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Farewell, Dear Baba

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

May 20th, 2018  |  55 Comments

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Dr. Prasanta Banerji

“I do not fear death. I have lived a very satisfying life.” – Dr. Prasanta Banerji

Today we say goodbye to Dr. Prasanta Banerji. Though this great man has passed on, he leaves the world a better place than when he entered it. There are certain traditions in life that provide inspiration and enrichment to society, and one of them is paying homage to the extraordinary few who merit honor. Dr. Prasanta Banerji is one of those few. The world will long remember his legacy of devotion to the suffering, to the ill and to the poor through homeopathy and a compassionate heart.

Prasanta didn’t come to this alone. It was in his blood. His father and great uncle built a foundation that Prasanta inherited and added to, but Prasanta earned his place among them through his own innovations, brilliance, long hours and hard work. Following the multi-generational philosophy of devoting themselves to the needy, Prasanta was a champion for those who had none; a tireless advocate; a kindly and gentle doctor; a patient and understanding but also a brilliant and efficient healer.

Having had the privilege of working by his side day after day for weeks at a time over seven years, I was graced with being offered to call him Baba; the affectionate and revered Hindi name assigned to an honorable father/teacher.

Indeed, he was honorable, a great father and a great teacher.

As a young doctor, Dr. Banerji assisted his own father in the practice of homeopathy, and when he opened his own clinic in 1950 he was visited by over 500 patients daily. It soon became clear to him that the sheer numbers of patients filling his waiting rooms and spilling out into the streets required a new approach to homeopathy if he were to have any chance of helping them all.

The old classical method of homeopathic case taking and prescribing was too slow and unwieldy for the job required of Prasanta. Prasanta’s father Pareshnath, attending to his own massive crowds of patients seeking aid, had already begun the process of developing standardized protocols for common ailments. Inspired by his father Prasanta took that approach a step further.  And this is where Prasanta and his father stand out from the crowd; the crowd of practitioners that would have given up would have turned people away, would have remained unexceptional and conventional. This is where Prasanta distinguished himself as among the great heroes of the world. 

With brilliant innovation and painstaking, meticulous labor, Prasanta drastically distilled the practice of homeopathy, revolutionizing the art and science of homeopathy along the way.

Necessity, as they say, is the mother of invention. But necessity only provides the fertile soil for invention, it takes an inspired and courageous thinker to plant a seed in that soil, and countless hours of resolute and persevering work to bring forth a great harvest. Pareshnath planted the seed and cultivated the metaphorical garden. Prasanta inherited that garden from his father and built a massive orchard. 

Within a few short years of running his own clinic, Prasanta had honed his skills enough to be able to determine patterns that allowed him to standardize treatment protocols for every disease. This is a very different method of treatment from that of Classical Homeopathy and is actually closer to conventional medicine in its speed, efficiency and focus on reproducible results. 

Prasanta Banerji, more than any other person to date, is the man that built a bridge between conventional medicine and homeopathy, and in doing so he and his son Dr. Pratip Banerji have captured the attention of conventional medical institutions and medical researchers from all over the world, particularly in the field of cancer research.

In 1993 Prasanta founded The Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation. This foundation has the aim of bringing homeopathy to the masses through comprehensive health care as well as keeping a database of all serious cases treated with the Banerji Protocols at the Foundation’s clinic.

These serious diseases include various types of cancer, renal failure, multiple sclerosis, and other debilitating ailments. The Foundation also funds conventional diagnostic tests for underprivileged patients. Today, twenty-five years later, they have over half a million visits recorded.

Dr. Prasanta Banerji along with his son, Dr. Pratip Banerji, have been regularly invited to speak at international scientific symposiums to present their method, known to the world as “The Banerji Protocols”.  In 1995, Drs. Prasanta and Pratip presented the paper “Regression of brain tumors by ultra-dilute medicine” at the 5th International Conference of Anticancer Research in Corfu, Greece.  In attendance were over a thousand delegates from all over the world, and researchers from the USA, UK, Australia and the West Indies invited the Banerjis for scientific collaboration. They regularly presented at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to crowds including cancer specialists from leading Cancer Centers such as the Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, the University of Texas MD Anderson Center and many others. 

