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Ear Infections, Antibiotics and the Gut

By now you probably know that I oppose the overuse of antibiotics practiced by conventional medicine. Through its focus on managing the symptoms of illness rather than uprooting the cause, modern medicine has created a state of depleted health for many.

Antibiotics suppress symptoms such as fever and ear infections but at a cost. Generally, they drive the pathology deeper into the body until it re-emerges later as a more serious problem. This is why one illness follows another shortly after the use of drugs to “control” the symptoms of the first.

And gastrointestinal problems such as food intolerance emerge shortly after rounds (sometimes only one) of antibiotics.

Let’s take the example of Sammy, a normal two-year-old. Sammy is not feeling well because he has an ear infection. His parents take him to the doctor where antibiotics are prescribed.

This isn’t new to Sammy’s family because only last fall the same symptoms were met with the same prescription.

After administering the antibiotic, the ear pain abates by the following night, and Sammy is okay again.

Or is he? Six weeks later, Sammy cries out in the night with ear pain and a fever. Considering this yet another isolated incident, his parents return to the doctor for the next antibiotic.

Again peace. At least for now.

Within three months, the family is revisited with an ear infection again.

This time, Sammy is put on a more powerful drug on a daily basis for a scheduled six months. His parents are relieved that this will be the end of ear pain and fevers because they believe the stronger antibiotic wouldn’t allow an infection to thrive.

Instead, the now sallow Sammy begins to have stomach pains and obstinate constipation accompanied by mild rectal bleeding, especially after certain foods.

Again, a trip is made to the doctor, this time with a subsequent stay in the hospital for invasive and scary tests.

This reveals nothing more than what the parents already suspect…the antibiotics are causing a new illness.

A stool softener and analgesic are prescribed, along with a muscle relaxant and a prescription laxative.

He remains on the antibiotic.

Sammy is now on five medications, each packing noteworthy side effects. His ear infections are likely not resolved. Why do we know this? Because a large percentage of childhood ear infections return repeatedly while under this sort of treatment.

Also, Sammy is no longer able to have a normal bowel movement without the aid of medications. In fact, an inflammation in the descending bowel has caused some bleeding.

This is an ideal site for an infection, which is exactly what happens to Sammy.

He develops a rectal fissure that subsequently becomes abscessed.

But how could this happen? Isn’t he on a daily antibiotic? The doctor explains that within short order antibiotics become nearly useless, and again a stronger product is required to keep the infection from mounting.

Sammy’s life becomes a series of demoralizing medical appointments, scary invasive tests, pain and anxiety. There is little joy for Sammy and his parents.

They have lost quality of life.

Now, on the other hand, consider the case of Constance.

Constance is in her bed when she’s awakened by fever and sharp pain in her right ear accompanied by frightening dreams. Her mother comes to her with her homeopathic remedy kit.

She has been working with a professional homeopath for her family’s ills for years. She is also prepared because she recently completed a course on homeopathy and common family illnesses.

It’s empowering to become adept at discerning what signs and symptoms are available to help choose the correct remedy.

While Constance’s father comforts the crying girl, her mother, with the aid of their well-worn and beloved homeopathy book, ascertains that Belladonna 30C, every few hours until the symptoms are improved is the best choice for Constance’s symptoms.

Her mom chooses this because of the severity of Constance’s ear pain and her fever of around 104°.

She administers the remedy two times within two hours, and Constance drops into peaceful sleep. In the morning, this spirited teen is back to her packed social life with no sign of illness. That afternoon, their healthy family heads for a trip to the shore.

Which lifestyle would you choose?

Homeopathy has been embraced by more than 500 million people throughout the world because it is gentle, powerful, elegantly simple and uncommonly inexpensive.

And as long as the correct remedy is chosen, it works.

But that has always been the challenging part.

For many years, as a classical homeopath, I searched for shortcuts, protocols and pathology-specific remedies that I could employ as well as teach families.

I knew that homeopaths in India had the lead on these methods.

In the past 10 years, I studied every homeopathy book I could find written by Indian homeopaths (I own 47 of them), most penned by MDs, and spent 5 years studying with homeopathic Indian doctors in New York and Toronto.

Little by little, I began piecing together and collecting methods simpler than those I had learned in classical homeopathy so that the method was as simple as naming the illness, and the remedy was already determined.

But it wasn’t until my fellowships at the Banerji Clinic in Calcutta in 2013 and again in 2014 that I learned and honed skills that are reproducible.

This is when I became an advocate for their relatively simple, straightforward homeopathy methods to treat acute as well as chronic conditions.

I have compiled this information in my course Good Gut, Bad Gut to help people stuck in the quagmire left by antibiotics and other drugs, particularly conditions that originate from the gastrointestinal tract.

More importantly, to be able to follow simple instructions for specific ills.

Should you be interested in getting a good idea of what you would learn in my course, feel free to click here.

And check out what other moms have said about learning what I have gathered over the years.

It is the perfect course for Sammy’s family. I hope they consider it.

Please understand that it’s ok if this is not of interest to you. In that case, simply use what I give you here.

It is practical information and you’re free to download and print all of my blog articles.

Particularly those I’ve published in the last 3 years because they emphasize what I learned in Calcutta.

Allow my blog articles to become your personal study in protocols for specific illnesses that will serve you and your family for years.

I seek to give as much as possible away at no cost.

So, take what I offer for free and run with it.

I’ve also compiled some links to articles specific to antibiotics and ear infections to further your study.

Now go forth and heal your family the genuine and elegant way!


It is no longer necessary to undertake years of classroom study and countless hours of clinical practice for you to master a health strategy that is both safe and effective in treating CHRONIC and ACUTE GUT ISSUES. I am swinging open the doors to reveal a proven system I have used in raising my kids … literally taking your hand in mine to show you my methods and answer your questions. Find out more about my most popular course: Good Gut, Bad Gut: A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in Body and Mind



I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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