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Ditch Birth Control Pills

Freedom — we Americans love it, and we expect it!

Ever since the 1960s, when the contraceptive pill became widely available, women have celebrated the “freedom” it granted them. No longer bound to child-rearing, women embraced “the pill” for affording them a freedom that was unimaginable in millennia past.

But also unimaginable were the pill’s side effects. And I’m not talking about the immediately evident ones, such as the weight gain, depression and blood clots, which the drug insert casually mentions (as if it were normal to experience them).

The risk of those side effects made the choice to stay with the pill (or not) one that women confidently felt in control of. Particularly because their doctors were in favor of the drug. 

No, I’m talking instead about long-term effects that surreptitiously invade a woman’s life and manifest themselves in a more sinister way, many years later.

I’m talking about an increased risk of breast, liver and cervical cancer, as well as behavioral effects that include postpartum depression.

That’s certainly a high price for freedom.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the pill as a Group 1 Carcinogen, along with asbestos, smoking and mustard gas.

Granted, that doesn’t mean they are all equally dangerous, but that statement is enough to get one’s attention.

What Group 1 classification does mean is that there is more than sufficient evidence that the substance is carcinogenic to humans. If you’ve ever been a juror, think of it this way: it can cause cancer “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

In the interest of full transparency, some may argue that the pill, while causative to some cancers, may actually protect against others.


Yes, I see that in the report. But is it worth the risk? Sounds more like a game of Russian roulette to me.

Let’s face it, many women take birth control pills because it’s easy. It may even be the only answer they know of to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But with a little research, you can find safer options.

There are a myriad of books on the subject.

I don’t have a favorite recommendation, but a quick look on Amazon led to several intriguing choices I’ll list at the end of this blog.

But you know what really gets me? The laws in our country are set up so that when the discussion of birth control pills is brought up by doctors to underage girls, mothers are ushered out of the room!

Because the retail arm of the pharmaceutical industry (your doctor) is a trusted advocate.  Of what?  Sexual activity in girls? The doctors are now the child's confidant. Not the mother. 

“Are you sexually active?” Asks the doctor. “I’ll not tell your mother. Just take these pills, and it will be okay.”

‘Drives me out of my mind! In my estimation, this is partially because of heavy congressional lobbying by “not-for-profit” organizations that benefit by targeting minorities and the innocent. You know the ones.

Those who promote sex education in schools while positioning themselves as the sex experts so that when a girl gets pregnant and abortion is being considered, they’re poised. 

And just as serious is the message the use of the pill conveys. Need I go into the problem with the fabric of society that’s been torn as a result of “modern” thinking? 

Granted, I’m not prepared to give you a foolproof homeopathic medicine to avoid pregnancy. Although, I suppose if you were to hold a pillule of any homeopathic medicine tightly between the knees at all times — that should do it!

But frankly, other conditions for which birth control pills are prescribed can be effectively addressed with homeopathy. For instance, The Pill is prescribed to young girls for acne! For acne, for crying out loud! Talk about a systemic “solution” to a localized issue!

Synthetic hormones foisted upon a young girl when her natural hormones haven’t even been established yet! Why risk a girl’s health and future fertility when a safe, polite, efficacious homeopathic medicine can address her skin issues?

We, as mothers and grandmothers, need to take more control of what is put in our daughters’ bodies — and take more time assessing the danger of what we put into our own bodies.

Maybe some of you have learned that lesson later in life after the damage has been done, such as: squelched libido, frank and unwarranted disgust for your husband, headaches, weight gain, depression, and hirsutism (unwanted facial and body hair).

Not to mention how the tinkering of hormones can affect subsequent offspring’s masculinity or femininity.  

Yes. Think about that one for a moment.

Once you examine it closely enough, many of the conditions women experience come as a result of synthetic hormones.

But for every condition that results as a side effect of birth control pills, there is a homeopathic medicine to help make the correction. 

That is, of course, whether or not we’ve made a direct connection between The Pill and our/our children's individual conditions.

For those whose hormones have definitively gone awry from previous “tinkering,” consider Sepia 200, every third day. Sepia addresses hormonally-related conditions, whether, from The Pill, Depo-Provera shot, or any synthetic reproduction drugs.

It is not advised for girls who have not already been pregnant but more specifically for those who are older or have been pregnant and have been definitively damaged by synthetic hormones.

Of course, homeopathy’s ability in this area, as well as other areas of a young, middle-aged or older woman’s life, is sweeping. This week, we are relaunching my course Feminopathy. It covers women’s issues in great depth. I created a short video to tell you more about the course – click here.

In honor of all the pregnant moms and/or moms of pregnant moms, I have decided to add over a dozen new protocols to the original Feminopathy course!

These protocols will focus on pregnancy, labor, nursing and newborn care.

I’m excited to teach you about homeopathic medicines every pregnant woman should know. Some of these medicines are protective for both mother and child while others address potential problems that may arise.

Pass on the good news of homeopathy!


P.S. By the way, when you ditch those birth control pills, don’t flush them down the toilet or throw them away where they can contaminate water sources. ‘Want to read something really scary? Research has shown the hormones from birth control pills adversely affect fish!

P.P.S. As promised, here are the natural birth control books I found during my cursory search on Amazon:

Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach  by John and Sheila Kippley 

The Billings Method: Controlling Fertility Without Drugs or Devices by Evelyn Billings 

Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health by Toni Weschler 

Last but not least, the title that cracked me up (and you know how I love a catchy title): The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning by Simcha Fisher


I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

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The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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