Over the past two decades worldwide interest in “The Banerji Protocols” has grown, and they have completed research projects with various institutions.  In 2003, the International Journal of Oncology published the results of a study the Banerjis conducted in collaboration with the Department of Molecular Genetics at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The Cancer Center’s investigators found that the homeopathic preparation of Ruta graveolens 6C administered in combination with Calcarea phosphorica 3X induced complete regression of tumors in eighty-six percent of the glioma patients who took part in the study. Oncologists consider this particular form of cancer as practically incurable, and the usual five-year survival rate for adult glioblastoma patients is around 10 percent.

From 2004 to 2013, the Banerji Clinic treated over twenty-four thousand cancer patients. Half experienced either improvement or complete regression of their cancers, with a further twenty-eight percent achieving stable condition, getting neither better nor worse. Today, the Clinic treats twelve hundred patients per day, not just cancer cases but practically every illness known to man, and out of that twelve hundred, seven to eight hundred are seen free of charge.

Dr. Prasanta, was so tireless and dedicated that he never fully retired.  He performed many speaking engagements this year at various conferences and summits and oversaw complex cases.

Dr. Prasanta Banerji was the soul of homeopathy and the heartbeat of the vision that homeopathy be spread throughout the world — not just to be used in clinics by practitioners, but by anyone who was willing to learn. My dear mentor, my dear teacher, dear Baba will be greatly missed but never forgotten. I believe that Prasanta's impact on the world will only continue to grow, exponentially.



Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


55 thoughts on “Farewell, Dear Baba”

  1. nancyleep says:

    A beautiful tribute Joette – thank you for sharing with us what he taught you.

  2. Paola Brown says:

    Lovely post. Good to hear from you…

  3. Georgia says:

    What a wonderful tribute Joette – I did not know the history behind this way of homeopathy- Benerji Protocols. Thank you for this post. You are right about the time involved with classical homeopathy. I have been working with one for several years now for my dog, granted he has come along way but some things persist. He is 11 now ,and wondering if he would be cured by now with the Benerji way. I myself was going to fill out a intake form with her to get me started on Homeopathy to help with thyroid , adrenals , etc. but wondering if you do chronic cases.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Chronic cases are what I work with.

  4. ecoartist1 says:

    How lucky we are to always have Baba Banergee and his lineage always in our morphic energy fields. He himself is beautiful medicine whose energy is even more powerful now. He himself more than ever embodies the true spirit of homeopathy for the animal, plant and human kingdoms. Namaste, Baba.

  5. Ranjit Grewal says:

    Our thoughts are with his family and friends –thanks Joette

  6. rebecca davis says:

    Wow. A very interesting man. Sorry for your loss Joette

  7. Jerri says:

    Eternally grateful to this great good man.

  8. SSD says:

    Thank you very much indeed for the wonderful article on the Legendary Dr.Prasanta Banerjee whose great devotion and service to the people of this World is simply amazing. ‘Baba’ is actually refered to ‘Father’ in Bengali. I think we will not be able to fathom this immense loss ever. His work on homeopathy, will continue to cure generations to come over several centuries. My Hearfelt gratitude to Dr.Prasanta Banerjee – The Legendary Doctor.

  9. Lydia says:

    How wonderfully said dear Joette! God Bless His Gentle SOUL !
    Thank you for rightly informing us all. We have to be strong, unite and continue his Good did !
    Namaste ??!

  10. Meredith says:

    It is remarkable to consider that his wisdom and that of the Banerji family of practitioners has permeated and directed my knowledge of homeopathy, along with my health and that of my family and friends. Thank you Drs.Banerji. Thank you especially Dr. Prasanta Banerji, may you Rest in Peace and may your family be blessed for generations to come.

  11. Randa Kassisieh says:

    His legacy will remain and spread through people like you Joette. You have inspired me , and thousands of others through your teachings. That will not be forgotten, baba will live on through you and your efforts in keeping the flame going strong….. grazie tanto….Joette, I love you for inspiring us!!!

