The vast majority of us hear the word “toxin” and shriek, “NO! Keep it away from me!!”
Believe me, I understand that reaction.
In fact, I produced an online course designed to help you rethink your approach to detoxification (Rethinking Detox with Practical Homeopathy®: How to Stop Stressing About Toxins and Fearlessly Achieve Health the Simple Way).
Click here to download the infographic that I designed for the course. Feel free to add it to your homeopathic notebook. Should you be interested in taking a closer look at the course, follow the prompts after opting for the download.
But let me circle back around and be clear: I LOVE toxic substances!
When they are properly homeopathically prepared and manufactured, toxic substances become some of the best medicines on earth!
Unfortunately, the public-at-large is often misinformed about medicines derived from toxic substances.
They don’t realize the fundamental methodology of homeopathy involves preparing substances — toxic in their raw state — harnessed to become not only non-toxic but, more importantly, often curative!
This is accomplished through a pharmacological process called potentization — dilution of the original substance to a minuscule amount.
Homeopathy is based on the natural law of “like cures like.”
A substance that would cause illness in its gross form will remove that illness once potentized and made into a homeopathic medicine.
(You can read more about the process in my previous articles, Homeopathy: Toxic or Curative? and The Nano Dose and Other Small Things.)
Consider this:
You would never think about purposefully ingesting arsenic in its natural form, would you?
That would result in vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, frightening collapse and more. Who would risk that?
However, when arsenic is potentized into the homeopathic medicine, Arsenicum album 30C, it becomes curative for those exact same issues.
For instance, I wrote about my husband’s severe — and I’m talking severe — bout of food poisoning in the article, Bad Turkey!
Had we not employed Arsenicum album 30 every 15 minutes, we are convinced he would have ended up in the hospital!
When I was in India with the Drs. Banerji, I utilized Arsenicum album 30 for my own terrible case of amoebic dysentery.
For those who poo-poo homeopathy by saying, “It’s just a placebo effect,” let me offer this synopsis of a study done utilizing Arsenicum album 30 on plants.
Yes, I said plants! Plants are certainly not known for succumbing to the placebo effect!
In the experiment, samples of duckweed were poisoned with arsenic and the plants that were treated with Arsenicum album 30C recovered more quickly!
This is an incredibly impactful study to share with the naysayers in your circle of friends and family.
If reading the NIH study abstract is too time-consuming, try this YouTube video for a summation of the experiment.
Not only for you but it's also a great teaching moment for your kids. (By the way, watch for my upcoming homeopathy curriculum for kids and families to be announced soon.)
I placed the video and accompanying research paper in my free Resource Library. It is in this section that you will find many other research articles, infographics, photos and more.
Another brilliant medicine formed from a toxic base substance is Nux vomica.
Whether for overeating chocolate or reversing the effects of staying up all night, Nux vomica is my go-to for “overdoing” it.
But it’s not only helpful for self-inflicted discomfort. I recall once, years ago, my father was given an allopathic drug and experienced a sobering adverse reaction.
It scared all of us.
His entire persona changed.
He became extremely irritable, perspired in a cold sweat and was nauseated. Yet in just two doses, Nux vomica 30X was successfully able to restore him.
And then there’s Belladonna.
The belladonna plant (deadly nightshade), in its natural state, is extremely toxic.
Unfortunately, the ill-informed assume the homeopathic preparation of Belladonna is as well.
It is not!
Homeopathic Belladonna 30X or 30C is a vital medicine for high fevers. As a child, one of my sons experienced a temperature so high (105°F) that he became delusional.
He responded comfortable and swiftly to Belladonna 30X, after two doses, and his fever adroitly disappeared rendering the entire illness null and void.
The instances of success with these remedies derived from toxic base substances are endless — and that's just within my own family.
And these are only three of them! I could never be without any of these medicines.
My family couldn’t live without them!
And, as Shakespeare would say, “There’s the rub!” Okay, I’m serious.
As of this writing, homeopathy is potentially under attack; especially medicines derived from toxic substances.
The latest FDA Draft Guidance contains changes that could potentially limit our access to certain homeopathic medicines.
The government would be able to choose which medicines are available in the U.S.
We must voice our concerns now.
We must pressure the FDA to revise this guidance.
For just one moment, think about what these changes could mean to you, your family, and friends.
What would you do if your husband suffered from food poisoning and there was no Arsenicum album 30 available to you in the United States?
What would it be like if your child had an extremely high fever and you were prohibited from owning homeopathic Belladonna 30?
How would you feel if there was no point in me teaching you about homeopathy because you couldn’t legally purchase the remedies I recommend?
What would you do if you only had one choice for every condition: allopathic drugs with all their established side-effects and interactions?
Just think of what would happen if homeopathy died in the U.S. … on our watch!
I cannot wrap my head around that kind of future.
We MUST NOT allow this to happen.
We must support Americans for Homeopathy Choice, and we must do it now.
Time is running out.
The FDA was surprised to learn this organization — established to save homeopathy — was supported by scores of mothers, grandmothers, caregivers, and families.
