I’m absolutely delighted to meet live with my Gateway to Homeopathy Study Group members. Hearing their enthusiasm and answering their questions is energizing. In fact, I probably receive just as much reinforcement and inspiration from you as you do from me.
But one question comes up time and time again during those Study Group meetings. This particular question often emerges on my Facebook forums as well:
“Should Apis, Pulsatilla and Sepia be avoided during pregnancy?”
So, to provide a written resource for you, here’s my response. Are you ready? Do you have a pen handy? Here it comes:
“There is no one, definitive answer.”
Well, I’m betting that wasn’t quite what you were looking for, so let me expound a bit.
Perhaps you have heard never use Apis, Pulsatilla or Sepia during pregnancy.
While I won’t quite go as far as to say never, I will say those three medicines are indeed used during pregnancy — if quite necessary. They must be used with caution, in specific ways — astutely — with a knowledgeable and delicate hand.
Apis is rarely used during pregnancy. However, it is sometimes valuable during events causing severe, edematous swelling — such as anaphylaxis.
Say, right in the middle of your very first shrimp cocktail, you suddenly discover you are allergic to shrimp — and you happen to be pregnant. With lips and tongue swelling, Apis 30C has a reputation for emergency intervention. It would generally be used as often as every 5 minutes (depending on the severity of the reaction) until noteworthy improvement.
Pulsatilla can be used to great effect at the end of a pregnancy. When used knowledgeably, in the proper potency and frequency, Pulsatilla has been known to turn a breech baby to ready it for birth. (I discussed this more extensively in my blog post, Birthing Series Part One: Turning a Breech Baby.)
Sepia, however, is sometimes used during pregnancy. So, while it is sometimes valuable under certain circumstances, it should be avoided by those new to homeopathy who don’t yet have the firm hand of experience and confidence to use it competently.
Why all the caveats? The reason is, homeopathy is medicine! It often (not always, but often) requires competence, knowledge, experience, and confidence to employ it correctly with the respect it warrants. As I have said many times before, homeopathy is not completely safe; it is relatively safe. We must be responsible — make wise, educated, informed decisions, and use this medicine sagaciously. (Cool word, huh? Look it up and remember it in relation to using these medicines during pregnancy.)
Should you believe you’re experiencing a dire need for one of these remedies during pregnancy, consider yourself as appearing before the “Homeopathy Rationale Court.” Make your case and make it well.
If, after making your case, you believe your rationale is sufficient to gird up your decision, then go forward. However, stay with lower to mid potencies if you're a novice and stop when improvement is observed. Or, err on the side of caution and seek advice from an experienced homeopath. Or even better yet … learn as much as you can by joining my study groups and courses so that you can be that experienced homeopath in your family.
And then … pass on the good news of homeopathy!
P.S. In honor of all the pregnant moms and/or moms of pregnant moms, I have added over a dozen new protocols to my original Feminopathy course! These protocols will focus on pregnancy, labor, nursing and newborn care. That’s where you’ll find more answers than you had questions.
I’m excited to teach you about homeopathic medicines every pregnant woman should know. Some of these remedies are protective for both mother and child while others address potential problems that may arise.
In other words, we’ll discuss both standard, healthy pregnancies, as well as those pregnancies that don’t go according to plan.
This is Practical Homeopathy®: proven, reproducible, effective protocols specific to women’s special health issues. Click here to learn more.
When I looked up remedies for morning sickness both sepia and pulsatilla were both listed as possible remedies amongst a couple others. I used both as they seemed to match my symptoms the best. Neither took it away completely but did take the edge off a bit. Should I have not used them or should do I have any reason to be worried that I used them? My pregnancy has been perfect otherwise.
As long as we use homeopathic medicines according to the instructions including the potencies, frequencies as well as the length of time, they do good.
Swimming is dangerous when you don’t know what you’re doing in open water where there may be sharks while swimming alone. But if you follow the rules of swimming, it is a wonderful activity.
Thank you for putting this out there. I did not realize that there were certain remedies to avoid. Could you explain this a little more? Everywhere I’ve read so far about homeopathy says that’s it’s great for pregnancy because it is so gentle. What could happen if a pregnant woman took these medicines? How would I know this if I hadn’t signed up for your emails? I have read several places that apis is an option for bug bites especially if there is hot and swelling but there has never been a caution that pregnant women should not use it.
Should you be interested in greater depth of knowledge you might be interested in my course titled “Feminopathy” or my study groups, Gateway to Homeopathy.
Mrs. Calabrese,
I came across a Homeopath’s notes on a case from the year 1869 in, “Journal of Homoeopathic Clinics, Volumes 1-2” which said that he gave Spongia 200 to a woman for coughs, to be taken as needed. During the next 6 months, she miscarried two times after taking a few doses. She didn’t suspect it until afterwards, when again taking a few doses, she experienced a “flowing like the menses” lasting for several days.