  12. Judith Steger says:

    Yes, beautiful written, Joette. Would you mind sharing how he passed away? This comes as a big surprise to me, just four days ago I got an email from him.
    I will be forever grateful for what he has done! May his soul rest in peace and his legacy live forever!

  13. L. says:

    Our prayers are with the Banerji Family and with you. We are blessed by the wisdom passed on through him to you, and for the continued healing of our son. Dr. Banerji will be forever remembered.
    Fuentes Family, TX

  14. dhiralalita says:

    Dr Banerji lived a very auspicious life; his passing is likely just as fortuitous.

    The soul, the vital force, continues on. Nothing can kill it. I have no doubt Baba is in a far better and brighter place than this suffering world, for he sought always to alleviate it.

    Bright blessings, Prashanta Baba.

    *** Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ***

  15. dr.nitin soni says:


  16. I am a student of homeopathy at CHE london I am ,a big fan of Homeopathy ..it is a big field wth lots of remedies ,about 6000 .And people like the man you knew are very rare .To be dedicated like him and his father affects the life of many in a very positive manner..And our whole environement is better off with that..But in many places Homeopathy still is doubted .But we have to use it and show our good results without any side effects…I have heard the name of Dr .Banerji,but never came across it…Will have a closer look at it now…I know Narajani Homeopathy which is one of my favourites…Thank you ,Joette for telling about an important man who has served a big number of sick people, and the planet in the most humble way…The community of Homeophaty is achieving healing and not suppression……:))

  17. a wonderful tribute to a person who has immensely contributed

  18. Dipankar bakshi says:

    It is a SHOCKING News for the Homeopathic World . I Pray to GOD for his Eternal

  19. Alana says:

    Joette, thank you for this moving tribute. I am sorry for your loss of your dear friend and mentor, and I will pray for the repose of his soul.

  20. Natalie says:

    This is a wonderful tribute. Thank you for sharing his great work with us.

  21. Lisa J says:

    As I read this, my heart is both sad and grateful…. Sad for learning that Dr Banerji has died, but so grateful to God for loaning this world such a beautiful giving soul. Will offer my prayers for his family and friends at this time of loss, esp for you, Joette, as I’m sure you are feeling keenly his departure. One thing is certain – our Faith brings hope… “May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. And may Perpetual Light shine upon them.”

  22. Bea says:

    Few people truly leave their mark during their brief stint on earth. Prasanta Banerji is one of those priveleged few. I’m certain he was met at Heaven’s gates with a ” Well done my good and faithful child”. May his legacy never be forgotten and always be appreciated.

  23. Lisa says:

    Dear Joette,
    Thank you for “introducing” us to this generous and giving man. I am both sad and grateful…..sad to learn of his death. Grateful that God created this compassionate soul. Our faith brings us hope… I’ll be keeping his family and you in my prayers during this time of loss. “May the souls of the Faithful Departed rest in peace, and may perpetual light shine upon them.” (My first attempt seemed to be lost, so I’ve retyped it….apologize if it appears twice.?)

  24. Lydia Grey says:

    What a beautiful tribute to an amazing man. Thanksyou for sharing this with us.

  25. Dhiru Nathwani says:

    Joette, you have written a great and heart-touching tribute.

  26. Padmaja says:

    Beautiful Tribute. Thank you for sharing. Always used homeopathy for myself when I was India and now continuing for my kids. Your blog is a great help.

  27. Dave says:

    I echo Alana’s comment. This was a very touching tribute to an obviously great man. I, too, will pray for his soul, though I doubt that he needs a large amount of prayers!

  28. Jo Johnston says:

    Condolences to you and all who will are bereaved. Your articles have been a great help to me and my family. I know that his knowledge has certainly spread far and wide and helped many. That is a great legacy.

  29. Anya says:

    Thank you for sharing such a nice tribute of his life. Sorry to hear about his passing,

  30. Kathy says:

    Hugs Joette, on the physical death of your teacher. And gratitude to Dr. Banerji for his contribution. Question for you: I am wondering if the protocol for glioma would have anything to do with treating Borrelia?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      No. One is a tumor, the other an infection.