Please help Americans for Homeopathy Choice educate the FDA and our government by taking a few moments to leave a comment on the FDA docket and send emails to your state representatives.
Too much work?
Not at all.
The entire process is automated; you only have to fill out a few fields and click send!
But if you have a couple of extra moments, tell them how crucial all homeopathic medicines are in your life.
Give them a brief personal reason to listen to you!
Our collective voices are strong and influential.
We can do this together.
Please change the potentially grim future without homeopathy I had you envision above.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
… not if we all pass on the good news of homeopathy!
Joette, you are a treasure! In the past few weeks since stumbling upon your blog, myself, hubby and our 5 kiddos have been so blessed & benefitted by the trove of knowledge & wisdom provided here.
I recently started your “Skin, The Ugly Truth” course. Every morning I look forward to diving in & learning more!
I’ve since purchased the Dr’s Banerji materia medica and look forward to receiving it in the coming weeks. I’m ordering yours this week, as well as at least ONE (if not all) of your kits. ?
In the meantime, I’m certain that Whole Foods & Boiron are thankful for all the business I’ve given them recently.
We’ve found real hope for the awful, painful eczema breakouts that my 2.5 yr old son has been suffering from. The most recent episode was nearly cleared OVERNIGHT! Hubby and I were shocked by the remarkable rebound his skin made after just ONE dose of Hepar Sulph! ?
The painful Staph infection that my 8 yr old has thrice experienced is no longer such a terror or threat to our family’s health (or my sanity!) I feel empowered, equipped and confident that there is HOPE for these things and so much more now. I have a strong desire to learn so that I can share this miraculous medicine with everyone I know.
How remarkably liberating the last few weeks have been. Breaking free from the vestiges of fear and hopelessness with regard to my family’s health! I thank God for leading me here!
In the middle of our recent storm of sickness, as I prayed through tears of worry, The Lord impressed this message upon my heart:
“Relax…God is preparing the way before you…So, be on the lookout for some wonderful surprises, circumstances that only He could orchestrate.”
Just when I thought we were forever relegated to a life of antibiotics, steroid creams and worse…I happen upon this wonderful little oasis in the desert! What a surprise, indeed!! ?
Thank you Joette! Thank you also for sounding the alarm with regard to homeopathy and the FDA. I plan to help support ‘Americans For Homeopathy Choice’ and do all that I can to bring awareness and leverage what social influence I have to make a difference!
Many Blessings!! ?
Dear Raquel, What a great story! I actually know it well. Not only because I hear it nearly daily, but it is my personal story as well.
This God-given medicine is not just a source of healing but as you so aptly state it gives mothers liberation from worries, desperation and drugs, drugs, drugs.
Keep going Raquel! Your deepening knowledge will catapult you into territories you never dreamed were possible.
I’ve use Petroleum 30 repeatedly to manage Scale insect infestations on my plants. Usually I have to throw the plants out, but with the Pet 30, the scale insects dry up and can be brushed off. I give it about once a week for many weeks until the life cycle seems to be broken If I stop too soon, they will come back. It’s a total game changer for my beautiful houseplants!
Excellent! Thanks for sharing.
Folks need to know that homeopathy is effective for plants. Animals. Infants. Children. The elderly.
Christiane Maute has a book called Homeopathy for Plants. I get most of my remedy choices from there. I figure if the plant is dying anyway, it’s worth trying her suggestions. The results are often impressive. I used Rhus tox 200 to save a Nanking cherry shrub from what may have been fire blight or Monilia rot. All the new shoots were turning brown and crispy. A couple of weeks after I applied it to the roots (in water), the tree was covered with lush and vigorous new growth.
Thanks for the heads up. I just put my order in.
Yes I read about Agrohomeopathy and started using “Snail” homeopathic remedy 6c 2-10 pills in water dependent upon amount of water used, leave and use as necessary. Spray the plant, the flowers and leaves. Mums cabbage is slug free, my polyanthus where battered by the rain but they are slug free, Mums polyanthus are also slug free.
I am going to try “Ladybird” 6c on my plants to prevent or deter green fly.
Its interesting what they say about Pet30c and scale insects I wonder if it works on Rose Leaf black spot.
Also I wonder if there is anything to deter rats or the dreaded vine weevil Oooo I just love homeopathy.
In Few days back I saw the arsenic album 30 is work against with corona virus,and cured some people who are suffering with corona virus, is it true or false. If it is true Can you explain about arsenic album 30 Homeopath medicine.
You might want to watch my Facebook Live presentations every Monday @8PM est. You may watch those that I presented weeks and months ago there as well on Youtube. My focus is on that subject.
Would Nux Vomica 200c 2D be too frequent for intestinal issues/gut problems due to allopathic antibiotic and meds overuse? Would Nux Vom 1M once a week be better suited?
NV is often used for GI conditions when associated with drug overuse. However, without specific symptoms that match the medicine, it would be too sweeping of a conclusion to agree to.