Allow me to introduce you to one of my staff, Renee. She lives on a homestead in upstate Pennsylvania with her family. Her husband recently suffered what could have developed into a lifelong condition. She shares her story that might be helpful to others during the grueling winter temperatures this winter.
My Husband’s Frostbite
While ideally, it would be lovely to sit by the fire when homesteading, the animals still need to be milked and fed, and wood needs hauling.
Recently, when we ran low on wood, a cold snap of below -10 degrees rolled in, requiring my husband to work extra hours hauling in firewood.
He should have stopped when his hands first showed signs of trouble, but tenacity set in. He ended up spending too long exposed to the elements.
It started with redness of his hands, followed by swollen fingers and stinging pain. His toes were also discolored and numb. That’s when I knew I had to act quickly.
Armed with my homeopathy remedy kit and the knowledge I have attained from Joette, from not only working with her but scouring her blogs, I set to work to halt the progression.
I keyed in the search bar “frostbite,” and the blog on this condition came up.
Joette discussed that frostbitten skin is best warmed by immersion in water, around 105°–110° F, until circulation, color and sensation return. Overly warm or hot water may burn the skin.
So that’s where we started.
While his extremities were soaking, I headed to my homeopathy kits and followed Joette’s directions.
Hamamelis 200C mixed with Arnica 3 is the Banerji Protocol she discussed. I didn’t have Arnica in that potency though, so instead, I used the next lowest I own, Arnica montana 30X.
Joette teaches that repetition ought to be set at about every 1-3 hours when the frostbite is more severe. Given the way his hands looked and his pain, I determined that every 1- 2 hours would be best.
After only a dose, the color returned, and he described the pain as better by about 30%. This took about an hour.
Over the next hour, the pain dwindled to about 10% of its original sensations, then overall by the end of the night. He took it again twice the next day, and that was that.
That second day, he said to me, “Thanks, Hon! Now back to work.”
Given our cold region and the fact that so much of our lives revolve around being outside, it has strengthened my resolve to keep my remedies handy and my knowledge relevant.
Patch ’em up and send ‘em back out.
Thanks, Drs. Banerji and Joette!
Front row: Brittany, Buster (The Bad Office Dog)
Back row: Lisa (with her good office dog, Lacy) Me, Perry, Lara, Cathy, Jill
It was 5 degrees below zero when this photo was taken last week!
Well this is certainly relevant for my area. With windchill we were at -42 Celesius this morning. That’s about the same Faherinheit Stay warm!
Thanks Joette and Renee! This article couldn’t come at a better time. It’s been a long, cold winter here in WNY. 25 days until spring!
Great blog post. Homeopathy can be of help in all sorts of weather conditions. Here is a relevant blog:
Hi Joette. I wish I’d known about homeopathy 35 years ago when I got severe frostbite and ended up having the top 1/2 of 8 toes amputated. Prior to the frostbite, I was hypothermic. I know that we only treat what is presenting currently but/and I’m wondering if it would in any way be useful to try and address the frostbite all these years later? Might it relieve some of the nerve damage, lack of circulation or PTSD from the incident? Perhaps by addressing the above mentioned symptoms I would, in fact, be treating the frostbite?
Thank you very much for your generosity in offering so much helpful info.
Ailments from old injuries, old surgeries, and concomitant conditions are within the purview of this medicine. I urge you to join one of my online Gateway to Homeopathy Study Groups so that you gain confidence and control over your and your family’s health conditions.
This is where you’ll learn how to use homeopathy and make longtime online friends as well.
Find it here
Meanwhile, I offer an online course that covers painful conditions, titled “Pain; Make it Stop”.
The protocols that I teach are specific to specific conditions.
By Arnica 3, do you mean 3x or 3c?
Whichever you have available.