This was a surprise to me as I’ve never heard of this with Spongia nor do I see it in the MM. What do you think of this? Have you ever heard of such a thing with Spongia?
Thank you & blessings.
In the literature, Spongia is related to ovaries and other female reproductive organs. Dr.Constantine Herring noted the case that you’re referring to that is of course noteworthy but nowhere else in any literature do I find a reference to such an occurrence. That’s probably because it’s not uncommon to find in the writings of one homeopath not repeated in the writings of another if the event is not noted time and again. In other words, we often find outlying cases appearing here and there. Having said this, knowing that homeopathy is medicine and that it can affect different people in different ways is always of paramount awareness.
We love ColdCalm at the first sign of a cold, but it has both Apis and Pulsatilla! Should a pregnant woman avoid it? Thank you. 🙂
I urge women to use these specific medicines with caution. That is, not to be used in high potencies, too frequently, and for an extended period of time. I don’t consider Coldcalm a threat unless it’s abused. As I always say, follow the directions and stop once improvement ensues or if the medicine doesn’t act.
Mrs. Calabrese,
Hypothetically, if you yourself were in that emergency shrimp cocktail situation with a pregnant woman and Apis 30 and 200 was not enough, would you have any hesitation going to a 1M or 10M? Or at that point, would even you rather prefer to look toward a different anaphylactic remedy?
Thank you for teaching us all “how to fish”. I am very grateful.
I wouldn’t hesitate for a minute. Apis is a problem during pregnancy only when it’s not the correct medicine and it’s repeated over and over.
Thank you 💙
Hi Joette. Can you please guide me how to take liquid homeopathic dilutions during pregnancy. We don’t have pellets available here. I am concerned that the high alcohol concentration in the medicines might harm the baby if taken directly.
Follow the directions on the outside of the bottle. Depending on the manufacturing pharamacy, it will be made clear how to dilute.
Okay so for example, it says 3-5 drops of dilution in a teaspoon of water three times a day and I am experiencing the onset of cold so I may take that dosage for Aconitum 30CH and Bryonia 30CH (I read about them preventing the onset of cold).
Please confirm if this would be safe dosage, especially if I am in the first trimester.
I can not determine what is safe for you.
As an aside, the protocol is Aconitum 200/Bryonia 30, not Aconitum 30.
You’ll become more comfortable with homeopathy as your knowledge grows.
Okay thank you for the response. Another question is that can a 10 month old take these dilutions in a teaspoonful of water ?
homeopathic medicines are used for all ages and species.
Would taking sepia just prior to becoming pregnant become an issue for the newly pregnant mom-to-be? Just wondering if there is a safe span of time to be on sepia before it creates a health issue for the soon-to-be pregnant mom.
I don’t know if this is helpful, but I thought I could share my personal experience.
My homeopath was treating me for postpartum depression with sepia prior to me getting pregnant. I was on it regularly for 4-5 months.
What she told me, was that it was safe for me to use, but during pregnancy usually one of two things happens to mothers. Either we go into a different state, or our pre-pregnancy state gets more prominent. Since I’m the former, she recommended that I stop it. I was on sepia for a few weeks early pregnancy, with no harm.
As Joette mentioned in a comment above, the problem seems to be more if it is the WRONG remedy, done over and over. This is true if you’re not pregnant either.
When in doubt, leave it out. You don’t need the stress of wondering if it’s harmful to your child.
I’m 17 weeks pregnant and have what send to be terrible poison ivy(I did pull some out of the garden) I’ve tried all other natural remedies and nothing is kicking it. I read your blog on poison ivy and ordered rhus tox and graphites as the graphites description was exactly what I’m experiencing. But this is the first time I’ve ever used homeopathy, do I take the rhus tox first to see if it works or do I take the graphites first or both?? Assuming they’re both safe in pregnancy since they weren’t listed here. Thank you
We always employ the medicine the most closely fits the symptoms.
Dear Joette and other readers,
Are there any other homeo remedies that need to be avoided during pregnancy (besides these three used with caution)? I’d like to see a list of all that are to be avoided. Thank you!
These three medicines are to be avoided during pregnancy if the user does not understand how to use homeopathy. They are only cautionary remedies. Other than knowing that homeopathy is medicine and is RELATIVELY safe. In my experience, no others ought to be avoided.
Hi, can someone tell me how many Caulophyllum C6 I schould take daily in the pregnancy? I have it now at home and I want to make sure, that I take the right portion. I do not have training waves or something. My daughter has also to turn with the face to the other side, but her hat is already deep down in my lower part. I am in the 39.week. So I am short before my due date.
Thanks for helping us !!! 😀
The number of pills that comprise a dose is printed on the side of the bottle.