  31. Iris says:

    Thank you for sharing with us. I am very sorry for your loss as well as ours.

  32. Sally says:

    I feel grateful that you learned from Pratip (and Prasanta) and have been so tireless yourself in passing the torch. We don’t know when death will come…and this just has me a little sobered up that we all need to make the most of our days. I’m thankful he made the most of his days, you are doing likewise, and I aspire to as well.

  33. Thank you for sharing!

  34. Daniela Harea says:

    Goodbye dear Dr. Prasanta Banerji!!!!! Thank you very much for your great work !!!!

  35. Daniela Harea says:

    Goodbye dear Dr. Prasanta Banerji!!!! Thank you very much for your great work!!!!

  36. Concetta Newman says:

    Beautiful tribute to a man who made a difference to the world of homeopathy! My sincere condolences to his family and to you Joette on the loss of your dear baba. May his spirit shine forever on us all!
    Love, Concetta Newman

  37. Paula says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and sentiments about Dr. Prasanta Banerji, Joette. Even though we did not have the privilege of knowing Dr. Prasanta Banerji personally, I think many of your followers are saddened by his death. He has had a profound and lasting effect and influence on many of our lives, through you. Thank you for writing this beautiful tribute to him.

  38. sahmpaw says:

    My prayers are with you as you grieve the loss of a wise mentor and friend. Thank you for continuing his legacy…you both have given many families renewed health and hope for healing.

  39. Vinod jain says:

    Thanks for sharing the news. A beautiful tribute to a great personality.

  40. Holly says:

    Thank you for introducing this brilliant man to us. I’m so grateful for what I have learned of the Banerji protocols. The world is a better place because of you Dr. Prasanta. Soar with the Angels.

  41. Debbie says:

    I’m so sorry, Joette! What an amazing man he was and a blessing to so many. What a gift it must be to have spent time learning from him over the years.
    Thank you for this beautiful and inspiring tribute, and for sharing all that you pass on to us.

  42. Kendra says:

    what a gift that you were able to work with him! Thank you for this post.

  43. Hare Krishna Money, Canada says:

    HARE KRISHNA May Lord Krishna bless His soul to remain in an elevated position and place and give guidance to future generations on Homeopathy. He is the master who can guide remotely HARE KRISHNA

  44. Carrie IRish says:

    May our Lord comfort your heart and minister to his family as well! Grateful for his work and yours, Joette, in bringing him to these shores for us!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Many thanks Carrie, for your kind and lifting words.

  45. Helga says:

    Thank you, Joette, thank you so much, for bringing Dr. Prasanta’s wisdom to us. We, all your students and patients, are lucky that you knew Dr. Prasanta and DECIDED to learn from him and were moved to teach us.
    I just finished reading his “Diaries of a Stubborn Homeopath” and also the “Protocols” — I would like to read more of what he published, maybe some of his speeches? Could you give me some leads, please?
    Thank you so much, Joette, for everything you do — Fondly, Helga

  46. Elisa says:

    Joette, thank you so much for introducing Dr. Prasanta to us. I’m so sad for the homeopathic world that he is gone, but I’m so grateful that you met him and gleaned so much from him to share.

    I have a question about the Ruta and Calc phos protocol. The Banerjis have referred to the Calc phos remedy in this protocol as a “tonic.” I’ve never heard this term used before in homeopathy. What does that mean?

  47. Jackie Benedict says:

    Hi Joette! You mention renal failure in this blog and several others. I cannot seem to find any more information on this subject from you. Have you written about this before? If so, would you be able to point me in the right direction so I can read more about it? Maybe a course you have that goes over it more in depth?
    Thank you for everything!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I’ve not taught the subject but will be doing so in my upcoming Academy.

  48. Roni Lenore says:

    tremendous contribution to the field of homeopathy.

  49. Roni Lenore says:

    Thank you Joette for your dedication and persistence over the years.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      Thanks, Roni!

  50. Linda B says:

    Hello! I just wanted to comment what a lovely photo of you two together. Thanks for sharing it. I assume you have it framed to see as needed. If not do! STAT!

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