No one wants to be on the naughty list (especially this close to Christmas).
However, not all childhood behavioral problems necessarily require homeopathic mediation. Some bad behavior will transform after a tincture of discipline.
Conversely, some behavioral problems are actual pathologies, and it’s imperative to understand the difference.
Normal Childhood Misbehavior
When my husband and I raised our boys, we didn’t want them to be disliked. We wanted others to enjoy their company, so we taught them certain behaviors considered acceptable by polite society, such as not interrupting when someone else is speaking, standing when an adult enters the room, saying hello and looking the person in the eye when being introduced … just to name a few.
If they forgot and slipped up, it was not pathological. It was simply an inevitable reversion to typical childlike behavior — a teaching moment.
Homeopathy for Common Behavioral Problems
Yet, I have known other children whose extreme behavior might have warranted homeopathic intervention. Perhaps they are disruptive or can’t sit still. Perhaps they have no interest in daily tasks such as bathing or eating. Maybe they even go so far as to strike others.
I’ve previously covered some of those behavioral problems in these free resources:
- Podcast 94 – Stramonium and The Swiss Family Robinson
- The Angry Child
- Is It ODD or Ordinary?
- Attention Deficit Disorder and Homeopathy
- From Fractious to Felicitous with Homeopathic Chamomilla
Today, I want to teach you how homeopathy can address more extreme behavior. It’s a unique dichotomy in which a child may be an angel in one setting but a complete devil in another.
People generally either love or hate them. Because their personalities are so extreme, there is no in-between.
A Tale of Extremes
In a child like this, they often excel in one area and fail miserably in another. It’s almost like dealing with two different people bouncing between extreme greatness and extreme failure, either intellectually or behaviorally.
For example, maybe the child is uncannily adept at math — two years ahead of his class, studying third-year trigonometry when the rest of his peers are only beginning algebra. Yet, he is failing other classes because he can’t read.
Perhaps another child is completely disruptive in school and on the brink of expulsion, but she is compliant and helpful in church.
I grew up in close proximity to one such child who exhibited this type of extreme behavior. We’ll call him Eddie. Eddie was forever getting into fights. He would come home after school sweaty, beat up, with torn clothing — a mess.
His mother would say, “What? Again?”
“Yeah, I just beat up that guy who was staring at me in class.”
He was the poster child for intense behavior.
Yet, on the other extreme, he would then be so loving and kind toward his mother and to my mother and me (as we visited often). He would be so polite, soft and gentle that it was hard to believe it was the same person who just furiously initiated a ferocious fight!
He was on the naughty list — perpetually on the naughty list.
Knowing what I know now as an adult, I often wonder if homeopathy might have assisted him in becoming comfortable somewhere midway between the two radical extremes of his behavior.
I certainly can’t be sure as I can’t travel back in time. Perhaps this was just an idiosyncrasy of his personality. However, the swing between extremes happened often enough that this may have been a pathology worth addressing with homeopathic medicine.
Homeopathy for Extreme Behavioral Swings
In cases of extreme behavior Anacardium orientale 200, generally utilized every three days for two weeks or so, has historically shown transformative results. As always, halt the medicine when very much better.
Remember, we’re talking about extremes here. Not just a garden-variety naughty child who needs slightly more discipline or a good night’s sleep. This is only for pathology for which discipline does no good.
Again, careful observation is key. If no softening or balancing of the extreme behavior is noted after a few doses — even a slight improvement — then this may not be the correct remedy. It would be time to return to the repertory and pivot to a different homeopathic medicine.
Behavior is relative.
As an aside, I admit that I have a behavioral disorder — I often question what I am told. I’m suspicious of authorities’ motives and whether their authority is rightfully placed. I don’t fall in line.
Does that put me on the naughty list? I think not.
While we want our children to behave, I must admit that I encourage adults to go against the grain. Don’t behave as you’re told. Be an unapologetic questioner in both your life and especially your and your family’s health care.
Remember: Guts. Spunk. Moxie.
Self-reliance is one of the fruits of education. Whether you refer to it as grit or mettle, resourcefulness or independence, it is the character trait that helps us become lifelong learners, accomplished doers and brave thinkers.
The beauty of becoming an adult is you learn when rules are made to be broken. Don’t give your autonomy away. It’s a precious gift.
Pass on the good news of Practical Homeopathy®!
P.S. Take the first step on the pathway to health care autonomy by entering the Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®. This guided study group curriculum has helped tens of thousands of people just like you to learn more about Practical Homeopathy®, become the healers amongst their families and friends, and develop a network of like-minded friends for life.
My friends, the path before you is well-traveled.
Join a study group today to learn homeopathic information you can use almost immediately. I promise you will never regret enhancing your nurturing abilities with this powerful, polite medical paradigm. Become the healer in your family. Simply click to learn more.
If you're ready for a deeper dive into homeopathy for behavioral problems, check out my course, Mindful Homeopathy: Practical Protocols for Mental and Emotional Conditions.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.