Free Homeopathy First Aid Chart
(Make Your Kitchen Your Emergency Room)
Years ago as a young mother, I read that deaths in children occurred more often from accidents than illness.
It was a pivotal moment for me.
Fevers don’t kill, I learned, but a head injury could. Chickenpox might be uncomfortable, but it wasn’t going to maim my child like a burn or laceration.
I deduced that there are only so many different kinds of dangers, so to learn which remedies to use ought to be something I could readily accomplish.
Besides, I already knew that it was best to leave a fever alone and how easy it is to reduce chickenpox itching with homeopathy. Thus, I pointed myself in the direction of first aid study for the next many months.
How freeing!
I set my mind to studying how to treat lacerations, shock, heatstroke, burns, head injuries, even electrocution, using homeopathy. This allowed me to focus my time on what was most valuable in order to become a more effective parent.
In my efforts to focus on the real dangers to my children, I stumbled across a genuine needle-mover for me.
I discovered the author Dr. Dorothy Shepherd.
While vacationing in Toronto, I visited a century-old homeopathic pharmacy where they sold medicines and homeopathy books. There was a book that caught my eye … Homoeopathy for the First Aider.
Dr. Shepherd was a conventionally trained doctor who worked in an ER in England during WWI.
However, between WWI and WWII, something changed for her, and she decided to study homeopathy in a local homeopathy medical school. From there on, she shunned the old conventional ways and employed only homeopathic medicines, along with first aid techniques.
In her book, she shares the successes that she never observed with conventional medicine.
My original copy now has softened pages from years of use, but I have a new copy that still has an honored place in my medical library.
Much of what I use today for first-aid is lifted directly from Dr. Shepherd’s writings, some of it is from my years of practice, and still more from my own experiences as a mom of three active children.
I've compiled a chart for you that is not only useful to download and place on your refrigerator but as a wonderful home-schooling science tool.
Do yourself a favor and check out my Free first aid chart download.
I believe it will become your “go-to” source that provides you with a step-by-step blueprint for treating your family for everyday (and some not-so-everyday) crises, as well as a primer for future study in this awesome world of homeopathy and self-care. Over 1,100 folks just like you have already downloaded this chart.
When you go this deep, nothing can intimidate you, because your armor is your knowledge.
Feel free to share this with any homeopathically inexperienced friends you may have. Trust me when I say they'll thank you for it.
Download my Free chart and Dr. Shepherd’s little masterpiece, Homoeopathy for the First Aider.
*A note to moms of girls, and all women in general: watch out for my newest course, Feminopathy: How YOU Can Correct Female Ailments Using Safe, Inexpensive and Effective Homeopathy.
Hi Joette,
What a great chart! Thank you for putting this together and sharing it. One question, should the homeopathic remedies and cell salts listed for each injury be used all together or should either cell salts or homeopathic remedy be chosen? Thank you!
I like to use both cell salts and the other remedies simultaneously, separated by about 10-15 minutes depending on the severity of the condition. It there is a severe crises, then separated by just a few minutes.
I have used a few homeopathic remedies yet always seeking options.
Thank You!
I looked through The First Aid Chart. It seems great, but it brought up the question as i have both some good and some bad experience with homeoparhy. When my oldest son was 6, he could get sudden nose bleeding without any apparent cause. Doctors did not find out either what was the matter. Growing older it disappeared. My other son who is now 6 years old now strated to experience the same symptoms – sudden nose bleeding without any apparent cause. i have no idea if there should be used any homeopathic remedy ir just some ice cubs to stop bleeding?
I take enjoyment in offering free information in these articles but when it comes to taking cases, I can’t do that in this forum. If however, you’re interested in meeting with me for a free 15 minute conversation, I’m happy to lay out how we can move forward. Meanwhile, I’ve noted that most chronic nose bleed conditions are related to allergies. You might want to take note of any allergies your family is prone to.
Thanks a lot for so quick reply! You might have been true – there are allergy and food sensitivity issues. However, none of the doctors we had consulted (even allergologist and pulmonologist) have had an idea of connecting nose bleeding with allergies. Already nearly 2 years we are working on leaky gut issues by using diet, incl. bone broth and real organic food. It helped, but did not resolve all issues. The last autumn we consulted a homeopath, but experience is a bit frightening (as I was not able to continue dealing with so called “healing crisis” with 2 children at the same time). To my mind there was need to change smth with homeopathic medicine, but I was told to continue. In my life I have experinenced 2 times positive effect from homeopathy, 3 times – so called severe “healing crisis”, and about 10 times – no effect at all.
It sounds like an environmental problem, probably a moldy house. Suggest using a hole saw and doing a biopsy of several walls and roof sections.
I’m new using homeopathy and rely on my daughter to direct me in the right ones for use! So it would be nice to print something out to keep on hand. I do have a cheat sheet she gave me from your website but hoping this will be more condensed.
Thank you so much for sharing all the good stuff with us. I loved to learn more
Karla, I urge you to consider joining and inexpensive Gateway to Homeopathy. Its the next step towards your health freedom.
Go to and scroll down to Gateway to Homeopathy or the many other ways I teach mothers and others how to use this medicine.