(The photo above is an example of the notes one of my students took and organized after taking my courses, Allergic and Detox.)
As we celebrate Labor Day today, I began thinking about what this day means. But we discussed all its various meanings sufficiently in my previous blog, “Happy Homeopathic Labor Day,” so I wouldn’t want to belabor the point.
Instead, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all you moms on the beginning of yet another school year. For many of you, Labor Day means freedom!
Since the day you went into labor, you’ve tended your children’s needs — at every moment. But after Labor Day, for those few hours a day that they’re in school, you have the time to do something special.
Reward yourself!
And by “reward,” I don’t mean a manicure or a spa treatment. Although those are nice, I’d prefer you to reward your intellect.
Since you have a bit of free time now, set some aside to learn homeopathy. I promise you; it won’t be laborious. If you join one of my Gateway to Homeopathy Study Groups, learning can actually be fun! You’ll make new, like-minded friends as you join other mothers to learn how to take control of your family’s health with Practical Homeopathy®.
Trust me, your Gateway night will quickly become your “girls’ night.”
If you’ve already gone through the Gateway series, take one of my courses — whichever one best fits your family’s current health needs. Don’t labor under the delusion that I’ll be around forever. I will be here to further your education as long as I possibly can, but I’m not immortal! While I’m here, I’m trying to pass along the torch of homeopathy.
Please take it and run with it!
Learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can. Plan out your day with your homeopathy education in mind. Get organized (take inspiration from the photo above). Set goals. Consider it a labor of love!
Happy Labor Day! And pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. Americans for Homeopathy Choice (AFHC) is a grassroots organization that was created to protect your access to homeopathy through continuous communication with the FDA. They have the support of a special congressional delegation who will be meeting with the FDA soon, but they need your help in order to continue their legislative strategy in Washington, D.C.
They’re hosting their semi-annual pledge drive fundraiser on Facebook this week. During this special event, you will hear from homeopaths and people who use homeopathy from all over the world, including a presentation from me on September 10, 2019. I call it “Secrets of a Prepared Homeopath.”
Also, if you purchase my Gateway to Homeopathy Study Group Curriculum during this limited time, I will donate your entire purchase price (minus the appropriate shipping and handling) to Americans for Homeopathy Choice. Each of you who purchase will receive my booklet that was “banned” by Congress: Homeopathy: A Brief History of an Expansive Medical Paradigm. (The Congressional Ethics committee would not allow AFHC to give this informative booklet to congressional members.)
Plus, if you are among the first ten to purchase, I will double your donation by matching your purchase price as my own personal donation to AFHC.
I’m doing all I can to support Americans for Homeopathy Choice and ask you to do the same. Click here for more information about the event’s schedule, and be sure to catch my talk on September 10, 2019, at 2 PM EDT titled, “Secrets of a Prepared Homeopath.”