Is Homeopathy a Supplement? No. It’s a Powerful (Yet Polite) Medicine.

Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy® Is Homeopathy a Supplement

Remember the noteworthy recovery my oak tree made after I gave it Arnica and Bioplasma®? If not, be sure to read Homeopathy Is Not a Placebo: Ask My Oak Tree.

My tree’s reaction — without having any predisposed beliefs about homeopathy — proves that this medicine is not a placebo.

So, Is Homeopathy a Supplement?

However, despite how I used these medicines for an extended time with my tree, homeopathy is not a supplement. We would not give it to our families regularly as we might give “plant food” to a dieffenbachia.

Indeed, homeopathy is a medicine and should be respected as such. It’s intended to be used judiciously.

But What About Cell Salts?

My friends, cell salts are made the same way that all homeopathic remedies are made. Consequently, they are medicines, too.

However, folks often use them more as supplements. They are not.

If a person is low in calcium phosphate, they may consider supplementing their food with the cell salt Calc phos 6X. But that concept is grossly oversimplified. It’s a medicine. If we think of it as merely a supplement, then we will use it incorrectly.

I’ve Changed My View Over Time

Decades ago, it was my contention that some homeopathy could be used as a supplement. In fact, I used to add Calc phos 6X to my kids’ daily glasses of raw milk. Why? Because they were growing, and Calc phos is specific for growth in children. Maybe it’s why my kids' teeth and skin were so good. I don't know. But I wrote about it in a blog post.

However, reading that 2013 article now, it definitely sounds as though I was using a cell salt as a supplement back then.

But like most of us, hopefully, I’ve learned and grown over the last four decades—especially with my mastery of homeopathy. Now, I'm more apt to think of using cell salts as a medicine instead. I use them to correct a specific condition, not “just because.”

For instance, if one always felt cold, had thinning hair, dry and flaky skin, and delaminated nails, then utilizing the cell salt Silicea 6X might be considered but only until very much better. It should not be used as a daily regimen ad infinitum.

Hyland's Bioplasma®


Bioplasma is a combination remedy from Hyland’s that combines all twelve of the cell salts into one product. I often receive questions from students thinking that Bioplasma is an exception and may be used as a supplement.

No. It’s still homeopathy, and homeopathy is still not a supplement.

In my experience, the downside of using Bioplasma willy-nilly is that all twelve cell salts are most likely not needed at one particular moment in time. If an individual uses unnecessary medicines, there is a potential for a proving.

What Is a Proving?

A proving may occur when we use a remedy incorrectly or too frequently. More often than not, a proving occurs when you take a remedy again and again and again without a specific condition being treated — as you would a supplement. When a proving occurs, the symptoms that the medicine is intended to correct are then brought to the surface as a new symptom the sufferer has not had in the past.

Provings don’t scare me, as I discussed in Podcast 49 – Shedding Light on Provings and Aggravations. However, why flirt with that experience if it’s not necessary? Tight-fitting choices of well-chosen, specific medicines for specific conditions are the way to go.

Uses for Bioplasma®

However, Bioplasma is valuable, as I like to say, “when in doubt.” If a sufferer is not quite sure what the precise condition or symptoms are — or if they overlap between several cell salts — then Bioplasma can be beneficial.

I used to use Bioplasma quite often, but after decades of experience, I no longer have those moments of doubt. Now, I target each symptom or condition with a laser focus rather than a broad-spectrum “when in doubt” solution.

Bioplasma is also handy if one is out and about without any other homeopathic medicines nearby. If Bioplasma is available, it can often provide some support until the proper medicine can be procured.

It’s not a panacea, though. It’s not going to fix everything. But it can help support the body until a more targeted medicine can be employed.

And, as you saw with my oak tree, I also find it quite advantageous for plants.

Pass on the good news of Practical Homeopathy®!


Joette Calabrese, Practical Homeopathy®

P.S. My Gateway to Homeopathy II contains an entire lesson on cell salts. But you can’t get to Gateway II without first studying Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I.

Join a study group now and be prepared. Fall and winter are just around the corner, yet you’ll be ready for colds, flu and injuries from school activities. My friends, there is no time like the present to become competent and confident.

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