Dear Joette, I am taking your feminopathy class but so far I have found nowhere to ask questions until the course is completed. In the course, you talk about the Threatend Miscarriage protocol:Calc Carb 200 e3D and you have written in a way that says to use it with the pregnancy protocol: Calc Carb 30 2D. To clarify if a women is pregnant and has threatent miscarriage would it be acceptable for them to use Calc carb 200 2D instead of trying to combine the 30c with the 200c? I did read somewhere else that threatend miscarriage was Calc carb 200 2D. Is this another case of there is more than one way to skin a cat? Or because it involves another life with the unborn child is there some clarification on this?
A protocol for a specific condition always trumps using a homeopathic for overall wellness. Be cautious of the term “threatened” miscarriage. If its a worry, that’s not a solid enough rationale. If on the other hand a woman has had a number of miscarriages or if the pregnancy is under threat, that’s when such a protocol is employed.
So to clarify, one should only take the threaten miscarriage protocol if one has experienced miscarriage? What about women who are diagnosed with low progesterone? Its honestly why Im taking your course. Like I said many women are on progestrone because of blood tests showing they have low numbers. In our area like I have asked elsewhere, lots of women who have never even had a miscarriage are on progesterone. So the question is for those women, do they merit the threatent miscarriage IF they have low progesterone but no history of miscarriage? I am learning so much from you but this is a confusing point. These women who don’t want to miscarry and are being told they will without progesterone because they have spotting in pregnancy, or cramps, or PCOS do they merit the protocol if they havnt had a miscarriage because they have been on progestrone for multiple pregnancies? Thank you for your help. I know a couple midwives who have been trying to help these women get off the hormones. There is so much fear over this issue though. Are there no other protocols to stop a miscarriage the way progesterone would? Thank you!
Kassandra, I understand your question and I believe, given this setting that I’ve answered it as best I can without delving into an even furhter depth discussion beyond what I offer here.
The upshot is that the homeopathics such as CC have a history of offering protective measures during pregnancy and have been so for over 200 years. Can I say that progesterone will be increased using them? I have no studies from which to refer. What I can share is that I’ve worked with women who were told their progesterone was low, hence the pregnancy at risk, who followed this protocol and took the pregnancy to term.
CC has a reputation for protecting from miscarriage. Why and how is not stated as far as I know.
Its the age old question that conventionally trained MD’s have regarding homeopathy: Will Carcinosin remove the inherited marker for cancer?
Will Tuberculinum uproot the inherited scourge of allergies? Does Rhus tox eliminate the potential for arthritis to return?
At this juncture, until someone is funded to author such studies, the difficulty arises from the desire to mesh two divergent paradigms. \
Now, when it comes to spotting during pregnancies or PCOS, the homeopathic medicines for such should certainly be included in the schedule.
And my question is: How certain are the practitioners that synthetic progesterone will save a pregnancy followed by no consequences for either the mother or child in the future, even the long time future such as during puberty?
Each case should be individualized.
Understandably, there’s a lot to be considered but the longer I’m in this field, the more confidence I have that homeopathy can often be counted on.
Thank you for being so thorough! Helping us shift our mindset to one of homeopathy. I just want to make sure I understand which then protocal to suggest to those with threatent miscarriage regardless of the cause. If you give CC200E3D do you then avoid the calc carb 2d at 30c? ( Im assuming so) Where do I find other protocals in regards to spotting or cramping in pregnancy? Or are those not pregnancy specific? Side story my Mother introduced me to your blog many years ago and she is not longer here.. But i have to tell you its one of her great gifts to me she left me along with my faith!! Thanks so much!
There are homeopathics specific to spotting during pregnancy that you’ll find in your repertory. If you don’t have one, I urge you to purchase robin Murphy’s 4th edition.
We generally use one protocol that includes the same medicine at a time, so yes, CC 200, e3D or CC30, 2D.
I don’t have a specific protocol for spotting but given your continued interest and pertinent questions here I also encourage you to consider joining the Academy of Practical Homeopathy class of 2026. Students are presently sighing up by joining our Founders List found here:
It will teach you not only how to navigate the repertory but how to determine potency and frequency when protocols are either not available or need to be followed up with a non-protocol remedy. Plus it will give you a deep dive into theory so this will make more sense to you.
I welcome sharp minds.
I am in Gateway II & am fascinated learning through your courses. I’ve had 2 babies and then 3 miscarriages followed. I am 38 years old and now pregnant once again at 4 weeks. Because my Beta 2 Glycoprotein labs remained elevated 10 weeks after my recent miscarriage (consistent with a diagnosis of antiphospholipid antibodies), my OB recommends starting the blood thinner Lovenox injections with this pregnancy which has a side effect list a mile long. A less aggressive suggestion is a daily baby asprin. Do you address anything of the sort in your Feminopathy course? Would you recommend I take the threatened miscarriage protocol of either Calc Carb 200 e3D or Calc Carb 30 2D or something else in addition? Best 1st trimester headache remedy? Is that addressed in your course? Thank you!
There’s no doubt you’ll get information that will aid you in Feminopathy.
Meanwhile, I urge you to consider finding a different doctor.