attached article as well as one for OCD. I didn’t discuss that in the article but should you decide to figure this out yourself, I cover some of this in my course “Mindful”. Having said this, I believe a better choice ould be to get to a seasoned…and I mean truly seasoned homeopath.
When it comes to chronic conditions, homeopathy must sometimes be used for v. long periods of time. As long as months or even years and assessed regularly.
Have your homeopath look into Medorrhinum and Aurum met. Don’t simply take these since the full case would need to be considered before using but they show some promise here.
Hi. Its Andy again. Staphysagria fail me and fluoric acid did not work for me aswell. For a month now I am taking Nux Vomica with great results. It help me with the issue and sleeping problem and nervousness at work aswell.
Thanks for the subject hope it helps.
Hi Joette Calabrese,
Is there a benefit to take both Flouric and Nux Vomica at a time? Like If I take every Friday Flouric Acid and Nux Vomica Every Monday.
Would it be fruitful? Thanks
There is a symptom of Acid Fluor that “stand road side and watch girls”. I think the same mentality encourage him to watch porn.
‘Excellent connection.
Good morning, thank you for this article, can you please tell me if Flouric Acid is the same as Hydrofluoricum Acidum 200C?
thank you again for all that you do.
It’s not the same.
Is this appropriate for teen boys who naturally are more sexually occupied but have recently started trying to look things up?
If you’d call this behavior a problem, it could be appropriate to use this method.
You answered
Is Fluoric acid sold as Hydrofluoricum acid? Yes
if Flouric Acid is the same as Hydrofluoricum Acidum 200C?
Its not the same?
GOogle search does not give much results for “Hydrofluoricum acid”
Can you please share where to get this from in USA? appreciate the help
They’re the same.
If you’re a student, a member of my online Gateway Study Group or a client of mine you may purchase it from OHM PHarma.
You may also find it at Helios in England, online.
Hi. I have Acidum Hydroflouricum 200 and Nux Vomica 200 potency drops of Dr. Willmar Schwabe, can i use it by adding 5-6 drops of each on 30 1gm sugar pills and take 2 pills daily? Will it be an overdose? Kindly suggest how can i use it ?
Follow the directions offered by the manufacturing pharmacy.
Hi, I have Acidum Hydrofluoricum 200 and Nux Vomica 200 potency drops of Dr. Willmar Schwabe. How can I use it since you suggested twice a week?
Can Origanum Q help in this situation .
Thanks for very insightful article.
I know that it covers addictions but I’ve not had any experience with it.
How often to take for several acne?
We always follow the protocol regardless of severity.
Is the dosage same when dealing with severe acne or is it different?
WHen using one of the protocols that I teach, it’s important to know that it’s laid out just as it ought to be used.
Staphisagria is best according to alot of Indian homeopaths, and also from MM literature. I’ve never treated anyone with it, but heard from others it worked.
Many thanks for your input.
Yes, it’s certainly in the literature as such but it helps to receive reports.
Really confused by your answers, Joette Calabrese & info I see online to order.
1ST POST you answered:
“Good morning, thank you for this article, can you please tell me if Flouric Acid is the same as Hydrofluoricum Acidum 200C?
thank you again for all that you do.”
Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:
June 2, 2020 at 11:15 am “It’s not the same.”
2ND post you answered:
“Fluoric acid sold as Hydrofluoricum acid?
Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:
July 30, 2017 at 4:03 am
In the ARTICLE the Fluoric Acid 200c written in blue with a link goes to a page that lists “Hydrofluoricum Acid Pills
Brand : Washington Homeopathic Products”.
So, Fluoric Acid and Hydrofluoricum Acid ARE the same, but Fluoric Acid and Hydrofluoricum Acidum are NOT the same…. any clarity why Boiron, etc list all of those names under the one remedy they have for sale? And why the Washington Homeo and Boiron etc list them all for varicose veins? Am I missing something?
Just don’t want to order the wrong one. The only time I tried Washington Homeos the remedy that worked fr me fr Boiron did not work from Washington homeo, but I switched back to Boiron and it worked again.
Thanks everyone at team Calabrese for bringing tons of valuable information.