Many folks head for the aloe, but I’d love to see a world where everyone first thinks of Cantharis.
We have discussed its use when burning symptoms signal a urinary tract infection. We’ve also given examples in which it has been shown to relieve sunburn.
However, Cantharis is an incomparable remedy for burns. Period.
Helen and her husband, Ralph, were traveling in the tropics. Ralph was feeling sweaty and uncomfortable and asked Helen for a baby wipe to refresh himself a bit. Helen really should have been a bit more attentive when she reached into her bag. Instead of handing Ralph a baby wipe, she gave him a bleach-laden disinfectant wipe!
Poor Ralph rubbed the caustic chemical all over his neck skin, and that night, the pain of the chemical burn kept him awake. It wasn’t their favorite vacation memory!
Agnes was cleaning up her elderly mother-in-law’s yard. She wasn’t familiar with the Dictamnus plant and rubbed up against it. Now she knows why its nickname is “burning bush.” Who knew such a pretty plant could cause a chemical burn?
Sandra’s husband was well-known for being handy around the house — but not famous for reading instructions. He didn’t realize that mixing cement with bare hands could cause chemical burns. Next time, he’ll take the “wear gloves” warning seriously.
As will Mary Sue, who splashed a caustic drain opener on her hands as she tried to unclog her toilet!
And then there were the kids at camp. Toasting marshmallows is grand until inattention results in fingers briefly getting too close to the fire.
But cause matters not! Whether the minor burn results from exposure to the sun or chemicals, electrical contact, steam, or direct exposure to fire or heat, Cantharis can speed recovery, minimize the chance of infection, reduce pain and swelling, and promote healing.
Generally, Cantharis 30 or 200 (depending on the severity of the condition) may be used every few hours until improvement is observed. For more vexatious burns, it can be employed every 30 minutes until the pain begins to settle down, then used less frequently.
For serious (second- and third-degree) burns, Cantharis can even be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment by giving Cantharis as soon as possible on the way to the emergency room.
But here’s a situation also worth consideration: Cantharis for fire ant bites! The clue is right there in the name, isn’t it? Fire ants produce a much different reaction than other insect bites and stings. When vesicles form after exposure to fire ants, along with the tell-tale burning and itching, one might consider Cantharis (especially if Ledum palustre — generally, our first thought for insect bites — doesn’t fully act).
So, this week, we should have a “burning desire” to add Cantharis 30 or 200 to our list of must-have homeopathic medicines. It will serve us well in so many situations!
Want to learn more about homeopathy and remedies like Cantharis and how to be the hero in your home? Why not join a study group and learn alongside others?
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Pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. “But Joette, I’m ready for a deeper dive into homeopathy! I want to commit to getting “skilled up” for my family, friends and perhaps even my broader community as a career.”
My friend, I have the answer.
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1 Fire Ants: Photo by Daniel Wojcik https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/oc/graphics/photos/sep99/k8575-31.jpg
This image or file is a work of a United States Department of Agriculture employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.
April 23, 2023
I was taking a roast out of the oven and burned my left thumb on the opposite side of the nail – the meaty part of the thumb. I immediately put my thumb under cold water but it continued to be painful and a large blister had formed. I had recently read Dorothy Shepherd’s book, “Homeopathy for the First Aider” and of her experiences on clients with burns using Urtica Urens 30C so got my remedy bottle.
I poured distilled water (that’s what I had) in a small 2-ounce cup and dropped in one pillule of Urtica Urens 30C. I did not succuss, stir or wait for it to dissolve. I just hung the burned part of the thumb over the edge of the cup to soak in the water. As soon as my thumb was in the water, the pain was GONE instantly and never returned!!!
I took a few sips of the magic water, re-submerged the thumb, and then drank the remaining fluid when I was finished. I did not treat the burn again. The burn healed rapidly, was totally pain free and I didn’t have to bandage or baby that area to use my thumb. It was like the burn had never happened except for a feel of leathery skin where the blister had formed while it healed.
The skin from the blister would likely have never come off but, about 10-days later, I did a large batch of dishes which made the skin sluff. I trimmed the loose skin away and the skin underneath was completely healed and not tender at all.
Shortly after, I burned the middle and ring fingers on my right hand. My middle finger was red but the ring finger was red and blistered. I used Urtica Urens 30C again and got the same exact results. I love magic!
Thanks Debbie. I prefer the non-insect remedy to Cantharis (Spanish fly / blister beetle). Was looking for something besides raw honey / apis for the portable kit. Now I do.
I would echo Debbie’s comments re Urtica 30. I have found that I first use Cantharis 200 then Urtica 30. Have not used it in water and will try that next time. When I burn I have found that it stings for hours (even a minor burn) unless I keep ice on it or take Urtica, which stops the stinging in its tracks.
No Remedy Card request is linked for download on Cantharis 30C or 200C
I miss you little Info Graphic cards!! Handy for reference.
They’re there. You need to look at your browser.
Bummer. The access links are not showing up on my computer either. I just now got the card for aggressive behavior, nux vomica and one the other day. But it is definitely missing here.
BTW, for burns, cooling with water and then covering with egg white works wonders! I have used this twice and it is amazing! So, if you do not have cantharis on hand, but have eggs, use the egg whites.
Me too? How can this be affected by my browser as I can no longer see the offer of a remedy card..?
Try using a different browser. The remedy card wasn’t showing for me on Firefox; it shows fine on Microsoft Edge.
While living in Texas, my husband carried my screaming 4 year old daughter into the house. Thinking she was putting her hand into a mound of dirt, she had just submerged her hand in a fire ant nest and had over 30 bites on her hand. I immediately started alternating Ledum Pal 200 and Histaminum 200, every 15 minutes. I took pictures as soon as it happened, then two more times while administering the remedies. Within one hour, the redness and swelling was almost gone. After another 30 minutes, all she had left were tiny red bumps. She had no pain, either. The next morning, it looked as if she had tiny red dots of scabs on her hand. Everyone I have told this story to (and shown them the pictures) who is familiar with fire ant bites has been utterly amazed!
Cantharis also works great when you eat something spicier than you can handle.
I have used Cantharis for a fiery red diaper rash on a toddlers bottom. One dose and happy baby back again!
I keep a small spray bottle in the fridge of Cantharis 200c diluted in water. The spray is very soothing on burns and I spray until there is no longer pain.
Excellent idea
Would this help a chemical burn in the eye that came from putting in lenses. Something must have been on the finger the eye is all red. She is burinig in pain and can badely open her eye